Lesson 9 Translation of Abstract

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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,Lesson 9,Translation of Abstracts,1,Abstract: C.,short account, e.g. of the,chief points,of a piece of writing a book, speech, etc. (Oxford Dictionary),Abstract: a,shortened form,of a statement, speech, etc. (Longman Dictionary),2,9.1 Basic Information on Abstracts,What is an abstract?,An abstract,is the main idea of the paper. It is a brief summary of the research that has been carried out, which includes the purpose, the methods, thesis statement, major arguments and conclusion of the research and its significance. It shall be clear and complete.,3,Key Words,Key words are provided for document retrieve. They shall cover the major terminologies used in the paper.,Usually,3 to 8 words,shall be listed.,4,Length,250 notional words for an,English abstract,200,300 Chinese Characters for a Chinese One,5,9.1 Basic Information on Abstract,Contents,1. What has been done,2. Methods introduced briefly/Perspective,3. Findings/discovery,4. Conclusion,6,Types of Abstract,Informative Abstract,It gives as much important information as can be crammed into the word limit.,It also give specific information about problems , method, result, or conclusion.,Several paragraphs,Proper for science, technology, and medicine.,7,Types of Abstract,Descriptive/ Indicative Abstract,It describes reports. It doesnt give any specific information about the problem, method, result, or conclusion.,One paragraph only.,Proper for theoretical essays in liberal arts, economics etc.,8,Sample of Descriptive Abstract,The purpose of this program is to provide generalized crack growth tracking procedures for transport bomber aircraft. A study and tests were conducted on crack growth rate characteristics, analysis schemes were developed, and tracking procedures were evaluated.,9,Sample of Informative Abstract,This paper explores the history of one company and its bid for survival in the rapidly changing world of today.,It examines the plastics industry in America and the position of the company within it, detailing the growth of the company over the past 50 years and the expansion of the product range and facilities to the present time.,10,author: at most three.,key words: 3 8,11,9.2 Writing of Abstracts,1) purpose(,研究目的,):,阐述研究工作的目的、理论基础、进 展 情 况,;,2) methods(,研 究 内 容 和 方 法,):,写出研究的对象、所用的方法、技术和仪器设备等,;,3) results(,研究结果,):,概述主要发展,列出研究的主要结果和数据,;,4) conclusion(,讨论,):,着重讨论新的和重要的发现以及从中得出的结论。,12,9.2 Writing of Abstracts in English,1),研究目的,:,研究“目的”是在着手研究时已确定的,按英美写作习惯,一般用,过去时,表达。但如果是指本文的目的,则用,一般现在时,;,2),研究内容和方法,:,指做了哪些研究及研究途径,采用的模型、实验所用的原理、理论和方法等,一般用,过去时,;,3),研究结果,:,研究工作是作者在撰写论文之前进行的,所以在表示研究过程中的动作和状态通常用,一般过去时,但有时为了强调某一行为或状态已完成或持续到撰写论文时也可用,现在完成时,;,4),讨论,:,表示作者本人的观点、意见以及对所进行的研究的总结等,通常用,一般现在时,。