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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Week 5,Morphology,(7. words and word-formation processes; 8. morphology),1,Processes/Types of word formation,Compounding,Derivation: adding affixes to other morphemes,Invention/ coining,Conversion词类转换,Backformation逆向构词法,Clipping截短构词法,Blending混成构词法,Acronym首字母拼音法(缩略词)能按单一的词读音:TV,Initialism首字母缩略词Abbreviation首字母的单独发音NATO,Borrowing,Multiple processes,2,The history of words: e.g. spoonerism,From:,You have hissed my mystery lectures. I saw you fight a liar in the back yard. In fact, you have tasted the whole worm.,spangler, spanglerish, spanglerism; in Britain, hoover,neologism,3,Compounding,A joining of to separate words to produce a single form,For example, bookcase, waterbed,4,Word-formation,Invention/Coinage,Mostly brand names:,Kodak, Coke, nylon, Band-aid, Xerox, Lycra,5,Conversion词类转换,noun verb: He is papering the wall.,Verb noun: a must,Verb adj: see-through material,Adj verb: to empty,Adj noun: a crazy,6,Back-formation: by removing the suffix to get a new word,diagnose diagnosis,enthuse enthusiasm,laze lazy,liaise liaison,reminisce reminiscence,statistic statistics,televise transistor,smoke+fogsmog,motorist+hotelmotel,breakfast+lunchbrunch,modulator+demodulatormodem,dance+exercisedancercise,advertisement+editorialadvertorial,education+entertainmentedutainment,information+commercialinfomercial,9,Clipping,Parts of a word have been cut off,Back-clippings:,ad(vertisement), chimp(anzee), deli(catessen), exam(ination), hippo(potamus), lab(oratory), piano(forte), reg(ulation)s,Fore-clippings:,(ham)burger, (omni)bus, (violin)cello, (heli)copter, (alli)gator, (tele)phone, (earth)quake,Fore-and-aft clippings:,(in)flu(enza), (de)tec(tive),10,Acronym: formed from the first letters of a series of words,AIDS, Aids:,Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,ASAP:,as soon as possible,CD-ROM:,compact disc read-only memory,WASP:,white Anglo-Saxon protestant,dink(y):,double income, no kids,nilk(y):,no income, lots of kids,11,Initialism: formed by the first letters of a series of words, pronounced by saying each letter in them,AI:,artificial intelligence,a.s.a.p.:,as soon as possible,ECU:,European Currency Unit,HIV:,human immunodeficiency virus,PC:,personal computer,PS:,postscript,RSVP:,rpondez sil vous pla,i,t (please reply in French),12,Borrowing,French:,administration, parliament, public, court, crime, judge, army, enemy, officer, peace, soldier, war, faith, religion, coat, costume, dress, fashion, jewel, dinner, feast, fry, roast, supper, toast, customer, money, price,art, college, music, poet, prose, story, study,13,Latin:,admit, client, conviction, discuss, equal, index, library, medicine, minor,Greek:,catastrophe, cosmos, criterion, idiosyncrasy,Spanish and Portuguese:,banana, barbecue, cafeteria, cargo, chocolate, cigar, cocaine, cockroach, cocoa, guitar, mosquito, negro, potato,tank, tobacco, tomato, vanilla,14,Italian:,aria, bandit, broccoli, casino, concerto, duet, finale, influenza, mafia, malaria, paparazzi (,singular,paparazzo), piano, pizza, solo, soprano,spaghetti, studio, umbrella, volcano,Dutch:,boss, brandy, cookie, cruise, deck, dock, dollar, freight, gin, kit, knapsack, landscape, luck, sketch, slim, smuggle, snap, trek,yacht,15,Arabic:,admiral, alchemy, alcohol, algebra, alkali, almanac, assassin, candy, hazard, lemon,magazine, safari, sofa, zero,Indian:,bungalow, cashmere, curry, ginger, jungle, mango, polo, pyjamas (or pajamas), shampoo, swastika, thug,yoga,Chinese:,chow mein, ketchup (or catchup or,catsup), kung fu, tea, tofu (via Japanese), typhoon,16,loan words,Loanwords:,au pair, encore, coup detat, kungfu, sputnik,Loanblend,coconut:,coco (Spanish) + nut (English),Chinatown:,China (Chinese) + town (English),Loanshift,bridge:,meaning as a card game borrowed from Italian,ponte,17,Loan translation, or calque,free verse, L verse libre,black humor, Fr humour noir,found object, Fr objet trouv,18,Folk etymology:,a popular but mistaken account of the origin of a word or phrase,.,history:,Old French Latin ,herstory,19,Fake