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SIMPACK TRAINING Basics,(,*,),大连交通大学,SIMPACKP,培训,北京奥斯普科技有限公司,马玉坤,mayk,1,SIMPACK,: Basics 1,Analysis and Design of General Mechanical Systems,INTEC GmbH, Argelsrieder Feld 13, 82234 Wessling, Tel: 08153/92 88-0, Fax 08153/92 88-11, E-Mail: intec,,马玉坤,mayk,1. Day - SIMPACK Getting Started,SIMPACK - Introduction,(,Products, Elements, Interfaces),SIMPACK Graphical User Interface,SIMPACK,Basics on Setting Up a Model,SIMPACK Review with Exercises,SIMPACK,Data,structure,Analysis and Design,of General,Mechanical Systems,3,Basic Module,SIMPACK Kinematics & Dynamics,Add-on Modules,SIMPACK Automotive,+,SIMPACK Wheel,/,Rail,SIMPACK CONTROL,SIMPACK User Routine,SIMPACK Symbolic Code,SIMPACK BEAM,SIMPACK Optimisation,SIMPACK Additional Solver Licence,SIMPACK,Product Family,Analysis and Design,of General,Mechanical Systems,4,Add-on Interfaces FEM,FEMBS(ABAQUS,SIMPACK),FEMBS(ANSYS,SIMPACK),FEMBS(I-DEAS,SIMPACK),FEMBS(MSC.NASTRAN,SIMPACK),FEMBS(MSC.MARC,SIMPACK),Load-X-Port(SIMPACK,ANSYS,),Load-X-Port(SIMPACK,MSC.NASTRAN,),SIMPACK,Product Family,Analysis and Design,of General,Mechanical Systems,5,Add-on Interfaces CAD,CATSIM (CATIA,SIMPACK),ProSIM(Pro/ENGINEER,SIMPACK),IdeSIM(I-DEAS,SIMPACK),Add-on Interfaces CONTROL,SIMAT(SIMPACK,MATLAB Simulink,),MATSIM(MATLAB Simulink,SIMPACK),SIMAX(SIMPACK,MATRIXx SystemBuild,),SIMPACK,Product Family,Analysis and Design,of General,Mechanical Systems,6,SIMPACK,Library,Bodies,Rigid,Elastic beams,Arbitrarily shaped elastic bodies (FEM-Interface),Joints,Standard joints (revolute, prismatic, universal, .),Planar joints,McPherson kinematics,Point to curve contact,Curve to curve contact,General surface contact,Screw joint,Excitation joints,Gear boxes (e.g. differential gear, planet gear, .),User defined joints,7,SIMPACK,Library,Forces,Standard elements (spring, damper, rubber, .,Non-linear friction,DC electric motor,Tyre models,Gear box with slackness,Generic hydraulic bearing,Impact elements,Stick-slip elements,Hysteresis,effects,Frequency dependent stiffness and damping,Generic forces by measured transfer function,User defined force laws,8,s,SIMPACK,Library,Additional:,Track definition,Stochastic and deterministic road surfaces,Kinematically,driven reference frames,Moved markers,Input of measured data (roads, forces, .),Control and Filter Elements:,Deterministic and stochastic disturbances,Sensors,A/D and D/A converter,PIDT1 controller,Actuators,FFT, PSD, ride index, root loci,Shift, multiply, minimum, maximum, decibel,.,9,NASTRAN,CATIA,SIMPACK,Interfaces,10,NASTRAN,Interface Based on Modal Approach,Consideration of Static Modes and Load Stiffnesses,Variable Mass Matrix within SIMPACK,Data Exchange Based on ASCII-,or,Binary-Files,LOADS,SIMPACK,Interface to FEM-Programs: FEMBS and LOADS,11,SIMPACK is Fully Integrated into CATIAs User Interface,Automatic Exchange of Mass, Inertia, COG, Coordinate Frames and Geometry,Definition of Joints and Forces, etc. within SIMPACK,Full Pallette of SIMPACK-Solvers,Applicable,One Common Data Base,CATIA,SIMPACK CatSIM,- Interface to Catia,12,SIMPACK is Fully Integrated into Pro/Engineers User Interface,Automatic Exchange of Mass, Inertia, COG, Coordinate Frames and Geometry,Definition of SIMPACK-Joints and -Forces, etc. within Pro/Engineer,Full Pallette of SIMPACK-Solvers,Applicable within Pro/Engineer,Creation of 100%-SIMPACK Models,One Common Data Base,SIMPACK ProSIM,- Interface to Pro/Engineer,13,Linear System Interface,: Exchange of Linear System Matrices,Function Call Interface,: Equations of the Mechanical System are Exported to the CACE-Tool, where Calculations are carried out,Co-Simulation Interface,: The CACE-Tools Solver is running as Master, SIMPACKs Solver as