love is a fallacy

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The show had a run of 147 episodes between 1959 and 1963.,My name is,Dobie,Gillis,and I like girls. What am I saying? I,love,girls!,Love,em,! Beautiful, gorgeous, soft, round, creamy girls. Now, Im not a wolf, mind you. No, you see a wolf wants lots of girls, but me? Well, I just want one. One beautiful, gorgeous, soft, round, creamy girl for my very own. Thats all I want! One,lousy,girl!“,But Ill tell you a sad, hard fact. Im never,gonna,get a girl. Never. Why? Because to get a girl you need,money,. And standing between me and money is a powerful obstacle:,a POWERFUL obstacle,”,Narrator,Season Two Episode26,Love is a Fallacy Jan 14, 1960,Points for Discussion,How do you understand love?,Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the love of the young people today?,Is love blind or reasonal?,What implication does the title contain?,Title,- humorous/ well chosen,1,. When fallacy is taken in,its ordinary sense, the title means:,There,is a,deceptive or delusive quality,about love.,Love has,delusive qualities,2. When fallacy is in its,logical sense, it means :,Love,cannot be deduced,from,a set of given,premises,.,Love does not follow the given rules.,Love is an,error, a deception and an emotion,that does,not follow the principles of logic,Logical Fallacy,Narration,- plot,-theme,-characters,- point of view,- tone/ atmosphere,-climax,Structure,Part 1 (Para 1-3) authors note,1. The authors idea about this story.,2. The authors idea about the purpose of,this story.,Part II (para4-59),the bargain between the law student and his,roommate over the exchange of the girl,Part III (para 60 124),It vividly describes the incredibly tough,project of making dumb Polly smart, and,the seeming success.,the teaching of 8 logical fallacies,Part IV (para125154),The girl learns her lessons too well.,She uses all the logical fallacies to,fight back her teacher.,Detailed Analysis of the Text,Charles Lamb (1775-1834),English essayist and critic,best known for,his ,Essays of,Elia,“,(1823,1833).,He collaborated with his,sister Mary,in adapting,Shakespeares plays,into stories for children.,Tales from Shakespeare,Thomas Carlyle ( 1795-188),English author, Scottish writer,He,influenced social thinking,about the new industrial working class through his essay,Chartism,and his book,“,The Present and the Past,”.,He is,best known,for his epic history of,“,The French Revolution,”,1837 and his lectures,“,On Heroes and Hero-Worship,”,1841,Thomas Carlyle ( 1795-1881),He produced,Sartor,Resartus,1833-34, the book in which he first developed his characteristic style and thought. This book is a veiled sardonic attack upon the pretences of society, upon hollow rank, hollow custom, out of which life and usefulness have departed.,Carlyle developed,a peculiar style of his own,which was called -,Carlyese, ,Carlylism,Style,- a compound of biblical phrases,colloquialisms,arranged in unexpected sequences.,Ruskin, John,(1819-1900) English author,,,social theorist and art critic,After being educated at home he studied at Oxford University where he won prize for poetry.,His works,Modern Painters,(1843),The Seven Lamps of Architecture,(1848),The Stones of Venice,(1851-53),made him,critic,of the day,Later,he became the most influential,art critic,of the Victorian era.,He was rather dissatisfied with the British social status at that time and advocated social reform. He called for,handicraft industry,and opposed mechanization.,Towards the end of his life Ruskin increasingly suffered from a severe nervous illness.,His,watercolors and drawings,were