Topic Two Inquiries and__ Offers

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Topic Two Inquiries and Offers(询盘与报盘),1,Teaching Procedures,1) Trade Terms,2) Introduction,3) Sample Letter,4) Situational Conversation,5) Useful Expressions on Inquiries and Offers (exercises),2,Trade Terms,On Price Terms,1) FOB (free on board):离岸价(xx地船上交货价),2)CIF (Cost, insurance and freight):到岸价格( xx地成本费,保险费加运费在内价),3)CFR (Cost & Freight): 成本加运费,4)CPT (Carriage Paid To):运费付到,5)CIP (Carriage & Insurance Paid To):运费保险付到,3,On Payment Terms,1)L/C (Letter of Credit):信用证,2)T/T (Telegraphic Transfer):电汇,3)D/A (Document against Acceptance): 承兑交单,4)D/P (Document against Payment): 付款交单,4,On Shipment Terms,1) G.W (Gross Weight): 毛重,2)N.W (Net Weight):净重,3)B/L (Bill of Lading):提单,4)TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit),: (,20英尺集装箱),5,1) goods, item, product, commodity, article: 货物,商品,2)deal in, handle, trade in, be in the line: 经营,be in line with(与一致,符合),be out of line(与现行价格不符),3) make an inquiry for sth: 对询价,4)be subject to : 以为条件/为有效,be subject to our confirmation(以我方确认为有效),be subject to the goods being unsold/free(以货物未售出为准),be subject to change without notice(如有价格调整,不予另行通知),6,5)place/make an order (订货),6) general practice (惯例),7) there is a high/brisk demand for sth(对有大量需求),8) enjoy great popularity/ high reputation(享有盛誉),9) best-seller/ quick seller/ready seller/ quick-selling products/popular items/ salable goods (畅销品),10)favorable/reasonable/competitive/attractive/workable price (优惠价),7,11)start the ball rolling(达成交易),12) meet sb halfway(迁就某人),meet each other halfway(互相让步),13)close a deal with sb (与某人达成交易),close/conclude business/a transaction/a bargain,14)entertain ones counter-offer(接受的还盘),15)there is no point in doing sth(没有必要去做),16) turn sb down(拒绝某人),make delivery (发货),8,17) be in a position to (有能力做某事),18) cant see ones way clear to(不能干某事),19)quote (sb) for some goods(报某种货物价) = quote (sb) a price for some goods,quote on RMB basis (按人民币报价)= quote in RMB,send/make/give/submit a quotation for/in/on (对报价),20) allow/give/make/grant .% discount (给予%的折扣),9,21)be well-received/popular/saleable/marketable (有销路),22)get a footing in our market (在我方上市),23)be superior in quality and moderate in price (质量上乘,价格公道),24) come up to our expectation (符合我方的愿望),25)fall/come within the scope of our business activities (某产品属于我们经营范围),26) find a ready/promising market (畅销),10,Useful Sentences,1) 你方如能降价,譬如说降价8%的话,我们也许能成交。,11,Should you be prepared to,reduce your limit,say,8%, we might,come to terms,.,12,2) 由于质量上乘,这种商品在大多数欧洲国家里深受欢迎。,13,By virtue of its superior quality, this item has met with a warm reception in most European countries.,14,3) 由于市价下跌(由于市价坚挺,或兴旺,并具有上涨的趋势),我们建议你方立即接受此盘。,15,As the market is declining (or As the market is firm, or,brisk, with an upward tendency ), we recommend your immediate acceptance.,16,4) 由于原料价格已上涨了20%,我方不久将发行提价的价目表。,17,The price of raw materials has,advanced 20%,and we shall shortly be issuing an advanced pricelist.,18,5) 我方欲购买洗衣机,请报你方最优惠的价格。,19,As we are,in the market for,washing machine, we should be pleased if you would,send us your best quotations.,send/make/give/submit a quotation for/in/on (对报价),20,6) 如果你方提供的产品在型号和质量上符合我方要求的话,我们会按时大量订购你方的产品。,21,If you can supply goods of the type and quality,required,we may,place regular orders for large quantities.,22,7) 很抱歉我方目前无法提供你方所需的货物。今后一旦进货,我方将很乐意再谈及这件事。,23,We regret to inform you that we are not,in a position to,cover,your need for the said goods. Once,our supplies are replenished, we shall be only too pleased to,revert to,this matter.,24,8)我们很高兴在信内附上一份产品的目录本,并且相信高质量的产品会导致你作出试订。,25,We have much pleasure in enclosing a quotation sheet for our products and trust that their high quality will induce you to,place a trial order,.,26,9) 作为对你方1990年3月8日询盘的回答,现在我方给你方寄上一份报价单供你方参考。请注意由于外汇汇率浮动较大,价格会随时起变化,不预作通知。,27,This is in reply to your enquiry of March 8, 1990. We are now sending you a quotation sheet for your consideration. Please be informed that,on account of,the,fluctuations of foreign exchange, the quotation is subject to change without previous notice.,28,10) 由于你方规格要求的商品目前供应不足,我方打算向你提供我方的商品作为代替。