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Percentages are given at each,measurement time (T1 to T4). T1, T2, T3, T4.,18,Figure 1,cTnT in CHD(-) patients,1.above the URL of 0.04 g/l (up to 48.6% ),2. above the cut-off for AMI 0.1ug/l (21.6% ),3. Over 0.2ug/l(2.7%),24 patients (50%) had plasma levels 60 years (: up-per,reference limit; : limit for AMI). CHD(), CHD(+).,26,Figure 5,cTnI,age over 60 years,in the CHD() group :0.019,0.018ug/l,age 1 year); in these patients no individual had cTnI value above cut-off (2.0 g/l) and CK-MB elevation was recorded in one patient only (4.5%).,中华医生网收集,30,For example,Musso et al.(21) 1999,We also found a substantial proportion of cTnT results( 21.6%) above the cut-off concentration for AMI in the CHD() renal patients,In contrast, no patient had cTnI above the threshold value for AMI in this group. Fifty percent of the CHD() patients had cTnT levels above the URL,中华医生网收集,31,Discussion 2,cTnI,failed to discriminate between the absence and presence,of CHD in the eldest patients,For the same reason, differences in,cTnT,between patients,with and without coronary events tended to be less,important in the eldest individuals.,中华医生网收集,32,Discussion 3,In conclusion, uremic conditions in CRF patients induce,modifications in plasma levels of cardiac troponins,and advanced age appears to amplify these changes.,The consequence is that the probability of positive cTnT,and cTnI results increases in patients aged,60 years,even in the absence of clinical symptoms of CHD.,Both cTnT and cTnI are qualitatively affected by these,conditions, but the changes in cTnT in relation to the URL,are quantitatively more important.,中华医生网收集,33,Discussion 4,Subclinical myocardial lesion could also be responsible for,the elevation of cardiac markers in the blood.,These morphologic changes or lesions are probably,more frequent in the eldest renal patients,explaining the,relationship between troponin elevation and age,.,中华医生网收集,34,中华医生网收集,35,


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