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,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,*,IEEE PES Meeting,Marc L. Hunter,Foxboro A,2,Automation Platform Business Manager,North American,1,Agenda,Discussion of DCS, PLC, SCADA, and Hybrid control systems,Markets served by various technologies,Hybrid control system advantages in Water and Waste Water,Technology Future of Invensys setting the pace for automation industry,Homeland Security,2,Distributed Control,“A design approach in which factory or machine control is divided into several sub-systems, each managed independently by a unique programmable controller or other control system, yet all interconnected to form a single entity. Individual subsystems may be interconnected via communications networks.”,Patrick-Turner Industrial Automation Dictionary, 1996,3,Distributed Control System Advantages,Fault tolerant controllers,Redundant input/output card capabilities,Redundant communications,Advanced control configuration,Integrated human machine interface,Industry domain expertise,Program control security,4,Programmable Controller,“A solid state industrial control device, member of the computer family, designed specifically to be programmed to perform relay logic functions, timing, counting, arithmetic, and data manipulation, all for the purpose of implementing control over industrial machines and processes. The programmable controller consists of a central processor, memory system, input/output system, and power supply, all of which are designed to operate in harsh industrial environments.”,Patrick-Turner Industrial Automation Dictionary, 1996,5,Programmable Logic Controller Advantages,Easy to use and install,Distribution network local electrical supply house,Inexpensive,Electrician can diagnose and upgrade,ADEQUACY,6,SCADA,Supervisory Control “A control scheme whereby a computer or controller monitors and intermittently downloads programs, sets sub-goals, or adjusts control parameters of a lower level automatic controller.”,Data Acquisition “The process of collecting data from the system through some manual or automatic means for the purpose of producing printed reports for operating, supervisory, maintenance, or accounting disciplines.”,Patrick-Turner Industrial Automation Dictionary, 1996,7,SCADA Advantages,Integrated package communications and control,Tailored to specific application,Niche market domain expertise,Key attributes within communications,Economical,8,Hybrid Control System,“A control system that takes the advantages of all different control system hierarchies and feature sets to combine into a new revolutionary approach for solving control and integration issues in todays competitive manufacturing and processing industries.”,Marc L. Hunter; MBA, MS Automation,“The power and performance of a DCS at the price and ease of use of a PLC”,Invensys Foxboro,9,Hybrid Control System Advantages,All advantages of DCS, PLC, and SCADA rolled into one,Redundant communications and controllers,Advanced control configuration IEC 61131,Integrated human machine interface,Industry domain expertise,Program control security,Easy to use and install,Inexpensive,Electrician can diagnose and upgrade,10,DCS - PLC - PC/PLC Traditional Report Card,11,Where do we fit?,Bit Logic Solving,Hybrid,Continuous Algorithm,Process Industry,Discrete Industry,Foxboro A,2,Hybrid Automation System,DCS,Traditional PLC Offering,System Complexity,Total I/O Quantity,12,Automation Architecture Migration,Process,Industries,Hybrid,Industries,Discrete,Industries,Automotive,Aerospace,Machining,Pharmaceutical,Fine Chemical,Food & Beverage,Consumer,Packaged Goods,Petrochemical,Refining,Power,Pulp & Paper,ABB,Emerson,Honeywell,Invensys,Siemens,Yokogawa,Mitsubishi,Omron,Rockwell,Schneider,Siemens,With Permission From ARC Advisory Group Strategies June, 2001,13,HMI Manufacturer,Traditional PLC Vendor Supply Model,Software,Drive,PLC,Motion,Sensor,OEM,System Integrator,Engineering,Contractor,Implementer,Distributor,End User,Buys from:,AND,Indirectly,From Suppliers:,Component,Manufacturer(s),Distributors,Value Added Resellers,Manufacturers Representatives,14,System Integrator,EngineeringContractor,Traditional DCS Vendor Supply Model,End User,Capabilities,System design,IT integration,Process optimization,Performance guarantees,Single Source Supply,Global support,DCS Manufacturer,Buys from:,OR,Directly,From Supplier:,Services,Project Management,Engineering,Field services,Technical call in Consulting,Platform,Software,Control,I/O,15,Combined Systems vs Hybrid Systems,PLC and HMI System,Hybrid Control System,Components function/scope not coordinated,Components function/scope,coordinated,Function extensions in components for system performance,System functions are included in individual components,Frequently from various suppliers,From a single source,Integration work necessary,Integrated overall system,Product competence,Application/system competence,Individual product responsibility,System responsibility,Individually optimized components,Optimally coordinated system,Innovation cycles not coordinated,Innovations coordinated,16,Uniformity not ensured,Additional effort by user,High integration effort,Uniform functions,System performance without additional effort,Alarms / messages,Diagnosis,Redundancy,Documentation,Access rights,Customer Support,Implementation effort,PLC and HMI System,Hybrid Control System,17,System costs,System hardware,System software,Engineering and startup,System-wide configuring tools,Integration support,Maintenance costs,Integrated service concept,Adapted versions,Expansion costs,Homogeneous configuring landscape,Up-to-date documentation,Scalable system