Linux Kernel Crash Dumps

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,*,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Matt D. Robinson and Tom Morano,Silicon Graphics Computer Systems,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Contents,Objectives,LKCD Components,Kernel Design Considerations,Kernel Initiating Dumps,Kernel Dumping Hooks/Execution,Dump Initiation Code/Layout,Dump Tunables,Introduction to LCRASH,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Objectives,LKCD created for Linux customers, support personnel and Linux kernel engineers,LKCD reduces MTBF and MTTR statistics,Kernel problems are resolved more quickly,As the Linux kernel becomes more complex, the need for LKCD increases,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,LKCD Components,LKCD Components,Kernel changes to configure, catch kernel failures, and save crash dumps,User level scripts to save and configure system memory to a crash dump,LCRASH, the kernel crash dump analyzer,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Design Considerations,The biggest design considerations were:,Dump Save Mechanism,Raw I/O vs. Buffer Cache I/O,Kernel Code Location,Dump Storage,NOTE: Other crash dump products available,for Linux may use different dumping methods,than those described here,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Design Considerations,Dump Save Mechanism,Reset System,PROM,Disk,Kernel,Disk,Reset System,Save Memory to,Swap Space in,Kernel,Save Memory to,Swap Space from,PROM/BIOS,Crash,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Design Considerations,Kernel save method chosen because:,PROM/BIOS is too architecture-specific,reset/power-off may clear memory,kernel disk driver restrictions,no disk to filesystem validation at PROM,code can be modified in kernel; PROM code is difficult to make changes for (backwards compatibility issues),Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Design Considerations,Raw I/O vs. Buffer Cache I/O,Buffer cache locking prevents handling dump workaround without major performance hit on basic I/O,Re-entry interrupt locking problem,Raw I/O is not fully supported in Linux yet (in the kernel) -,kiobuf,code needs more work,IDE, RAID, etc., drivers need raw I/O hooks (current plan is to create driver layer above to avoid necessary locking),Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Design Considerations,Kernel Code Location,Code changes are separated into generic and architecture-specific files,kernel/vmdump.c,arch/,/kernel/vmdump.c,Additional modifications made to,linux/include/sysctl.h,kernel/sysctl.c, and kernel crash hook functions,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Design Considerations,Dump Storage,Memory dumps are saved to swap space,Swapping during boot-up is an issue,Disk partition tables in memory - could this cause a data corruption problem?,Cannot assume filesystem layer will be available during crash,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Initiating Dumps,Initiating Dump Process,Change to,/proc/sys/vmdump/dumpdev,calls,dump_open(),in kernel,dump_open(),checks to ensure the,device specified is a block device,device points to a valid swap partition,device has valid character device,file_operations,table (currently SCSI only, due to lack of raw I/O capability for IDE disks),Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Initiating Dumps,Errors in,dump_open(),are logged to system log buffer,Changes needed for 2.3 (without devfs) due to mismatch between block and character major/minor pairs for the same disk device,Success of,dump_open(),displays:,dump_open(): dump device opened: 0x803 sd(8,3),Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Dumping Hooks,Kernel Hooks for Executing Crash Dump,panic(),was modified to perform SMP freeze and to call,dump_execute(),die_if_kernel(),or,die(),calls,dump_execute(),after KDB, GDB, and,show_registers(),are done,NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt) hooks still needed for systems that support the capability in hardware,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Dumping Hooks,Kernel Hooks and Parameters,panic(),: register state is not saved, panic string is saved,die_if_kernel(),or,die():,registers are saved, panic string is generic (for now),Interrupt handlers vs. non I/O request lock dumping needs to be differentiated,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Dump Execution,Kernel Dump Execution,dump_execute(),checks to see if dumping is turned on,If,DUMP_NONE,is set, it returns immediately,_dump_execute(), which is architecture-specific, is called to save the dump,Within,_dump_execute(), dump header values are saved, memory pages are saved, and the function returns when complete,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Dump Layout,Kernel Dump Layout,Dump Header,Dump Page