Slave. Results are exchanged at a fixed Sample Rate,Symbolic Code Interface,: SIMPACKs Symbolic Code is Exported to the CACE-Tool, where Calculations are carried out. That is, Model Code is completely independent from SIMPACK which must,not be installed on the Computer where the CACE-Tool,is running,.,SIMPACK SIMAT and SIMAX,- Interface to MATLAB and MATRIXx,14,Graphical User Interface:,Most Important Windows,SIMPACK Echo Area:,Information about current SIMPACK Processes,Warnings and Errors Messages,SIMPACK Main Window :,Most SIMPACK Modules (Pre- and Post-processing, Calculations,Parameter variation, Optimisation,.) are started from this window.,Editing of SIMPACK model data by clicking with the right mouse button in the blue area,SIMPACK Model Setup Window:,Interactive Model set up by using the various SIMPACK library elements,3D-Window control by mouse buttons while pressing the CTRL key,3D-Window settings by by clicking with the right mouse button in the 3D-Window area,15,Configuration and start of SIMPACK Calculations,Configuration and start of SIMPACK Parametervariation,Configuration and start of SIMPACK Optimisation,Post Processing:,Plots/Animation,Edit SIMPACK,files,(click with right mouse button !),Graphical User Interface:,SIMPACK Main Window,SIMPACK file handling,and general settings,Model Setup and SIMPACK Pre,-,processing modules,16,Graphical User Interface:,SIMPACK Main Window (Icons),17,Reference Frames,Bodies,Joints,Constraints,Force Elements,Control Elements,Sensors,Substructures,Time Excitations,Input Functions,Input Function Sets,Parameter Arrays,Polynomials,U(t) Input-Vektors,Y(t) Output-Vektors,Input Parameters,Input Parameter-Sets,SIMPACK MBS,Modelling Elements:,klick with right mouse button,(,twice) to set up views, light,.,3D-Window control by,mouse buttons while pressing,the ,Strg,“ (Ctrl“) key,Zoom: left mouse button,Translation: right mouse button,Rotation (1): middle mouse button,Rotation (2): left + middle mouse button,Graphical User Interface:,Model Setup Window (1),18,File Handling/,Exit SIMPACK,Model Setup,General View and Layout Definitions,SIMPACK Info about this MBS-Model,Global MBS-Definitions,3D-Animations,SIMPACK MBS,Modelling Elements:,Online Calculations,Graphical User Interface:,Model Setup Window (2),19,Model set up in SIMPACK,Bodies,Joints,Force Elements,Constraints,Excitations,Sensors,.,Mass,Center of ,I-Tensor,Marker,3D-Primitiv,from,Marker,to,Marker,Typ,from,Marker,to,Marker,Typ,from,Marker,to,Marker,Typ,Typ,Parameter,u-Vectors,from,Marker,to,Marker,Typ,Draw Topology,Separate into Bodies, Joints, Force Elements, .,FEM,CAD,.,External Data,Real System,SIMPACK,Bascis on Setting a Model,20,SIMPACK,Bascis on Setting a Model: Steps to do in SIMPACK,1.,Separate your MBS into bodies, joints, constraints, force elements,2.,Picture topology,3.,i = 1, number of bodies,Body i,Mass, inertia,3D-geometry,Marker,Joint i,From marker,To marker,Joint type,end i,4.,(Constraints),5.,(Force elements),(.),21,Online help is available,Feel Free to use this facility at anytime,SIMPACK,HELP - Simdoc,22,Example - Single Pendulum,Pre,-,ProcessingProcessingPost-Processing,Body DefinitionOnline Time IntegrationAnimation,Joints DefinitionTest call,23,Characteristics,Sphere Rod,Radius = 0.2m Diameter = 0.1m,Length = 0.8m,Mass = 5Kg,I,xx,= 0.08,I,yy,= 0.08,I,zz,= 0.08,Revolute Joint,c.g.,Joint,Body 1,Z,Y,X,0.8m,Example - Single Pendulum,24,All Body Properties are described in a local co-ordinate system,= Body Fixed Reference Frame (BFRF), Mass and Centre of Mass, Inertia Properties, Markers,3D Geometry,From Marker,BFRF,To,Marker (0,3),Bodies,25,Joint acts between two markers, Joint states are measured w.r.t. the,from marker, Joint Type (0 - 6 DOF), Initial States,BFRF,To