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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit Seven In and of Ourselves We Trust,You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you will live in torment unless you trust enough.,Frank Crane,Contents,Lead-in Section: 1),About the Author,2),Background Information,Text A: 1),Language Points,2),Key to Exercises,3),Reference Translation,End,About the Author,Born in 1920, in Albany, New York.,American journalist and commentator.,During the war, served in the European theatre of operations as a,Stars and Stripes,reporter.,After the War, a writer-producer for various television networks chiefly for CBS .,and has won numerous awards, including the Writers Guild Award for Best Script of the Year , and a National Academy Emmy Award (1979).,In 1965 Rooney wrote the script for the first,Telstar,trans-Atlantic satellite broadcast.,Lewisburg,Lewisburg is centrally located in central Pennsylvania along the west branch of the Susquehanna River approximately 60 miles north of Harrisburg.,The downtown also features many wonderful 19th-century buildings that have been protected through historic district legislation, resulting in its recognition as one of the best-preserved Victorian-era communities in the United States.,Language Points,Para.,1,Para.,2,Para.,3,Para.,5,Para. 1,“ I was alone on the road by now, and I braked to a halt.”,The word “halt” means: temporary stop; interruption of progress; standstill,e.g. (a) The car came to a sudden halt.,Here we have: bring to a halt (bring a halt to); call a halt (order); cry halt; grind to a halt,“to brake to a halt” means to stop by using a brake,Similarly we say: The train slid to a halt.”,Para. 3,“ to come back (to,sb,.): return (to the memory)”,E.g. (a). At first I could not remember why everything seemed so familiar; then it all came back.,(b). The language I used to speak at my preschool came back to me.,“,Its not only the law, but its an agreement we have, and we trust each other to honor it.”,To honor a contract or agreement,etc.indicates,“to do what you have agreed to do in a contract, etc.”,“Im more apt to be restrained from doing something bad by the social convention that disapproves of it that by any law against it.”,The phrase “be apt to do” indicates “be inclined; be liable; be likely (to).”,a. This shoe is apt to slip.,b. Food is apt to deteriorate in summer.,c. Iron is apt to rust.,d. She is apt to take offense easily.,Para. 4,“ We have to make a deliberate decision to mistrust someone or to be suspicious or skeptical.”,The word “suspicious” stresses conjecture or fear that someone or something is not true, real or right. The word “skeptical” suggests an unwillingness to believe without demonstration; it usually refers to a habitual or temperamental state of mind or to a customary reaction to something proposed for belief.,E.G.,a. (1) He is,suspicious,of the governments intentions (He thinks that the government might have other motives than what it openly declares.),(2) He is,skeptical,of the governments intentions (He thinks that the governments intentions might not be fully carried out.),b. (1) He listened to me with a,suspicious,expression (He thought that I might be lying).,(2) He listened to me with a,skeptical,expression (He thought that what I was saying might be wrong).,Para. 5,“This whole thing we have going for us would fall apart.”,Have something /a lot /plenty etc./ going for one: have some /many advantages; be in a favorable situation.,(e.g.) (,a).With,her brains and beauty Alma certainly has a lot going for her.,(b). Although she is only eighteen, that young dress designer has something going for her, as is shown by the heavy demand for her dress.,“This whole thing” here might as well be understood as referring to “the whole structure of our society” in the previous sentence.,Para. 5,“fall apart”:,collapse; to break down; fall to pieces, disintegrate, break up,(e.g.),a. The rickety chair fell apart.,b. Feudalism is falling apart.,c. Her marriage is falling apart.,Para. 7,Inasmuch as,:,because, for the reason that; since; insomuch as; insofar as. (,e.g,),(,a).Inasmuch,as the waves