,13,Sentence Patterns in English Abstracts,Sentence Patterns for the first sentence:,1) Sentence patterns with active voice involved:,The author or writer looks at the problem of ,The paper discuss,The purpose of the article is to determine,The writer has found the problem of ,14,Sentence Patterns in English Abstracts,2) Sentence patterns with active voice involved: An investigation was designed to test ,The disagreements betweenare discussed,The new method of was popularized,A concept and its form have been advanced,15,Sentence Patterns in English Abstracts,3) Verbs commonly used:,discuss, study, research , describe , explain, expound, confirm, verify, clarify, prove , testify,show, bear out , point out , instruct , illustrate , put forward, advance , analyze , sum up , summarize , introduce , present , elaborate.,16,Sentence Patterns in English Abstracts,Patterns for the last sentence:,1) The results show that ,2) The author suggests or concludes that ,3) It recommended that ,4) It has bee found,5) It concluded to be,6) Finally, some significant agreements,17,Sentence Patterns in English Abstracts,The use of non-restrictive verbs:,在英文摘要中,常用非谓语动词,它不仅代替了某些从句,压缩了句子的长度,从而使文章的结构显得紧凑,使表达显得简洁明快,风格上高雅,达到用尽可能简练的词语表达思想的目的。,18,例,1,Being short of funds, he decided to give up the research.,由于缺乏贵金,他决定放弃此项研究。,(,用分词短语代替原因从句,),例,2,The articles discussed ways to guarantee high output.,此文讨论了保证高产量的方法。,(,用动词不定式代替定语从句,),19,例,3,Tides are caused by the moon and sun pulling water toward them.,海潮是由于月亮和太阳吸引海水而引起的。,(,用动名词的复合结构代替定语从句,),例,4,Burning the fuel , the machine give off a heavy smog.,使用燃料的同时,机器放出浓浓烟雾。,(,用动名词短语代替时间状语从句,),20,Sentence Patterns in English Abstracts,topic sentence(,第一句,开门见山,、,点明主题,),常用的句式有,:,(1) The paper describes (introduces, gives, studies, discusses, presents, outlines, deals with etc. ) the structure and design of the electric detonator used in oil field and its present situation and trend in our country.,本文介绍,(,讨论,提出,研究,叙述,),了国内外油田电雷管的结构特征、设计原理以及我国油田用电雷管的现状及其发展。,21,Sentence Patterns in English Abstracts,(2) The sensitivity of stab composition containing lead styphnate is (was ) studied ( discussed, proposed, introduced, put forward etc. ).,本文研究,(,讨论,提出,叙述,),了含斯蒂芬酸铅针刺药的感度。,22,Sentence Patterns in English Abstracts,(3) The purpose of this study is to establish a sound ground for the safety design of explosive trains and the application of explosives.,本文研究旨在为引信传爆序列的安全性设计和炸药的应用提供了重要依据。,23,Sentence Patterns in English Abstracts,supporting sentence(,简短展开,进一步叙,述主题句的具体内容,),常用的句式有,:,(1) Some theoretical calculations and verification tests were carried out on thrust forces and time of action of piston actuators as explosive detonators.,对活塞作动器的输出推力和作功时间从理论上进,行了计算,并进行了实验验证。,24,Sentence Patterns in English Abstracts,(2) The comparative analysis is made to the existing problem s in the initiating explosive device used in the hand grenade.,对手榴弹现用火工品存在的问题进行了对比分析。,(3) The theoretical prediction is derived from the Monte Carlo procedure.,根据,Monte Carlo,方法导出该理论算式。