Marker,(0,3),BFRF,To Marker,(0,3),BFRF,To Marker,(0,3),Each body has one, and only one, joint!,From Marker,Joints,26,View Setup,27,Example - Double Pendulum,Pre,-,ProcessingProcessingPost-Processing,Body DefinitionOnline Time IntegrationAnimation,Joints DefinitionTest call,State Plots,Identity FeatureOffline Time IntegrationGeneral Plots,Perform Measurements,28,Body 2,Body 1,Both Bodies are identical,Z,Y,X,Example - Double Pendulum,29,The Integrator solves the equations of motion,resulting in joint states and their first derivatives:,e.g.,1,and,2,d,1,/,dt,and d,2,/,dt,These results can be viewed in State plots,a1,a2,Time Integration,30,Calculates positions, velocities and accelerations of all sensors and calculates forces in joints and force elements,This data is required for 3D Animation and all values in general plots,Full Measurements,31,Sensors are used to obtain measurement data between two markers. The data is calculated with “Full Measurements”. Rerunning an integration is not necessary for newly defined sensors.,Sensors are also used to define the motion of an ensemble of primitives, necessary for 3D animations.,Sensors,32,Numerous Plot Pages,Up to15 Graphs per page,Up to 4 Curves per Graph,Modify Selected Graph,8 Configurations with .,2D Plotting,33,One Mass Oscillator,Pre,-,ProcessingProcessingPost-Processing,Body DefinitionOnline Time IntegrationAnimation,Joints DefinitionTest call,State Plots,Identity FeatureOffline Time IntegrationGeneral Plots,Force Definition,Perform Measurements,Input Function,Static Equilibrium,Nominal Forces,Parameter Variation,34,Example,- One Mass Oscillator,Body One,Mass = 23.5kg,Spring/Damper,Stiffness = 200N/m,Damping = 20Ns/m,Nominal Length = 0.3m,Z,Y,X,Body 1,0.3m,Body 1,35,Forces,Forces act between two markers, Force Type (,PtP,or,Cmp,), Forces are calculated w.r.t. the from marker, 3D Representation,*In General 2D Plots:,Applied forces and torques are,plotted w.r.t. (orientation only) the,BFRF of the from body.,36,Point to Point Forces (,PtP,),Z,Y,X,Z,Y,X,BFRF,Z,Y,X,Z,Y,X,BFRF,From Marker,To Marker,No,torsional,stiffness,Point to Point forces are applied,at the From Marker., The equal and opposite reaction,force (top arrow), is applied at the,To Marker., Be careful not to allow the markers,to pass through each other during,simulations.,F,= C |r|,37,WRAP(41) = 0,Component Forces (,Cmp,),Z,Y,X,Z,Y,X,BFRF,From Marker,Z,Y,X,Z,Y,X,BFRF,To Marker,Translational and,torsional,stiffnesses,(all components), Component forces are calculated,w.r.t. the From Marker, in the,reference frame of the From,Marker, and applied at the To,Marker on the From Body., This takes into account the,torque (r x F), on the From Body., The reaction force is applied at the,To Marker.,r,F,z,=,C,z,r,z,38,Z,Y,X,Z,Y,X,BFRF,From Marker,Z,Y,X,Z,Y,X,BFRF,To Marker,If WPAR(41) is set to 1 ( in the,General Preferences / 2D window ),the torque is neglected and the,force is applied on the,From Marker., The reaction force is applied at the,To Marker.,r,WRAP(41) = 1,F,z,=,C,z,r,z,Component Forces (,Cmp,),39,Parameters,and which,Results,to plot need to be entered,Parameter Variation,40,Data is entered as paired values and step, linear or cubic,spline,interpolation is used to calculate curve definition.,Input Functions are mainly used for non-Linear Forces.,Input Functions,41,Input Functions take precedence over other parameters (i.e. stiffness and damping).,Input Functions,42,Two Mass Oscillator,Pre,-,ProcessingProcessingPost-Processing,Body DefinitionOnline Time IntegrationAnimation,Joints DefinitionTest call,State Plots,Identity FeatureOffline Time IntegrationGeneral Plots,Force DefinitionPerform Measurements,Mode Shapes,Input Function,Static Equilibrium,2D Plot Filters,Nominal