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外研版七年级上册,教材分析,Module1 My classmates,Module2 My family,Module3 My school,Module4 Healthy,Module5 My school day,Module6 A trip to the zoo,Module7 Computer,Module8 Choosing presents,Module9 People and places,Module10 Spring Festival,Be,的一般现在时,&,代词,指示代词,所有格,There be,句型,地点介词,Have/has;,名词的数,一般现在时;时间介词,三单一般现在时;,一般现在时特殊疑问句,频率副词,现在进行时,现在进行时,Starter Module1-4,知识汇总清单,Module1 My classmates.,1. Im=My name is,2. be,动词的用法,3. be from=come from,注意在句子中的运用,4. How old are you?,回答:,Ten/ Im ten/Im ten years old.,5. What about you?=How about you?,6.,am: I,is: he, she , it,三单(,Betty,,,my sister,),are: you, we, they,复数,(your brothers, my classmates),Miss,+,本人的姓氏,未满,18,,“小姐”,Mrs,+,丈夫的姓氏,夫人,Ms,+,本人的姓氏,不明婚姻状况,“女士”,Mr,+,本人的姓氏,先生,7.,见面问好,: hello; hi, nice to meet you,how do you do?; good morning; good afternoon; good evening.,问答相同,How are you?,回答用:,Fine, thank you.,8.,Im in,Class Two, Grade Seven.,9. welcome to +,地点,10. this is ,表示介绍“这是,”,;打电话用语“我是,”,11. Good/Glad/Happy/Pleased to meet you!,12.,Betty King,last name,first name,13.,Its nice to meet you all.,Its +adj. +to do,14.,国家和国家的人,15.,人称代词和物主代词,国家,国家的人,England,English,America,American,China,Chinese,Germany,German,France,French,Australia,Australian,Japan,Japanese,语法,Module2 My family,1.,指示代词用法:,一般疑问句的回答,Is this/that? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.,Are these/ those? Yes, they are./No, they arent.,2.,名词所有格的用法,3.,位置关系的介词,in front of / next to / on the left / on the right,this,近,单,that,远,单,these,近,复,those,远,复,Tonys uncle,My parents parents,A friend of Bettys,祖父,妈,妈,女,儿,兄弟,父母,祖母,:nt,叔,叔,爸,爸,儿,子,堂,兄,family,5.,职业,Job &work place,bus station,driver,hospital,nurse,doctor,theatre,actor,actress,manager,police station,policeman,policewoman,school,teacher,headmaster,conductor,6. Whats your fathers job?,=Whats your father?,=What does your father do?,7. a photo of my family “n.+of+n.”,8.,at,a school,at,the same hospital,at,a police station,at,具体地点,Module3 My school,1. There is/are+,数词,+,名词复数,+,地点,/+,时间,.,Is there.? Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.,Are there? Yes, there are./ No, there arent.,2. How many+,名词复数,are there +,地点,?,How many +,名词复数,do you have?,3.,Whats,your classroom,like,?,Whats your sister like?,Whats the weather like?,4. a lot of= lots of,5. in front of,(反),behind,in the front of,at the front of,6. a map of China,a map of,the,world,7. on the wall /in the wall,8. on,ones,left,on the left,of,sb,on the left,on,in,9.,位置关系的介词,Module4 Healthy food,1. have got= have,They have got some colour pens. =They have some colour pens.,否定:,They,havent got any,.,=They,dont have any,.,疑问:,Have they got any.? Yes, they have.,No, they havent.,= Do they have any.? Yes, they do.,No, they dont.,2. go shopping for,3. too much meat too much+,不可数,too many boys too many+,可数复数,much too tired “,太,+adj.”,too bad,4. be good for,(,反,),be bad for,5. What kind of .?,6. How about,some,tea?,Lets play football.,“,太多”,表示建议,,回答:,Good idea/All right,7. make a list of,8. no cola,没有可乐 “,no+,名词”,Drink tea,not cola,.,喝茶不要喝可乐,.,(省略结构),应为:,Drink