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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,第一章 专业英语的特点,材料专业英语的翻译与写作,第一节 专业英语的语法特点,专业英语以表达自然科学和工程技术中的有关概念、原理、事实等为其主要内容,,强调表达的客观性和真实性,要求语言叙述准确规范、简洁流畅、逻辑性强,。因此,,“客观、准确、精炼”,是专业英语的主要语言特点和对语言表达(包括翻译、写作)的基本要求。,一、非人称语气和客观性二、被动语态三、非谓语动词四、名词化结构,五、省略句六、惯用句型七、复杂长句八、其他,一、非人称语气和客观性,在论述科技问题时必然会较多地使用无生命的第三人称语气(非人称语气),力求对研究对象和研究过程做出客观而准确的陈述。,下面来看看一段研究论文:,Graphitization characteristics of either conventional malleable irons and magnesium-treated white irons have been proposed or reported in previous literature. However, no detailed investigation has been conducted regarding the heat-treatment responsiveness of Mg-treated malleable irons. In this paper, the influence of different foundry variables (e.g.section,size, composition of the iron, nodule count, etc.) on first-stage and second-stage graphitization was investigated. Magnesium treatment contributed to improved nodularity, uniform nodule size, uniform nodule distribution and shorter first-stage graphitization time.,Empirical regression equations were derived and indicated that the pearlite-ferrite ratio in the matrix can be controlled by varying the second-stage graphitization cooling rate through critical temperature range. The pearlite-ferrite ratio also depends upon the section size of the castings, the composition of the iron and the nodule count.,二、被动语态,专业英语中的被动语句不一定要说出行为主体,特别当行为主体是人时。但有时也可用“,by”,引出行为者,这些行为主体除了人、机构、物质以外,还包括完成该动作的方法、原因或过程等。如:,(1)After the hot-worked surface has been cleaned and oxides removed, the metal can be cold worded to give the final dimensions and properties.,在对经过热加工的金属表面进行清洁和除去氧化物后,可对金属进行冷加工得到最后的尺寸和性能。,(2)Hard spots can be removed from castings by heat treatment, either annealing or normalizing unless the iron contains alloy elements such as chromium.,如果铁不含像铬这样的合金元素,硬点就可以通过热处理(退火或正火)从铸件中出去。,另外,有时可将被动句中的“,by”,放到句首,构成倒装句,以强调主动方。如果想让读者特别注意过程的步骤或事件的顺序时,可采用此法。如:,By carefully applying a current to the joint after welding, it is possible to retard the cooling rate and produce a machinable weld joint.,在焊接后通过小心地对焊缝施加电流,有可能减慢其冷却速度从而获得可进行机械加工的焊缝。,三、非谓语动词,专业英语中,动词的非谓语形式(分词、动名词、动词不定式及它们的复合结构)应用广泛,这是因为专业英语要求准确、精炼,而动词的非谓语形式可以很好地实现这些要求。,1.,分词的使用,在专业英语中,分词短语被大量地用作定语、状语和独立分词结构,取代被动态或主动态的关系从句,使句子结构得到简化。如:,(1)In laser hardening, the surface of the workpiece,coated with a substance,which increases its absorptivity, is heated to austenitizing temperature.,在激光淬火时,将涂有一种能增大其吸收能力的物质的工件表面加热到奥氏体化温度。(分词短语作后置定语),(2),Examined,under a microscope, gray cast iron consists of metal matrix and graphites.,在显微镜下观察,灰铸铁由金属基体和石墨组成。(分词短语作条件状语),分词独立结构(名词或代词,+,分词短语),是一种主谓结构,在句中的作用相当于并列分句或从句。如:,(1)The process is called dieless drawing, as the product being formed without direct contact with a die.,由于产品是在不与模具直接接触的情况下成形,故称此工艺为无模拉拔。(状语从句),(2)In the heat exchanger of blast furnace the air flows through the outside pipe, the gas through the inside pipe, with heat exchange taking place through the wall.,在高炉热交换器中,空气流过外管,燃气流过内管,热交换通过管壁进行。(并列分句),在此例句中,分词独立结构前加,with/without,变成起状语作用的介词短语,用于当分词的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致时。,2.,动名词的使用,动名词构成的介词短语可取代状语从句或简化陈述句,在专业英语中应用广泛。