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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Modal verbs and subjunctive mood,情态动词与虚拟语气,1,1. may,1) 可否,A. 用于问句: May I use your phone?,B. 用于陈述句: You may come if you wish.,2) 推断,A. 现在可能: He may know the answer.,B. 过去可能: He may have gone abroad.,2,3) 用于状语从句,表示目的、让步等:,Speak clearly so that they may understand you.,Try as he may, he will not pass the exam.,4) 祝愿:May you be happy!,3,2. might,1) 轻微批评、抱怨。,A. 针对现在:You might tell me if youre going to be late.,B. 针对过去:You might at least have phoned me if youre not coming.,4,3. must,1) 必须、一定。,A. 指现在或将来:,You must give up smoking. I must remember to post the letter.,B. 指过去用have的过去式had(比用must含义清楚):,I had to go to see the doctor.,2) 否定式must not/mustnt表示“禁止、一定不”:,Cars must not park in front of the entrance. We mustnt be late.,5,3) 推断。,A. 现在可能: He must know the answer.,B. 过去可能: We must have read the same report.,4) 责任、义务,与should/ought to含义类似:,You must see the film; its wonderful.,6,4. should /ought,1) 责任、义务,A. 指现在或将来:,The police should do something about it.,The machine ought to be cleaned once a week.,B. 指过去:,You should have checked the time before you left.,You ought to/should have told me about it earlier.,7,2) ought to还用于表示揣测。,He ought to pass the exam.,The water ought to have boiled now.,We ought to be hearing from Jane soon.,5. shall,1) 疑问形式征求意见,用于第一人称:,What time shall I come?,Lets do it again, shall we?,Shall I have a cup of tea for you? Shall I open the window?,8,2) 表示规定、许诺、命令、警告、决心等,用于各个人称:,I shall write to you at the end of the month.,If you want a computer, you shall have one.,A player shall be sent off for using bad language.,You shall have the result of the exam tomorrow,.,9,6. need,1) 表示“不必”,,A. 用于否定句: You neednt come to the meeting.,B. 用于含有半否定词的句子:,C. 用于宾语从句时,主句为过去时,依然用need:,He says/said I neednt pay till the 30,th,.,2) 用于疑问句: Need we come tomorrow?,10,7. dare,1) 表示“敢”,,A. 用于否定句。,I darent ask her to do that.,B. 用于含有半否定词的句子:,I hardly dare to think of it.,11,2) 用于疑问句和条件句:,Dare you interrupt him? I wonder if she dared come home.,3) 用于I dare say, dont you dare结构:,I dare say youre right.,Dont you dare touch that vase.,12,8 have to表示客观上的必要性,后接不定式.,1) 肯定式:We have to be careful in such matters.,2) 否定式和疑问式:,You dont have to get up early.,Do you have to leave so soon?,13,3) 可用于各种时态:,Well have to help him as much as we can.,4) 可用于各种语态:,A lot of letters had to be answered.,5) 可用于复合谓语:,We may have to cancel the plan.,14,9. had better/ best, d better,1) 后接不定式的一般时或进行时(均不带 to)。,A.接不定式的一般时:,Wed better go before it gets dark.,What had we better do?,2) 接不定式的进行时:,I think wed better be going.,3) had best 与had better相似:,I had best be going now.,15,1. Is John coming by train?, He should, but he _ not. He likes driving his car.,A. must B. can,C. need D. may,选D。从上下文coming by train和driving his car可知有两种可能性,则关于driving his car的推测属于not sure一类, 因此选D。,16,2. It has been announced that candidates _ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.,A. can B. will,C. may D. shall,选D。根据上下文可知空格处应有一个表示意图、警告等含义的词语,shall就是这样一个词语,它可用于各种人称。,17,3. Oh, Im not feeling well in the stomach. I _ so much fried chicken just now.,A. shouldnt eat,B. mustnt have eaten,C. shouldnt have eaten,D. mustnt eat,选C。根据语境“I m not feeling well”可知言者感到后悔,即动作应是发生在过去,因此应选”情态动词+完成时的不定式”的结构来表示对过去的推断。又,mustnt表示“禁止”,所以不可选。,18,4. Do you think our basketball players played very well yesterday?, _.,A. They were not nervous at all,B. They were still young,C. They played naturally,D. They couldnt have done better,选D。