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, , , , , ,*, ,Unit 3 What do,we eat today?,Reading & Further Reading,1,1. Analysis of teaching material,Contents,2. Analysis of students,5. Teaching procedures,3. Teaching aims,4. Teaching & Learning methods,6. Teaching reflection,2,Analysis of teaching material,Book 1,for vocational schools,The topic is French womens good eating habits& lifestyle. And something about fast food.,It can help Ss form good eating habits and lifestyle.,3,Analysis of students,Grade 1,25 boys,12 girls,Major :,Construction,have little,interest in,English,be interested in,new things,be quick in,thought,Imaginative,Observable,Creative,4,Teaching aims,emotion,1.The Ss will be able to have a good,eating habit.,2. The Ss will be able to lead a healthy life.,1.The Ss will be able to master skimming & scanning skills to get the main idea.,2. The Ss will be able to master some words and expressions.,knowledge,ability,1.The Ss will be able to improve their skimming & scanning skills.,2.The Ss will be able to express their opinions on eating habits and lifestyles.,5,1.How to retell the,passage.,2. How to have a,good eating habit,and lifestyle.,1.To master the,main idea.,2.To master,the words and,expressions.,Difficult points,Important points,6,Teaching methods,Cooperative,teaching,method,Situational,teaching,method,Task-based,teaching,method,7,Learning methods,Independent,study,Text in here,Autonomous,study,Cooperative,Study,8,Teaching procedures,1,2,3,4,5,Lead in,Reading,Further reading,Homework,Blackboard design,6,Teaching reflection,9,Lead in,Watch a fashion show.,1.To activate classroom,atmosphere.,2. To motivate students,enthusiasm in learning.,10,Pre-reading,Task 1: Show pictures about food & lifestyles.,11,Task 2: Free-talk,Are you worried about your weight?,How do you control what you eat?,To encourage Ss to have a good lifestyle .,12,While-reading,Task 1: Skimming,French women dont have those worries.,Why ?,To train Ss ability to skim a passage to get the main idea.,13,Task 2: Scanning,a. French women love to eat different kinds of food.,b. French women love to eat, yet they look great.,a. French women dont get fat because they have good eating habits.,b. French women eat less than others.,P1,P2,1.To scan a passage,and solve problems.,2.To improve their,scanning skills,.,14,Task 3: Careful-reading,True or False,1. Most French women look great. ( ),2. Eating different kinds of food is good for you. ( ),3. French women seldom eat breakfast. (,),4. French women only drink water with dinner. ( ),To enable Ss to get,more detailed information.,15,Task 4:,Useful expressions,:,To master words,and expressions,by themselves.,16,Post-reading,Task1: Retell the passage.,1.To consolidate words & expressions.,2.To make Ss be more familiar with the passage.,17,Discussion,Compared with French women, how about your lifestyle?,To lead into the,material of further,reading and,motivate Ss,enthusiasm in,learning.,18,Further-reading,Task 1: Read the passage to get the main idea.,Tips for making healthier fast food,1,2,3,4,5,6,To get the main idea.,19,Follow-up:,Whats the advantages of fast food?,How can we make fast food healthier?,1.To make Ss be familiar,with the passage.,2. To improve their skills,of reading and communicating,with others.,20,Task 2: Discussion,If you are in KFC, what would you like to order? Is there any way to make it healthier?,香脆鸡腿堡,ZingerBurger,墨西哥鸡卷,MexicanTwister,原味吮指鸡,OriginalRecipe,上校鸡块,Nugget,香辣鸡翅,HotWing,劲爆鸡米花,PopcornChicken,土豆泥,MashedPotato,胡萝卜餐包,DinnerRoll,香甜粟米棒,Corn-on-the-Cob,玉米沙拉,CornSalad,葡式蛋挞,EggTart,百事可乐,PepsiCola,香柚蜂蜜茶,CitronTea,热红茶,Tea,1.To let Ss have a healthy eating habit.,2. To improve their,skills of speaking,and cooperation.,21,22,Homework,Make a menu,for your school day &,make an exercise plan,for weekends.,23,Blackboard design,Unit 3 What do we eat today?,Reading & Further reading,Good eating habit:,Eat slowly,Enjoy food,Eat different kinds of food,Advantages :,Delicious,Convenient,Cheap,24,Teaching reflection,1.At the beginning of the class, I showed a fashion show to Ss, which aroused their interest successfully.,2.Beyond that, I focus on developing students skills of skimming and scanning.,3.Then, Ive asked Ss to master words and expressions by independent study. And take them as the key words to retell the passage.,During the discussion part, I should reduce the requirement and give them some phrases to let all the Ss have something to say.,I should appreciate everyone and create more opportunities for all the levels, especially the weak.,25,Thank you!,26,


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