如:,(1)The formation of complex gas can be controlled by reducing the oxygen content in the melt and this is achieved by adding deoxidants.,通过减少金属液中氧的含量可以控制复杂气体的形成,而这是由加入脱氧剂实现的。,(2)A metal part formed by forging must withstand the rapid application of a force without breaking and gave a high enough ductility to deform to the proper shape.,用锻造方法成形的金属零件必须承受快速施加的压力而不开裂,并且具有足够高的延性以获得特定的形状。,3.,不定式的使用,不定式在专业英语中的使用也十分频繁,在句中常用来替换表示目的、功能的句子,使句子结构简练。如:,(1)To control the transformation behavior of austenite, the process of alloying and heat treatments can be used.,为了控制奥氏体的转变特性,可以采用合金化和热处理工艺。,(2)Certain elements such as magnesium, cerium and calcium can be added into the cast iron melt of suitable composition to change the growth habit of the eutectic graphite from flake to nodular on subsequent solidification.,在具有适当成分的铁水中添加某些元素,如镁、铈和钙,可以在随后的凝固中将共晶石墨的生长习性从片状改变为球状。,四、名词化结构,“,表示动作意义的名词,+of+,名词,+,修饰语”叫做名词化结构。名词化结构具有文字明了、用词简洁、结构紧凑、表意客观、信息容量大等特点,在专业英语中经常用它代替主谓结构作各种句子成分,使句子结构简化。例如用普通英语表达这样一句话:,If forgings are machined by this method, there will be some loss of material.,在专业英语中就会用名词化结构如下表达:,The machining of forgings by this method entails some loss of material.,用这种方法加工锻件会浪费一些材料。(名词化结构在句中作主语),再如:,(1)A reduction in heat loss by the use of insulating refractories in heat treatment furnace seems to be of obvious benefit.,在热处理炉中使用绝热耐火材料减少热损失,看来具有明显的效益。,(2)Proper design and choice of the product and its parameters are important for the successful application of HERF process in production.,正确地设计和选择产品及其参数对于生产中成功地应用,HERF,工艺是重要的。,五、省略句,作者为了减少或避免用复合句进行表述,缩短句子长度,常常采用某些比较简略的表达形式,以达到精炼的目的,故省略句在专业英语中应用较多。常用的省略形式有:,1.,并列复合句中的省略,2.,状语从句中的省略,3.,定语从句中的省略,4.,其他省略句,5.,常见省略句型,1.,并列复合句中的省略,各分句中的相同成分,主语、谓语(助动词或行为动词)或宾语可以省略。如:,The first treatment would require a minimum of 48 hours, while the second treatment would require only 26 hours.,可以省略为:,The first treatment would require a minimum of 48 hours, the second only 26 hours.,2.,状语从句中的省略,在主从复合句中,当状语从句的主语和主句的主语相同时,从句中的主语和助动词往往可以忽略,有时甚至将连词一并省略。例如:,【If (it is)】alloyed with tin, copper forms a series of alloys which are known as bronze.,如果将铜与锡熔合,就能形成叫青铜的一系列合金。(条件状语从句中的主语和助动词可以省略,连词也可省略),在专业英语文献中提到某个图或表时,常常使用“,as in Fig.x”,和“,as in Table x”,的句型,这些也是省略句。例如:,The punch force p is transmitted to the deformation zone through the pressure on the bottom of the cup,as (it is shown) in Fig.11,.,冲压力,p,通过杯底部的压力传到变形区域,如图,11,所示。(方式状语从句“,as”,中省略了主语和谓语“,It is shown”,),另外,有时还可将状语从句中的连词、主语和谓语全部省略,只保留介词短语,而意义不变。如上面列举的第一句便可进一步简化成:,With tin, copper forms a series of alloys which are known as bronze.,铜能与锡形成叫做青铜的一系列合金。,3.,定语从句中的省略,由关联词,that,或,which,引导的定语从句,可将关联词和从句谓语中的助动词一并省略。如上句中的,which,可予省略,留下作定语用的分词“,known as bronze”,;并且还可进一步省略成:,Alloyed with tin, copper forms a bronze.,用锡合金化,铜就形成青铜。,In this diagram the solid solution (,which is,) based on metal C is called the,phase,.,在此相图中,以金属,C,为基的固溶体成为,相。,4.,其他省略句,(,1,),通过改变句子结构(有时是添加个别词语),可省略一些词语,将较长的句子压缩成较简短的句子。例如:,In the form in which they have been presented, the test results give no useful information.,可以省略为:,Thus presented, the test results give no useful information.,这样给出的试验结果不能提供什么有用的信息。,在此句中,用副词“,thus”,代替短语“,In the form in which they have been”,,只保留一个分词“,presented”,,使句子结构大为简化。,又如:,Normally lead was extruded at room temperature,aluminum either cold or hot, and copper hot,.,通常,铅在室温下进行挤压,铝可进行冷挤压或热挤压,铜进行热挤压。