这个代替品质量上乘并且很接近你方的规格要求,然而它的价格却更优惠。,29,As the goods of your specifications are,in short supply, we intend to furnish you with our commodity as a substitute, which is of good quality and very close to your specifications but will be offered at a more favorable price.,30,2. Introduction,Whats the inquiry and offer?,31,Inquiry,1) An inquiry is a request for information.,2) It is usually the importers that make inquiries.,3) They invite a quotation or an offer for the goods they want or just ask for some general information about those goods.,4) There are quite a few ways to make an inquiry, such as by telephone, through face-to-face talk, letter, telegram or fax.,32,Two Kinds of Inquiry,1) A,general inquiry,(普通询盘):the buyer ask for general information he needs, such as a catalogue(目录),a price list or quotation sheets(价目表或报价单),a sample,(样品), an illustration(图片), etc.,2) A,specific inquiry,(具体询盘): the buyer points to the products he wants, such as,the,name of the commodity(商品名称),the,specification,(规格), the quantity(数量), the unit price FOB or CIF(单价), the time of shipment(装船期), the terms of payment(支付方式), etc.,33,Offer,1) An offer is the sellers promise to supply goods on stipulated terms.,2) It is often a reply to an inquiry.,3) The offer made by the buyer is called “selling offer”(卖方报盘), while the offer made by the buyer is called “buying offer”(买方报盘),34,Two Kinds of Offer,1),firm offer or offer with engagement (实盘),:it provides a period of validity. It remains valid until the validity ends.,E.g 我们给你方报一下这个盘,但以你方在本月底之前接受为条件。,We are making you, subject to your acceptance before the end of this month, the under-mentioned offer.,请注意我们的报盘是以你方的确认于本月25日之前到达这儿为条件。,Please note that our offer is subject to your confirmation reaching here on or before the 25,th,this month.,35,2),soft offer or offer without engagement (虚盘),:it is unclear, incomplete and with reservations. It is not binding on the offeror.,E.g 我们给你方报以下这些货,但以我方最后确认为准。,We offer you, subject to our final confirmation, the following goods.,以上报盘是以是否先售出为准。,Our above offer is subject to prior sale.,我方的报盘随时会有变化,不作预先通知。,Our offer is subject to change without notice.,36,Sample Letter One,Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of September 18. We note with pleasure that you,desire to develop business with,us.,We have,gone through,your catalogue and find that your computer,is of interest to,us. We shall be pleased if you will,quote us the lowest price,in,RMB CIF Guangzhou, please also indicate the quantity you can supply,for prompt delivery,. If,your price is reasonable and quantity satisfactory, we will,consider placing large orders.,We have good connections with all the major wholesalers all over this country. We believe that your products can,find a ready market,here.,I hope you can give our inquiry for immediate attention,and,let us have your reply at an early date.,Yours,Yu Ming,37,Sample Letter Two,Dear Sirs,We are in receipt of your letter dated March 21 and,as requested, are airmailing you,under separate cover/mail(另封/邮), one catalog and two sample books for our Printed Shirting. We hope they will reach you,in due course,and will help you in making your selection.,In order to,start a concrete transaction between(开拓双方之间的具体贸易),us, we,take pleasure in,making you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation, as follows:,Art. No. 8100 Printed Shirting.,Design No. 724352A,Specifications: 30x 36x 72x69,Quantity: 18,000 yards,(per case 每箱,per yard 每码,per pound 每磅),Packing:,In bales(布包) or in wooden cases(木箱), at sellers option.(由卖方选定),Price: USD per yard C.I.F.C 5% Lagos.,38,Shipment: to be,made in three equal monthly installments(分三个月平均装运), beginning from June, 2007,Payment: By confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30days before the time of shipment.,We trust the above will be acceptable to you and,await,with keen interest,your trial order. (keen interest 强烈的兴趣,keen price 薄利的价格,低价;keen competition 激烈的竞争),Yours Faithfully,39,Situational Conversation,On the second day of negotiations, the meeting last longer than expected, because the negotiations begin to,get down to the brass tacks.