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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,高效解题密招, 五条备考建议,在阅读课文或做完一篇阅读理解题之后,养成用大约,30,个词概括其内容要点的习惯,并思考,假如命题人利用这篇文章来命制读写任务题,可能如何命题;如果这样命题,我们应如何用英语来表达。,1.,将阅读与写作结合起来,用英语讨论社会热点新闻可能是英语课堂的一个组成部分,我们要积极参加,因为这是一种提高英语表达能力的好办法。如前段时间有关佛山小女孩悦悦被撞, 18,个路人见死不救的新闻引起全国人民关注我们可以对此发表看法。如,(1),分析路人不施救的原因,; (2),假如你路过会怎么办,; (3),如何避免类似事件的发生,然后用英语写出来。,2.,将讨论热点新闻与写作结合起来,每天可以花,20,来分钟写一篇正规的读写任务,也可以针对日常学习或生活中的某件事发表看法,自由表达思想,不局限于词数,甚至越长越好。,3.,坚持天天练,一天也不间断,“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。”平时注意收集优秀句子,熟读并背诵。平时练习的写作题的范文,最好也能背诵。,4.,熟读优美句子,背诵作文范文。, 八个解题步骤,通过审题弄清楚写作的要求,包括文章主题、写作内容、主要时态、主体人称等。其中主体人称,就是要确定以第几人称进行写作。,1.,审题,明确具体要求,如,2011,年高考的写作要点,2,是“以约,120,个词讲述一次你,(,或你的朋友,),想家的经历”,据此,我们可以预测,本文的阅读材料应是一篇记叙文,有可能是有关作者或某人想家的经历。这个人何时、何地因何原因想家呢?对他的学习和工作有影响吗?他又是如何应对的呢?然后,带着这些疑问去阅读材料,迅速捕捉要点。,2.,根据写作内容,预测材料内容,阅读材料的文体特点,找出其内容要点。,(1),议论文:找出论点、论据和结论。其关键是找出主题句或结论句。若文中有一分为二的观点的,两种观点都要概括,不要漏掉其中一方的观点。,(2),记叙文:找出时间,(when),地点,(where),什么人,(who),做了什么事,(what),结果怎么样,(how),等要素。若是夹叙夹议的文章,还要加上作者的看法、观点、感悟。其中,最重要的要点是某人,(who),做了某事,(what),。因此,概要中一般应包括:,3.,根据材料文体,抓住内容要点,谁做了什么?,(who did what),结果怎么样?,(what was the result),文章揭示了什么?,(,包括作者的看法、观点、感悟,或写作目的。假如原文没有提及,概括时可以不写,),(3),说明文和新闻报道:通常会有中心句,(,多在首段,),写概要时要注意要找出中心句,抓住关键词。对现象分析型说明文,要找出“现象”“造成这种现象的原因”“解决这种现象或问题的措施或建议”。,(4),发言稿和书信:通常会很明确地表明观点或态度,写概要时要从发言者的言语中明确作者的态度,把握作者的写作目的。或先概括每段大意,进而归纳全文主旨。,在找出文章的内容要点后,就要用自己的话转述原文的内容要点。我们要注意采用同义替换、语态转换、合并句子等方式,避免抄袭之嫌。另外,不要以自己的观点代替作者的观点。议论文可用以下开头语:,(1) The passage/author argues that.,本文,/,作者主张,4.,概括,转述作者观点,(2) The passage/author highlights the importance of.,本文,/,作者强调了,的重要性。,(3) The passage/author discusses the impact of.,本文,/,作者讨论了,的影响。,(4) The passage/author compares. with.,本文,/,作者比较了,与,记叙文可用以下开头语:,(1) The passage/story is mainly about.,本文,/,这个故事主要是关于,(2) The author tells us a story about.,作者告诉我们一个关于,的故事,(3) The passage is a story about.,本文是一个关于,的故事,(4) According to the passage,,,we know.,根据短文,我们知道,五年来的写作内容,2,都是三个要点,三个要点最好依次用三个段落来写,每个段落前最好用一个主题句,这样做既不会漏掉要点,又层次清楚,能让阅卷老师一目了然。,最好用一句过渡的话,来表达观点,(,赞成或反对,),或引出类似的经历故事,使上下文衔接得更加紧密。,5.,布局,紧扣三个要点,议论文常用的过渡语有,表示赞同:,(1) I do agree with the author.,我非常赞同作者的观点,(2) I quite /totally agree with the writer.,我非常赞同作者的观点。,(3) Im for the writers idea that.,我赞成作者的观点,(4) I fully agree with the statement that. because/ for.,我完全赞成这种说法,因为,(5) I fully support the statement above because I am very sure.,我完全支持上述这种观点,因为我相信,(6) I cant agree more with what the writer said.,我完全同意作者的观点。,(7) I share the same idea with the writer.,我的观点与作者相同。,表示不赞同:,(1) I dont agree with the writer.,我不赞同作者的观点。,(2) Im strongly against the writers idea.,我强烈反对作者的看法。,(3)I partly agree with what the writer said.,我部分赞同作者的观点。,(4) In some way, I agree with., but.,在某种程度上,我赞成,但是,(5) What the writer said sounds reasonable,,,but.,作者所说的听起来有道理,但是,(6) Some people argue as if it is a general truth that.But to be frank, I cannot agree with them.,有人认为,好像是一个普遍事实。但是坦率地说,我并不赞成。,议论文,在提出自己的观点后,就用具体的事例来论证自己的观点。,记叙文,编写与阅读文章主题相同但情节不同的类似故事,(,亲身经历或虚构,),。