Headers,Dump Pages,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Dump Layout,Dump header is written out first; it contains basic information about dump,Memory pages are written next, each with a page header containing,virtual address of the page in memory,size of page (important if compressed),page flags (compressed, raw, dump end),The last step is a re-write of the dump header which updates the total number of pages written,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Dump Limitations,Kernel Dump Limitations,Current interrupt crashes will lock up with re-entry to disk driver function,Dump header needs to be written out more often,Raw I/O capabilities need to be added in kernel for more disk drivers (using kiobufs, scatter-gather lists, etc.),Page typing needed for ordered dumps,More architectures need to be supported,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Recovery of Crash Dump,Kernel Reboot After Crash,During early boot-up, the system runs the,/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit,script, which in turn runs,/sbin/vmdump,/sbin/vmdump,runs with either the,config,or,save,option,config,sets all dump tunables and attempts to open the dump device,save,looks for a crash dump in dump device and saves it to disk (if requested),Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel,/proc,Tunables,Kernel Tunables,/proc/sys/vmdump,contains all LKCD kernel tunables,/proc/sys/kernel/panic,is modified so that the system reboots after LKCD creates a crash dump,dumpdev,holds the name of the dump device,dump_compress_pages,determines if the memory pages should be compressed,dump_level,indicates which pages to dump to disk (only three levels currently supported),Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Dump Tunables,/etc/sysconfig/vmdump,holds all LKCD tunables (the,/proc,tunables are changed automatically):,DUMP_ACTIVE=1,DUMPDEV=/dev/vmdump,DUMPDIR=/var/log/vmdump,DUMP_SAVE=1,DUMP_LEVEL=4,DUMP_COMPRESS_PAGES=1,PANIC_TIMEOUT=5,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Dump Tunables,DUMP_ACTIVE,Determines if the crash dump scripts should perform any actions; the default value is 1 (active). Set to 0 to not save or configure system for crash dumps,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Dump Tunables,DUMPDEV,The name of the dump device; this typically is,/dev/vmdump,. NOTE: It is recommended to change what device,/dev/vmdump,points to rather than to change this value directly, as,/dev/vmdump,is normally a symbolic link.,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Dump Tunables,DUMPDIR,The name of the directory to save dumps to; this typically is,/var/log/vmdump,.,DUMP_SAVE,Whether to save the crash dump to disk or not. The system will still be configured to save crash dumps regardless of the value of,DUMP_SAVE,.,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Dump Tunables,DUMP_LEVEL,Determines how much memory (or not) should be saved in the crash dump. Default value is 4 (,DUMP_ALL,), although other values such as 0 (,DUMP_NONE,) and 1 (,DUMP_HEADER,) are also valid. This sets,/proc/sys/vmdump/dump_level,to the same value (,/sbin/vmdump config,).,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Dump Tunables,DUMP_COMPRESS_PAGES,Determines whether to compress memory pages when saving memory image to disk. Defaults to 1 (compress). This sets,/proc/sys/vmdump/dump_compress_pages,to the same value,(,/sbin/vmdump,config,).,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Dump Tunables,PANIC_TIMEOUT,Changes the amount of time to sleep before resetting the system after a software failure. Changes,/proc/sys/kernel/panic,to the same value (,/sbin/vmdump config,). NOTE: This value should always be non-zero; if zero, the system will spin indefinitely until it is reset by hand.,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Kernel Dump Files,Kernel Dump Files,vmdump.N,holds the crash dump data saved from,DUMPDEV,; it is a copy of the memory image at the time of the system crash,map.N,is a copy of,/boot/,Both files needed to perform crash analysis; addresses in,map.N,point to values in,vmdump.N,; if the files do not come from the same kernel build, crash analysis may be inaccurate,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Introduction to LCRASH,Overview of LCRASH,Linux system crash dump analysis tool,Provides access to kernel data in LKCD crash dumps or live system memory,Displays detailed information about a system crash,Can be used interactively or to generate system crash dump reports,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Introduction to LCRASH,LCRASH Crash Dump Report,General system information,Type of crash,Dump of the system,log_buf,List of active tasks,Kernel stack trace showing the function calls leading up to the point of the crash,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Introduction