(开始考虑某事的具体细节),40,Making an Inquiry,Y: I wonder whether you can,quote us on FOB basis,.,K: Yes. We can give you prices both FOB and CIF. You can compare them and see yourself which price is better for you.,Y: Good. Now, I have another point. Do you,allow me a discount?,K: Yes. Our,regular practice,is 2% trade discount.,Y: Before I place an order, Id like a firm offer in order for us to find time to,market the product,.,K: Our offers are usually good for 5 days.,41,Y: Thank you very much. Mr. Kinch. What about payment?,K: Our terms of payment are by irrevocable L/C payable by sight draft against presentation of shipping documents.,Y: Could you accept Document against Acceptance?,K: We only accept payment by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight.,Y: Would it be possible for me to have closer look at your samples?,K: You are welcome; I will take you to our showroom.,42,Making Firm Offer,K: I believe you have seen our computer samples in our showroom. May I know,what particular items you are interested in?,Y: Ive seen your samples and studied your catalogs. I think some of the items will,find a ready market,in China.,K: When can I have your firm order?,Y: Lets settle the prices before placing an order. I hope you will give me your best offer.,K: Would you tell us the quantity you require so as to enable us to work out the offer?,43,Y: If we order 1000 sets of COMPAQ 1200 computer,whats the best price youll give then?,K:,Whats the basis are we to offer, FOB or CIF?,Y: Id like to have your lowest quotation CIF Guangzhou.,K: Wait a minute. Well have it worked out very soon. Have a cup of coffee, please. (after counting) Oh, now I have the offer ready for you. The price for COMPAQ1200 computer is $900 per set CIF Guangzhou. The size of order is 1000 sets. The date of delivery is July.,Y: How long does your current offer remain,valid,?,K: Our offer is firm offer, and,remains open,for three days. Here is the quotation sheet.,Y: Ok, we will give you a reply tomorrow morning.,44,Exercises,1) 我方对进口你方产品很有兴趣,如果有可能,请向我方提供目录,价格单或样品,不胜感激。,45,Were much interested in importing your goods and would appreciate your showing us catalogues, price list or even samples,if possible,.,46,2)请告知有关CIF价格,折扣和支付方式的具体信息。,47,Please give us detailed information of CIF prices, discounts and terms of payment.,48,3)请就连衣裙向我方报FOB西雅图最低价包括5%的佣金。,49,Please,quote us,your,rock-bottom price,for,dress FOB Seattle,inclusive of,5%,commission.,50,4)请报100吨钢板CIF大连最低价,并请告知详细规格。,51,Please,quote us your best price,for,100 tons steel plate,on,CIF Dalian,basis,together with,the specifications,in detail,.,52,5)现金付款,我们予以九折优惠。,53,We,give 10% discount for,cash payment.,54,6) 我方产品受到欧洲买主的欢迎,因此我们有理由相信它们在你方市场前景美好。,55,Our products are,appealing to,the European buyers, so we have every reason that they will,have good prospects,in your market.,56,7)如果你方大量订货,我方考虑给予数量折扣。,57,If you,make a substantial order, well consider,quantity discount,.,58,8)请给我们看一下你们最新设计产品的样本和价目单。,59,Please show us your pattern book and price list of,the latest designs.,60,9)此盘5天内不接受,就作撤销论。,61,This offer must,be withdrawn,if not accepted within five days.,62,10) 希望给我们最优惠的实盘。,63,I hope you would let us have your,most favorable,firm offer.,64,11)根据你方要求,我方对以下产品报虚盘。,65,As requested, we now make you an offer,subject to our confirmation,for the following items.,66,12)现报盘如下,以我方时间7月14日下午5点前收到答复为有效。,67,Were making an offer,as follows, subject to your reply reaching here by 5:00 p.m., our time, June 14.,68,13)我们正在仔细研究你方的报盘,希望此报盘能保留到月底有效。,69,Were now studying your offer carefully, so we hope that you can,keep it open,till the end of this month.,70,14) 请报CIF悉尼最低价,包括我方2%的折扣并告知最早的装运期。,71,Please quote us your lowest price, CIF Sydney,inclusive of,our 2% discount,stating,the earliest date of shipment.,72,15)我方报上新产品的价格供你方考虑,并希望你方能利用这个机会。,73,We,put forward,for your consideration,an offer for,our new products, and hope you will,take advantage of,this opportunity.,74,


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