Amazon rainforest

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Amazon rainforest,-Chen Pan , Yin Qiao , Wang Qing , Cheng Ming , Gu Lina,1,Outline,The,reasons of its formation,plants and animals of Amazon tropical rainforest,the functions of Amazon tropical rainforest,the current situation of the Amazon rainforest,the possible suggestions and solutions of Protecting Rainforests,2,The,reasons of its formation,-by Chen Pan,3,Pressure,Terrain,Ocean current,Trade wind,4,Pressure,Amazon rainforest is the controlled by,the equatorial low pressure (赤道低压),all the year round.,5,The equatorial low pressure,Hot,Much cloud gets together,Airflow(气流) goes up,6,Temperature,Precipitation(降水量),Tropical rainforest climate,7,Guyana plateau(圭亚那高原),Brazil plateau(巴西高原),Andes Mountains,(安第斯山脉),As a result , the forest in the east is open to the Atlantic ocean,Topographic map(地形图) of Latin America,Terrain,8,Ocean current(洋流),Warm current,Cold current,South Equatorial warm Current,Brazil warm current,(巴西暖流),(南赤道暖流),9,South Equatorial Current,Brazil warm current,They can increase the temperature and the humility,10,Trade wind(信风),Trade wind refers to the wind from the subtropical high pressure belt(副热带高压带) blowing to the equatorial low pressure belt.,And the wind directions seldom change, so year by year, it wins a very good faith. So in Chinese trade wind is translated into Xinfeng(信风).,11,Subtropical high pressure belt (副热带高压带) - a strong man,Equatorial low pressure belt赤道低压带- a thin man,0,30S,Airflow(气流) flows from the high pressure to the low pressure .,12,Earth rotation,13,0,30S,30N,Northeast trades(东北信风),Southeast trades(东南信风),subtropical high pressure belt,equatorial low pressure belt,subtropical high pressure belt,14,Southeast trades,15,


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