,在写好各个段落的主题句后,接着或提供论据,或说明理由,或分析原因,或描写经过,才使文章有血有肉。,6.,例证,论证自己的观点,列举理由、原因、措施、建议、方法等时,需要用到以下表达:,(1) On the one hand, . On the other hand, .,一方面,另一方面,(2) For one thing, . For another.,一则,二则,(3) To begin with/First of all/,First(ly,),.,Second(ly,), Besides/Furthermore /Whats more, . Finally/Last but not least.,首先,其次,此外,/,而且,最后,在文章最后,最好有句总结性的话,以便前后呼应。以下可作为总结句的开头:,(1) To sum up/In short/In conclusion/ In a word/All in all, .,总之, ,(2) Taking all the factors into account, we can draw a conclusion that.,考虑到以上因素,我们可以得出这样的结论:,7.,结论,注意前后呼应,(3)From the discussion above, it can be safely concluded that.,根据以上讨论,可以得出如下结论:,(4)From what is mentioned above, we know.,依上所述,我们知道,(5) To be brief, we should be aware of the importance of.,总之,我们应当明白,的重要性。,(6) Therefore, it is necessary for us to.,因此,我们有必要,(7) Only /in this way /when we.can we.,只有用这种方法,/,当,时,我们才能,一查人称是否符合要求;,二查语法是否正确,特别是时态、主谓一致等,确保“语言规范”;,三查逻辑关系,看前后观点是否一致,特别是你所举的例子与你要证明的观点是否一致;,8.,润色,使其锦上添花,四查是否使用一些较为高级的句型,如非谓语动词结构、,with,短语结构、定语从句、倒装句型、恰当的连接词等。这条不必强求,视自己实际水平而定。,当然,也可以用,PANTS(person,agreement, number, tense, spelling),原则来检查。,表达不要罗嗦,若能用非谓语动词做定语或状语就不要用定语从句或状语从句。,避免语法和拼写的低级错误,避免被扣印象分。, 提高档次五招,1.,表达精练简洁,2.,避免低级错误,注重书写美观,保持卷面整洁,提高印象分。,(1),切忌书写不清、涂涂抹抹;,(2),保持单词之间的距离基本一致,一般为一个大写字母,A,的间隙;,(3),错词只用一条横线或斜线划掉;,(4),每段前空格约,4,个字母的位置。,3.,做到赏心悦目,根据表达需要,交叉使用长句与短句、简单句与复杂句。,多样化句式,方能显示较强的语言功底,大大提高作文档次。,(1),用,it is/was.that.,强调句式;,4.,句子错落有致,5.,句式多种多样,(2),用作状语的介词短语开头的完全倒装句或用以,only in this way,等开头的部分倒装句;,(3),用,with,的复合结构,(with+,宾语,+,宾补,),作状语或定语;,(4),用非谓语动词;,(5),用,what,引导的名词性从句;,(6),用独立主格结构;,(7),恰当运用感叹句、被动句等;,(8),适当运用,however, in my opinion,fortunately, personally,等插入语;,(9),尽量用短语代替单词来表达同样的意思,;,(10),恰当使用关联词语,做到过渡自然,结构紧凑,篇章连贯。, 如何写主题句,我们建议,读写任务的,写作内容, 2,的,3,个要点,每个要点单独一个自然段,依次分三个自然段。每个自然段段首写一个主题句,然后再围绕这个主题句展开。写主题句的方法主要有以下几种:,是问句或含“是否”的句子,可直接回答,作为主题句。如:,1.,直接回答,(1),你是否赞成“熄灯一小时”,(Earth Hour),活动,(2011,深圳二模,),I am strongly for this activity.,我十分赞成这种活动。,(2),你从故事中学到了什么道理,(2009,广州二模,),This story teaches us that we should not judge people or things only by their appearance.,(1),中学生活和大学生活的差别,(2008,广东,),From my point of view, college life will be different from the life in high school.,(2),休假学年,(a gap year),的好处,(2011,佛山二模,),The advantages of taking a gap year are obvious.,2.,复述内容,(3),建设绿色校园的重要性,(2011,东山中学,),It is of great importance to build a green campus.,(4),你认为建设绿色校园应该采取哪些措施?,(2011,东山中学,),In order to build a green campus, effective measures should be taken.,(1),你对考试作弊的看法,(2011,揭阳二模,),In my opinion, cheating in exams will have a very bad effect on middle school students study habit.,3.,明示观点,(2),你对留堂制度的看法,(2011,佛山一模,),In my opinion, detention has its advantages in educating misbehaved students.,(3),你对失败的看法或态度,(2009,汕头一模,),In my opinion, we should take an active attitude towards failure.,你或你同学的留堂经历,(2011,佛山一模,),This reminds me of my friend Li,Huas,experience in primary school.,4.,引出经历,(1),你读这篇演讲稿后的感受,(2011,广州一模,),After reading this speech, I felt really sorry for the student.,(2),你读完这个故事,(,目标的重要性,),的感受,(2010,揭阳二模,),I was deeply inspired by such a story.,5.,说出感受, 主题展开方式,在写好主题句之后,我们还要通过各种方式展开主题,使文章饱满,有血有肉。