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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Language Study,1,Revision,1, 广告公司总是想方设法推销产品。,(advertise, promote),Advertising companies always try every means to think up new ways to promote products.,2,2,我要刊登广告让人来打扫房屋。,(advertise),Im going to advertise for someone to clean my house.,3,这些不实广告报纸该受责备。,(be to blame),Newspapers are to blame for the untruthful ads.,3,4,广告商一定不能给人留下欺骗性印象。,(advertiser, misleading),Advertisers must not give others misleading impression.,5,她听到我的建议时反应如何?,(react),How did she react to my suggestion when she heard it?,4,6,火车晚点又没有解释真是很惹人生气。,(annoy, explanation),Its really annoying when a train is late and theres no explanation.,7 . “,这不是我的过错呀。” “别担心,我,没有谴责你。”,(fault, accuse),“It wasnt my fault.” “Dont worry, Im not accusing you.”,5,8,报纸从所刊登的广告获取利益。,(make a profit out of),Newspapers make a profit out of the advertisements they carry.,9,他们卖掉它赚了一千美元。,(at a profit of),They sell it at a profit of one thousand dollars.,6,10,在英国喝醉了酒开车是违法的。,(illegal),In Britain, it is illegal to drive when you are drunk.,7,Grammar,Sentence pattern,:,“,verb+ object+ object complement”.,Usually the verbs can be think, find, see, get and so on. Object Complement can be noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, infinitive, present participle, past participle, prepositional phrase,and so on.,8,Identify the Object Complement,1) I bought her a new MP3 player,as a birthday present.,“Her” is indirect object ,while “a new MP3 player” is direct object.,9,2) She considered the new MP3,player I bought very precious.,“Very precious” is the object complement.,10,Describe the picture on P181,Sentence patterns:,I find the ad .,I see somebody .,I consider it .,I believe the cellphone can make .,I would have it .,11,I find the ad interesting and persuasive.,From the ad, we know the cellphone can,be used to phone, send fax, listen to MP3,take photos and so on.,I see somebody taking photos with the,cellphone. If the picture is clear enough,and easy to develop, the cellphone must,be very popular.,12,I consider it a new trend of cellphone in,the future. It is more than a phone. It,has many more new functions.,I believe the cellphone can make our,life easier and more comfortable.,I would have it become a symbol of my,position if I worked in a large company.,13,Homework,Choose the best answers.,1. Dont leave the water _while,you brush your teeth. (,天津,2004),A. run B. running,C. being run D. to run,14,2. Laws that punish parents for their,little childrens actions against the,laws get parents_. (,重庆,2004),A. worried B. to worry,C. worrying D. worry,15,3. He looked around and caught a,man_ his hand into the pocket,of a passenger. (,北京,2004,春,),A. putB. to be putting,C. to put D. putting,16,4. The teacher asked us _so much,noise. (,北京,2003),A. dont make B. not make,C. not making D. not to make,17,5. An army spokesman stressed that,all the soldiers had been ordered,_ clear warnings before,firing any shots. (,上海,2003),A. to issue B. being issued,C. to have issued D. to be issued,18,


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