tea,do not drink cola,.,9. Be healthy,Eat the healthy food.,10. sweet potatoes,祈使句,表示命令,告诫等,11. a bit tired “a bit+adj.”,有点儿,12. stay healthy,get fat,be healthy,13.,名词的数,系动词,形容词,+,look, sound, smell, taste, feel,,,turn, go, become keep,常见系动词,可数与,不可数,14. have breakfast,吃早餐,have a healthy breakfast,吃一顿健康早餐,15.,并列连词,but, and,的应用,16. remember,to do,remember to buy some fruit.,17. eat well “,well,”,为副词,修饰动词,eat,You look,well,today.,为形容词,表示身体状况好,Module5 My school day,1.,时间表达法:,直接读书法:,间接读数法,:,twelve thirty-six,twenty-four to one,30,分以内 分钟,past,点钟,半点,half past,点钟,30,以上 (,60-,分钟),to,(点钟,+1,),整点 点钟,oclock,2.,时间介词,in+,世纪,年,季节,月份,on+,具体某一天;具体某一天的早中晚,at+,点钟;,noon,,,night,in the evening/morning/afternoon,3. Whats the time now? Its .,“it”,在这里表示时间,,Starter,中还总结了用于表示天气,长度,距离,不知性别的人等,4.,善于,擅长,be good at +doing/n.,5. talk about,谈论,talk to/ with,和,交流,6.,学科:,语文,Chinese,历史,history,数学,maths,地理,geography,英语,English,体育,PE,美术,art,科学,Science,计算机,IT,生物,biology,have breakfast,get up,go to school,start work,have a break,play football,have lunch,start lessons,go home,watch TV,have dinner,do homework,go to bed,at +,点钟,School day,8.,一般现在时,一般现在时,1.,Module6 A trip to the zoo,Animals,12,生肖,2.,洲,&,人,亚洲,Asia,n,拉丁美洲,Latin America/South America,n,北美洲,North America,n,大洋洲,Oceania,n,南极洲,Antarctica,n,非洲,Africa,n,欧洲,Europe,an,3. a little fruit /tired,4. about,大约,左右,at about 4:00,5. 30 kilo,s,of,bamboo(,不可数,),6. eat about 30 kilos of bamboo,a day,as well as other plants.,“,a day,”,表示每一天,as well as,并且,还,表示并列,other “,其他”,无范围,7. the black and white animal,黑白相间的动物,8. the favourite of “favourite”,为名词,9. all over the world,all around the world,10 the tiger lives alone “alone”,此处为,(adv.),独自地,alone,副词,/,形容词(只作表语)没有伴,一个人,lonely,形容词,作表语或定语 孤独,寂寞,荒凉,11. be good at doing=do well in doing,1.,表示先后顺序,first; then; next; finally,2.,Module7 Computers,screen,mouse,keyboard,monitor,3. connect to,4.,turn on the computer,打开电脑,,turn on+,水,煤气,电视,收音机,open +,书,门,眼睛,嘴巴,(,反义词,close),open your mouth/eyes/the door,5. on the computer/on TV /on the radio,on,表示远距离传输,turn on,打开,turn up,调大,turn off,关闭,turn down,调小,名中后,代中间,6. in the new document,在新文件里,7.save the document,保存文件,8.write a name for the document,给文件取个名,9.click the mouse on.,在,.,处点击鼠标,10. on Sundays,在每周日,11. share with sb.,与某人一起分享,分担,12.,也,too,肯,句尾,as well,肯,句尾,also,肯,句中,either,否,句尾,13. go on the Internet to check the times of trains,go on the Internet,上网,to+ do,表示目的,times of trains,火车时间表,14. make travel plans,制定出行计划,15. listen to music,16. watch movies/TV/ Beijing Opera/football match,17. there is no computer .,没有, “no+,名词”,have no+,名词 例如:,I have no time now.,18. search for information,search for look for,19. do ones homework,20. send sth. to sb.= send sb. sth.,双宾语结构,21. play computer games,22. like+doing,like to do,23. work for a company,为一家公司工作,24.,特殊疑问句,&,特殊疑问词,特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词,+,一般疑问句,who,谁,what day,星期几,哪天,what,什么,what colour,什么颜色,where,哪里,what class,几班,when,何时,what time,几点,why,为什么,how many,多少(可数),which,哪一个,how much,多少(不可数),how,怎样,how long,多久,多长,how soon,多快,in+,一段时间,how far,多远,距离,1. Would you like to do?,Yes, Id love to./ Sorry,2. come to my birthday party,come to +,地点,3. this Saturday,前不用介词,这类词还有, that, next, last,等的前面都不加介词,4. at a birthday party,at the birthday dinner,Module8 Choosing presents,at,表示“在,期间”,5.,频率副词,alwaysusually,often,sometimes,seldom,hardly,never,1. be,动词,情态动词及第一个助动词之后。