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按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,Sharing netLibrary e-Books Among the Academic Libraries in Taiwan,Ellen F. Liu,Professor,Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science, National Chung-Hsing University,1,Outline,Introduction,Related Literature,Consortium Purchasing of e-Books in Taiwan,Discussion,2,Introduction I Higher Education System,SY2005-2006,3,Introduction II Number of Students,SY 2005-2006,Univ. & Colleges,938,648,Master Programs,149,493,Ph.D. Programs,27,531,Junior Colleges,180,886,Total,1,296,558,4,Introduction III Number of Faculty & Staff,SY 2005-2006,(Source: Summary of Universities, Colleges, and Junior Colleges, SY2005-2006),SY2005-2006 Total Students & Staff in HE 1,406,429,Question:,How many of these would use e-books?,Probably less than 16%.,5,Introduction III Number of Faculty & Staff,SY 2005-2006,(contd),If an estimate of 260,000 “Others”non-degree students, alumni, retirees is added, the academic libraries would serve an estimated total of 1,690,000 users.,(Source: 2005 Library Yearbook),With this estimate, the percentage of potential e-book users would be even lower.,6,E-Book & Collection Development,Deliberations at the Turn of the New Millennium,Publishing trends in e resources: databases, e-journals,e-books,Expenditures (from a survey of 159 libraries of HE in 2004),Printed Books,37%,Printed Journals,35%,AV,5%,E Resources,22%,7,E-Book & Collection Development,Deliberations at the Turn of the New Millennium,(contd),Collections of E Resources,Manpower,135 libraries 1,696 staff,Average 12.6 per lib,Reading & Circulation,Collections to Support Educational Programs, Research,Scholarly Communication vs. Leisure Reading,English Books vs. Chinese Books,Types,No. of Lib,Average Size,Max. Size,E Journals,131,7,968,63,632,Databases,136,81,943,E Books,127,5,851,311,965,Other E Resources,97,484,29,783,8,Related Literature,Taiwan,Early Experience of Tamkang University Library,Purchased netLibrary 1,200 volumes in July 2000,Usage Statistics Reported: July 2000-Oct.11, 2001,Total Accesses 577,Subjects Accessed Most,Business & Economics 92,Library Science 92,Literature 57,One observation,: the netLibrary model, befitting consortium,purchase, could augment shared resources.,(Hwang & Li, 2001),9,Related Literature,UK,2001,Londsdale & Armstrong,:,a slow acceptance of nearly all digital textual,Resources other than journals,2003 Garrrod,:,netLibrary was the main supplier of ebooks to UK,academic libraries.,One factor affecting the take-up of ebooks in the UK,was content and services have been developed by US,companies for the US market.,10,Related Literature ,Australia,Nelson,experience of Victoria Univ. in,a pilot consortium subscription of CAVAL,VU:,12 campuses, 50,000 students. 3,000,faculty & staff.,Decided to select high-use items, 20,reserve titles with a match on,netLibrary,.,CAVAL:,a consortium of VU libraries and the,State Lib of Victoria.,11,Related Literature ,Australia,(contd),Author noted,:,“,people prefer access to selection,”,and VUs selection would not represent a critical mass of content, a meaningful collection to choose from or deliver statistical use reports from.,12,Related Literature,US: Case 1,2001 Dillon,pt.1,Experience of Univ. of,Texas at Austin,E-Book Collections from netLibrary,Amigos: a large network of 750 libraries mainly from,five southern states,TexShare: all Texas public and academic libraries,UT System: 15 libraries ( 9 academic, 6 medical),13,Related Literature,US:,Case 1,(contd),Univ. of Texas at Austin,E-book titles that have received at least one use,Collection and user group,%,Titles in the global netLibrary collection which have been used,by any library,77,Titles in the Amigo netLibrary collection used by any AMIGOS,library,71,Titles in the statewide Texas State Library collection used by any library,54,Titles in the UT System netLibrary collection used by any UT,System library,32,Titles in the Amigos netLibrary collection used by UT-Austin,24,Titles in the UT system netLibrary collection used by UT-Austin,15,(Dillon pt.1, 2001),14,Related Literature,US: Case 2,2001 Ramirez & GyeszlyExperience of,Texas A&M Univ,*,a committee selected 15 subject areas historically tended to have,high circulation,e-Book Collections,Amigos,10,000,TSLAC,(Texas State Library & Archives Commission),9,000,TAMU,193*,( since Jan. 2001),15,Related Literature,US:,Case 2,(contd),Texas A&M Univ,Authors noted,:,“,Surprisingly, the almost 200 specially selected e-books were not very heavily accessed by users.,”,Also 9 of 15 subjects, 60% of selected categories, were never used during Feb.-May, 2001.,Accesses,Aug. 2000-Jan.2001,(180 days),Feb.May 2001,(90 days),1,356,3,128,(incl. 61 of TAMU collection),Total accesses,4,484,16,Related Literature,US:,Case 3,2003,Langston,Experience of Calf. State Univ.,e-book Pilot Project,Use by Collections (netLibrary),Size of the User Group:,CSU in the fall of 2001- 23 campuses, 388,700 students, 22,000,faculty,Mar.-Dec.2001,Titles,Accesses,Purchased,821,8,244 (47%),Lease/Multi User,701,9,229 (53%),Total,1,522,17,473,17,Consortium Purchasing of E-Books in Taiwan,TEBNET ( Taiwan E-Book Network),initial organizational meetings began in Apr. 2001, started to share e-books in May 2002, gained formal approval as a cooperatoive on Sept.15, 2004.,18,Consortium Purchasing of E-Books in Taiwan,(contd),Members by Type of HE Institutes,Year,Type,Dec. 2002,Dec. 2003,Sept. 2004,Univ.,15,22,29,College,6,7,9,Jr. College,0,1,1,Total,21,30,39,19,Usage of the First Shared Collection,*Additional 3,007 free titles could be accessed.,Accesses by All Members:,20,Usage of the First Shared Collection,(contd),Accesses by Individual Libraries:,May 2002Sept. 2004,21,Usage of the First Shared Collection,(contd),Accesses by Subjects:,May 2002Sept. 2004,22,Usage of the First Shared Collection,(contd),*,A “ratio of use” is calculated using the percentage of total access and the percentage of titles in a subject,area. (Langston 2003),Accesses by Ratio of Use,*,:,May 2002Sept. 2004,23,Discussion,1. Shared Collections of e-Books,Consortium Purchase Through TEBNET,Usage of e-Books,University and Junior College Libraries,2. E-Books Supplied by netLibrary,Collection Policy and Selection Process,US Market Oriented,Barriers,24,Discussion,(contd),3.,Statistics and Usage,Reliability,Usage of Print and e Books,Subject Categories,4.,A Critical Mass of E Content,Collection Size and Variations,A Critical Mass of Users,Quantities of Available e-books,5.,Publishing e-Book,25,The End,Thank You!,26,


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