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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016/2/14,#,七年级上册英语笔记整理,M 1,她来自北京,She,is from,Beijing=She,comes from,Beijing.,她来自哪里,Where,is,she,from,?=Where,does,she,come from,?,做某事怎么样?,What/How about,doing,sth?,欢迎来到七四班,Welcome to,C,lass,F,our,G,rade,S,even.,北京是中国的首都,Beijing is,the capital of,China.,姓氏和名字的区别(,P7,),M2,多么大的一个家庭啊!,What,a big family! = How,big a family!,在(,.,外部的)前面,in front of eg. I,sit,in front of Jack.,在(,.,内部的)前面,in the,front of eg. The driver is in the front of the car.,M2,在相同的医院,at,the,same hospital,我,与,你,有相同,的爱好,I have,the same,hobby,as,you.,This is an orange.(,改为复数句,),These are oranges.,M2,That is an apple. (,改为复数句,) Those are oranges.,Is,this/that,your sister? Yes,it,is./No,it,isnt,Are,these/those,your sisters? Yes,they,are./No,they,arent.,M2,What is your fathers job?=What does your father do?=What is your father?,-He is an actor.,11. Where does he work? -He works in a theater.,M3,一张世界地图,a map of the world,在墙壁上,on the wall,在每个人的桌子上,on everyone,s desk,M3,每个人都在这儿吗?,Is,everyone here?,有大量的家具,There,is,a lot of,furniture.(,家具总称,不加,s,谓语动词用单数,),在你和我之间,between,you and,me,M3,从一到十,from,one,to,ten,你的学校是什么样子的?,-What,is your school like?=How is your school? -It is very big.,在,Lucy,的左边,on the left of Lucy=on Lucys left,M3,10. with,和,I often play football with Jack.,I with Jack,am,playing football now.(with,遵循就远原则,),用,He does his homework,with a pen,.(,他用钢笔写作业,),表示伴随,I have a house with a swimming pool.,M4,去购物,go shopping,购买一些鸡蛋,go shopping for some eggs=shop for some eggs=buy some eggs,制作一个购物单,make a shopping list,列一个书单,make a list of books,M4,太多的学生,too many students,太多的牛奶,too much milk,太热了,much too hot,一种水果,a kind of fruit,M4,两种水果,two kinds of fruits,你喜欢什么种类的水果?,What kind of fruit do you like?,对某人好,be kind to sb,好吧,All right!=OK,M4,那是正确的,Thats right!,没关系,Thats all right!=It doesnt matter.,对某人有好处,be good for sb,对某人有坏处,be bad for sb,擅长做某事,be good at doing sth,M4,保持健康,keep/stay healthy,太多的鱼肉,too much fish,太多的鱼,two many fish,许多种类的鱼,many kinds of fishes,M4,去钓鱼,go fishing,有点儿累,a little tired=a bit tired,记得去做某事,remember to do sth,记得不要去做某事,remember not to do sth,对某人来说做某事很重要,It is important for sb to do sth,M4,呆在家里,stay at home,吃早饭,have breakfast,吃一顿好的早饭,have a good breakfast,早饭吃了一个鸡蛋,have an egg for breakfast,M4,每个学生,every student,(,every+cn,单数),为某人买某物,buy sth for sb=buy sb sth,一些蛋糕,some,cakes,(cn.),一些面包,some,bread,(,un.,),一片面包,a piece of bread,M5,在周二,on Tuesday,在下午,in the afternoon,在十一月,in November,M5,在十一月二十四号,on November 24th,在,7,:,00 at 7:00,在周五早上,(,两种表达方式,) on Friday morning=on the morning of Friday,M5,在正午,at noon,在午夜,at midnight,在春天,in spring,M5,作一个演讲,give a talk,和某人进行一次长谈,have a long talk with sb,谈论某事,talk about sth,和某人交谈,(,两种表达方式,) talk to sb=talk with sb,M5,说汉语,speak Chinese,和某人说你好,say hello to sb,她喜欢做画画,(,两种表达方式,) She likes drawing./She likes to draw.,M5,她的脸就像一个红苹果,Her face is like a red apple.,我认为数学难,I think maths is difficult.,我认为数学不难,I,don,t think,maths is difficult.,他擅长跳舞,He is good at dancing.