展开的主要方式有:,1.,说明原因,(1),你读完这个故事,(,目标的重要性,),的感受,(2010,揭阳二模,),(,感受,)I was deeply inspired by such a story, (,原因,),as it makes me realize the power of a goal in shaping ones success and gives me strength to pursue my goal, despite the hardships I am to go through,.,(2),你对失败的看法或态度,(2009,汕头一模,),(,态度,)In my opinion, we should take an active attitude towards failure(,原因,),because,most of us experience the failure though few of us are so lucky as to succeed,.,你认为父母是否该对孩子养成良好习惯负责,(2007,潮州二模,),(,观点,)As far as I am concerned, parents should be responsible for helping children develop good habits.(,理由,),The reasons are as follows,: first, it is commonly held that parents are the first teachers of their children. Second, parents duties include not only providing food and clothing, but also knowledge and common sense required to go,on well in society,.,2.,阐明理由,(1),你认为建设绿色校园应该采取哪些措施,(2011,东山中学,),(,主题,)In order to build a green campus, effective measures should be taken.(,列举,),On the one hand,the school should make rules and regulations to prevent students doing harm to our green campus.,On the other hand, students should take some classes to enhance their awareness.(,结尾,),No doubt that,our campus will be more beautiful if we pull together.,3.,逐条列举,(2),你对留堂制度的看法,(2011,佛山一模,),(,主题,)In my opinion, detention has its advantages in educating misbehaved students.(,列举,),For one thing, with the detention policy, we students will learn that we should be responsible for our behavior.,For another, the policy can make us finish our homework on time, which is good for our academic progress.,你对考试作弊的看法,(2011,揭阳二模,),(,主题,)In my opinion, this phenomenon will have a very bad effect on middle school students study,habit.(,细化,),Those who usually cheat in exams will never treat study seriously again because they believe they will always get good marks without working hard. Those who never cheat in exams will consider its unfair for them,thinking studying hard is not necessary,.,4.,细化主题,你对国家“禁止商场免费提供塑料袋”的看法,(2008,深圳一模,),It is necessary for the government to forbid shops from offering free plastic bags.,With this ban, shopping customers would gradually form a habit of bringing environmentally-friendly bags with them so that the consumption of plastic bags would be greatly reduced,.,5.,说明结果,你或你同学的留堂经历,(2011,佛山一模,),(,引出经历,)This reminds me of my friend Li,Huas,experience in primary school.(,叙述经过,),One day, he was talking with another classmate in class although the teacher had warned him several times. As a result, he had to stay for an extra hour after school,.,6.,叙述经过,(1),督促学生认真学习的其他办法,(2011,佛山一模,),There are other ways to make students work hard.,For example, teachers can reward us with small gifts if we do a good job. Besides,students can be divided into groups to compete with each other so that we will work harder.,7.,举例证明,(2),以你自己或他人成长的某次经历,说明父母过度照顾对子女的影响,(2010,广州一模,),Parents today discourage their children from doing housework, extracurricular activities and socializing because they fear it will interrupt their education.,For example, when I was younger I wanted to learn the guitar but my parent wouldnt allow me because they believed it would distract me from my studies. They are happy as long as I perform well in my exams but dont seem concerned about how I develop as a person., 文尾总结技巧,尽管写作中没有明确要求考生写总结,但一篇带总结的文章会使结构更显完整,在阅卷时能够争取更好的印象分。