Forces,Time Excitation,Parameter Variation,Eigenvalues,43,Body Two,Mass = 12.5 kg,Spring/Damper,Stiffness = 100N/m,Damping = 20Ns/m,Nominal Length = 0.4m,Body 1,0.3m,Body 2,0.4m,Z,Y,X,Body 1,Body 2,Example,- One Mass Oscillator,44,Time Excitations are used mainly to excite joints and moved Markers.,The defined curves, possibly from a library, are exported as position, velocity and acceleration vectors for use in modelling.,Time Excitation,45,Moved Marker,Sinusoidal Excitation,Amplitude = 0.1m,Frequency = 3.14,rad/s,Body 1,Body 2,Example,- Time Excitation I,46,Joint Excitation (Joint 40),Sinusoidal Excitation,Amplitude = 0.1m,Frequency = 3.14,rad/s,Spring/Damper,Stiffness = 100N/m,Damping = 20N/ms,Nominal Length = 0.2m,Length = 0.3,Body 1,Body 2,Length,Example,- Time Excitation II,47,Swaying Platform,Pre,-,ProcessingProcessingPost-Processing,Body DefinitionOnline Time IntegrationAnimation,Joints DefinitionTest call,State Plots,Identity FeatureOffline Time IntegrationGeneral Plots,Force DefinitionPerform MeasurementsMode Shapes,Input Function,Static Equilibrium2D Plot Filters,Nominal Forces,Constraining Forces,Time ExcitationParameter Variation,Constraints,Eigenvalues,Kinematics,48,Platform = 12Kg,I,xx,= 1,I,yy,= 1,I,zz,= 1,Links = 5 Kg,I,xx,= 1,I,yy,= 1,I,zz,= 1,Spring = 500 Nm/,rad,Z,Y,X,0.8m,0.8m,Example,- Swaying Platform,49,Topology Diagram Symbols,Joints/Constraints,x,y,z,13,Body name,Reference,Frame:,Constraint,:,Bodies,:,Joints,:,Force,Elements:,with: name of body,with: - from Marker - to Marker,- locked direction of motion,(in Coordinates of from Marker),with: - from Marker - to Marker,- joint state position,(in Coordinates of from Marker),with: - SIMPACK force element type,(,cmp calculated w.r.t from Marker),Isys,50,Closed Loops,Each Body has one joint,Constraints are used to close,kinematic,loops,Z,Y,X,Body 2,Body 1,Body 3,Joint 3,Joint 2,Joint 1,Constraint,0.8m,0.8m,51,Constraints, Constraint acts between two markers, Constraints are measured and calculated,w.r.t. the from marker, Constraint Types,- User Defined (1 - 6 DOFs constrained),-,Massless,Link,- Gearboxes,52,One of the possible Solutions in SIMPACK (relative Kinematics):,Joints 1,2:define the Topology,in SIMPACK:,joints,Joint 3:defines closed Loop,in SIMPACK:,constraints,joints:,give system degrees of freedom,constraints:,lock motion - close kinematic chains - make closed loops -,reduce number of degrees of freedom,Z,Y,X,SIMPACK Theory:,Kinematically closed Loops,53,Task:,How do you calculate the Number of Degrees of Freedom of closed Loop Systems (DOF) and Number of first order States (FOS)?, DOF,system,=, DOF,joint,-, constraint, FOS,system,=,2DOF,joint,+, constraint,joint; - 1 DOF -,Revolution around x-Axis,Body 2,joint; -1 DOF -,Revolution around x-Axis,constraint; L: z,(locked,Transl. in z,reduce,Number of DOF),Body 1,Number of differential Equations,Number of algebraic Equations,Z,Y,X,54,DOF system:, DOF,system,=, DOF,joint,-, constraint,Assenble System“ : independent joint states“ =, joint- and q states“,-,constraints“,FOS system: FOS,system,=,2 DOF,joint,+, constraint,Joint 4,Joint 3,Joint 2,Joint 1,Body 3,Body 2,Body 1,Body 3,Body 2,Body 1,L: y,z,Solution 1:,Solution 2:, DOF,system,=,18,-,17,=,1, FOS,system,=,36,+,17,=,53, DOF,system,=,3,-,2,=,1, FOS,system,=,6,+,2,=,8,Body 3,Body 2,Body 1,6,DOF,6,DOF,L: x,y,z,6,DOF,L: x,y,z,L: y,z,L: x,y,z,If, DOF,system,is,minimal,and, constraint,is,minimal,=,minimal,FOS system,Z,Y,X,Good“,SIMPACK Model,Bad“,SIMPACK Model,SIMPACK,Bascis on Setting a Model: Drawing up the Topology (Example),55,Summary,Pre,-,ProcessingProcessingPost-Processing,Body DefinitionOnline Time IntegrationAnimation,Joints DefinitionTest callState Plots,Identity FeatureOffline Time