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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Sudden Light,I have been here before,But when or how I cannot tell:,I Know the grass beyond the door,The sighing sound, the lights around the shore.,You have been mine before,How long ago I may not know:,But just when at that swallows soar,Your neck turned so,Some veil did fall, - I knew it all of yore.,Has this been thus before?,And shall not thus times eddying flight,Still with our lives our love restore,In deaths despite,And day and night yield one delight once more?,1,English and American Literature,Welcome to join Georges class and explore the beauty of English and American literature!,2,An Introduction toEnglish and American Literature,George,October 22, 2004,3,Foreign language learning is really very difficult to students.,Questions:,Whats foreign language, English, French, Japanese, or ?,What students, colleges, middle-school students, or pupils in primary school?,4,What makes the difference?,experience,5,Another Example,How beautiful the girl that I dated is.,6,The Girl I Dated,7,Goals of This Course,The Forms of Literature,What Do We Read for in English and American Literature,The History of English Literature and Some Important Novelists,The History of English Literature and Some Important Novelists,8,Study Strategy,Read extensively on simplified English and American novels,Read some Chinese translations to the English and American Classics,Read some Criticisms of English and American Literature,9,On the Final Exam,Course paper,Write a book report of 350 words before week 15 and write an essay of 400 words about a certain novel or novelist.,10,Words Bank,literature: 文学,fiction: 虚构, 小说,non-fiction: 非小说作品(如传记),novel: 小说 = novelist 小说家,narration: 叙述,exposition: 讲解, 说明,argumentation: 议论,genres: 文学分类,11,The Forms of Literature,Questions:,Chapter 1,What is literature?,1. Anything written,recipe books, telephone directories, guidebooks to museum,2. The art that use language as a medium,cf: music, painting,12,Wanted,Man. 38. Divorced. Mechanic engineer. Non-smoker. Kind and patient. Seek a pretty lady under 30. She must be kind, humorous, hardworking, economical, most importantly, rich.,Chapter 1,13,The Forms of Literature,Chapter 1,Literature,fiction,non-fiction,novel,short story,play,poem,description,narration,exposition,argumentation,14,What Do We Read For in English and American Literature,Questions:,Chapter 1,Why do we read novels, stories ,entertainment,exploration,shelter,What do we care about while reading?,story,15,What Do We Read For in English and American Literature,Question 1,Chapter 1,Why do we read novels, stories ,entertainment,kill time, read for fun ,exploration,a tool to adventure, a window to know the outside world, ,shelter,to escape from the cruel reality, ,16,What Do We Read For in English and American Literature,Question 2,Chapter 1,What do we care about while reading?,story,1. What is going on?,2. What is said?,3. How it is said?,plot,17,Words Bank,characteristics: 特征,character: 人物,prose: 散文,narrative: 叙述,rhyme: 使。 。有节奏,account: 叙述,fictitious: 虚构的,18,Fiction(1)The Novel,Questions:,Chapter 2,What is novel?,What are the similarities between novel and short story?,They share some characteristics, such as plot, character, etc.,19,The Definition of Novel,Chapter 2,1.“Novel” comes from the Italian word “novella” meaning “a little new thing,” ”piece of news,” “chit-chat”,What is novel?,Questions:,2.In English, the word “novel” means “new, unusual, being the first of its kind,” as in the phrase “a novel idea.”,20,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,1.The novel is a new genre or form,differs from,poetry, drama, ballad,A poem is originally a rhymed structure while a novel is not rhymed, namely, a novel is in prose form.,A drama is a show or performance intended for viewing or watching while a novel is a telling a narration intended for reading.,A ballad is a musical piece for singing while a novel is not.,21,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,2.The content of a novel is of fictitious nature,differs from the stories of historian,Novels tell made-up stories, but the stories of the historians tell truth.,22,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,3.The purpose or first purpose of a novel is to,entertain,differs from your news, advertisements,We read news for whats going on around us or in world and we read advertisements for the latest information about certain products, but we read novel for fun or entertainment.,23,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,Conclusion 1,A novel is a fictional prose narrative for entertainment.,24,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,The function of novel,1. Novelists,the one who write the novel,2. Readers,the one who read the novel,What are the two main aspects of a novel?,25,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,The function of novel,1. Why are there the novelists writing novel?,to express,to share,to be understood,2. What do they want to share?,anything from their personal feelings such as their sufferings, happiness, sorrows, etc to their experiences and thoughts.,26,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,The function of novel,“欲新一国之民,不可不先新一国之小说。”