,2.,实义动词之前,3.,有时为了强调,可放在句首。,4.,对这些频度副词提问时,用,how often,。,用法:,6.,give,birthday cards,to,my friends “give sth. to sb.”,give my friends birthday cards “give sb. sth.”,7. on ones birthday,8. get birthday presents,9. choose sth. for sb.,10. a box of chocolates,11. wear scar,ves,put on T-shirts,Shes in red.,wear:,穿着,(状态),put on,:穿上(动作),in +,颜色 穿着,色衣服,12. She spends a lot of money.,13. go to the cinema,去看电影,go to football matches,去看球赛,go to concerts,去听音乐会,4,朵“花”,人,+,spend,+,钱,+on +,名词,人,+,spend,+,时间,+(in )doing,人,+,pay,+,钱,+for,事(,It,),+,take,+sb.+,时间,+to do ,物,+,cost,+ sb. +,钱,1. lie,in,the sun,躺在阳光下,stand,under,the tree,站在树下,2. stand in line,站成一对,排队,3. take photos of,给,拍照,take photos,拍照,4. wait for the bus/ wait for me/ wait a moment,5. walk on the Great Wall,6. be,on,a school trip,Module9 People and places,7. What about the others?,onethe other,一个,.,另一个,some .others,一些,.,一些,8. with sb.,和,.,在一起,work with sb.,play with /live with,具有,带有,soup with eggs,用,see with your eyes,other,+,名词,无范围,others,+,名词,无范围,the other,+,名词,有范围,the others,+,名词,有范围,9. right now =now,(现在进行时),just now,刚才(过去时),10. a few presents “a few”,修饰可数名词复数,11. be on sale,正在出售,正在热卖,促销,12. at the shop,在商店里,13. I,d,like a card,d=would,a few,+,可数,few,+,可数,a little,+,不可数,little,+,不可数,表示肯定“有点”,表示否定“几乎没有”,would like =want,14. by email,通过邮件,by+,交通方式,by hand,用手制造,15. enjoy the trip a lot. “enjoy+doing”,“a lot ”,修饰动词,表示程度,16. Its time to go back to school now.,Its time to do sth.,该干,了,该做,了,17. at this moment,此刻,at this time/ at the moment,18. leave work,下班,go home from work,19. get off (,反,) get on,20. have afternoon tea/ lunch/dinner/breakfast,have a drink,喝一杯(酒),21. call home,给家人打电话,22. thank sb. for sth.,因,而感谢某人,23. visit sb.,拜访某人,24. writeto,给某人写信,现在进行时,1.get / be ready for.,为,.,做准备,get/be A ready for B,为,B,准备,A,2.Spring Festival,春节,3.make big red lanterns,制作大红灯笼,4.learn a dragon dance,学舞龙,5.clean the house,打扫房屋,6.sweep the floor,打扫地板,7.cook the meal,烹调食物,8.be busy,with,sth/be busy,doing,Module10 Spring Festival,9. .be at work=be working,正在工作,10.put sth away,把,.,放好,;,整理,.,11.work hard,努力工作;,study hard,努力学习,12.join sb,加入(某些人),13.hurry up,快点,赶快,14.hurry to +,地点 匆忙到,.,hurry,to do,sth,匆忙做某事,15.sweep away bad luck,扫除霉运,16.have a look at. =look at.,看一下,.,17. celebrate Spring Festival,庆祝春节,18. have a traditional family dinner,吃一顿传统的家庭团圆饭,19. so much +,不可数 如此多的,.(,不可数名词,),so many +,可数 如此多的,.(,可数名词,),20. watch a special programme on TV,在电视里看一个特别的节目,21. wear new clothes,穿着新衣服,22. lucky money,压岁钱,23. have a big family dinner,吃一顿丰盛的家庭团圆饭,24. traditional food,传统食品,25.,on,Christmas Day,在圣诞节,26. Merry Christmas,圣诞快乐,27.,say,happy new year,to,sb,28. learn a lion dance,学习舞狮,29. get presents from.,从,.,收到礼物,30. at Lantern Festival,在元宵节,


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