are high, I shall not go out in the boat.,(,b).Inasmuch,as this is your team, you have the right to choose your own captain.,(,c).Inasmuch,as we serve the people, we are not afraid to have our shortcomings pointed out.,(d). I never claimed perfection for my father. In as much as we are all fallible, I suppose he was too.,KEY TO EXERCISES,Vocabulary and Structure,1. A.1,)反对,认为某人,/,物不好,2,)不信任,怀疑,3,)公开某事;显露,表明,4,)指(与某人)不同观点,不同意,5,)不喜欢,讨厌,6,)消失,失踪,7,)发现,了解到,8,)不服从,违抗,9,)不相信,10,)分开,隔断,切断,挂断,11,)中断,中止,12,)使无资格,使不合格,13,)解脱,的负担,;,卸下,的重荷,;,卸,(,货,);,摆脱,(,负担,)14,)解除武装,15,)劝阻,阻止,16,)放开,摆脱开,17,)使,离开原位,18,)废弃,B.1,)缺点,不足,2,)除霜,使解冻,3,)使,失去活力,4,)解除,撤销,5,)使不重要,6,)使,暴露,去掉遮掩,7,)(指人)死的;失效的,不再受尊重的,8,)使,失去权势,使下台,9,)去骨,10,)使贬值,降低某事的价值,11,)下飞机,12,)检测并排除(程序,/,设备等中的)错误,/,故障,13,)拆除炸弹等的引信,缓和,14,)使(火车等)脱轨,15,)下火车,B.1,)缺点,不足,2,)除霜,使解冻,3,)使,失去活力,4,)解除,撤销,5,)使不重要,6,)使,暴露,去掉遮掩,7,)(指人)死的;失效的,不再受尊重的,8,)使,失去权势,使下台,9,)去骨,10,)使贬值,降低某事的价值,11,)下飞机,12,)检测并排除(程序,/,设备等中的)错误,/,故障,13,)拆除炸弹等的引信,缓和,14,)使(火车等)脱轨,15,)下火车,3. 1) is apt to 2) restrained from 3) halt 4) showed up 5) plain,6) suspicious 7) came back to me 8) darn 9) suggestion,4. 1) show up: appear; turn up 2) showinto: lead,sb,into a place 3) for show: for vain and conspicuous display 4) on show: on display 5) showaround: to be a guide to someone on a first visit to a place 6) show off: to behave in a way so as to get attention or admiration 7) fall in love : to feel a sudden, strong attraction for somebody of the opposite sex 8) fall into a rage: to suddenly become angry 9) fall part: to collapse/break 10) fall on deaf ears: to be ignored or paid no attention,5.,(1).(Inasmuch as we serve the people), we are not afraid to have our shortcomings pointed out.,(2).(Inasmuch as the classroom was very crowded/ packed), double sessions were instituted.,(3).(So long as you promise to be back home before 10), you can go out.,(4).(In case it rains), I wont be able to go there on foot.,(5).(So long as you need me), I will stay.,(6).(In case anything important happens), please tell me.,(7).You may use the dictionary as you like, (so long as you keep it clean),(8).(Inasmuch as the waves are high), we shall not go out in the boat.,(9).(In case we get a surprise attack/are surprised), keep by me.,(10).You may go, (so long as your work is done).,(1). A proud person is,apt to,fail.,(2). We are just,plain,afraid to upset you.,(3). Xiao Wang did what he could to keep the marriage from,falling apart,.,(4).The woman,refused,to tell her age.,(5). She,disapproves,of her sons friendship with the man.,(6). I waited for a long time, but he never,showed up,.,(7). Their cooperation is on the basis of equality and,mutual,benefit.,(8). Its,amazing,that so many people come to the exam.,(9). Hearing the news, he,restrained,his surprise,from,being visible,GRAMMAR,PRACTICE,1. We wished him happy birthday.,2. I wrote her a letter.,3. They meant us no harm.,4. Her father denies her nothing.,5. Youd better give the matter a second thought.,6. No one has informed me of the change of the plan.,7. I forgave him the wrongs he had done to me.,8. The librarian chose me a good novel.,9. The application has been handed to the secretary of the company.,10. No food has been left for me!,Words & Expressions,Apt: adj. having a natural or habitual tendency to do,sth,; likely.,He is apt to lose his temper in difficult situations.,Quick to learn and understand,an apt student,参考译文,安唯信吾存,迪,罗尼,昨天晚上,我驱车从宾夕法尼亚州首府哈里斯堡前往,80,公里外的路易斯堡。我一路沿开阔的公路行驶,来到一处有交通灯的十字路口。当时路上只有我一个人,可当我驶近路口时,红灯亮了。我忙刹住了车,左右打量,没有人。向后看,什么也没有。没有车,也看不到汽车车灯。但我仍然呆在车里,等着红灯变绿。当时我可是至少一英里范围里任何一个方向上出现的唯一的人。,我开始琢磨为什么没有闯红灯。我并不怕被逮住,因为附近显然没有警察,即使冲过去也不会有任何危险。,晚些时候,我才在哈里斯堡邂逅了一群人。上床睡觉时快近午夜了,而脑海里重又想到了为什么会在红灯路口停车的问题。我想我在红灯前停下来是因为这是我们大家共同遵守的合约的一部分。我们不会闯红灯,这不光是法律允不允许的问题,更是我们之间的协议,我们相互信赖以实现这一协议。像我们大多数人那样,我更倾向于用社会习俗而不是法律来约束自己,使自己不犯错误。,我们彼此信任,信任对方会做正确的事,这真让人称奇。我们也确实没有做错。信任是我们的第一直觉,而要怀疑或不信任别人还真得经过深思熟虑才做得到。,这实在是件好事,因为整个社会结构有赖人们的相互信任而不是彼此猜疑。大多数情况下,如果彼此不信任,我们所拥有的一切便会土崩瓦解。在意大利,由于许多人根本就不交纳个人所得税,政府的征税工作一直举步维艰。在美国,国家税务局只是做做样子表示要加强执法,而更多时候税务官员情愿相信我们会交纳所欠的税款。,我们说过的事一定会做到。我们答应了别人,便一定会出现。,我为自己那天在红灯口停车而倍感骄傲。由于没人知道我在从哈里斯堡到路易斯堡去的路上曾是多么守法的公民,这一点我得对人讲讲。,(,王安 译,),The End,


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