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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,B,orderless Management,Shanghai International Studies University MBA Program,SYTECH INTERNATIONAL,Group 1,刘麒;袁金;陈倩;沈佳亮;李娟;乔恩卿;黄春平;,王伟东(,2011,级);刘颖(,2011,级);路倩(,2011,级),Assignment Allocation,Background Review,Data Analysis,Q&A,PPT-Preparation,刘麒,袁金,PPT-Speech,陈倩,&,乔恩卿,黄春平,&,袁金,SYTECH,Background Review,Data Analysis,Q&A,SYTECH,General Introduction:,Company,Name,: SYTECH INTERNATIONAL,Company,Type,: Manufacturer-a leading position in the market,Year,of Establishment: 1951,Corporate,headquarter,: Burlington, Massachusetts,Products,: Computers & Peripheral equipment,SYTECH,SYTECH,Products,MainFrame,Mini,PC,Printer,Plants,Burlington,Taiwan,Ireland,Markets,North America,Europe,SYTECH,Market Division-,Demand Forecast,Product,North America,Europe,MainFrame,962,321,Mini,4,417,1,580,PC,48,210,15,400,Printer,15,540,6,850,SYTECH,Manufacturing Division-,Space and Labor Capacity,Plant,Space (1000 sq ft),Labor (1000 hrs),Burlington,540.71,277.71,Taiwan,201.00,499.24,Ireland,146.90,78.00,SYTECH,Manufacturing Division-,Resources Utilization,Product,Space (Ft/Unit),Labor (Hrs/Unit),MainFrame,17.48,79.00,Mini,17.48,31.50,PC,3.00,6.90,Printer,5.30,5.60,SYTECH,Accounting Division-,Unit Profit Contributions,MainFrame,Mini,PC,Printer,Plant,North America,Europe,North America,Europe,North America,Europe,North America,Europe,Burlington,$16,136.46,$13,694.03,$8,914.47,$6,956.23,$1,457.18,$1,037.57,$1,663.51,$1,345.43,Taiwan,$17,358.14,$14,709.96,$9,951.04,$7,852.36,$1,395.35,$1,082.49,$1,554.55,$1,270.16,Ireland,$15,652.68,$13,216.34,$9,148.55,$7,272.89,$1,197.52,$1,092.61,$1,478.90,$1,312.44,Problem to be Solved,: To generate a set of production targets for the 3 major manufacturing facilities (Burlington; Taiwan; Ireland) and to optimize the plan as well.,SYTECH,Production plan for the base case,Findings:,In base case we found that the items highlighted in yellow are binding constraints.,SYTECH,a)Suppose that labor regulation have just changed in Ireland,decreasing the labor capacity at the Ireland plant to 78,000man-hours,Findings:,Since the Ireland-Labor is binding constraint,With the decrease of Ireland-Labor, the net income decrease accordingly.,SYTECH,b)Suppose that labor regulations have just changed in Ireland,increasing the labor capacity at the Ireland plant to 95,000 man-hours.,Findings:,Since the Ireland-Labor is binding constraint,With the increase of Ireland-Labor, the net income increase accordingly.,SYTECH,3)With new technology increasing the space of both main-frames and minis,from 17.48 to 19.0 and reducing the labor requirement in Mini from 31.5 to 22.5,Findings:,Compared with the base case,194,244,024.67$,per quarter ,with the new technology the income will increase to be,197,246,064.17$,.,It means Sytech can earn more,3,002,039.5$,per quarter,by which in two years Sytech can earn more about,24,016,316$,.,SYTECH,3)The new technology is not a free lunch. Sytech should invest 12-14,000,000$ to,the company Inotech. Inotech promise keeping the technology secure as,a trade secret. But Sytech analyzes that the technology will be public knowledge,Within 2 years.,Conclusion:,By new technology in two years SYTECH can earn more about,24,016,316$,.,But the investment only cost,12-14,000,000$.,Obviously SYTECH should do the investment immediately.,But there are several external factors that the model does not properly account for.,Nobody can 100% be sure whether the new technology will be public knowledge in 2 years.,if in 1 year, accurately less than 5 quarters, the SYTECH will lose in this investment.,One factor should be confirmed that how long time will the new technology convert to,income? Immediately? If longer than 3 quarters in 2 years, then SYTECH will lose in this,investment. (According to the SYTECH analysis),Nobody know how much will cost if the technology become public knowledge.,In our teaching book it just mentions “be much less expensive to acquire”.,SYTECH,3)If eliminating the production of Mini in Taiwan and move this amount to,the other plants , the fixed cost of 8.3 million can be saved.,Then should Sytech eliminate the production in Taiwan?,Findings:,Compared with the base case,194,244,024.67$,per quarter ,The plan of eliminating the production of Mini in Taiwan cant bring more income.,Though the fixed cost can be saved in Taiwan, more cost generates in Burlington and Ireland by moving the production to these two plants.,SYTECH,Shanghai International Studies University,Tel:(86)21-,35373308,35373309,E-mail:mba ,


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