,25,9.3 Translation of Abstracts,26,The scientific development and talent character of the information society are elaborated. The author points out that in the information society the technical and economic competition is firstly manifested by the information competition. And the one acquiring information quickly and accurately will be the winner in the keen competition.,27,From English to Chinese,E.g.1,The scientific development and talent character of the information society are elaborated. The author points out that in the information society the technical and economic competition is firstly manifested by the information competition. And the one acquiring information quickly and accurately will be the winner in the keen competition.,此篇论述了信息社会的科技发展和人才特征,明确指出,在信息社会,技术和经济的竞争首先表现为情报信息的竞争,谁能迅速准确地获得信息,谁就能在竞争中成为强者。,28,English to Chinese,E.g.2,Presents a coupling neutral network calculation model based on Unit BP- neutral network and studies its application in underground rock mass stability evaluation system. An example shows that coupling neutral calculation of underground rock mass stability is advanced and practical in engineering.,给出了一个基本,BP,神经网络拓扑而成的偶合神经计算模型,对其在底下工程岩体稳定性的评价系统中的应用进行了研究。结果表明,:,偶合神经计算底下工程岩体稳定性评价系统有较好的实用性和先进性。,29,9.3 Translation of Abstract,Steps in translating work,1. Key words,2. structure,3. Logics between,4. Check,30,Tips for translating work,1. Taking a whole logically connected block into consideration. (prerequisite),2. Adjusting orders of sentences according to the logic and structure,requirements. (key),3. Dont be afraid of supplementing and deducting some words while translating from Chinese into English. (key),4. Check (guarantee/crucial),31,采用改进的,RNA,指纹技术对两套大白菜,胞质雄性不育材料,及其杂种,F1,花蕾,的总,RNA,进行了分析, 通过对,186,条,随机引物,的筛选, 获得,4,个重复性较好的,差异片段,。 并对其克隆、测序。,Fingerprinting,Cytoplasmic male sterility,(,胞质雄性不育材料,),Differential fragment Flower bud,Primers(,引物,) sequence,测序,F1 hybrids,杂种,32,Key words /Terminologies,有关名词和术语一定要有来源和出处。,在科学发展中出现的新名词,应查阅有关资料的词典。除了,汉语主题词表,、,MESH,外,还应查阅有关英文资料。,Google it !,“,转基因食品”,- “GM food” (genetically modified food),- “GMO food”,Which is popular?,“GM food” - 590 ,000 more popular, more accurate,GMO food - 31 ,200,33,采用,-,分析,Subject:,两套大白菜,胞质雄性不育材料,及其杂种,F1,花蕾,的总,RNA/,指纹技术,Verb:,分析,/,采用,Adverb:,采用,34,1. In order,to study the differential expression,of the genes related to cytoplasmic male sterility in Chinese Cabbage, a modified RNA fingerprinting technique was developed,to compare the difference in the total RNA.,2.,To study the differential expression , a modified fingerprinting technique was applied to analyzing the total RNA of cytoplasmic male sterility in Chinese Cabbage.,35,通过,-,获得,Subject:,我们 (,indicated,),Verb:,获得,克隆, 测序,Adverb/prep.:,通过,Four stable differential fragments were amplified with primers selected from 186 random primers.,36,根据各差异条带的测序结果合成长引物进行验证,,S47,,,S93,所对应的差异消失, 而,176,,,199,长引物验证的结果与,RAP-PCR,相似,序列分析表明,After these four fragments were cloned and sequenced, specific primers were designed to validate the differential fragments. The validation showed were false positive and were confirmed by PRC with the specific primers. Sequence analysis revealed ,37,Tips in Translation (from Chinese to English),(1) Straight to the point. A brief summary of the paper including the main