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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,SNS Syndrome,MBA English Topic,1,2,Online social networking new lifestyle,Online social networking websites saw their ranks,swell,and values soar this year as everyone from moody teenagers and mellow music lovers to mate-seeking seniors joined online communities.,Googles freshly released Zeitgeist 2007 reveals that seven out of the 10 hottest topics which triggered Internet queries during the year involved social networking.,3,The Web is getting more personal. I think you are going to see much more of that happen on every website across the Web.,MySpace aspires to become peoples homes on the Internet, with pro serving as online addresses as well as springboards to online music, video, news and other contents conducive to their tastes and interests.,Industry statistics show Facebook membership more than doubled in the past year to about 55 million, while MySpace grew 30 percent to top 110 million.,One in every four US residents uses MySpace, while in Britain it is as common to have a pro on the website as it is to own a dog.,4,Online networks may help job-hunting: surveys,Job seekers should tap into online networking sites to help hunt down potential employers, new surveys suggest.,The polls, conducted in Canada and the United States on behalf of California-based recruitment firm Robert Half International, showed that most executives believe that professional networking sites will prove useful over the next three years for job seekers.,5,Networking sites can be used to identify new career opportunities, create online profiles that highlight ones skills and experience and build a roster of business contacts over time, Max Messmer, chairman and chief executive of RHI and author of Job Hunting for Dummies, said in a statement.,Of 100 senior Canadian executives interviewed, 67 percent said they thought professional networking sites - such as LinkedIn - were useful for recruiting new employees, and 25 percent said they thought social networking sites like Facebook would be useful.,6,Executives were asked: Which of the following technology tools do you believe will be most useful in your firms recruiting efforts in the next three years?,In the U.S., 150 senior executives asked the same question by RHI last week showed similar results. Of those polled, 62 percent said professional networking sites were useful for recruiting new employees, and 35 percent said social networking sites were useful.,7,Although online networking can play a role in helping people to find work, Messmer said job seekers should continue to use traditional job-hunting methods.,Tried and true methods, such as networking at industry events, submitting well-written resumes and cover letters, and diligently following up with hiring managers are still essential to landing the ideal job, Messmer said.,8,RHI provided five suggestions for benefiting from online networking:,* Craft your pro* Ask for recommendations* Build your list of contacts* Dont post anything you wouldnt want an employer to see,* Dont stop networking once you have a job,9,Facebook fans do worse in exams,Facebook users may feel socially successful in cyberspace but they are more likely to perform poorly in exams, according to new research into the academic impact of the social networking website.,The majority of students who use Facebook every day are,underachieving,by as much as an entire grade compared with those who,shun,the site.,10,poke:,戳,社交网站上常用的和朋友问候的一种方式。如果你在社交网站上,“,戳,”,别人一下,打个招呼,就可以说成是,poke someone,。,twitter,: 一个用户可以经由手机短信,电子邮件,即时通讯,或,Twitter,网站来更新的微型社交网络。,blog,: 博客,social networking,: 社交网络,online community,: 网络社区,11,create a personal profile,:注册个人信息,online marketplace,:网上市场,google,:谷歌搜索引擎,现在也用来做动词表示在网上搜索信息。,Have you googled someone lately?,newbie,:新人,新手。记住这可是这个词的正确拼法,其他不规则的拼写往往带有贬义,最好不要用。,12,bump/bump up,:顶。看到一个好帖子、好提议,忍不住要,“,顶,”,一下,就是用的这个词啦!你可以来个简单的,“,Bump!,”,, 或者完整的,“,Im going to bump the thread (up),。,”,troll,:可以指发恶意帖进行挑衅、使正常的讨论无法继续的行为,也可以指,“,潜水,”,(,就是,“,只看帖不回帖,”,),。它还可以当名词, 指干上述勾当的人。,另外,,“,潜水,”,最常用的是,lurk,,,“,潜水员,”,就是,lurker,。,troll,虽然也有这层意思,但不常用。,13,寂寞党,online lonely clan,After a picture of a person eating noodles was posted on the Internet with the words,“,what I am eating is not noodles, but loneliness,”,people started writing similarly in relation to the word: for instance,“,what I have done is not a posting, but loneliness,”,or,“,what I am breathing is not the air, but the loneliness.,”,People who are keen on posting such sentiments on the Internet are called the online lonely clan.,14,What I am stealing is not vegetables, but,Loneliness,15,群体无聊,group boredom,Indeed, group boredom turned into a catchphrase on the Internet. It reflected in a way the cyber culture in which young people kill their time in virtual world after being bored by other traditional entertainments.,“,群体无聊,”,在网上成了一个流行标语。它以某种方式反映了时下的网络文化,年轻人对传统的娱乐方式感到厌倦,进而在虚拟世界里消磨时间。