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Click to edit Master title style,*,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,1,The Globalization and Social Change Initiative,Began as College 2020 Initiative, led by Barbara Malt,Launched in Fall 2006,One of numerous global and international programs gathering under “Global Lehigh”,Interdisciplinary participants now from all four colleges,2,The Globalization and Social Change Initiative,Supports research on globalization,Faculty seminars and lunches,Spring symposium,Offers Global Studies undergraduate major,Will support current graduate programs and create new graduate program,Partner with Area Studies programs, Lehigh-UN, Global Citizenship and others,3,Areas of Focus For Research and Teaching,in Globalization and Social Change,4,Global Communication,What are the historical dimensions and future directions in legal, political and economic arenas of the globalization of communication? Topics include:,The historical and continuing role of communication in globalization,Corporate control of global communication and transnational media conglomerates,International and national communication policies,Defining the architecture of global communication,Intellectual property and copyright,Governance of cyberspace,Futures of the mass media and journalism,Growth of new media in non-democratic societies, such as China,Access to communication technology and the digital divide,International broadcasting rights,Global advertising, marketing practices and national policies,Information revolutions and challenges to state power,5,Global Communication,What are the varying roles of communication in approaches to global conflicts and crises? Topics include the roles of communication in:,Global conflict and resolution,Terrorism and responses to terrorism,Disasters and international responses,International approaches to HIV and AIDS,Global debates on environmental risk and risk perception,International development, population control,Information, agriculture and nutrition in the Third World,Public understanding of biotechnology and genetically modified foods,Success and failure of United Nations and NGO initiatives,6,Culture and Identity,In what ways does globalization shape and get shaped by culture? Topics include:,Influences of globalization on traditional languages and cultures,Cultural imperialism,Resistance to globalization among cultures,Migration and population movements,Diasporic communities,Global virtual communities,Negotiation among cultures,Globalization and religion,Comparative religion study,The growing role of Global Islam,Transformation of the international workforce,The local in a globalized world “glocalization”,The globalization of sport,The cultural implications of the Olympics, Super Bowl, and World Cup,Transformation of the university and education,7,Culture and Identity,How are individual understandings of identity influenced by globalization? Topics include:,Changing nature of race and ethnicity in a globalized world,Gender studies in an age of globalization,Technology, global interactions and identity,Identity and citizenship in the context of globalization,Influences of immigration and migration on identity and culture,Human interaction with technology,Youth culture and advances in technology,Technology, games and identity,Immigration, migration and border studies,Co-ethnic identities,Changing identity pathways,8,Politics and Social Structures,What are the varying influences of globalization on national and international political systems? Topics include:,Global governance,The changing role of the United Nations,International non-governmental organizations (NGOs),NGOs and humanitarian relief,Backlash and protests against globalization,Resistance and transformative politics,Critiques of empire and modernity,Globalization, poverty and inequality,Peace-keeping and armed intervention,Terrorism and responses to terrorism,Colonialism, post colonialism,International law and diplomacy,State sovereignty and global relations,The changing nature of nation-states,9,Politics and Social Structures,In what ways does globalization influence and alter societal structures? Topics include:,Sustainable development,Population growth and population control,Global resource management,Global economic governance,International environmental law,Ideologies of globalization,Globalization and patterns of economic growth,Income and inequality,The World Trade Organization and the World Bank,Global capitalism,International political economy,International emergency response systems to health epidemics,The making of a global civil society,10,11,Major in Global Studies,Shaped by faculty research,Drawn from all three undergraduate colleges,Requires:,interdisciplinary core coursework,intermediate language proficiency,study abroad,a global studies research project,a day-long seminar and visit to the United Nations,A minor will be offered, with special consideration for the needs of engineering and business students.,12,


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