,(,2,)使用标准的缩写词,也可将长句缩短。例如:,The interface composition between matrix and reinforce can be analyzed by,EMPA,.,应用,电子显微探针,可以分析基体与增强物之间的界面成分。,(,3,)使用某些特定句型也可以省略一些句子成分。例如:,The lower,the temperature of bainite formation,the finer,are these carbides and the structures produced become similar to that of tempered martensite.,贝氏体形成的温度,越低,,这些碳化物就,越细,,而形成的组织变得类似于回火马氏体的组织。,5.,常见省略句型,在专业英语中常用一些省略句型,如:,As described above,As explained before,As shown in figure 3,As indicated in Table 2,As already discussed,As noted later,If any (anything),If convenient,If necessary,If possible,If required,If not,If so,When in use,When necessary,When needed,When possible,六、惯用句型,专业英语中有许多惯用句型,除了前面已提到的以外,最常用的是由导引词,it,(用作形式主语)引出的陈述句(后面用主语从句或不定式短语作逻辑主语)。常用的有:,It appears that,It can be seen that,It has been proved that,It is evident that,It is necessary to point out that,It is not hard to imagine that,It is possible that,It is well known that,It may be remarked that,It must be noted that,It was reported that,It should be mentioned that,It will be found that,If follows (from this) that,另外还有一类惯用句型是包含有表语或表语从句的陈述句。例如:,Of importance is (are),The conclusion is that,Of recent concern is (are),The fact is that,Particularly noteworthy is that,The purpose of this paper is,The case (question) is that,还有一类惯用句型是包含有宾语或宾语从句的陈述句,例如:,Calculations indicated that,Experience has shown that,Fig.2 illustrates,Results demonstrate that,I suppose that,Some believe that,One can only say that,Tests have proven that,People say that,This implies that,Practice has shown that,We believe that,长句的翻译应注意切分,可采用顺序法、逆序法、分句法和综合法处理。,1.,顺序法,Even when we turn off the beside lamp and are fast asleep,,,electricity is working for us,,,driving our refrigerators,,,heating our water,,,or keeping our rooms air-conditioned,即使在我们关掉了床头灯深深地进入梦乡时,电仍在为我们工作: 帮我们开动电冰箱,把水加热,或使室内空调机继续运转。即使在我们关掉了床头灯深深地进入梦乡时,电仍在为我们工作: 帮我们开动电冰箱,把水加热,或使室内空调机继续运转。,七、复杂长句,2.,逆序法,Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century,,,because nowhere in nature is it found free,,,owing to its always being combined with other elements,,,most commonly with oxygen,,,for which it has a strong affinity.,铝总是跟其他元素结合在一起,最普遍的是跟氧结合; 因为铝跟氧有很强的亲和力,由于这个原因,在自然界找不到游离状态的铝。所以,铝直到,19,世纪才被人发现。,3.,分句法,Television,,,it is often said,,,keeps one informed about current events,,,allow one to follow the latest developments in science and politics,,,and offers an endless series of programs which are both instructive and entertaining.,人们常说,通过电视可以了解时事,掌握科学和政治的最新动态。从电视里还可以看到层出不穷、既有教育意义又有娱乐性的新节目。,4.,综合法,Modern scientific and technical books,,,especially textbooks,,,requires revision at short intervals if their authors wish to keep pace with new ideas,,,observations and discoveries.,大对于现代书籍,特别是教科书来说,要是作者希望自己书中的内容能与新概念、新观察到的事实和新发现同步发展的话,那么就应该每隔较短的时间,将书中的内容重新修改。,It is important to remember that the composition of a given grade of steel can be subject to variations within the range of its specification, and such variations in composition, impurity elements and also grain size caused in hot-working process will result in differences in both response to heat treatment and variations in mechanical properties.,重要的是要记住,给定牌号钢的化学成分在其规定范围内可能发生一些变化,这样一些在热加工过程中引起的存在于成分、杂质元素,还有晶粒大小上的变化,将使热处理工艺和力学性能产生一些差异。