hardware,Engineering,Maintenance,Expansion,HW/SW components,Hybrid,process control system,Combined System,from various manufacturers,Investment in system performance is more than compensated through savings in engineering!,Economical over entire life cycle (total cost of ownership ),Engineering,Maintenance,Expansion,HW/SW components,18,ArchestrA Framework,Visualize,Current status,Monitor,Analyze,Problems,Find opportunities,Optimize,Spread best practices,Adjust process & procedures,19,Sustainable Integration,Todays Islands of Automation,Batching,Filling,Labeling,Palletizing,Bottling,Invensys,Honeywell,Siemens,Rockwell,Emerson,Yokogawa,ABB,Schneider,Utilities,Intelligent,Equipment,Processing,Inventory,Collaboration,ArchestrA is an innovative technology that is focused on collaboration in the design, use and maintenance of plant automation,ArchestrA,uniquely normalizes diverse sources of data into a secure, object-based environment.,ArchestrA has a library of over 1,000 programmable plant floor devices,ArchestrA uniquely enables adaptive security for central or remote control rooms,20,Homeland Security for Drinking Water Supplies,Three Areas,Increased physical security surrounding water supply systems,Redundancy design in the system,Source water protection and monitoring,21,“Homeland Security for Drinking Water Supplies”,The most expedient and potentially less costly actions for protecting a water supply system consist of installing or enhancing a physical security system, including fences, exterior and interior sensors, alarm assessment and communication and entry control. The risk of cyber threat can be reduced by,increasing security in the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System,used for utility monitoring and operation and remote communication. SCADA security can be tightened by either hardware or software enhancements by IT professionals.,Marcia Greenblatt, Ph.D., Jack Donohue, and Ken Wagner Ph.D.Courtesy of ENSR International,Translation: Control system design consideration other than adequacy of meeting control needs.,22,“Homeland Security for Drinking Water Supplies”,Source water protection and early warning,monitoring systems could alert operators of any change in water quality in sufficient time,to prevent contamination and disruption of the public water supply. Early water monitoring,requires a long-term baseline,of water quality data to understand typical parameter ranges. When observed water quality parameters are outside expected values, warning signals can be transmitted, increased sampling and testing can be conducted, and the system operation adjusted appropriately. In addition to a well designed monitoring system, an,inventory of system hydrology,(including reservoir residence times, dilution rates, flow-stage relationships, etc.) will allow for rapid assessment and decision making in the event of contamination.,Marcia Greenblatt, Ph.D., Jack Donohue, and Ken Wagner Ph.D.Courtesy of ENSR International,Translation:,You cannot control what you cannot measure!,23,Simple solutions for security,Prepare,(or update) an emergency response plan. Make sure all employees help to create it and receive training on the plan,Post,updates emergency 24-hour numbers at your facilities in highly visible areas (pump house door, vehicles, office) and give them to key personnel and local response officials,Get to know,your local police and ask them to add your facilities to their routine rounds. Practice emergency response and public health officials,Fence and lock,your drinking water facilities and vulnerable areas (e.g. wellhead, hydrants, manholes, pump house, and storage tanks),Lock all,entry gates and doors and set alarms to indicate illegal entry. Do not leave keys in equipment or vehicles at any time,Install good lighting,around your pump house, treatment facility and parking lot,Identify,existing and alternate water supplies and maximize use of back flow prevention devices and interconnections,Use,your Source Water Assessment information to work with any businesses and homeowners that are listed as potential sources of contamination and lesson their threat to your sources,Lock,monitoring wells to prevent vandals or terrorists from pouring contaminants directly into ground water near your source. Prevent pouring or siphoning contaminants through vent pipes by moving them inside the pump house or treatment plants, or if that isnt possible, fencing or screening them,In case of an emergency, first call 911, then follow your emergency response plan,From: EPA New England Office,24,Foxboro A,2,answers “Call to Duty”,Control System Security 21 CFR Part 11 compliance,Control Variables Secured,Network Secured,Historical Records Secured,Physical Security,Limit switches on doors, fences, and gates integrated into control system industry domain expertise,Live video feeds from critical points and integrated into control system,Accurate Control system data locked into secured database,25,Invensys Newsletter Link,AWWA Interim Voluntary Security Guidance for Wastewater/Stormwater Utilities Chapter 5 Cyber Security,Pretreatment and Effluent EPA Guidelines,Case Studies,26,Conclusion,Discussion of DCS, PLC, SCADA, and Hybrid control systems,Definitions and advantages,Markets served by various technologies,Technologies to appropriate industries,Hybrid control system advantages in Water and Waste Water,Technological advantages of all rolled into one,Technology Future of Invensys setting the pace for automation industry,AchestrA all elements of plant working in concert,Homeland Security,Actions and control system complements,27,Questions and Comments,28,


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