= He does well in dancing.,M5,上地理课,have geography,几点了?,What,s the time? =What time is it? =Do you have the time?,我们星期三上什么课?,(,两种表达方式,) What lessons do we have on Wednesday?,M5,= What are our lessons on Wednesday?,我们今天上语文课吗?不,我们不上,-Do we have Chinese today? -No, we don,t.,两个职业,two jobs,(cn.),太多的工作,too much work(un.),M5,许多工人,many workers,多么繁忙的一天啊,What a busy day!,我在忙于我的作业,I,am busy with my homework.,M5,她在忙于打扫实验室,She is busy in cleaning the lab.,完成我的家庭作业,finish my homework,打扫完实验室,finish cleaning the lab,在白天,in the day,M5,在夜晚,(,两种表达方式,) in the evening/ at night,从白天到黑夜,from day to night,起床,起身,get up,开始做某事,(,两种表达方式,) start doing sth= start to do sth,休息一下,(,两种表达方式,),have a break=have a rest,在休息期间,during the break,打破这个杯子,break the cup,M5,破坏规则,break the rule,不同的家庭,different families,这个家庭很大,The family is big.,M5,我的家人在吃饭,My family are having dinner.,在工作日,on weekdays,在周末,at,weekends,在这个周末,at the weekend,M5,洗手,wash hands,洗我的脸,wash my face,做鬼脸,make a face,丢脸,lose face,面对面,face to face,喝加了糖的咖啡,drink coffee with sugar,在派对的开端,at the start of the party,M6,1.,欢迎来到北京,Welcome to Beijing.,欢迎回家,Welcome home,2.,-,谢谢,-,不用谢,-Thank you. ,You,re welcome.,不同的国家,different countries,与,不同,be different from,M6,与,相同,be the same as,在,方面不同,be different in,其他的书,other books,给我打电话,(,两种表达方式,) call me=give me a call,你可以叫我露西,You can call me Lucy.,M6,一个叫玲玲的女孩,a girl called Lingling,我也是一个学生,I,am also a student.,我也会说英语,I,can also speak English.(also,放在,be,和情态动词后,行为动词前,),她在那里,There she is.,给你,Here you are.,M6,这朵花在这里,Here is the flower.,公交车来了,Here comes the bus.,铃响了,There comes the bus.,20.,对你来说单独游泳很危险,It is dangerous for you to swim alone.,21.,去北京动物园旅行,have a trip to Beijing=be on a trip to Beijing,几乎没有水,little water,M6,一点儿水,/,一些水,a little water,三十人,thirty people,五十六个民族,fifty-six peoples,全世界,(,两种表达方式,) all over the world=all around the world,抓住其它的动物作为食物,catch other animals for food,M6,接球,catch the ball,赶上公交车,catch up with the bus,一公斤肉,a kilo of meat,两公斤肉,two kilos of meat,一公斤苹果,a kilo of apples,M6,三公斤苹果,three kilos of apples,确定某事,be sure of/about sth,确定做某事,be sure to do sth,她擅长说英语,(,两种方式,),She is good at speaking English.=She does well in speaking English.,蔬菜对你有好处,Vegetables are good for you.,M6,我们的老师对我们很友好,Our teachers are good to us.,他独自住,但是他不觉得孤单,He lives alone but he doesn,t feel lonely.,人们来自不同的国家,The people are from different countries.,M6,20.,这只熊猫来自亚洲。它是一只亚洲的熊猫。,The panda comes from Asia. It is an Asian panda.,21.,这只斑马来自非洲。它是一只非洲的斑马。,The zebra comes from Africa. It is an African zebra.,22.,这匹狼马来自欧洲。它是一匹欧洲的狼。