Unit8 Is She Guilty

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1.,命运的阴错阳差,2.,把,A,误以为,B;,把,A,当作,B,3.,犯罪,4.,施巫术,5.,满足,的好奇心,6.,出席,在场,7.,带来,8.,完全有理由做,9.,遭受风暴雨,10.,冲走,a twist of fate,mistake A for B,commit a crime,practice witchcraft,satisfy ones curiosity,be present (at),bring about,have every reason to do sth .,suffer from a storm,sweep away,11.,脱袜子,12.,灾难性的后果,13.,心里想,14.,嘴里说,15.,施展本领,16.,自由地离开,17.,控告,犯罪,18.,勇敢点,19.,饶,一命,20.,有能力做,pull off ones stockings,disastrous effect,in ones mind,with ones tongue,exert ones power,go free,accuse sb. of sth.,take courage,spare ones life,have the power to do sth.,21.,跪在地上,22.,具有,的才华,23.,摧毁整片土地,24.,平静地,25.,认为,无辜,bent herself down to the ground,be gifted with,lay the whole land in ruins,in peace,believe sb. innocent,1.guilty adj.,(1)having done a crime that is a crime,犯罪的,有罪的,* Is,she guilty,?,(,2) feeling very ashamed and sad because you know that you have done sth. wrong,内疚的,惭愧的,* She had a guilty look on her face., feel guilty about/at,为某事感到内疚,*,又忘了妈妈的生日, 我真的感到很愧疚。,I really feel guilty about forgetting my mothers birthday again.,have a guilty/ bad conscience,问心无愧,have a clear/ good conscience,问心有愧,guilt n.,n. guilt U,罪行,内疚,2.twist,n. C an unexpected change or development,意外的转折、变化,*,Everyone expects there to be an unusual twist at the end of the novel.,v. To cause to change shape by bending,curling,or turning.,扭曲,扭动,扭弯,*,The man was so brave that he had a snake twist around his arm.,* 我把绑带绕在她的膝盖上。,I twisted the bandage round her knee., by a twist of fate,由于命运的安排,由于阴差阳错,* 由于命运使然他俩相识于一个暴风雨之夜。,They got to know each other on a stormy night by a twist of fate.,3.mistake (mistook; mistaken),vt. have a wrong idea about, to fail to recognize,弄错,误解,误认,*,You mistook my meaning entirely., mistake for,弄错,误把,当作,*,The children mistook the vitamin pills for some kind of sweets.,* 人们总是误把玛丽当作简,因为她们是双胞胎,。,People often mistake Mary for Jane, for they are twins.,make a mistake/make mistakes,make a mistake about sth./sb.,误会了某人或某事,do sth by mistake,错,(,做某事,),*,I cant find my book. Someone must have taken it away by mistake.,mistaken adj.,弄错的,理解错误的,* Thats a mistaken idea.,4.terrified,adj.= frightened,感到恐惧的,受惊吓的,* He felt terrified when left alone at home.,* He is terrified at the sight of the snake.,terrify vt.,使,(,某人,),感到恐怖,使害怕,terrifying adj.,令人害怕的,* She told a terrifying ghost story in a terrified voice.,5.satisfy vt.,使某人满意、满足,sth. satisfy sb.,sb. be satisfied with/at sth;,* The teacher was quite satisfied with our performance in the contest.,(2),满足,(,需要、愿望等,),satisfy ones demands/needs,(answer/ meet/ fulfill, fill, cater to),ones demands/needs,* Some people always overhear others speaking in order to satisfy their curiosity.,满足某人的好奇心,satisfactory adj.,令人满意的,符合要求的,* Our work is,far from satisfactory,to our teacher.,satisfaction n.,* Hearing the news, my father smiled with satisfaction.,6.ruin,vt. to spoil or destroy sth. completely,衰败;毁灭;瓦解 废墟,*,这病毁了我的生活。