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点击添加文字标题,标题文本,正文级别 1,正文级别 2,正文级别 3,正文级别 4,正文级别 5,Sec,u,rity Check,2 0 1 9,POLICE,教学目标,熟悉机场安检流程,掌握安检相关英语表达,提高学生跨文化交际能力,为今后的职业生涯发展奠定基础,教学难点,安检英语的规范使用,目 录,1,机场安检流程,2,安检注意事项,Enha,n,ced Sec,u,rity,Ch,eck,Under the threat of terrorism, the police have enhanced security check and new security procedures have been put into place for public safety.,Procedures of Security Check,In many countries, the police have begun security check when there are special events or mass gathering.,Generally, security procedures include ID certificates checking and carry-on baggage checking, i.e. checking identities and personal belongings through combination of human and equipment.,Airport,security,Airport security refers to the techniques and methods used in pretending to protect passengers, staff and planes which use the airports from accidental/malicious harm, crime and other threats.,Airport,security,Aviation security is a combination of human and material resources to safeguard civil aviation against unlawful interference. Unlawful interference could be acts of terrorism, sabotage, threat to life and property, communication of false threat, bombing etc.,A.ItemsPr,o,hibited inBoth Carry,-,O,na,n,d Check,e,d,Baggage,The itemsbeloware prohibited inboth carry-on baggage and checked baggage:,Guns, mechanical appliances for military or police use (including main parts and components) and their imitations.,Explosive objectssuch asammunition,fireworks, blasting equipment and their imitations.,Controlled knives.,A.ItemsPr,o,hibited inBoth Carry,-,O,na,n,d Check,e,d,Baggage,Flammable and explosive items, such as matches, lighters (gas), alcohol, paint, gasoline, kerosene, benzene, rosin oil, tobacco cake, etc.,Corrosive substances, such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, liquid storage batteries, etc.,Toxic or harmful products, such as cyanide, toxic pesticides, etc.,Radioactive substances, isotopes, etc.,Other objects harmful to aviation safety, such as materials with strong irritating smell and strong magnetic articles that may interfere the normal working of aircrafts instruments.,Items Prohibited in Both Carry-On and Checked Baggage,B.ItemsPr,o,hibited in Carry,-,O,nBaggage but permitted in Check,e,d,Baggage,Kitchen knives, clippers, big fruit knives, razors and other knives for daily use.,Professional knives,including surgical knives, sticking knives, gravers, etc.,Knives,spears,swords, and othersimilaritems used for performances.,Sports goods harmful to aviation safety or personal security, such as aggravated canes, canes with sharp nails, alpenstocks, baseball bats, etc.,Axes, chisels, hammers, awls, spanners and other objects harmful to aviation safety or personal security.,Liquiditemswhichexceed type oramount limitations for carry-on baggage.,Prohibited in Carry-On Baggage but Permitted in Checked Baggage,C.Regulations on carrying lithium batteries on flights:,1)Lithiumbatteries can onlybe taken on to planes as carry-on rather than checked baggage.,2) Passengers can carry electronic products that incorporate lithium/lithium-ion battery cells or batteries. Such devices must be intended only for private use (such as watches, calculators, mobile phones, laptop computers and portable video cameras).,C.Regulations on carrying lithium batteries on flights:,(3)Lithium batteries must be protected from short circuit and can only be taken as carry-on baggage. Each passenger can carry two standby batteries at most.,Task:Develop a short dialogue with the given words and phrases,Situation: At the security checkpoint, the security door gives an alarm when a passenger passes.,A police officer is scanning him carefully with a detector and tries to make him cooperate.,Words and phrases for reference: metallic objects raise your arms,Useful Expressions,1 conveyor belt,传送带,2 portable battery,充电宝,3 prohibited articles,违禁物品,4 metallic objects,金属物品,5 come over for inspection,接受检查,6 raise your arms,请抬起双臂,7 register for luggage,托运行李,8 Im sorry to tell you .,抱歉的告知您,9 Hello, walk through the security entrance please.,请通过安检入口,Useful Expressions,10Stand here, please. You will have to be checked by hands.,Raise your arms.,请站在这里,您将接受随身检查,请抬起双臂。,11 Turn around please.,请转身,12 Thank you. This check is complete/done.,谢谢,检查完毕。,13 Thank you for your cooperation.,感谢您的配合。,谢谢聆听 下次再见,POLICE,


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