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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,PART II Significant Terms,Chapter 8 Inorganic Chemical Terms,1. Periodic table, electronic structure,Periodicity,周期性,:,the quality or state of being periodic; recurrence at regular intervals.,periodic law,:,the tendency of chemical elements with similar positions in the periodic table to have similar properties.,Excursion:,偏移,2. Wavelength, frequency,wavenumber,diffraction,Diffraction,: the spreading of waves as they pass obstacles or openings comparable in size to their wavelength.,3. quantum, quantized, quantum theory, photoelectric effect, photon,whole-number multiples,4. Quantum mechanics, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, momentum,Heisenberg uncertainty principle:,It is impossible to know simultaneously both the exact momentum and the exact position of an electron.,momentum : mass times velocity p=,mv,5.,Angular momentum, ground state , excited states, quantum number,Angular momentum:,l =,mvr,m:mass, v: velocity , r:,radius,Ground state,: the state with lowest energy,excited state,: the state with higher energy than that of ground state,6. Atomic orbital, the four quantum numbers,The principal quantum number:,主量子数,n,Identifies the main energy levels, n= 1 2 3 .,ii) The,subshell,(,支壳层,) quantum number:,角量子数, identifies the sublevels of energy within the main energy level, l=0 1 2 n-1,iii) The orbital quantum number:,magnetic quantum number, identifies the location within each,subshell,Identifies the two different orientations in which each electron occupies the orbital,iv) The spin quantum number: m,s,9. Group (family), period, noble gas,10.,Representive,elements, transition,elemetnts,Representive,element,: alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens.,transition,elemetnts,:,d-transition, f-transition,12.Chemical bond, valence electrons, Lewis symbol,15. Lewis structure, nonbonding electron pairs (lone pairs), covalent bonding, single, multiple and coordinate covalent bond,16. resonance: refers to all the possible arrangement,resonance hybrid(,共振杂化,): refers to the actual arrangement which has the characteristics of two or more of possible arrangement.,17.Nonpolar and polar covalent bond, dipole, network covalent substances,18. bond length, bond dissociation energy, bond energy,lattice energy,Atomic radii,Effective nuclear charge,Screening effect,Lanthanide contraction,Isoelectronic,ions,等电子离子,20. Ionization energy,noble gas configuration,electron affinity,d,10,configuration,pseudo-noble gas configuration,21. Polarization of an ion,electronegativity,(,电负性,) atom,Electropositive atom,22. Oxidation numbers, oxidation state,23. Molecular geometry, bond angle, bond axis, valence bond theory,hybridization,24. isomers, structural isomers,Cis,-trans isomerism (geometric isomerism ),Cis,-isomers,: the groups under consideration are on the same side of a double bond or other rigid structure,Trans-isomers: the groups under consideration are on opposite sides,25. Delocalized electrons:,离域电子,van,der,Waals,forces,van,der,Waals,radii,dipole moment,偶极矩,dipole-dipole interaction:,molecules with dipole moments attract each other,electrostatically, and the positive end of one molecule attracts the negative end of another molecule, and so on, leading to an alignment of the molecules.,London forces: dispersion force,hydrogen bond,30. Hydration,水合作用,solvation,溶剂化作用,chemical equilibrium,化学平衡,hydrolysis,,水解,efflorescence,粉化风化,hygroscopic,吸湿的,Deliquescent,,潮解的,31. electrolyte:,电解质,Strong(weak,) electrolytes:,Nonelectrolytes,:,35. Fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, natural gas,Oxidation:,Reduction:,Oxidation-reduction reactions:,redox,Oxidizing agent, reducing agent,36. Heavy water, absorption,37. Acidic anhydride(,酸酐,),amphoteric,两性的,38. Allotropes:,同素异形体,43. Ion product constant for water,Acid or base ionization constant,45. Molecular orbital theory,bonding molecular orbital,成键分子轨道,anti-bonding molecular orbital,反键分子轨道,bond order,键级,46.,Homonuclear,: “the same nucleus”,Heteronuclear,: “of different nuclei”,47. Coordination compound,Coordination number,Chelation,Chelate,ring,Bidentate,Tridentate,Labile or inert complex,


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