exhibited from 1873 to 1884 at the Old Water-Color Society.,Preface (Para 1-3),the authors note,What could we get from the authors note?,1) His own idea about,his own essay,.,From his point of view, his essay is sth,limp,flaccid, or spongy,. It is very,informal,.,2) His own idea about,the purpose of that essay,.,logic,is not a dry branch of learning , but like,a human being, full of beauty, passion and,painful emotional shocks.,The role of the authors note,create suspense,introduce why the essay is,written,The,role of the authors note,1.declare the work is,better,than that written by,Charles,Lamb.,“There follows an informal essay that ventures even beyond Lambs frontier, indeed.”,2.declare the story is so,well written,that it is even superior to that written by,Carlyle and Ruskin,.,3.promise that the story is a,living, breathing thing, full of beauty, passion, and trauma.,Role of Authors Notes,1.introduce why the work is written,感悟高中,的题记:,“那是心灵深处的一股清泉,流不尽,吐不完,一直奔流到永远永远,去浇灌我人生旅途中的每一草,每一木。”,2.point out the idea of the writing,抹去心中的界限,的题记:,“表面的界限,能用手抹去;心中的界限,只能用心去抹平。”,以,无言之书,为题,正文前的题记是:,“书如父,父如书,幼稚的我一直想用稚嫩的手为父爱这本沉甸甸的书作出更加精辟的诠释,直至读到最后,看见书的最后一页上赫然写着父爱无言,几个醒目的大字,”,3. setting,off,衬托,use,quotations to set off the writers,characters,or spirits,以,我的梦,为题,题记引用了一首诗:,“我早年热爱的大西北,在荒凉的沙漠上生长,幼年的我曾在沙漠上艰难地爬行,我的梦因它而悲壮,”,,feelings,感谢父亲,的题记:,“年幼时,父亲是一道港湾;年轻时父亲是一尊偶像;中年时,父亲是一段岁月;年暮时父亲是一部史书。”,5. explanatory,以,真水无香,为题写了一段题记:,“与人交往,应有真诚,而真诚的意义,便是平淡,便是无香,”,6. creating,suspense,以,生活需要你,为题,题记是:,“生命是场幻觉,可是我需要你!”,7. Introductory,以,为自己竖起大拇指,为题,题记是:,“勇气是年轻人最好的装饰。”,Words and Expressions (para. 1-3),enterprise n,事业心,进取心,勇气,胆量,a man of great ,事业心极强的。,enterprising:,having or showing enterprise,energetic, initiative,有进取心的,有胆量的,in a month of Sundays,:,(,colloquial),in a long time,很久,成年累月,Sunday best:,in ones Sunday best :,wearing very goods clothes ,which are only worn on special occasion,sundry:,various books,pens,and other,articles,all and sundry:,all types of people;,everyone,There follows . frontier:,Figure of speech:,metaphor,comparing the limitations set by Lamb to a frontier.,Paraphrase:,The informal essay that follows here is freer than the one Charles Lamb wrote.,limp:,1) not stiff, lacking firmness, lacking energy,柔软的,a,limp,gesture,无力的姿势,2) to walk with an uneven step,one foot or leg less well than the other,He walks with a,limp,.,Lame:,1),not able to walk easily or properly,as a result of some weakness in a,leg or foot,2) Not easily belived,:,He give a,lame,excuse for being absent.,Lame duck,1.a person or business that is helpless or ineffective,2.a political official whose period in office will soon end,flaccid:,(,fml,),lacking firmness, soft and week,松弛的,不结实的,flabby:,derog,having soft loose fatty flesh:,肥胖而肌肉松弛的, muscle,ineffective:,软弱无力的, excuses, speech,欠说服的,plot,松散的,spongy:,soft and porous,多孔而有弹性的,pedant, swot, dandy,pedantic:,characterized by a,narrow, often,ostentatiou,s,concern,for book learning and formal rules,书呆子气的,卖弄学问的,迂腐的, 乏味的,a,pedantic,attention to details.,学究式地注意细枝末节,a,pedantic,style of writing;,学究式的写作风格;,pedant:,person who pay too much attention to detail or to rules,esp when learning or teaching,学究,书呆子,always like to display his learning,卖弄学问的人,swot:,a person who works hard at his studies ,as when trying to get good examination results and having no other interests,(为准备考试)刻苦学习的人,dandy:,a man who spends too much time and money on his clothing and personal appearance,花花公子,logic, far from and trauma:,Figure of speech:,metaphor and hyperbole,It is a,metaphor,comparing logic to a living human being.,It is a,hyperbole,because it exaggerates for the sake of effect.,Paraphrase:,Logic