美国电影欣赏 Dead Poets' Society

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 13 Dead Poets Society,Historical Background:,social needs - a spiritual release,Story source:,based on one of Mr. Schulmans teachers while he was at MBA,Characters,Released: 1989,John Keating: Robin Williams,Director: Peter,Running time: 130mins,Dead Poets Society,explores the conflict between realism and romanticism as these contrasting ideals are presented to the students at an all-boy preparatory school.,Welton,Academy is founded on tradition and excellence and is bent on providing strict structured lessons prescribed by the realist, anti-youth administration. With the dawning of each new semester, hundreds of parents abandon their sons, leaving them in the tried hands of,Welton,staff in hopes that they will raise doctors and lawyers. When a replacement English teacher arrives, who happens to be a,Welton,alumnus, he brings with him a passion for teaching romanticism, thus opening a never-before-seen world to his students.,Synopsis,(Keating asked the boys to come out of the classroom and got to the building hall.),Keating: O Captain! My Captain! Who knows where that comes from? Anybody?,Keating: Not a clue? Its from a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr. Abraham Lincoln. Now, this class, you can either call me Mr. Keating, or, if youre slightly more daring, O Captain! My Captain.,Keating: Now let me dispel a few rumors, so they dont fester into facts. Yes, I, too, attended,Hellton,and have survived. And no, at that time, I was not the mental giant you see before you. I was the intellectual equivalent of a ninety-eight-pound weakling. I would go to the beach, and people would kick copies of Byron in my face.,Keating: Now, Mr. Pitts. Thats rather unfortunate name Mr. Pitts, where are you? Mr. Pitts, will you open your hymnal to page 542? Read the first stanza of the poem you find there.,Pitts: To the Virgins, to Make Much of the Time?,Keating: Yes. Thats the one. Somewhat appropriate,isn,t it?,Pitts: Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old time is still a-flying: and this same flowers that smiles to day, Tomorrow will be dying.,Keating: Thank you, Mr. Pitts. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. The Latin term for that sentiment is Carpe diem. Now who knows what that means?,Meeks: Carpe diem. Thats seize the day.,Keating: Very good, Mr.,Meeks: Meeks.,Voice Imitation,Keating. Meeks. Another unusual name. Seize the day. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. Why does the writer use these lines?,Charlie: Because hes in a hurry.,Keating: No! Ding! Thank you for playing anyway. Because we are food for worms, lads. Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is, one day,gonna,stop breathing, turn cold, and die. I would like you to step forward over her and peruse some of the faces from the past. You,ve,walked past them many times, but I dont think you,ve,really looked at them.,Keating: Theyre not that different from you, are they? Same haircuts, full of hormones just like you. Invincible just like you feel. The world is their oyster. They believe theyre destined for great thinks, just like many of you. Their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable? Because, you see, gentlemen, those boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen. Do you hear it?,Keating: Carpe. Hear it? Carpe. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.,Pitts: That was weird.,Neil: But different.,Knox: Spooky if you ask me.,Cameron: He,ll,test us on that stuff?,Charllie,: Oh, come on, Cameron. Dont you get anything?,Commentary,Connotation of the Title:,The title of the movie comes from the name of a fictional organization in the film ,Dead Poets Society,. According to the explanation of the leading character Keating, it is a club consist of some Romantics (,浪漫主义者).,They want to live the fullest of the life and make good use of every minute of valuable life. They get together in the evening in a cave to read poems from Thoreau, Whitman and Shelly. They write their own poems as well.,The first and most important theme of the movie is the concept carpe diem or seize the day. Mr. Keating inspires his students to follow their hearts and move away from being conservative and become willing to take risks. Because the boys futures have literally been spelt out for them by their parents, they never had the opportunity to think for themselves and with Mr. Keating encouraging free thinking, the boys become risk takers and do what their heart wants rather than what their parents want.,Furthermore, this film is a metaphor for the battle between conformity(,顺从),and non-conformity. Most of the school and the students parents are seen as conformists (,墨守陈规者),and can be represented as the state society is in the moment. The expectations placed on the students are like the rules placed on society. The students in this film are like most people in society.,They follow rules without ever questioning them. By following them, they believe that this is the right way. Mr. Keating, however, is clearly the non-conformist and being a non-conformist, he challenges the rules of conformity and his unorthodox(,异端的),teaching methods portray this view. The film constantly bounces back between the conformists and the non-conformists and how the two views contrast so greatly both in the film and in real life.,Theme,of the Movie,Featuring,Leading Star:,Robin Williams,Main works:,Good Will Hunting (1997),Good Morning Vietnam (1987),Awakenings (1990),Exercises,Answer the Following Questions:,1.What is Dead Poets Society? And what do members of the society do?,2.Why do you think Neil committed suicide?,3.What factors can affect a youngsters character?,4.Please describe the characters of Keating.,5.What do you think is the best way of teaching and learning?,6.What do you think of the unusual ways of teaching of Keating in the movie?,7.In your opinion, what are the qualities that a good teacher should have?,8. Why do you think some of the boys stepped onto the desks while Keating was leaving at the end of the movie?,9. If you were one of the boys, would you stand on the desk at the end of the movie, and why?,10.Do you like poetry? And what is your favorite poem? Is it a Chinese one or an English one? Share it with your classmates.,Vocabulary,accomplishment n.,成就,administration n.,管理部门,annual n.,年鉴;年刊,barbarian n.,原始人;残酷的人,conformity n.,一致,contentment n.,满足,conviction n.,信念,courtyard n.,院子;庭院,curriculum n.,课程,decadence n.,颓废,dedication n.,贡献;奉献,defy v.,反抗;不服从,dutiful adj.,尽职尽责的;责任感强的,earplug n.,耳塞,excrement n.,污秽;排泄物;这里指没用的东西,expel v.,把除名,expulsion n.,开除,fervent adj.,热情的;强烈的,flunk v.,不及格,forevermore adv.,永远地,henceforth adv.,从此以后;今后,horizontal n. (,图表) 横轴,hormone n.,荷尔蒙;精力,hymnal n.,诗集,illustrate v.,阐述;解释,immature adj.,不成熟的,impressionable adj.,易受影响的,infuriating adj.,令人生气的,inherently adj.,本质上;固有地,inquiry n.,调查,invincible adj.,不可战胜的;不可一世的,invoke v.,引用, (此处意思是)朗读,paradise n.,天堂;乐园,passion n.,热情,passionate adj.,热情的;充满激情的,penalize v.,使受处罚,pillar n.,主要原则;支柱,rehearse v.,排演;彩排,remind v.,提醒,reprimand n.,训斥;谴责,revelation n.,启示;揭示的真相,ridicule v.,愚弄;嘲笑,scapegoat n.,替罪羊;代人受过的人,travesty n.,模仿;歪曲,undaunted adj.,无畏的,unfettered adj.,自由的;不受拘束的,unmanned adj.,无人驾驶的,unorthodox adj.,异端的,valedictorian,vertical n. (,图表) 纵轴,yawp v.,叫喊声,References,1. Dead Poets Society,(DVD) Touchstone Pictures 1989,2. http:/www.,antiromantic,.com/,dps,3. http:/www.,hollywood,.com/movies/detail/id/171529,4. http:/www.,peterweircave,.com/,dps,


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