梁启超,3. Why do they want to express, to share, to be understood?,“There are many reasons why novelist write, but they all have one thing in common a need to create an alternative world.”John Fowler,27,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,The function of novel,Conclusion 1,Novelists have the purpose of changing things, especially peoples mind, whether they admit it or not.,28,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,The function of novel,1. Why are there readers reading novels?,To entertain,to understand,to share and participate,2. What must the readers be ready to do before reading a novel?,The readers have to suppose that the authors tell truths and ready to accept them.,29,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,The function of novel,Conclusion 2,Readers, by reading whatever novels, are willingly open to anything new to their minds.,30,What Is Novel?,Chapter 2,The function of novel,Conclusion 2,Readers, by reading whatever novels, are willingly open to anything new to their minds.,Conclusion 1,Novelists have the purpose of changing things, especially peoples mind, whether they admit it or not.,Conclusion,The function or purpose of the novel is to change the world by changing the readers mind.,31,Chapter 2,Final Conclusion,A novel is a highly stylized prose account of fictional reality in the form of story with the purpose of changing the readers mind by the aid of the readers active involvement while providing entertainment and superior truth in life.,What Is Novel?,32,Chapter 2,Lengthiness,openness,The Characteristics of Novel,What Is Novel?,Thoroughness,Profundity,Truth,The Characteristics of Novel,33,A short story should be of the length that it could be read at one sitting without causing tiredness.,Chapter 2,Novel VS Short story,What Is Novel?,The Characteristics of Novel,Lengthiness,Question:,How long can a story be called a short story? And a novel ?,Conveniently, a full-length novel, printed, comprises a book of considerable thickness.,34,A short story concentrates on one event or a few closely related events.,Chapter 2,Novel VS Short story,What Is Novel?,The Characteristics of Novel,Thoroughness,Question:,How many events can a short story concentrate on? And a novel?,A novel is capable of relating many events that are closely or remotely relevant connected.,35,Chapter 2,Novel VS Short story,What Is Novel?,The Characteristics of Novel,Profundity,Question:,How much can a short story reveal? And a novel?,A good novel does not only present the essence of life, it can be complete in both the material and spiritual senses.,36,Chapter 2,Novel VS Short story,What Is Novel?,The Characteristics of Novel,Openness,By openness, I mean you can find elements from poetry, drama, and even film as its integrated parts.,37,Chapter 2,Novel VS Short story,What Is Novel?,The Characteristics of Novel,Truth,Novels tell made-up stories, but they tell truth.,Mirror and Light,38,Chapter 2,Mirror,What Is Novel?,Mirror and Lamp,Literary Theory of,Plato,Idea,Projection,Real World,Literature & Arts,Absolute Truth,Imitation to the Idea,Imitation to the Real World,The Final Purpose of Literature,To arrive at a final recognition of the life.,39,Chapter 2,Lamp,What Is Novel?,Mirror and Lamp,Literary Theory of,Romanism,Human Beings,Sth. to be Reflected,Real World,Self,Second Self,Projection of Self,The Final Purpose of Literature,To arrive at a final recognition of the spirit and thoughts.,40,Kinds of the Novels,The standards of classification:,Chapter 2,The standards commonly used are length, subject matter, setting, and technique.,Questions:,1. How many kinds of novels do you know?,2. How do you distinguish between them?,41,Chapter 2,Full-length Novel,Tetra-logy,Novel,Short Novel,Trilogy,By Length,Kinds of the Novels,How many kinds can novel be divided by,length?,Questions:,42,More importantly, full-length indicates a full development.,Chapter 2,Full-length Novel,Question:,What is a,full-length novel,?,Conveniently, a full-length novel, printed, comprises a book of considerable thickness.,Kinds of the Novels,By Length,43,A short novel refers to a narrative midway in length between a short story and a novel .,Chapter 2,Short Novel,Question:,What is a,short novel,?,Generally, like a short story, a short novel centers,on just one or two characters.,Kinds of the Novels,By Length,Short Novel VS Short Story,Unlike a short story, a short novel has room to reveal the characters in greater fullness and depth.,44,To be thoroughly told, a complex story with many scenes and many characters sometime extends beyond covers of a single book.,Chapter 2,Trilogy,Question:,What is a,trilogy,?,A trilogy is a group of three novels in a sequence.,Kinds of the Novels,By Length,45,Chapter 2,Tetra-logy,Question:,What is a,tetra-logy,?,A sequence of four novels is usually called a tetra- logy,Kinds of the Novels,By Length,46,Chapter 2,First stage:the epic,(such as Iliad and Odyssey),History of the Novel,The