is not at all a dry, learned branch of learning. It is like a living human being, full of beauty, passion and painful emotional shocks.,Part,II,para4-59,sub-divisions:,1,),(p4),introduction,to,the,narrator, protagonist,2,),(p5-21),introduction,to,the,first antagonist,-,Petey,Burch,He,downgrades,his roommate, who has nothing,upstairs.,3,),(p22, 27),introduction,to,the,second antagonist,-,Polly Espy,4,),(p,28-40),sounding out / finding out the,relationship,between,Petey,and Polly,.,5,),(p41-59),unethical,transaction,over,Polly,The,student gives the raccoon coat,the,roommate wants, and his roommate,gives,his girl friend in return. They have,a,kind of,deal,.,Part 2 Section 1 Para 4,Introduction to the narrator - a law student,Notice,the,way,he introduced himself,Question: 1. How does “I”sing praises of himself?,1). He heaps on himself all the beautiful words of praise.,“Cool, logical, keen, calculating, perspicacious, acute and astute powerful, precise, penetrating .And-think of it! -I was only eighteen.”,2). He uses similes and hyperbole for effect.,“My brain was as powerful :as a dynamo, as precise as a chemists scales, as penetrating as a scalpel.,It is not often that one so young has such a giant intellect.”,My brainscalpel:,figure of speech:,simile, comparing his brain to three different things;,hyperbole, exaggerating for effect,Para 4 Keen:,(of the mind) active, sensitive, sharp (syn. nimble, quick, adroit prompt, sharp smart swift),敏捷的,敏锐的, sight,敏锐的视力, intelligence,敏捷的智力,Calculating:,- shrewd or cunning, esp. in a selfish way,精明的,有私心的,perspicacious,-,(,fml,),quick to judge and understand,敏于判断与了解,有洞察力的,having or showing,keen judgment,and understanding,acute,-,(senses, sensation, intellect),五官,感受,智力,able to notice small differences,敏锐的,Dogs have an acute sense of smell.,suffer hardship: very great, pain,剧烈的, patient,急性病的病人,astute,- shrewd , quick at seeing how to gain an advantage,精明的,狡黠的,Part 2 Section 2 para5-21,introduction to the first antagonist -,Petey Burch,2. How does “I” think of Petey?,dumb as an ox a nice enough young fellow nothing upstairs emotional unstable impressionable,a faddist mindlessness.,1).,contrast and simile:,“Same age, same background, but dumb as an ox.”,2).,elliptical sentence,to stress:,“Emotional type. Unstable. Impressionable. Not, however, to Petey.”,3. How is Petey fascinated with the idea of having a raccoon coat?,1)He looks like that he is sick with appendicitis.,2),He is so eager to have a raccoon coat that he even cries with grief.,3) He so regrets that he spent his money on books that he pounds his temples.,4) He is upset with the raccoon coat that he leaps from the bed and paces the room.,5) My persuation makes him impatient.,4. Why does he want to get a raccoon coat?,1,),All the Big Men on Campus are wearing them. ,2,),Its the thing to do. Dont you want to be in the swim?,5. When is the narrator sure that Petey would give anything for a raccoon coat?,“I want a raccoon coat, he wailed.,Ive got to have a raccoon coat, he said passionately. Ive got to! ,Well, I do, he declared. Id give anything for a raccoon coat. Anything!,It is not often . a giant intellect:,Figure of speech:,Hyperbole,giant intellect:,great mind or intelligence,智商非凡的人,Same ageox:,ellipsis,dumb as an ox:,simile, as stupid as an ox; very stupid,dumb:,(slang),stupid; unintelligent,Paraphrase:,He is of the same age and has the same background but he is dumb as an ox.,Nothing upstairs,(Am. slang):,empty-headed,没有头脑的,(British slang)Unfurnished in the upper storey,Para 5 Fad, craze, fashion, vogue, vanguard, popularity, prevalence,faddist:,a person who follows fads(a passing fashion or craze),Fad:,a,short-lived,but keenly followed interest or practice,短时期内,以冲动的热情追求某种时髦,强调在接受或抛弃时尚方面的变化无常,His desire for black hats is only a passing .,一时的狂热,craze:,A short-lived popular fashion;,(emphasize,senseless enthusiasm,in pursuing a fad),对。