idea, results, conclusion, purpose, etc. and important data.,(2) Do not repeat the title at the first sentence. Proper supplements are necessary if needed. (3) No chart, chemical equations, and unfamiliar codes and terminologies are allowed.,(4) The first person should be avoided. It can be replaced by “ the author”.,38,Tips in Translation (from Chinese to English),(5) Use of passive voice and tense,Avoid using the same tense (e.g. the simple present tense) all the time.,Adjustments in tense or voice are necessary.,6) Pay attention to collocations, figures, data, etc.,39,Use of Tense,科技论文英文摘要所采用的时态主要有一般现在时、一般过去时和现在完成时。一般现在时是使用最广泛的时态,主要用于介绍、报道、综述文章的内容和背景材料以及作者的结论。一般过去时主要用于研究项目已结束,研究过程中所做的一切都已成为过去,它是介绍某一具体项目的发展情况。现在完成时用来说明项目的发展背景,表示在另一现在时动作之前就完成的动作。,40,早熟禾对几种除草剂耐药性初探,摘 要,:,选用,6,种常用除草剂对草坪草,早熟禾采用土壤处理和苗后茎叶处理,在室内进行耐药性试验,结果表明,早熟禾对不同的除草剂产生不同的耐药性。,关键词,:,除草剂,;,草坪草,;,早熟禾,;,耐药性,41,Study on Anti- Drug of Bluegrass to Some Kinds of Weed- Killere,Abstract:,Turf - Kentucky Bluegrass is treated soil and by stem and leaf after seedling used stage through selecting 6 sorts of frequently used weed - killers. Then we carry out anti - drug experiment indoors. The results indicate that Kentucky Bluegrass leads to different anti - drug versus different weed - killers.,Key words:,Weed - killer; Turf ; Bluegrass; Anti - drug,42,三峡库区果粮间作模式及效益分析,以云阳县为例,为了改善生态环境,合理利用土地资源,保证粮食安全和农民增收已成为各级政府和社会各界关心的问题,通过对云阳县复合农林业的野外调查和室内资料分析,本文简介了云阳县的自然条件和果粮间作复合经营模式。着重分析了果粮间作的经济、生态、社会效益,最后作者提出了进一步发展农林业的几点建议。,【,关键词,】,三峡库区,;,果粮间作,;,效益,43,Analysis on Fruit Trees (citrus)crop Intercropping Pattern and Their Benefitsin Three Gorges Reservoir DistrictA Case Study of Yungyang County,【Abstract】 in order to improve Ecological environment, rationally use the land resources, Ensuring the food security and the peasantry income increase have become common concern issues of governments and all levels of society, By means of field investigation and information analysis of major agroforestry in Yungyang County, the natural Conditions and the Complex management of citruscrop intercropping models in yungyang county were introduced in this paper,the ecological,、,economic and social Benefits of intercropping were analyzed, at last, author a suggestion for developing agroforstry was put forecasted.,【Key words】,ThreeGorges Reservoir area,;,Fruit treescrop intercropping,;,Benefits,44,太湖水体富营养化中农业面污染源的影响研究,太湖流域地处长江三角洲核心部位,是我国的工业经济中心,但同时也是水体富营养化最严重的地区之一。文章通过实地调研、采集得到太湖流域污染的相关数据资料,运用结构解析模型,(ISM),建模,通过研究太湖蓝藻各诱发因子的主次关系,对太湖蓝藻危机爆发的成因做了深入的分析。并以,GIS,为平台核算其耕地面积,结合当地土壤数据及作物特征,计算出了太湖流域农业每年磷的排放量,占总磷排放量的,70.7%,得出农业面源产生的的氮、磷流失是引起太湖水体富营养化的重要原因。,45,Impact of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution in Eutrophic Water Body of Taihu Lake,Taihu Lake basin in the heart of Yangtze River Delta is a regional industrial and economic centre in China, with the quality as one of serious eutrophical water bodies. Based on field study and ISM modeling, the correlation between primary and secondary inducing factors of algae crisis was discussed and factors of algae in the Lake crisis were