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The main door.,LANDING GEAR,Extension and Retraction System,Wheels and Braking System,NLG Steering System,A NLG and Related Door,Two,MLGs,and Related Doors,CONTENT,Indication and Warning System,Whats the component of the NLG?, Where does the NLG retract to stow?, How many doors are there in each NLG bay? Which can be opened on the ground?,QUESTIONS,Whats the component of the NLG?,oleo-pneumatic shock absorber,a two-piece drag strut assembly,lock stay,steering mechanism,doors,Where does the NLG retract to stow?,It retracts forward into a bay in the fuselage.,How many doors are there in each NLG bay?,Which can be opened on the ground?,Four. The forward doors.,LANDING GEAR,Extension and Retraction System,Wheels and Braking System,NLG Steering System,A NLG and Related Door,Two,MLGs,and Related Doors,CONTENT,Indication and Warning System,Q:,How many kinds are included in the extension and retraction system?,(,P161,),Normal Extension and Retraction,Free Fall Extension,Which controls the normal extension and retraction?,LUCIU.,Which feed back the position data?,Position sensors.,Does the two LGCIU work at the same time?,No.,Normal Extension and Retraction,Which controls is free fall extension system?,Where does it connect to?,Which extends the L/G?,Does it have hydraulic supply?,Under what conditions will this system be reset?,Free Fall Extension,LANDING GEAR,Extension and Retraction System,Wheels and Braking System,NLG Steering System,A NLG and Related Door,Two,MLGs,and Related Doors,CONTENT,Indication and Warning System,Q,:,How many kinds of braking system?,Normal Braking System,1,Alternate Braking System,3,2,Parking Brake System,3,3,Function:,Controlled by _,Receives hydraulic pressure from _,Includes _ protection,Has _ modes of operations,automatic: selection of P/BSW,manual: movement of brake pedal,Normal Braking System,1,Alternate Braking System,With anti-skid,Secondary electro-hydraulic braking system,Automatically available,Made only at the brake pedals through a low pressure hydraulic system,Yellow hydraulic system,Without,anti-skid,Secondary mode of operation of alternate braking system,Made only at the brake pedal,Usually used when aircraft is towed with electrical power,Yellow hydraulic system or accumulators,Function,:,Receives power from _,When this system is in use, all other braking,systems are hydraulically isolated.,Parking Brake System,3,3,Includes a temperature sensor,Sends data to BTMU,Shown on the wheel page of the ECAM SD,BITE,4,Brake Temperature System,5,Decreases the temperature of the brakes,Usually used on the ground,Includes a P/BSW and an fan in each MLG wheel,Has hot light and on light,Brake Cooling System,6,TPIS,7,Includes a sensor and a TPIS,TPIS controls and monitors and sends data,LANDING GEAR,Extension and Retraction System,Wheels and Braking System,NLG Steering System,A NLG and Related Door,Two,MLGs,and Related Doors,CONTENT,Indication and Warning System,Controlled by _,Function:,Its function is achieved by _,Uses hydraulic power from _,_ supply the steering input,two,handwheel,transmitters supply the primary,steering inputs,rudder pedals and autopilot supply the secondary,inputs,LANDING GEAR,Extension and Retraction System,Wheels and Braking System,NLG Steering System,A NLG and Related Door,Two,MLGs,and Related Doors,CONTENT,Indication and Warning System,The position and warning system has two parts:,Indicating and warning,Has proximity sensors,Gives position data to LGCIU,L/G BITE,Each LGCIU contains BITE,Supplies data to CFDS,The LGCIU makes the selections of the valve,assembly to retract or extend the L/G and move,the doors,in a given sequence,.,in a given sequence,按照特定的顺序,Useful Expressions,The input signals from the brake pedals,are,proportional to,the amount of pedal travel and,supply braking independently to each MLG .,be proportional to,与,成比例,in proportion to,深 航 维 修 你 来 传 承,主起落架和舱门系统部件,主起落架减震支柱,1.,功能,主起落架减震支柱吸收着陆力并将垂直载荷传递到飞机结构。,2.,基本工作原理,油气式减震支柱主要利用气体的压缩变形吸收撞击动能,利用油液高速流过节流小孔的摩擦消耗能量。,主起落架和舱门系统部件,主起落架减震支柱,1.,功能,主起落架减震支柱吸收着陆力并将垂直载荷传递到飞机结构。,2.,基本工作原理,油气式减震支柱主要利用气体的压缩变形吸收撞击动能,利用油液高速流过节流小孔的摩擦消耗能量。,主起落架阻力杆,功能:在前和后方向上起稳定起落架的作用。,主起落架侧撑杆,功能:提供减震支柱的的横向(侧向)支撑。,主起落架反作用连杆,功能:将作用在起落架上的大部分侧向载荷传递到减震支柱上端。,主起落架防扭臂,功能:防止减震支柱内外筒之间的相对运动。,前起落架和舱门系统部件,前起落架阻力杆,1.,功能,与前起落架锁机构相连的阻力杆用于保持前起落架爱收上或放下锁定位置上。,(其他结构部件功能与主起落架的相似),起落架收放系统部件,手柄组件,1.,位置,起落架控制手柄在位于驾驶舱内的,P2,中央前面板上。,2.,功能,起落架控制手柄组件通过起落架控制钢索操纵起落架选择活门,进行起落架的液压收、放操纵。,选择活门,1.,位置,选择活门位于主起落架轮舱的顶板上。,2.,功能,起落架选择活门控制来自转换活门的液压压力流向主起落架和前起落架的收放管路。,3.,基本工作原理,起落架控制手柄通过连接到选择活门控制杆上的控制钢索来控制选择活门的位置。,转换活门,1.,位置,起落架转换活门位于主起落架轮舱腹梁前端。,2.,功能,起落架转换活门将供向起落架的压力,由液压系统,A,转换到液压系统,B,。,3.,基本工作原理,起落架转换活门从,PSEU,获得信号以进行自动或人工操作。,起落架转换活门当下列所有条件发生时自动地运动到备用位置:,飞机在空中,起落架手柄未放下,一个主起落架未收上,左发,N2,转速小于,50,液压系统,B,压力供向该活门,起落架转换活门在下列所有条件发生时人工操作;,备用前轮转弯电门运动到备用位置,液压系统,B,油箱油量正常,前起落架空地系统在地面模式,也可以利用接近电门电子组件(,PSEU,)的机载检测设备(,EITE,)来人工操纵起落架转换活门。,


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