to LCRASH,LCRASH Interactive Commands,For a more detailed examination of the elements of a crash,Kernel data displayed in a clear, easy-to-read manner,Invoked via an ASCII command line user interface featuring command line editing and command history,Command output can be piped to utilities such as,more,and,grep,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Introduction to LCRASH,Examples of LCRASH commands,stat,Displays pertinent system information and the contents of the log_buf array,vtop,Displays virtual to physical address mappings,ptype,Displays arbitrary kernel structures from the crash dump,symbol,Displays kernel symbol information,dump,Displays the contents of system memory in a variety of bases and data sizes,task,Displays key information from selected tasks or all tasks running on the system,trace,Displays a kernel stack trace for one or more task,dis,Disassembles one or more machine instructions,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Introduction to LCRASH,The,libklib,Library,Library of low-level functions providing access,to the system dump and kernel symbol table,Translate virtual addresses into physical addresses,Determine the address of kernel symbols,Access memory pages in the dump or live system memory,Read in blocks of kernel data,Access kernel data type information,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Introduction to LCRASH,Accessing Kernel Symbol Information,The,,file contains the virtual address of all kernel symbols (variables, functions, etc.),LCRASH parses the,,file at startup and builds an internal table of kernel symbols,Functions determine the address of a kernel symbol, or locate a symbol matching a particular address,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Introduction to LCRASH,Reading in Blocks of Data from a Dump,LCRASH cant access data in a system dump directly,Functions read in blocks of data from a system dump or live system memory,Kernel virtual addresses are translated into physical address,Memory pages in the dump are uncompressed automatically,The desired data is then copied into an LCRASH buffer,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Introduction to LCRASH,Accessing Kernel Type Information,Facilities provided for accessing extended information in the kernel symbol table (when built using the -,gstabs,compiler option),Kernel data type definitions, including type and size of kernel structure members,Data types of global variables,Function parameters,Source code line numbers of kernel functions,Most production systems are,not,built with the,-gstabs,flag,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Introduction to LCRASH,Generating Kernel Stack Traces,LCRASH is able to generate kernel stack traces,without,using frame pointers,Various heuristics are applied to each stack frame to determine what the,PC,RA,SP,and frame pointer,should,be,Derived values are sanity checked to ensure they are at least reasonable,The entire stack trace is constructed before it is displayed,Most x86 kernels,do not,use frame pointers,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Introduction to LCRASH,LCRASH commands for displaying kernel stack traces,trace,displays a stack trace for one or more active tasks,strace,displays an arbitrary stack trace using a,PC,RA, and,SP,provided on the command line; or finds all valid stack trace fragments in a stack,mktrace,manually constructs a stack trace, frame-by-frame, using,PC,RA, and,SP,values supplied on the command line,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Introduction to LCRASH,Location of LCRASH Source,LCRASH source code was located in the,kernel source tree to ensure that,LCRASH gets built along with the kernel,LCRASH uses the same configuration options and header files as the kernel,an LCRASH exists that can analyze crash dumps from a newly built kernel,any changes to kernel header files that break the LCRASH build get resolved quickly,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Introduction to LCRASH,Support for Multiple System Architectures,LCRASH impacted by differences in system architecture,Functionality and source code organized much like the Linux kernel,There are architecture dependent and architecture independent sections in both LCRASH and,libklib,At the present time,i386,is fully supported (,alpha,and,ia64,are under development),Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Introduction to LCRASH,Adding New LCRASH Commands,LCRASH was designed to make it easy to add new commands,Access to raw data in the crash dump is made through calls to,libklib,API functions,Provisions made for both generic and architecture specific commands,Linux Kernel Crash Dumps,Introduction to LCRASH,For more information about LKCD, review the web site at:,


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