analyzed. With GIS as a platform to estimate arable land, also combined with local soil and crop characteristics, annual amount of agricultural phosphorus emission in the basin was calculated, which accounted for 70.7% of annual total phosphorus emission. It was concluded that loss of nitrogen and phosphorus from agricultural non-point source was the most important contributor of the Lake eutrophication.,46,9.4 Supplementary Materials for Self-study,47,Translation from Chinese to,科技论文摘要的英译,科技论文摘要是读者迅速掌握全文主题,了解一般情况的主要工具。它包括介绍性内容,如目的、范围和限制,以及描述性信息,如实验性质和方法,主要的研究结果和结论。摘要相对独立于正文,所包含的符号和缩写形式必须限定和解释。通常摘要后还要附出关键词。一篇好的论文摘要,甚至可作为独立的技术资料保存使用。为此,英译时应注意以下几个问题,48,1,正确选用人称、动词时态和语态,由于科技论文的摘要是对论文内容的客观陈述,所以英译时,宜用研究客体作主语,但也有用,The author ,This paper,等作主语的,前者与后者相比,既显得客观,又能避免叙述中内容的转移,从而维护了全文的统一性。在此强调一点,摘要英译时绝对不能用,we ,I,等第一人称作主语。,49,由于摘要以研究客体作主语,且被动语态较主动语态更客观,这就决定了用被动语态。但有时为了使摘要显得生动活泼,也可以被动为主,主动与被动交替使用。至于时态,一般用一般过去时,但通过试验得出的结论,通常是对事实内在规律的反映,最好用一般现在时,对客观事物的陈述,也应用一般现在时。,50,摘要,:,针对当前在实际中使用的加热炉和轧机的匹配制度存在的缺陷,提出一种基于钢坯期望出炉温度的推钢速率控制策略和基于斜坡函数的待轧控制策略,从而优化了加热炉和轧机的匹配制度,工业试验证明了这种匹配制度的合理性、简单性和易行性。,Abstract:,For defects in matching rules of re-heating furnace with rolling mill ,this paper proposed a push rate control strategy based on the target drop-out temperature and rolling delay control strategy based on temperature ramping rate, thus matching of reheating furnace with rolling mill is optimized. The proposed matching rules are feasible ,simple and easy to be implemented.,51,2,正确选用专业词汇,科技论文摘要英译时,专业词汇选择正确与否至关重要,它直接影响论文的检索和收录,影响其对外学术交流。科技论文摘要英译时应体现各专业的特点,在选词造句上应特别注意。,切忌,:,(1),自造专业词汇,如,:,电解铝厂应为,smelter ,乳状液为,latex;,(2),意思相近的词不加辨析、混用,如,:,建立数学模型为,derive ,而非,establish;,(3),望文生义,例如,:,粗粒弥散系为“,true dispersion”,母液“,spent liquor”,。,52,要做到正确规范地应用专业词汇,与国际标准接轨,必须谨慎择词,不能因中国人看懂了就算过关。最好查阅权威的汉英、英汉专业科技词典,参阅国际大型专业索引或各专业文摘性期刊。另外,平时阅读外文科技资料时还应注意对专业词汇的积累。,53,3,谨慎处理“数字”词语,在翻译过程中,常常会遇到一些表示“倍数”或者“百分比”的词语,稍有疏忽,则会谬之千里。为了避免误译,首先要仔细地区别,弄清原句的意思,然后选相应的词语表达出来。,例如,:,增加,1,倍或翻了一番用,double ,增加,2,倍用,treble,增加,N,倍,(3,倍以上,),用,increase N + 1times,或,increase to N +1 times.,54,试分析“,10 %,的盐酸”与“,10 %,的受实验者”,这一对中文词语从表面看似一样,都是“,10 %,的,”,但实则完全不同。前者“,10 %”,是指盐酸的浓度,所以英译为“,10 % hydrochloric acid”,。而后者的“,10 %”,是说明受实验者中的一部分,英译为“,10 % of the subjects”,。所以百分比英译时,一定要注意是否用“,of”,。,55,4,修辞、炼句,一篇成功的英文摘要应体现短、精、全的特点,切忌拖沓冗长。论文摘要英译时,应在忠实原文的前提下,进行修辞炼句,去掉可有可无的语句,使行文简洁流畅,避免中文式的英文。摘要中的重要信息前置,附加的说明成分后移,前者用单句表示,后者用分词或独立主格的形式表示,这样更能体现文章主题,且逻辑性强,简洁明快。,56,Failure in pragmatic use,词汇方面的语用失误,学生选用词汇,(,语用失误,),科技英语中的词和词汇,send transmit ; beam,use up consume,begin commence,a lot of sufficient,before prior to,finish; end terminate,abandon; give up waive,responsible liable,as long as provided that,better superior,57,从中可以看出学生没有能区别一般英语词汇和科技英语词汇用法的特点。科技英语词汇的主要特点是,:,词汇多源于希腊语和拉丁语、词义专一、专业词汇出现频率低、前后缀出现频率高、广泛使用缩写词,。,58,常见不符合科技英语的句子,(,学生所用,),Therefore,we,pressurize it to increase its density frequently.,It is therefore frequently pressurized to increase its density.,We,have found several methods to the problem of the interactivity.,Several approaches to the problem of the interactivity have,been found.,If,the contractor finish,the contract under the provisions of sub-clause 55.3 , he shall. . . 