,第一节完 谢谢大家!,八、其他,除前述几个语法特点外,专业英语还有词性转换多,使用短语动词、条件句多等特点。在修辞上,专业英语文笔朴实,使用陈述句居多,祈使句在说明书等技术文件中较多,感叹句、疑问句使用少。在时态上,多采用一般时(一般现在时、过去时和将来时),有时采用现在进行时、完成时,其它时态很少用。限于篇幅,这些不在一一赘述。,翻译练习(一),(,1,),Steel generally contains between 0.05w and 2.0w carbon. The cast irons generally contain between 2.0w and 4.5w carbon.,(,2,),A composition of 5w total noncarbon additions will serve as an arbitrary boundary between low alloy and high alloy steels. These alloy additions are chosen carefully because they invariably bring with them sharply increased material costs.,(,3,),The process of smelting consists of heating the ore in a blast furnace with coke and limestone, and reducing it to metal.,(,4,),Iron which contains a negligible quantity of carbon, for example, wrought iron behaves differently from iron which contains a lot of carbon.,(,5,),The carbon in cast iron is present partly as free graphite and partly as a chemical combination of iron and carbon which is called cementite.,Heat Treatments,(,热处理,),Definition,Heat treatment is the technical process or treatments to steels in solid state according to the scheduled requirements like,heating,keeping warm,and,cooling, their aims are to vary the internal structure and gain the,desired properties.,Heat Treating Process of steels:,Annealing,Normalizing,Quenching,Tempering,i. Annealing (,退火,) and Normalizing (,正火,),(1)The function of annealing and normalizing,*,Lowering hardness, improving plasticity,making steels apt to the cold-work.,*Homogenizing the steel structure, refining,the grain, developing the mechanical,properties.,*Clearing up the internal stress, resisting,the deformation of workpieces.,(2)The selection of annealing and normalizing,*Aimed mainly at improving the,machinability, normalizing is better for,Medium or Low Carbon Steels; while,annealing for High Carbon Steels.,*Aimed mainly at developing the,mechanical properties and never need,any other heat treatments, normalizing,is better.,*From the aspect of economy, normalizing,is better than annealing.,ii. Quenching (,淬火,),(1)Process,Heating the steel pieces to the,quenching temperature, cool them,quickly in the quenching agents after,the warm-keeping treatment, then the,Austenite changes into the Martensite.,(2)Quenching Agents,*Mineral Oil, Water, and Brine.,*Generally speaking:,Carbon Steel, cooling in water and brine.,Alloy Steel, cooling in oil.,(3)Quenching Function,developing the hardness, strength and,wear (abrasion) resistance.,*The emergency cooling in quenching is apt,to make flaw in the steel pieces, so the,tempering is commonly needed to clear,up the stress after quenching.,*Quenching and Tempering are always,combined to the technical process.,iii. Tempering,(1)Process,Heat the steel pieces which are already,quenched to the certain temperature,(TT,critical,), cool them quickly in still air,after the warm-keeping treatment.,(2)Purpose,Reduce or clear up the internal stress of,workpieces after quenching, stabilize the,internal structure and gain the different,mechanical properties.,(3)Types of Tempering,*Tempering at low temperature,after quenching, tempering,between 150250,C.,Functionreduces the internal stress,and brittleness