etymology:,a kind of folk etymology,Manhattan:,man with hat on,MBA:,married but available,PhD:,perhaps have divorced,golf:,Gentlemen Only; Ladies Forbidden,20,Multiple processes,yuppie: hippie-yippie (youth international party),Many such forms have a very short life span,21,Homework,The word-formation processes in Chinese,22,Morphology:,the study of word-formation, or the internal structure of words, or the rules by which words are formed from smaller components ,morphemes,.,Morphemes:,the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression and content, a unit that cannot be further divided into smaller units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical.,23,Types of morphemes,Free,vs.,Bound,morphemes:,Free morphemes:,those that may constitute words by themselves, eg boy, girl, table, nation,.,Compounds consist of free morphemes, such as,moonwalk, sunflower, etc.,Bound morphemes:,those that cannot occur alone, eg,-s, -ed, dis-, un-,.,24,Bound morpheme,Derivational morphemes: the morphemes that change the category or grammatical class of words:,en,-, -,ize,; or do not change grammatical class, as in,macro,economics,multi,media,brotherhood,.,Inflectional morphemes: the morphemes that are for the most part purely grammatical markers such as tense, number, case, aspect, etc, which never change their grammatical category (word class),-ed, -ing,.,25,Inflection and derivation,Inflection: is the manifestation of grammatical relationships through the addition of inflectional affixes, such as number, person, finiteness(,限定性,包括限定性finiteness和非限定性non-finiteness,), aspect and case,(格,领属关系),which do not change the grammatical class of the stems to which they are attached.,Derivation: shows the relation between roots and affixes, which makes the word class of the original word either changed or unchanged,foolish, worker; nonsmoker, undo,(Derivational affixes P.37-38),26,Root, stem, affix,Root:,the base form of a word that cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity (when all affixes are removed), eg,friend,as in,unfriendliness,. internationalism,All words contain a root morpheme.,Roots may be free or bound,free:,those that can stand by themselves, eg,black+board,;,or,bound:,those that cannot stand by themselves, eg,-,ceive,in,receive, perceive, conceive,.,27,Affix:,the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme. It is always bound morphemes. Normally divided into,prefix,(,dis-, un,-,) and,suffix,(-,en, -ify,).,Infix中缀: foot-feet, goose-geese,28,Stem:,a morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an,inflectional,affix may be added, eg,friend+-s; write+-ing, possibility+-es,. For example,friend,- in,friends (it is a root), and,friendship,- in,friendships,(it contains a root and a derivational affix) are both stems.,29,Grammatical words vs. lexical words,Also known as function words vs. content words,Grammatical words: expressing grammatical meanings, such as conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns,Lexical words: having lexical meanings referring to substance, action and quality, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.,30,Closed-class words vs. open-class words,Closed-class words are those whose membership is fixed or limited. New members are not regularly added; conjunctions, prepositions, articles and pronouns are closed items.,Open-class words are those whose membership is infinite or unlimited. nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.,31,Word class,词类 Also:Parts of speech,conjunctions, prepositions, articles, pronouns, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.,Interjection,Particles 小品词,如to, not, by(in phrasal verbs,get by,),32,Compounds复合词,The way to join two separate words to produce a single form, such as,icecream, sunrise. Noun compounds (callgirl), verb compounds (brainwash), adj compounds (dutyfree), preposition compounds (throughout),The meaning of a compound is not always the sum of the meanings of its parts. E.g. Kate found a red coat/ Redcoat in her aunts closet.,33,


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