development of imaginative fiction,Three stages,Second stage:the romance,Third stage:novel,Don Quixote de la Mancha, 17th, Cervantes, the first novel,Robinson Crusoe, 1713, Defoemarking the maturation of the novel,47,Chapter 2,Story,Theme,Elements,Character,Plot,Elements of the Novel,Commonly, what are the elements of novel?,Questions:,Elements of the Novel,Setting,Narrative Point of View,48,What questions usually do the readers,ask while reading novels?,Chapter 2,What happened next? What would he do next?,the time,the event,What Is Story,Questions:,Elements of the Novel,Conclusion 1,The two basic elements of a story are the event and the time.,49,A story is a series of happenings arranged in,the natural temporal (现世的) order as they,occur.,Chapter 2,What Is Story,Conclusion 2,Elements of the Novel,Conclusion 3,Story is the basis of the novel, and indeed,the basis of narrative works of all kinds.,50,One mark of a second-rate mind is to be,always telling stories.,Jean de La Bruyere,Chapter 2,What Is Story,What is appropriate attitude towards story?,Elements of the Novel,Whats the difference between novelists and newspapermen, historiansetc.?,51,the newspapermen, the historians, etc. aim,at telling people whats going on or what,happened.,Chapter 2,What Is Story,Whats the difference between novelists and newspapermen, historiansetc.?,Elements of the Novel,In telling stories,The novelists aim at something higher or they,intend to add something to the “mere” fact.,52,the newspapermen, the historians, etc. use,the similar style of narration.,Chapter 2,What Is Story,Whats the difference between the stories of the novels and other non-fictions (news reports, etc.)?,Elements of the Novel,In telling stories,the novelists use personalized presentation and,interpretation.,53,Chapter 2,Kinds of Characters,Conclusion 1,What Is Character,Round characters grow emotionally or spiritually while flat characters are usually shown one side.,Question:,What are the round characters?What are the flat characters?,Elements of the Novel,54,Chapter 2,Kinds of Characters,Conclusion 2,What Is Character,Usually the reader is allowed access to the inner life of the round character and permitted to learn about many sides of him/her.,On the other hand, the flat character is closed character to whose inner thoughts the reader is denied access.,Elements of the Novel,55,The king died and then the queen died.,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,Compare the following two sentences,Elements of the Novel,The king died and then the queen dies of grief.,What are the differences between the,events in reality and those from the fiction?,Question:,Indicator of our interpretation and,thus arrangement of the happenings,56,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,Conclusion 1,Elements of the Novel,In the world of reality, events take place one after another in the natural temporal order.,But in the world of fiction it is the novelists,design that one particular event occur after,another particular one.,57,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,Conclusion 2,Elements of the Novel,In the world of reality, events take place one after another in the natural temporal order, in the world of fiction it is the novelists design that one particular event occur after another particular one.,The word “ plot” implies the novelists rebellion,against the natural law and his effort to make,meanings out of the happenings that may,otherwise be meaningless.,58,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,Conclusion 3,Elements of the Novel,A plot is a particular arrangement of happenings in a novel that is aimed at revealing their casual relationships or at conveying the novelists ideas.,A plot is sometimes called a story line, which,traditionally, should be a complete or unified action,including a beginning, a middle, and an end.,59,Chapter 2,Conflict,Phases of a Plot,Exposition,What Is Plot,A complete or traditional plot consist of,Phases of a Plot,Elements of the Novel,Climax,Denouement (final stage),60,I was born in the Year 1632, in the City of York, of a good,family, though not of that Country, my Father being a,Foreigner of Bremen, who settled first at Hull: He got a good,Estate by Merchandise, and leaving off his Trade, lived,afterward at York, from whence he had married my Mother,whose Relations were named Robinson, a very good Family,n that country, and from whom I was called Robinson,Kreutznaer .,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,Exposition,Elements of the Novel,Daniel Defoe:,Robinson Crusoe,Example,61,to make the reader be able to understand the,characters and the actions,Chapter 2,What is the function of this passage?,to provide the essential background information,What Is Plot,Question 1,Elements of the Novel,to lay a sound basis so that the events in the plot to begin,62,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,Exposition is the part of a plot that provided,the essential background information so that,the events in the plot have a sound basis to,begin and so that the reader is able to,understand the characters and the