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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,1/1/2015,#,Sunni insurgents made new territorial gains in northern Iraq yesterday although their push towards Baghdad appeared to slow amid mounting resistance f,1,from Shia militias.,伊拉克逊尼派叛军昨日继续在北部地区攻城掠地,不过由于遭遇什叶派民兵日益强烈的抵抗,他们向巴格达的推进速度似乎有所放缓。,Insurgents from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) moved,2,northwest into the town of Tal Afar, near the Syrian border, and said they had taken control of the towns airport, which would be the fifth airport s,3,eized by the militants since Iraqs second-largest city fell to them last Monday.,来自“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国”,(Isis),的叛乱分子沿着西北方向推进至靠近叙利亚边境的泰勒阿费尔镇,(Tal Afar),,并声称已经控制了,4,当地机场,这可能是他们自上周一攻占伊拉克第二大城市以来占领的第五座机场。,The new advances by Isis came as tens of thousands of Iraqi volunteers and Shia militia started to move north fro,5,m Baghdad as the government sought to wrest back towns over-run by Sunni insurgents.,在,Isis,继续向巴格达推进之际,数万名伊拉克志愿者和什叶派民兵开始从巴格达向北移动,因为政府寻求夺回被逊尼派叛军占据的城镇。,Th,6,e fast-changing military movements raised the prospect of a stalemate, with insurgents meeting little resistance in Sunni areas but facing strong oppo,7,sition as they approach the capital. However, the increasing activity also raises the chances of a full-blown sectarian conflict in the country.,快速变化的,8,军事动态加大了伊拉克陷入僵局的可能性,叛军在逊尼派地区几乎没有遭遇多少抵抗,但在逼近巴格达途中遭到强烈的抵抗。然而,武装冲突愈演愈烈也加大了这个国家陷入全面教派冲突的可能性。,A suicide bomb killed 14 and injured more at a busy market in,9,the centre of Baghdad yesterday. Even as the militants advance towards the capital slowed, the city has been placed on a war footing.,昨日,巴格达市中心一个繁忙的市,10,场发生了一起自杀性炸弹袭击事件,导致,14,人丧生,还有多人受伤。即便,Isis,向巴格达的推进速度有所放缓,但该市已经进入了战争状态。,Isis posted images on Twitter purporting to show the execution of hundreds of Iraqi s,11,oldiers, inflaming passions among the Shia community, although the pictures could not be verified. Isis,在,Twitter,上发布了据称是处决数百名伊拉克士兵的图片,点燃了什叶派民众进行反击的热情,尽管,12,这些图片的真实性还有待考证。,Amid rising sectarian tensions in Baghdad, there were many as yet unsubstantiated rumours of reprisals against Sunni Muslims.,随着巴格达的宗派紧,13,张关系加剧,有关对逊尼派穆斯林展开报复的谣言四起。,Young men have been flooding into recruitment centres in the capital and other Shia-,年轻人响应伊拉克最高宗教领袖“大阿雅图拉席斯塔尼”,(Grand Ayatoll,14,ah Ali al-Sistani),参加政府军、但保持克制避免加剧教派分裂的号召,大量涌入巴格达和卡巴拉等其他以什叶派人口为主的城市的征兵中心。什叶派的主要政客们正在请求选民们拿起武器。,majority cities, such as Karbala, as they heed a call fr,15,om Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the countrys most senior cleric, to enlist in the states security forces but to refrain from inflaming sectarian,16,divisions. Leading Shia politicians are imploring their constituents to take up arms.,在西方就伊拉克缘何发生新的暴力冲突展开激烈辩论之际,英国前首相托尼,布莱尔,(Tony Blair),反驳了伊拉克当前叛,17,乱应归咎于美英入侵的说法。他辩称,此次危机是西方未能干涉叙利亚的“可以预见到”的结果。,Amid fierce debates in the west about what prompted the new violence, Tony Blair, the former British prime,18,minister, has rejected suggestions that the US-UK Iraq invasion was to blame for the current insurgency in Iraq, arguing that the crisis was the “pre,19,dictable” result of the wests failure to intervene in Syria.,布莱尔在自己网站上的一篇文章中再次呼吁在整个中东地区对极端武装分子展开军事行动,他写道:“我们必须让自己抛开我们导致了这种局面的观念。这不是我们导致的。”,Renewing,20,杰森英语,杰森英语官网,杰森英语怎么样,编辑,:yingyu,21,


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