,The wolf comes from Europe. It is a European wolf.,M7,在电脑上,/,电话上,/,广播上,on the computer/phone/radio,在屏幕上,on the screen,打开,/,关上门,open /close the door,这扇门是开着的,/,关着的,The door is open/,closed,打开灯,turn on the light,M7,关上灯,turn off the light,把音量调大,turn up,把音量调小,turn down,翻到第五页,turn to Page 5,学习英语,(,两种方式,) study English/learn English,学习弹钢琴,learn to play the piano,M7,向雷锋学习,learn from Lei Feng,了解历史,learn about history,用电脑读书,(,两种方式,)use the computer to read books=use the computer for reading books,保存这个文件,save the document,拯救你的生命,save your life,M7,节约水,save water,把鼠标和电脑链接,connect the mouse to the computer,一箱玩具,a box of toys,两箱玩具,two boxes of toys,有一些纸,There is,some paper.,有一张纸,There is,a piece of paper.,M7,有两张纸,There are two piece,s,of paper.,最后,(,三种方式,) finally=at last= in the end,和他的朋友分享一块蛋糕,share,a cake,with,his friend,为我的假期制定一个计划,make a plan for my holiday,计划做某事,(,两种方式,) plan to do sth=make a plan to,do sth,M7,上网,(,三种方式,) go on the Internet=surf the Internet=go online,看电影,(,三种方式,) see a film=watch movies=go to the cinema,在因特网上,on the Internet,M7,制定旅行计划,make travel plans,去旅行,go travelling,去北京旅行,travel to Beijing,M7,听音乐,listen to music,一首音乐,a piece of music,两首音乐,two pieces of music,搜索信息,search for information,一条信息,a piece of information,M7,给我发送一封邮件,(,两种方式,) send an email to me=send me an email,去请医生,send for a doctor,你的衣服很漂亮,Your clothes are beautiful.,参观动物园,(,两种方式,) visit the zoo=pay a visit to the zoo,给她写信,write to her,.,收到她的来信,get a letter from her.=hear from her,M8,做锻炼,take/do exercise,做早操,do morning exercises,做眼睛保健操,do eye exercises,做一些英语练习题,do some English exercises,穿,T,恤衫,wear T-shirts/ put on T-shirts,M8,给这个男孩穿衣服,dress the boy,乔装打扮,dress up,看足球比赛,(,两种方式,) watch football matches=go to football matches,把,A,和,B,匹配起来,match A with B,很多钱,much money,M8,去听音乐会,go to concerts/go to a concert,给他一个卡片,(,两种方式,) give a card to him=give him a card,为他制作一个蛋糕,(,两种方式,) make a cake for him=make him a cake,在派对上,at the party,在这个生日晚宴上,at the birthday dinner,M8,在教师节,on,T,eacher,s,D,ay,他从不在派对上吃蛋糕。,He never eat,s,cakes at the party.,这个故事总是很有趣。,The story is always funny/interesting.,M8,她在这本书上花了,20,美元。,She,spends,20 dollars,on,the book.,她花了,20,美元买这本书。,She,spends,20 dollars,(in) buying,the book.,你想为你的生日要些什么?,What would you like,for,your birthday?,M8,到时候见,see you then=see you later=see you tomorrow,保守秘密,keep the secret,选择做某事,choose to do sth,选择某人做某事,choose sb to do sth,为我选择一个蛋糕,choose a cake for me,M8,经常看见杰克读书,watch Jack,read,books,大量的钱,(,两种方式,) a lot of money=lots of money,大量的书,(,两种方式,) a lot of books=lots of books,非常感谢,(,两种方式,),Thanks a lot=Thanks very much,我害怕蛇,I,am afraid of snakes.,M8,她害怕一个人住,(,两种方式,) She is afraid,of living,alone.=She is afraid,to live,alone.,恐怕是这样,I,m afraid so.,恐怕不是这样,I,m afraid not.,两张音乐会门票,two concert tickets,床底下有一双鞋,There is a pair of shoes under the bed.,M8,床底下有两双鞋,There are two pairs of shoes under the bed.,这双鞋在床底下,The pair of shoes is under the bed.,听这首歌!