actions.,Exposition,Elements of the Novel,Final Conclusion,63,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,By relating an unusual or dramatic event.,By describing a meaningful scene.,By setting up a contrast.,Exposition,Elements of the Novel,How to make Expositions,64,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,By relating an unusual or dramatic event.,Exposition,Elements of the Novel,How to make Expositions,1) to get the readers attention,2) to provide a sort of center for the novel,65,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,By describing a meaningful scene.,Exposition,Elements of the Novel,How to make Expositions,to create an atmosphere to fore-shadow what is going to happen,66,There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had,been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in,the morning, but since dinner (Mrs. Reed, when there was no,company, dined early) the cold winter wind had brought with,it clouds so sombre, and a rain so penetrating, that further,outdoors exercise was now out of the question.,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,Exposition,Elements of the Novel,Charlotte Bronte:,Jane Eyre,Example,67,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,By setting up a contrast.,Exposition,Elements of the Novel,How to make Expositions,to build tension,The beginning of The Scarlet Letter contrasts the black,prison door with the rose bush beside it, summarizing,symbolically the conflict between a severe society and,natural human desire.,68,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,Question:,Conflict,Elements of the Novel,Conflict is the confrontation of actions, ideas,desires, or wills.,How many kinds of conflicts can a novel have?,Conflicts,Between the characters,Between the character and the society,Between the character and his fate and environment,Between the character and himself,69,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,In a word, a conflict is centered on the character.,Conflict,Elements of the Novel,Conclusion 1,Question:,What do conflicts aim to in the novels?,Basically, conflicts are to create tension.,Conclusion 2,A conflict should be as intense as to arouse the readers interests and give them anxiety.,70,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,Conflict can be sub-divided into,crisis,and,turning,point,.,Conflict,Elements of the Novel,Conclusion 3,Question:,Crisis refers to the part in which the tension is maximum and a resolution is imminent.,The moment when a resolution is being reached or the event that brings about a resolution is called a turning point.,71,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,Climax,Elements of the Novel,Climax is the most important and intense one of,the conflicts in the plot upon which the whole,novel centers and whose resolution virtually,ends the novel.,72,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,Denouement,Elements of the Novel,(The final stage),Denouement is a word borrowed from Latin,meaning “unknotting”. It is equivalent to the,falling action.,73,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,The phases of plot,Elements of the Novel,exposition,conflicts,crisis,turning point,climax,denouement,74,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,How is a plot made?,Elements of the Novel,Four factors to consider:,Phases of a Plot,they are, the doers and the doing,the time,the place,the value,75,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,There was a good rain yesterday in the,mountain areas.,Elements of the Novel,Example,How is a plot made?,the value judgment,the doer,the temporal factor,the spatial factor,76,Chapter 2,What Is Plot,How is a plot made?,Elements of the Novel,Time,Several ways to manipulate time in novel writing,To decide a time span.,To omit some time units from the time span already decided upon.,To disorganize/reorganize time.,eg. flashback,77,Chapter 2,Theme,Elements of the Novel,The theme of a novel is its controlling idea or its,central insight.,The theme should be capable of unifying the whole novel.,The theme should be abstract and it should generalize about life.,What Is Theme,78,Chapter 2,Each novel has a theme or themes, or theme is important to all novels.,Theme,Elements of the Novel,Several misconceptions about theme,1) Some novels, interesting enough, do not provide any insight into life.,2) Theme exists only in the novel that serious attempts to reflect life faithfully or intends to reveal truth about life, or in the novels that are based on ideas or theories of life.,What Is Theme,79,Chapter 2,The theme is largely what the novel is.,Theme,Elements of the Novel,Several misconceptions about theme,1) The novel is a work of art whereas the theme is only an abstract idea.,2) Theme appeals to the intellectual level of reading while the novel as a whole mainly appeals to the emotional level.,What Is Theme,80,Chapter 2,What Is Theme,The theme is the subject.,Theme,Elements of the Novel,Several misconceptions about theme,1) The theme is an idea while the subject is a matter or an


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