Stylistic Conotations

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Approach to Translation between English and Chinese,Stylistic Connotations,1,Contents:,Definition,Some Examples,Two Types of RegisterColloquial and Written (examples),Attention,Extension,2,Definition,Stylistic connotation,shows the stylistic status of a word or sentence,: neutral, bookish, colloquial, slang, etc.,And it mainly means the register,which concerns the situations in which the language is used.,3,One speaks or writes a language will consciously,or nconsciously show their personal tint or style,which is determined by his education,social position,etc.,The translation should,reflects the basic style,.,4,(1),别自以为是!,Get over youself!,(2),(孔乙己)直身又看一看豆,自己摇头说:不多不多,多乎哉,不多也,Then straightening up to look at the peas again, he would shake his head.Not unch!Verily,not nuch.,Exam,p,les,5,(3),It was a splendid population-for all the,slow,sleepy,sluggish-brained sloths,stayed at home.,来的这批移民个个出类拔萃,因为凡是,呆板,呆滞,,呆头呆脑的呆子,都呆在家乡,6,(4),(开头),新年肇始,气象更新。在这辞旧迎新的美好夜晚,很高兴和新老朋友们欢聚畅谈,共迎新年。我代表中华人民共和国外交部,并以我个人名义,向各位来宾致以最美好的节日祝福。,The New Year is,a time of renewal and hope,. I am delighted to join you, friends both old and new, on this beautiful evening,to ring the old year out and the new year in.,On behalf of the Foreign Ministry of the Peoples Republic of China and in my own name, I wish to extend warmest festive greetings to you all.,7,(5),(结尾),现在,我,提议,:为中国与世界各国的互利友好合作关系的不断发展,为各位来宾、朋友新年快乐,干杯!,I now,propose a toast,to the steady progress of the mutually-beneficial cooperation,and friendly relations between China and other countries of the world, and to a happy new year for all of you present this evening.Cheers,.,8,(6),这里宝玉听了,便如孙大圣听见了紧箍咒一般,登时四肢五内一齐皆不自在起来。曹雪芹红楼梦第七十三回。,Baoyu instantly felt as distraught as Monkey King on hearing the incantation to tighten the magic band around his head.,(杨宪益,戴乃迭 译),(7),祥子的脸红得像生小孩时送人的鸡蛋。老舍骆驼祥子,Xiangzi flushed as crimson as the painted eggs distributed by the parents of a new-born child.,(施晓菁 译),9,Two Types of RegisterColloquial and Written,Colloquial,(Informal),begin,think,give,building,give up,give away,get away,point out,Written (Formal),commence,deem,donate,edifice,abandon,betray,escape,indicate,10,(1),Written:,They have their utility in the economy of Nature.,Colloquial:,Nature was welcome to them as far as I was concerned,(2),Written:,You found the nettles very difficult to eradicate.,Colloquial:,You found the nettles hard to keep down.,11,(3),Written:,Penalties for overdue books will be strictly enforced.,Colloquial:,If you fail to return borrowed books to the library, youll,have to pay fines,and no excuse will help you.,(4),Written:,They disseminate themselves most luxuriantly.,Colloquial,:,They spread like dickens.,12,Attention,Journalist writings in most Western countries prefer colloquial style and small words.,cut,push,urge,rap,probe,vie,woo,pull out,break up,let down,reduce,encourage,support,insist,strongly request,reprimand,investigate,struggle,strive,seek to win,withdrawal,disintegration,disappointment,13,(1),人山人海,;,A (the) sea of faces/A large crowd of people,(2),家家有本难念的经,;,Many families have skeletons in the closet.,(许多家庭的衣柜里都有骨骸,骨骸就是指家丑.),(3),平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚,;,Worship God every day; not just in times of adversit.,(要每天敬拜神,不是只在困难时.),(4),一言既出,驷马难追,.,A word once let go cannot be recalled.,E,xt,e,nsion,14,(5),天下无不散的宴席,;,All good things come to an end.,假如是指好友最后也有分别的一天,可以说:,“Eventually,all bosom friends will drift apart,.(bosom friend,:,知心的好友),(6),挂羊头,卖狗肉,He applied bait-and-switch tactics in business.,(7),祸从口出,言多必失:,Careless talk leads to trouble.,或,:,The less said the better.,(说的愈少愈好),15,Thank you,!,16,


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