你能听见它吗?,Listen to the song! Can you hear it?,M8,看这个苹果!你能看见它吗?,Look at the apple! Can you see it?,你喜欢看电影吗? 是的,我喜欢。,Do you like watching films? Yes, I,do.,你愿意去看电影吗?是的,我愿意。,Would you like to watch films? Yes, I,d love to.,M9,喜欢做某事,(,三种方式,) enjoy doing,sth=like doing sth=love doing sth,祝你玩得开心,(,三种方式,),enjoy yourself=have fun=have a good time,站成一排,stand in line,排队等待,wait in line,M9,等公交车,wait for the bus,等待某人做某事,wait for sb to do sth,给这朵花拍照片,take photos,of,the flower,几个橘子,a few oranges,几乎没有橘子,few oranges,(few/a few +cn.,复数,),M9,一些时间,a little time,几乎没有时间,little time,(,little/a little +un.,),用电子邮件,by email,用手,by hand,该是吃晚饭的时候了,(,两种方式,) It,s time,for lunch.,=It,s time,to have lunch.,M9,我有两个苹果。一个是红的,另外一个是青的。,I have two apples. One is red, the other is green.,我有一些苹果。一些是红的,剩下的是青的。,M9,I have some apples.,Some,are red,the others,are green,我制作了一张卡作为他的生日礼物,I,make a card as his birthday present.,离开北京,leave Beijing,M9,动身去北京,leave for,Beijing,把我的书忘在家里了,leave my book,at home,上,/,下公交车,get on/off the bus,上小汽车,get into the car,M9,下小汽车,get out of the car,感谢你的礼物,Thank you for your present.,感谢你帮助我,Thank you for help,ing,me.,开车去北京,(,两种方式,) drive to Beijing=go to Beijing by car,开车回家,drive home,M9,开车去学校,drive to school,开车带我去学校,drive me to school,赶公交车,run for a bus,努力学习,study hard,把书放在桌子上,place/put the book on the desk,M9,喝下午茶,have afternoon tea,下周见,see you next week,去剧院看戏,go to the theater,大部分学生,most students,我们正在进行一次学校旅行。,We are on a school trip.=We are having a school trip.,M10,为春节做好准备,be/get ready for Spring Festival,我准备回家了,I am/get ready to go home.,把你的书准备好,get your book ready,帮助某人某事,help sb with sth,帮助某人做某事,help sb( to )do sth,M10,匆忙赶到学校,hurry to school,匆忙回家,hurry home,M10,他匆忙吃早饭,(,两种方式,) He hurries to have breakfast.=He has breakfast in a hurry.,忙于某事,be busy with sth,忙于做某事,be busy (in) doing sth,M10,把书收拾好,(,两种方式,) put away books=put books away,把它,/,它们收拾好,put it/them away,加入这个俱乐部,join the club,加入我们一起扫地,join us (in) sweeping the floor,他正在工作,He is at work.=He is working.,M10,做大量的工作,do lots of work,努力学习,study hard,对我来说一个人住很难,It is hard for me to live alone.,M10,碰巧做某事,happen to do sth,某事发生在某人的身上,sth happen,to,sb,eg. What,s happening to you?,在春节期间,at Spring Festival,M10,在圣诞节期间,at Christmas,在除夕夜,on New Year,s Eve,在圣诞夜,on Christmas Eve,在新年的那一天,on New Year,s Day,在圣诞节的那一天,on Christmas Day,M10,在一月,in January,在,2,月,7,号,on February 7th,祝你好运,Good luck to you,对某人来说做某事很幸运,It is lucky for sb to do sth,讲一个故事,tell a story,M10,讲一个笑话,tell a joke,撒谎,tell a lie,说实话,tell the truth,告诉某人某事,tell sb about sth=tell sth to sb,16.,告诉我去写作业,tell me to do homework,M10,告诉她不要看电视,tell her not to watch TV,和我的爸爸谈论足球,talk with/to my father about football,和我们说圣诞快乐,say Merry Christmas to us,说英语,speak English,格林一家人正在吃晚饭,The Greens are having dinner.,让某人做某事,Let sb do sth,例子:,Let me help you!,


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