marriage in Indiana

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Click to edit Master title style,*,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Marriage,1,Marriage,A personal relationship between a man and a woman rising out of a civil contract,Engagement is a bilateral contract,Man entitled to return engagement ring if contract broken,2,3,Rights and Duties,Support by ones spouse,Right of inheritance from deceased spouse,Right to property if marriage ends,Right to continue ones standard of living,Right to file a joint income tax return,4,Premarital Agreements,Written agreement between prospective spouses made in contemplation of marriage to be effective upon marriage,Antenuptial/prenuptial,Must fully disclose assets,Who Wants to Marry a Multi-Millionaire? Definitely a Prenuptial!,At least the Isuzu Trooper and 3 carat ring are all mine!,5,Prenuptial Agreements Continued,Property,Real/Personal Property,Change/Elimination of Support,Making of a Will,Life Insurance,Yes, Here They Are Again!,6,Premarital Act in Indiana,Agreement enforceable without consideration,Mortgage,Property,Spousal Maintenance,Will,Life Insurance,7,Who May Marry(IC 31-11-1-1),Only a female may marry a male,Only a male may marry a female,SAME GENDER void even if marriage is lawful in the place where solemnized,8,Who May Marry,Two individuals may NOT marry if more closely related than second cousins,If both are 65 years old, may marry first cousin,9,Who May Marry,Two individuals may NOT marry if either has a husband or wife who is alive,May not marry unless BOTH 18 or must have consent,10,Voidable Marriages,If party to marriage was incapable because of:,Age,Mental Incompetence,Marriage voidable if brought about through fraud on part of one of parties,11,Void Marriages,If either party has wife/husband living when marriage was solemnized,Closer than second cousins,Void if after Sept 1, 1977,Parties are 1,st,cousins,At least 65 when marriage was solemnized,Mentally incompetent,Common Law marriage after January 1, 1958,12,13,Marriage Formalities,Age Requirements,Common Law,Male 14, Female 12,Indiana Law,Less than 18 must obtain consent,Common Law Marriage,Common Law parties just agreed married,States recognizing Common Law marriage,Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, District of Columbia,14,Consent to Marry Required for Certain Individuals(IC 31-11-2-2),Less than 18 must have consent,Consent by both parents or guardian,If one parent, statement explaining why only one parent is signing (death, abandoned, etc.),15,More on Common Law Marriages,Divorce is required to end marriage,Parties must have agreed husband and wife,Must have dwelled together,Must have held themselves to world as husband and wife,16,17,Marriage License,A certificate issued by a governmental office giving permission for two people to marry,Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act states application must contain the following,Name, sex, occupation, ssn, dob/pob,Name of former spouse,Parent/guardian addresses,Whether parties are related,Names/birthdays of any children,Must pay a fee for license,18,Marriage License/CertificateIC 31-11-4-3,Must obtain a marriage license from clerk of circuit court in county of residence,If not from Indiana, where marriage is solemnized,Application contains,Full Name,Birthplace,Residence,Age,Dependent Children,Maiden Name of Mother,Adoptive Parents,Etc.,19,No License Unless.,Female at least 15 yrs,Female is pregnant or a mother,Male at least 15,Father of expected child,20,Medical Tests in IndianaIC 31-11-5-1,Female must be examined by physician who holds an unlimited license to practice medicine,A test is not required if:,Object for medical reason,At least 50 yrs old,Evidence of sterilization,Present evidence of immunity to rubella,Written record of rubella vaccine on or after 1,st,birthday,21,22,Prohibited Marriages,Relatives,More than one spouse,Persons of same sex (most states),23,Persons Who Are Related,24,Bigamy/Polygamy,A marriage that is contracted while either party is already married is void in all states unless the prior marriage is ended by annulment,Bigamy2 spouses at same time,PolygamyMORE than 2 spouses at one time,25,


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