英语 unit 1 lesson 6【HavingFun Together】1课件(冀教版五年级上)

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英语 unit 1 lesson 6【HavingFun Together】1课件(冀教版五年级上)_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 6,Having Fun Together,冀教版五年级英语上册,unit1 My Family,你应掌握的句型是,:,I,go to,the _,to,_ _.,gym,Play badminton,本课主要的内容,:,1.We like to have fun together,2.What does your family like to do?,3.Lets chant!,1.We like to have fun together.,What,does,your family,like,to do?,My family like,s,to have fun together.,We,go to,the movie theatre,to,watch a movie.,We,go to,a restaurant,to,have supper,We,go to,the park,to,fly kites.,What do you like to do?,What does your family like to do?,2.What does your family like to do?,Do you,go to,the zoo,to,watch the animals?,Do you,go to,the store,to,buy clothes?,Do you,go to,the gym,to,play badminton.,3. Lets chant!,What do you like to do?,Go to the zoo, watch a kangaroo.,What do you like to do?,Go to the store, buy a ball.,What do you like to do?,Go to the gym, play a game.,What do you like to do?,Go to the restaurant, eat a donut.,Do a survey,Where to go,What to do,Father,Mother,Aunt,Uncle,Your family have fun together in the weekend.,Thank you!,


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