的短暂的狂热,强调在追求时尚时的愚蠢的热情,a for collecting beer lips,Fashion:,general term, the way of dressing or behaving that is favored at any time or by any group,由上流社会,特别是社会团体,文学或艺术界的领导者所决定或崇尚的时尚风气,,在衣着,生活方式,言谈等方面的一种普遍流行的习惯。,in , out of ,the latest,s,服装的最新样式,She was dressed in the latest Paris a model,Vogue(fml),the generally accepted current fashion or custom at a certain (usu. not lasting) time,当前流行的或被,广泛接受,的时尚,样式,High boots were the for women last year.,Short skirts are the . this year.,普遍流行的装束,All the vogue:,very fashionable,very new and popular,in out of ,Big sunglasses are all . this summer.,今年夏天盛行带。,Vanguard:,the soldiers marching at the front of an army,or sent on ahead to protect it against surprise attack,前锋,先锋,领导者,(,fig,),leaders of a movement or fashion,In the vanguard:,the leading part of any kind of advancement in human affairs,In modern world the scientists are of all industrial development.,在工业发展前列的。,popularity:,being liked by a large number of people,受到群众的欢迎,书籍,故事,影片,机器的受欢迎,理论或体育运动项目的流行:,enjoy,prevalence:,(,prevail, prevalent,) exist or happen generally, be widespread,到处都发生,多用于疾病,谣言,贿赂等的流行。,(口语:,go about, be about=prevailing,),Bribery is of very wide,.,To be swept up in acme of mindlessness:,to be swept up in:,to be carried away by; to follow enthusiastically,热衷于,to surrender yourself:,to yield; to indulge (in),纵情于其中,acme of mindlessness:,the biggest stupidity; the greatest lack of intelligence,愚蠢至极,Mumble, mutter, grumble, murmur,wail,Mumble:,to utter indistinctly by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth:,咕哝,:通过降低声音或半闭着嘴的方式不清晰地说出:,mumbled,an insincere apology.,含糊地说出,无诚意的道歉,Mutter,:,a) speak indistinctly in low voice not meant to be heard,低声说,;,嘀咕,b) to complain privately or in a way that is not openly expressed,抱怨,,和,threat,连用,,表示在抱怨的同时带有威胁性,He was quite annoyed, and went off,ing threats,.,低声抱怨并发出威胁,Grumble:,complain in a bad-tempered way,生气地,嘟嘟囔囔地抱怨, at, over, about,sth.,He d at her extravagance.,murmur:,. about,sth,say sth in a low voice,低声说, against,sb/sth:,complain about quietly,The old man de at the injustice.,Wail:,cry or complain with a loud high voice,痛哭,哀悼,大声并痛苦地抱怨或反对,Wail,over,ones misfortune,flight:,act of fleeing or running away from.,逃跑,/take to ones heels,Soldiers were wounded in their . from the defeat.,溃逃,pause in ones,flight,:,here,it means “stopped rushing out to get a doctor”,a . of fancy, imagination,: (idioms ),想入非非,异想天开,Her is to travel around the world,in the first/top flight:,take a leading place,领先,名列前茅,He is in of teachers.,In the swim:,involve with the latest trends, follow the current fashion,合时髦,合潮流,swim against the stream/tide,违反时势,潮流,my brain . high gear:,Figure of speech:,mixed metaphor,comparing at the same time the narrators,brain,to a,precision instrument,and also to a,machine,(like a car) that has gears,slipped into high gear:,began to work at high speed or efficiency.,立刻高速运转起来,Part 2 Section 3 p22 - 27,introduction to the second antagonist -,Polly Espy,6. Why does the narrator hope to get Polly?,I wanted Polly for a shrewdly calculated, entirely cerebral reason.:.,7. What kind of woman is Polly?,beautiful, gracious, not intelligent,to let my heart rule my head:,Figure of speech:,metonymy,“Heart” stands for “feelings and emotions”,“head” for “reason and good sense”.,paraphrase:,I do not let feelings or emotions get the upper hand of reason or