因此,建议考生用简短的语言总结全文。总结的方式有,(,建议考生熟读背诵各个例句,),:,方法一重申观点或概括内容,用简洁的语言概括各项写作内容,重申观点,起画龙点睛的作用。如:,(1),In brief, college life is exciting,and therefore,I have been working hard to achieve my ambition of entering my ideal university,after which,I will try to get accustomed to the new environment as soon as possible.,简而言之,大学生活是令人兴奋的。因此,我一直努力学习,希望自己可以进入理想的大学。进入大学后,我将设法尽快适应新环境。,(2008,广东,),(2),All in all,it is,the love and education from school rather than suspensions that improve students behavior.,总而言之,改善学生行为的是爱与教育而不是停课。,(2009,广州一模,),(3),To sum up, success results from hard work.,总之,成功是艰苦努力的结果。,(4),We can draw a conclusion that,our society is progressing and people are living a better life than ever before.,我们可以得出一个结论,我们的社会在进步,人民的生活比以往任何时候都更加美好。,(5),We can safely draw a conclusion that,computers are more a blessing than a disaster.,综上所述,电脑给我们带来的更多是福音,而不是灾难。,方法二提出建议或进行呼吁,若是反映社会现象或某种行为的文章,考生可对此提出积极的呼吁,或提出建议或解决办法等。如:,(1),Therefore,it is suggested that,you should make friends with people having different genders, characteristics or backgrounds.,因此,建议你应当与不同性别、性格以及背景的人结朋友。,(2),In conclusion,it is high time that,visitors should stop taking photos with animals and pay more attention to how to take better care of them.,总之,是我们该停止同动物拍照并更好地照料他们的时候了。,(2009,广东,),(3),To conclude,it makes sense,for schools,to,deal with the misbehaving students in a sensible way.,结论是,学校用合理的方式去处理那些调皮捣蛋的学生才是明智的。,(2009,广州一模,),(4),To summarize,emphasis should be placed on,the problem of over-parenting so that children can be provided with more chances to become independent.,总之,应当重视父母过份照顾子女的问题,以便孩子有更多自立的机会。,(2010,广州一模,),方法三强调重要性,(1),To sum up, environmental protection,is of great importance, which can make us live more comfortably and more healthily,.,总之,环境保护非常重要,这会使我们生活得更舒适更健康。,(2),In conclusion, parents sensibly dealing with the problem of over-parenting,makes a difference,in which case,their children will not be spoiled or become too dependent.,总之,父母正确处理好过份照顾孩子的问题很重要,这样小孩就不会被宠坏,也不会有过份的依赖性。,(2010,广州一模,),方法四围绕主题表明决心或信心,I am confident that,I will make every effort to satisfy your demand of being brave and successful.,我相信我一定竭尽全力达到你的要求:勇敢和成功。,(2007,年广东高考,),总结全文时常用表总结性的词语,如,to sum up, to conclude, to summarize,in brief, in conclusion, all in all,等。此外,总结应简洁,建议只用一句话,且使用非限制性定语从句或状语从句使观点更充分。如下句中下划线部分能使句子显得更有说服力。,To summarize, over-parenting prevents children from developing in an all-rounded way,which should not be encouraged,.,简而言之,父母过份照顾孩子不利于孩子全面发展,这不应该提倡 。,(2010,广州一模,), 了解评分细则,略,见资料书,P172,Thank you !,


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