IntegrationGeneral Plots,Force DefinitionPerform MeasurementsMode Shapes,Time ExcitationStatic EquilibriumFast Fourier Transfer,Closed Kinematic LoopNominal ForcesConstraining Forces,ConstraintsEigenvalues,Torsional ForcesParameter Variation,56,SIMPACK Review:,SIMPACK - Two Mass Oscillator,SIMPACK - Slider Crank,57,chassis,0.2 m,0.2 m,0.5 m,0.4 m,g,z,z,m,2,= 600 kg,m,1,= 40 kg,c,2,d,2,c,1,d,1,wheel,suspension,suspension,tyre,0.7 m,0.5 m,SIMPACK Model,: Quarter Car,Model Data:,g,z,= -9.81 N/ms,2,c,2,= 1,5e4 N/m,d,2,= 2,4e3 Ns/m,lo,2,= 0,5 m,(Fv,2,= -5886,0 N),c,1,= 1,6e5 N/m,d,1,= 0,lo,1,= 0,4 m,(Fv,1,= -6278,4 N),58,Tasks:,0.) Separate into Bodies, Joints, Force Elements, .,1.) Draw Topology,2.) Set up the SIMPACK MBS-Model,3.) MBS - Info,4.),Testcall,5.) Nominal forces,6.) Static equilibrium,7.) Natural Frequencies, Mode Shapes,8.) Animation of Mode Shapes,9.) Time integration,10.) 2D-Plots,11.) 3D-Animation,12.) Time excitation,13.),Linear System Analysis (Transfer function/.),14.),Parametervariation,(Root,Locii,/Time Integration/.),SIMPACK Model,: Quarter Car,59,a),Before Setting up the SIMPACK Model: Draw Topology,Separate the physical modell into MBS elements: - MBS model with bodies, joints, constraints, force elements, .,Draw topology (multiple solutions possible):,body,Reference,Frame:,Constraints,:,Bodies,:,Joints,:,Force,Elements,:,B_wheel_,suspension,B_chassis,b),B_wheel_,suspension,B_chassis,c),B_wheel_,suspension,B_chassis,SIMPACK Model,: Quarter Car Tasks (1),60,a),body,Reference,Frame:,Constraints,:,Bodies,:,Joints,:,Force,Elements,:,B_wheel_,suspension,B_chassis,04,04,z,(0.5 m),z,(0.7 m),z,(0.5 m),z,(1.2 m),b),B_wheel_,suspension,B_chassis,04,04,z,(-0.7 m),z,(1.2 m),c),B_wheel_,suspension,B_chassis,04,04,Before Setting up the SIMPACK Model: Draw Topology,Separate the physical model into MBS elements: - MBS model with bodies, joints, constraints, force elements, .,Draw topology (multiple solutions possible):,SIMPACK Model,: Quarter Car Tasks (1),61,Setting up a SIMPACK Model (1):,Create a new model: - File / Open Model/New or:- File / Open Model/,(select an already existing model),/Copy,Load,the Model into the Pre,-,Processing: - Pre,-,Processing / Model Setup,Set up/check the Gravity Vector: - Globals / Gravity,/,Volume Forces,Set up/check the View up Vector, Color Scheme and Light Definition:- 3D-Customizing / .,Set up the models kinematic,tree (,remember the model-topology !,)of Bodies and Joints. Bodies in SIMPACK consists of:,A,bodyfixed Reference Frame R,; all geometrical declarationsare represented relative to R,mass properties,(,mass, center of gravity, inertia tensor),Markers,(built-in position and orientation) to connect Joints,Constraints, Force Elements, Sensors,3D-geometry,(built-in position and orientation, type,parameters and color of Primitives),SIMPACK Model,: Quarter Car Tasks (2),R,x,y,z,Marker,x,y,z,mass,center of gravity,inertia tensor,3D-geometry,62,Setting up a SIMPACK Model (2):,(,Add Constraints to complete the kinematics),Add Force Elements, (Control Elements,) Time Excitations, .,B_wheel_,suspension,B_chassis,04,04,z,(0.5 m),z,(0.7 m),e.g. topology solution a):,0.2 m,0.6 m,0.4 m,0.4 m,0.6 m,0.2 m,600 kg,40 kg,0.7 m,0.5 m,SIMPACK Model,: Quarter Car Tasks (2),63,Create a new SIMPACK Model:,1. Change directory to,./simpack,_,training,_,basics,/,models,and make a copy of ,00_MODEL_NEW_TEMPLATE,“ (e.g.: ,00_quarter,_,car,_,training,“ ),2. Load,this new SIMPACK model ,00_quarter,_,car,_,training,“ in the preprocessor,),1,2,SIMPACK Model,: Quarter Car Tasks (2),64,Define the properties of the first body:,1. Rename the already existing body to ,B_wheel_suspension,“,2. Define mass properties of ,B_


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