,16,网络庐舍,Internet loser,It is a group of people with jobs who spend more than two hours on the Internet for entertainment every day, thus making no progress in their career.,“,Lu she? imitates the sound of loser in English.,17,反庐舍联盟,Anti-loser Union,A group of Chinese companies, mostly in the Internet industry, formed an Anti-loser Union to educate office workers or students who are over-indulged in online chatting or social networking sites and lose their focus on work or study. Members of this union promise to punish their employees who dare to abuse computers to surf non-essential Websites and waste company time.,18,What I am stealing is not vegetables, but life.,1. There is no justice in the case of gaining profits.,2. Those who offer to help take care of your garden might in fact try to steal your harvests.,3. It cost you a lot if you are to keep the time.,4. You will obtain unexpected harvests when you are wandering from time to time.,-,19,Happy farm,20,21,SNS in China,New Space forInterpersonal Relationships,Social Networking Service (SNS) sites have exploded onto China,s,Internet scene with such a force that many companies have blocked,access to the sites during office hours,leaving employees anxiously,counting down the minutes till they can get home and reconnect,with their friends. And while Kaixin001 is the undisputed king of,the Chinese SNS arena, others like Hainei and Xiaonei are signing,new subscribers in their millions. More recently, some of the top,web portals in the country like Sina and Yahoo got in on the act, too.,22,LI Yang, a 25-year-old office worker, had invited his friends to come and check out his newly bought, newly decorated villa. The party mood was spoilt, however, when Li got news that his limo had just got a ticket. Luckily for Li, the parking ticket exists only in the virtual world. Unfortunately, so do his villa and luxury car.,All the action took place in,“,Parking War,”,and,“,House Sales,”,two games on Kaixin001, an SNS that allows users to keep in closer touch with friends, family and colleagues. Users can keep abreast of their friends,latest movements and share life,s moments of happiness together.,23,Analysts have found that generations,X and Y,those born in the 70s and 80s,prefer to strike up social relationships,with acquaintances such as colleagues,rather than with strangers. Says HR,manager Harry Liu:,“,Traditionally, a,business dinner or a company activity,would be about as far as collegial relations,would go. These days, colleagues,working in the same departments might,socialize a little more, but a barrier has,remained between inter-departmental,employees. The emergence of SNS,sites, however, is beginning to tear that,barrier down, and foster deeper friendship,among company employees.,”,24,According to iResearch, a market research,company, the combined market,value of networking services in China,exceeded RMB 500 million in 2007,and the relatively new phenomenon of,social networking services accounted,for an impressive RMB 280 million,of that. Clever marketing strategies,and user-friendly games have attracted,youngsters in their droves, particularly,white-collar workers and college-goers.,25,Massive Marketing,Chinese netizens,inboxes have,been bombarded with invitations to,sign up with these SNS sites,all it,takes is a quick click and a few minutes,spent fi lling in some personal,data. Once you,ve joined, you,ll be,tempted to stay when you discover,which of your email contacts are also,in the club. This means most newbies,will soon have numerous, familiar,playmates,far more preferable to,the relative anonymity (and possible,danger) of web friends in other community,formats. As your,“,popularity,”,soars, so will your enjoyment,and you,ll likely reacquaint with old,school friends that you thought you,d,never see again.,26,These sites largely rely on word of-,mouth marketing,a very effective,form of product promotion that works,outside a formalized setting. People,are more likely to trust their friends,opinions on a product rather than those,of highly paid advertising executives.,Linked into the Internet, it surpasses,the limitations of time and space, and,the product propagates nationwide.,Even better, word-of-mouth marketing,is practically free. And the word,about SNS sites has spread like wildfi re,Kaixin001 had more than 9 million,registered users by February 2009. Today,it is one of the top 150 most-visited,sites in the world, and registers more,than 60 million hits a day.,27,User-friendly,S, one of China,s best known,web portals, is optimistic,about the prospects of SNS sites. Its,business development manager, Huo,Liang, says:,“,The area is growing,rapidly, and the wide variety of game,plug-ins has proved extremely successful,in capturing users.,”,SNS sites,clean layout and simple design appeal,to Chinese Internet users, and their,comprehensive functions such as photo,albums, music and movie libraries,are complemented by interesting features,such as,“,Where have you been,”,and professional skills tests.,“,Friends Sales,”,keeps players,amused as they can,“,buy,”,their friends, nickname them and turn them into virtual slaves.,28,Players can use,these games to escape their real world,worries, while having a bit of fun with,their friends. And they are so designed,that as more people join, the,“,life,”,of,the