of quenching,steels, and at the same time,keeps the high hardness and,high wear resistance.,Usage in various tools, ball bearing and,parts after carburation (,渗碳作用,).,*Tempering at medium temperature,after quenching, tempering,between 300450,C.,Functionreduce the internal stress,reach the limit of high,strength and high elasticity.,Usagein the treatment of various,spring.,*Tempering at high temperature,after quenching, tempering,between 500680,C.,Functiongain the certain strength, have,higher plasticity and impact,toughness, i.e. excellent overall,mechanical properties.,Quenching + Tempering Thermal Refining,Usageimportant parts, such as gear,rod, crank shaft, etc.,The last heat treatment:,Facial Heat Teatment,表面热处理,Three Basic Types of C existing in the iron-carbon alloy,(,铁碳合金,),1,、,Dissolution,C dissolute in the crystal lattice of Fe to form the Solid Solution (,固溶体,), Fe-C Solid Solution.,Solvent, the element without changing in,the crystal lattice. Fe,Solute, the element dissolving in solvent. C,Two kinds of common-used Solid Solution,Ferrite (F):,The solid solution formed by C dissolving in,-Fe is called Ferrite,body centered cubic lattice,.,Characteristics:,Because the clearance between atoms is small, the capacity to dissolve C is weak.,Temperature,Solubility of C,At room temperature,0.006 %,723,0.02 %(maximum),Properties:,Low strength,Low hardness,Good plasticity,Good toughness,Austenite (A):,The solid solution formed by C dissolving in,-Fe is called Austenite,face centered cubic lattice,.,Characteristics:,Characteristics:,Because the clearance between atoms is large, the capacity to dissolve C is strong.,Temperature,Solubility of C,723,0.8 %,1147,2.06 %(maximum),Properties:,High strength High hardness,Good plasticity Good toughness,No ironic magnetism,The transformation between F and A:,The irons that dissolve C will take the,transformation between,-Fe,and,-Fe in,different temperature.,Both F and A have good plasticity and they,are the structural basis for steels characteristic,of excellent plasticity.,723 910,Ferrite (F),Austenite (A),2,、,Chemical Combination,C and Fe form the metallic compound,Iron Carbide (Fe3C) whose crystal,structure is called “Cementite”.,Characteristics:,a) The carbon content of Cementite is high,the mass proportion is 6.67%.,b) Hard and brittle (HB=78.4MPa),C + 3Fe Fe,3,C,c) Plasticity and toughness are almost equal to 0,d) Low rupture strength (,b,35 MP,a,),e) The Cementite is metastable compound, it will decompose into Fe and C at certain conditions, the extricated C exists in the form of graphite.,Fe,3,C C + 3Fe,The alloy whose components are blending together in the state of liquid can solidify into two types of mechanical mixtures:,a) Mixture formed by two solid solutions;,b) Mixture formed by a solid solution and metallic compound.,3,、,Mechanical Blending (Mixture),For example:,Pearlite (P,珠光体,),、,Ladeburite (L,莱氏体,) are two kinds of Mechanical Mixture.,Pearlite (P) = Ferrite (F) + Cementite (C),Ladeburite (L) = Austenite (A) + Cementite (C),Conclusion,Three basic structural types of iron-carbon alloy are:,Ferrite (F),Austenite (A),Cementite (C),


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