,This illness has ruined my life.,n. (1),毁坏,毁灭,(2),破败;废墟,(pl.),in ruins,成为废墟,*,An earthquake left the whole town in ruins.,ruined adj.,毁灭了的,毁坏了的,* a ruined church,7.confess,vt. / vi.,供认(罪行);坦白;承认,confess (to) sth. / doing,confess that,confess sth. to sb.,confess oneself (to be),* confess ones guilt,* confess that one is guilty,* confess oneself (to be) guilty,*,他最终承认了偷了李先生的书。,Finally he confessed to stealing / having stolen the book belonging to Mr. Li., he confessed that he had stolen the book,confession n.,招供,坦白,make a confession (of ones crime),8.deny,vt.,(1)say that is not true.,否认,deny sth./doing sth,deny that clause,There is no denying that ,毫无疑问; 无可否认,* 被告否认他曾经遇到过她。,The accused man denied ever having met her.,(2)to refuse to allow sb to have or do sth.,拒绝给与,不准,deny sb sth/ deny sth to sb,拒绝某人某事,*,He denies his wife nothing.,他对他的妻子有求必应。,denial n.,拒绝,否认,9. evident,adj. = obvious, clear,明显的,It is evident (to sb) that,很明显,*,It was evident to everyone that Oliver had been badly treated.,* 在我看来他显然没有讲实情。,It was evident to me that he was not telling the truth.,evidently,adv.,明显地,evidence,n.,证据,根据,10.bring about,带来;产生,* 这场地震给人们的生活带来了严重的灾难。,The earthquake brought about a serious disaster to peoples life.,11.have every (no) reason(to do sth),完全,(,没,),有理由,(,做某事,),* 他完全有理由自信。,He has every reason to feel confident.,12.astonish,vt. to surprise sb very much,使惊讶,sth. astonish sb.,*,His behavior astonished me very much.,sb. be astonished at sth./ to do,*,He was astonished at what he found.,*,We were astonished to hear that their football team had won the champion.,astonishing,adj.,astonishment,n.,*,To my astonishment, he lost the game.,* I looked at him,in astonishment,.,13.You shall go free.,你可以自由地离开。,1) Shall,用于主语是第二和第三人称的称述句中,表示,允诺、警告,命令和威胁,,带有说话人的强烈感情色彩。,* You shall get your reward for what you have done.,* He shall be punished if he does that again.,* You shall do as you see me do.,2),用于第一、第三人称疑问句,表示征求对方的意见。,* Shall I get you some fresh coffee?,* Shall he wait outside the office?,允诺,警告,命令,14. accuse,vt.,指控,控告,accuse sb. of sth.,指控某人有某罪,他被指控犯有谋杀罪。,He was accused of murder.,accused,adj.,被控告的,the accused,被告,15.bend,vt.&vi. (bent, bent),(,使,),弯曲,;,屈服;顺从,*,She bent down to pick up a book from the floor,.,弯腰,* The stream bends to the west.,这条小河折向西流。,*,Is it possible to,bend nature to human will?,有可能让大自然服从人类的意志吗,?,16. be gifted with,have a gift / talent for,a gifted/ talented artist,17.hesitate,vi.,犹豫;踌躇,*,He hesitated before he answered because,he didnt know what to say.,* ,我真不好意思向你开口,你能把汽车借给我用几天吗,?,“I hesitate to ask you, but will you lend me your car for a,few,days?,* She hesitated over the choice between the two shirts for her daughter.,这两件短恤衫她拿不定主意究竟挑哪一件给她女儿。,hesitation n.,* Seeing a boy drowning, the soldier jumped into the water,without hesitation,.,18.innocent,adj.,1) not guilt,无罪的,无辜的,清白的,.,* Can you provide any evidence that he,was innocent of,the crime?,2) knowing nothing of evil or wrong,单纯的,天真的,* He is so innocent that anyone can take advantage of him.,n. innocence /u/,


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