good sense. I m guided in my actions by reason and good sense and not by feelings and emotions.,pin-up,: colloquialism,a girl whose sexual attractiveness makes her a subject for the kind of pictures often pinned up on walls,钉在墙上的漂亮照片,;,钉在墙上的东西 漂亮女人,She was not . lack:,Paraphrase:,She was not yet as beautiful as a pin-up girl but I felt sure she would become beautiful enough after some time.,making,be the making of sb,.,: make sb. succeed or develop well,使某人成功,顺利, 是,.,的成功因素,The hard work will be his .,have the makings of sth,:,have the qualities needed to become sth,有条件成为。,具有,.,的素质,;,She has the of a good teacher.,in the making,:,in the course of being made, developed,在制造中,;,在形成的,;,酝酿中,在发展中,;,This model was two years in: took two years to make,carriage, bearing,carriage,- (sing),(,physical,aspects of persons bearing),体态, 仪态,Dancing can improve the carriage.,舞蹈能增进体态美。,bearing,- manner of holding ones body or way of behaving,(,physical /mental,posture,) 举止,仪态,She has a very modest bearing.,她举止淑静。,Section 4 para 28-40,8. Why does the narrator try to learn about the love between Petey and Polly from Peteys mouth?,He is planning whether he can get Polly.,On the one hand, he learn about,Peteys love for Polly, on the other hand, he tries to learn,Pollys attitude toward their love,.,Is there, I asked, any other man for whom she has a particular fondness?,Not that I know of. Why?,(para 32-33),9. How is the love going between Petey and Polly? para28-36, 51-55,Petey and Polly are going along with each other, Petey is not sure whether it is love.,Anyhow, they are not going steady.,When they date each other, they both have,other dates,.,It seems that Petey is,not too much particular about the love,between him and Polly.,Play the field:,avoid committing oneself to one person, activity,从事多方面的交往(恋爱,做事不专一),to go out socially with more than one member of the opposite sex,Out of the picture:,not considered as involved in a situation,不参与,不关注,Field:,an area where games or athletic events are held.,Open:,free to take part or compete in,In other words . would be open:,Figure of speech:,metaphor,Paraphrase:,If youre no-longer involved with her (if you stop dating her) others would be free to compete for her friendship.,Part 2 section 5 para. 41-59,10. How is Petey excited when the narrator gives him a raccoon coat?,- Holy Toledo! said Petey reverently. -He plunged his hands into the raccoon coat and then his face.,-Holy Toledo! he repeated fifteen or twenty times. -Would you like it? I asked.,-Oh yes! he cried, clutching the greasy pelt to him.,11. How does Petey respond when he hears that the narrator gives him the raccoon coat for Polly?,-Polly? he said in a horrified whisper. -You want Polly?,He flung the coat from him. Never, he said stoutly.,He is shocked. He refuses to give Polly to the narrator. His attitude is firm.,12. How is Petey tormented by the choice between raccoon coat and Polly?,He is seized by the,strong desire,:,with the expression of a waif at a bakery window(simile),with even more longing in his face.,He,wavers,:,Then he,turned away,and set his jaw,resolutely,.,Then he turned away but with,not so much resolution,this time.,Back and forth,his head swiveled, desire waxing, resolution waning.,13. How does Petey persuade himself that he can give up his love with Polly?,First, he admits there is,no love,between them.,-It isnt as though I was in love with Polly, he said thickly. Or going steady or anything like that.“,Second, he find,an excuse,for himself that the,love isnt important,for him.,-Whats Polly to me, or me to


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