game is prolonged. For instance,one may tire of playing,“,House Buying,”,with A, B and C, but when X,Y and Z join, their enthusiasm might,pull the user back into the game.,Most of the games are based on real,world concerns, such as human interaction,buying a new car or making a,fortune on the stock market. Allowing,users to shift between the virtual and,real worlds might be the trump card of,SNS sites.,29,Lingering Loyalty,Xu Chaojun is CEO of Xiaonei,an SNS that is tailored towards college,students. He says:,“,Interpersonal,relations are at the core of SNS sites.,We are always thinking of new ways,to encourage communication between,our users. As well as adding value to,the site itself, this helps us to understand,our customers, and design better,services for them.,”,The SNS is,currently working on developing an,open platform for its users, and has,crammed some 800 applications onto,30,the site since July 2008.,That these sites have exploited,the human need for interpersonal relationships,has given them an edge,over other online forums which cater,to special interest groups. Film,forums will attract movie buffs only,and cyber game sites will be visited,by gamers only, but SNS sites appeal,to all. And while many people sign up,on their own accord, countless others,learn about the sites via,“,invitations,”,sent electronically by friends and,colleagues who are already avid participants.,If one acquaintance invites,you to join, you might well ignore the,request.,31,But if five or ten people send,you an invitation, and the canteen,chatter is focused on the latest version,of,“,Parking War,”,could you so easily,refuse to give it a go? Wang Wei, a,web video editor, joined Kaixin001 in,August last year. Now with 82 friends,he is firmly hooked. He says:,“,As long,as my friends and colleagues stay,there is no reason for me to leave.,”,It is not surprising that China,s,SNS sites are more popular here than,Facebook, MySpace and other longer established,social networking sites,that were primarily developed for,Western users.,32,While most of these,have launched a Chinese version in a,bid to sign users in the world,s most,connected nation (Facebook rolled,out its Chinese-language site in July,2008), they have struggled to compete,with homegrown players, who have a,better understanding of Chinese cultural,traits and trends. Just as eBay,and Bertelsmann are no match for,their homegrown rivals Taobao and,Joyo, a product that fails to incorporate,specific Chinese needs will be rejected,for a local one that does. Let the,games begin!,33,Dont be afraid! We are not encouraging the stealing behavior, but to tell you maybe the most popular topic from white-collars mouth in cities.,Together with How many vegetables do you steal today, its harvest time for your ripe peach, I bought you a new car today.,Listening to all of these conversations from quite a lot people in the subway or bus, you do not have to feel weird about the thought that is there so many people in the city really have their own farms, or do they really so reach to buy someone else cars casually?,34,The answer is obvious negative. They just play some games on Social Network Sites (SNS) like .,Can you imagine that more than millions of people in Chinese mainland will spend lots of time on SNS to play game and talk to friends, especially white-collars who work in the cities? Take as an example, the current member of it has already hit 38 million.,35,36,However, the great mount of people who would like to use such SNS indicates another social problem. That is lots of people choose to escape from the reality. Social reality does have lots of uncertain elements, and could even make people feel bad about their lives, but no one can get rid of it and live all his life in beautiful dreams.,37,Some people decide to taste all the things ought to be there in their lives. Whether it is helplessness or misery, they bravely face all of them and become more mature after every tough experience. While, some else choose to escape temporally. SNS just offer them a Virtual space to forget the reality.,Kinds of games and various of friends do give netizens lots of fun. Indulging, dreaming, chatting and playing, seems like people could really escape from all the upsets in reality. But, Virtual world is not the real one can live in it forever, and reality is not that simple like noodling around on the internet.,38,Finally, some people are aware of the situation they are in; they figure out the abrupt contrast between dream and reality. This time, they choose to run away again, but from the dream, from kaixin and so on; and they are going back to the real world to live the real life.,Kaixin does not make every user feel happy, and that upsets the SNS too. How to turn such SNS to be more beneficial and how to make people realize SNS is not the paradise which could neglect the reality is becoming the focus of attention gradually. Due to the social responsibility and conscience, both SNS and public should have to worry about the problem carefully.,39,Debate topic,SNS happy farm, Yes or No?,40,


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