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,按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,*,*,Hierarchical Classification of Documents with Error Control,Chun-Hung Cheng, Jian Tang, Ada Wai-chee Fu, Irwin King,This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation,In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button,Select “Meeting Minder”,Select the “Action Items” tab,Type in action items as they come up,Click OK to dismiss this box,This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered.,1,Overview,Abstract,Problem Description,Document Classification Model,Error Control Schemes,Recovery oriented scheme,Error masking scheme,Experiments,Conclusion,2,Abstract,Traditional document classification (flat classification) involves only a single classifier,Single classifier takes care of everything,Slow and high overhead,3,Abstract,Hierarchical document classification,Class hierarchy,Use one classifier at each internal node,4,Abstract,Advantage,Better performance,Disadvantage,Wrong result if misclassified in any node,5,Abstract,Introduce error control mechanism,Approach 1 (recovery oriented),Detect and correct misclassification,Approach 2 (error masking),Mask errors by using multiple versions of classifiers,6,Problem Description,class | doc_id, | ,Class Taxonomy,Training Documents,Class-doc Relation,Training System,Statistics,Feature Terms,7,Problem Description,Classification,System,Statistics,Feature Terms,Target,Class,Incoming Documents,8,Problem Description,Objective: Achieve,Higher accuracy,Fast performance,Our proposed algorithms provide a good trade-off between accuracy and performance,9,Document Classification Model,Formally, we use a model from Chakrabarti et al. 1997,Based on naive Bayesian network,For simplicity, we study a single node classifier.,c,c,1,c,2,c,n,10,z,i,d,number of occurrence of term,i,in the incoming document,d,P,j, c, probability that a word in class,c,is,j,(estimated using the training data),Probability that an incoming document,d,belongs to,c,is,11,Feature Selection,Previous formula involves all the terms,Feature selection reduces cost by using only the terms with good discriminating power,Use the training sets to identify the feature terms,12,Fishers Index,Fishers Index indicates the discriminating power of a term,Good discriminating power: large interclass distance, small intraclass distance,c,1,c,2,w,(,t,),Interclass distance,Intraclass distance,13,Document Classification Model,Consider only feature terms in the classification function,p,(,c,i,|,c,d,),Pick the largest probability among all,c,i,Use one classifier in each internal node,c,c,1,c,2,c,n,14,Recovery Oriented Scheme,Database system,Failure in DBMS,Restart from a consistent state,Document classification,Error detected,Restart from a correct class (High Confidence Ancestor, or HCA),15,Recovery Oriented Scheme,In practice,Rollback is slow,Identify wrong paths and avoid them,To identify wrong paths,Define closeness indicator (CI),On wrong path, when CI falls below a threshold,16,Recovery Oriented Scheme,Define distance of HCA,and current node = 2,Wrong path,HCA,17,Recovery Oriented Scheme,Wrong path,HCA,HCA,Define distance of HCA,and current node = 2,18,Error Masking Scheme,Software Fault Tolerance,Run multiple versions of software,Majority voting,Document Classification,Run classifiers of different designs,Majority voting,19,O-Classifier,Traditional classifier,20,N-classifier,Skip some intermediate levels,21,Error Masking Scheme,Run three classifiers in parallel,O-classifier,N-classifier,O-classifier using new feature length,This selection minimizes the time wasted on waiting the slowest classifiers,22,Experiments,Data Sets,US Patents,Preclassified,Rich text content,Highly hierarchical,3 Sets Collected,3 levels/large no of docs,4 levels/large no of docs,7 levels/small no of docs,23,Experiments,Algorithm compared,Simple hierarchical,TAPER,Flat,Recovery oriented,Error masking,Generally,flat is the slowest and the most accurate,simple hierarchical is the fastest and the least accurate,24,Accuracy: 3 levels/large,25,Accuracy: 4 levels/large,26,Accuracy: 7 levels/small,27,Performance: 3 levels/large,28,Performance: 4 levels/large,29,Performance: 7 levels/small,30,Conclusion,Real-life application,Large taxonomy,Flat classification is too slow,Our algorithm is faster than flat classification at as low as 4 levels,Performance gain widens as the number of levels increases,A good trade-off between accuracy and performance for most applications,31,Thank You,The End,32,


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