问者询问“昨天球打得如何”,应用对过去的情况的判断,故应选D。其余三选项所答非所问。又,not+比较级表示强调性的肯定。,19,5. He _ here by now, for he took the early bus.,A. ought to have arrived,B. must arrive,C. may have arrived,D. can arrive,选C。从took the early bus可知,arrive的动作应发生于过去,即句子应表示对过去情况的推断,所以应该用含有完成时的不定式的选项。ought to表示“责任、义务”,不用于表示对过去的推测,只有may have arrived 合理。,20,6. I wonder how he _ that to the teacher.,A. dare to say B. dare say,C. not dare say D. dared say,选D。此句从句中的动作应发生于过去,故dare应该用过去式dared。若发生于现在,则应该用dare say(情态动词用法)或dares to say(行为动词用法,现在时) 。又,dare的情态动词用法否定式应为dare not do sth.。,21,7. I saw Ann in the library yesterday., You _ her; she is still abroad.,A. must not see,B. cant have seen,C. mustnt have seen,D. couldnt see,选B。由“yesterday” 可知应是对过去情况的推断,因此应该用“情态动词+完成时的不定式”的结构来表示;又因“mustnt”表示“禁止”而不可用。,22,8. I _ them, but I wasnt able to.,A. ought to have helped,B. must have helped,C. might help,D. neednt have helped,选A。应该用“情态动词+完成时的不定式”的结构来表示对过去情况的推断。从“wasnt able to” 可知言者原要“help them”, 但限于能力而未实现;从表达 “责任、义务”需要,应该用should/ought to这样的情态动词。,23,情态动词,情态+原形,情态+完成,Must have done,Can not have done,shall =order / promise,can =sometimes,24,Some people who dont like to talk much are not necessarily shy;they _,just be quiet people,Amust Bmay,Cshould DWould,Key:B,高考真题,25,One of the few things you _ say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather.,A. need B. must,C. should D. can,Key: D,高考真题,26,He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he _ it differently.,A. could express,B. would express,C. could have expressed,D. must have expressed,Key:,C,高考真题,27,Its the office! So you _ know eating is not allowed here.,Oh, sorry.,A. mustB. will,C. may D. need,Key: A,高考真题,28,Subjunctive mood,suggest /insist / order/ demand /request / require advise prefer,that sb. should do sth.,would rather that,It is high time that,It is my suggestion that,I wish that,How I wish that,How I wish I had a neck like that of a giraffe!,If I had a pair of wings, I would fly to school every day!,29,I would / could / might do if it were,/did,I should do if it did,I would do if it,were to do 将来,I would do if it did,I would do if it,should,do,I would have done if it had done,30,If I had studied last night, I would not be so worried about the exam.,I went to the match last night. How I wish I had stayed at home.,31,2)建议、要求、命令:(should) do,(1) I insist that he stay here.,(2) I suggested that you give me a hand.,(3) His face suggests that he is very happy. (真实:表明),(4) She insisted that she had done nothing wrong. (真实:坚持认为),32,3)I wish that/ If only ,(1) I wish I were you.,(2) I wish you had come yesterday.,(3) If only he could help me.,比较:,I wish that you could come and join us but you are not here.,I hope that you can come and join us and Im sure you will have a nice time.,33,You didnt let me drive. If we _ in turn, you _ so tired.,A. drove; didnt get,B. drove; wouldnt get,C. were driving; wouldnt get,D. had driven; wouldnt have got,Key: D,2. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _.,A. breaks B. has broken,C. were broken D. had been broken,Key: C,34,It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I _ in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.,A. wouldnt have fallen,B. had not fallen,C. should fall,D. were to fall,Key: B,35,That is all for this class.,Thanks for watching.,See you next time.,36,


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