55.3 ,If the contract is terminated under the provision of sub-clause,the contractor shall . . .,59,摘要具体翻译技巧,1,如何选词,.,正确选词是保证译文质量的重要前提。选词应注意以下几个方面,:,1.1,根据上下文正确理解原文的词义,词的正确选择首先取决于对原文词义的确切理解,而对原文词义的确切理解又取决于对原文上下文的推敲,英译汉如此,汉译英也如此。,60,例,1,本文提出了一种新的计算机辅助设计方法。,A new computer-aided design method is presented (in this paper).,说到“提出”,我们往往首先想到,put forward, raise ,advance,或,make,等词,如“提出建议”,英语为,put forward a proposal,。但本例中,的“提出”指“叙述”、“讨论”或“介绍”,故用,present,。当然,本例也可说成,This paper presents. . . method ,只不过英文摘要中人们更倾向于用被动语态。,61,例,2,本文建立了柔轮原始曲线的数学模型。,The expressions of the original curve of the,flexspline are derived in this paper.,原文中的“建立”并非指“建立”某个机构,(,如学校、公司等,) ,而是指“推导出”,即“推导出,数学模型”,故选用,derive(,推导,),比,establish(,建立,),更为贴切。“数学模型”不同于“飞机模型”、“汽车模型”等,其本身是以函数关系式表达的,实质含义即“表达式”,因此“数学模,型”译成,expressions,比译,mathematical model,更符合原文的本义。,62,1.2,注意使用书面词语,科技英语除了大量使用各学科的专门术语外,还喜欢用一些日常语言中不怎么使用的书面词汇,(,有人称之为,big words) ,以体现科技英语正式、庄重的语体特征。例如,科技英语多用,many,少用,a lot of,或,lots of ;,多用,obtain ,少用,get ;,多用,finally ,少用,at last,或,in the end;,多用正式动词,(perform ,invent,等,) ,少用短语动词,(,如,carry out ,make up,等,) ;,63,例,3,本文主要研究平面机构的可动性。,This paper principally studies the movability of plane components.,“,主要,(,地,)”,最常见的对应词是,mainly ,这里用,mainly,当然也可以,但用,principally,更能体现科技英语正式、庄重的语体特征。,64,1.3,注意使用名词来表示动作,这类名词通常为表示动作的名词,如,analysis, comparison ,study ,introduction,等,常见的结构为“,make (give,等,) +,名词,(analysis,等,) +,介词”,意义上相当于相应的动词,如,make a study of,相当于,study ,make an analysis of,相当于,analyse, give an introduction to,相当于,introduce,等等。,例,4,本文研究了电容对频率响应的影响。,A study of the effect of capacitance on frequency response is made. (,比较,:The effect of capacitance on frequency response is studied.),65,1.4,注意词的搭配,由于语言习惯的差异,汉英两种语言在词,的搭配方面不尽相同,如“开机器”,英语为,start a machine“,开车”,; ,英语为,drive a car,。汉译英时应注意其不同之处,切勿生搬硬套。关于这个问题,请看关于词语搭配的论述。,66,2,如何搭配,汉英两种语言在长期使用的过程中形成了各自的固定词组和搭配用法。这些比较固定的表达,有时可以逐词译出,有时则不行,勉强译出,不是词不达意,就是不符合英语的习惯。因此,翻译时尤其要注意两者的不同。请看下面几种情况。,2.1,定语和中心词的搭配,例,5,硬水,hard water,例,6,硬钢,high steel,汉语中同一个“硬”字,由于中心词不同,英译文要使用不同的词,:hard,与,water,搭配,high,则与,steel,搭配。,67,例,7,本文认为,这一定义具有重要意义。,原译,: The author holds that this definition,has important meaning.,汉语可以说“重要意义”,但英语通常不说,important meaning,。英语的习惯说法是,great(,或,important) significance (,注意,meaning,指“意思”、“含义”,而,significance,则指“意义”、“重要性”,),。,改译,: This definition is of great significance.,68,2. 2,主语和谓语的搭配,例,8,本文所讲的内容对通讯工程师来说是很感兴趣的。,原译,: The content that this paper talks about is of great interest to communications engineers.,汉语的“本文”可以与“讲”搭配使用,但直译成英语,this paper talks about,则不符合英语习惯,属于汉语式英语,即,Chinglish,。英语中,talk about,的主语通常为人,而不是物。本例中“讲”的实际含义为“叙述”、“描述”或“讨论”,因此应该用,describe ,discuss,或,present,等。此外,content,一词虽然可以表示汉语“内容”的含义,但如果谓语动词为,describe ,discuss,或,present,等时,英美人更倾向于使用,what,一词。这种用法值得我们注意。,改译,:What this paper describes is of great interest to communications engineers.,69,2.3,谓语和宾语的搭配,例,9,本文对提高打印速度的印字质量提供了一种机辅设计手段。,原译,: This paper presents a CAD method for increasing the printing speed and the printing quality.,汉语既可说“提高速度”,也可说“提高质量”,;,但英语,increase,只能与,speed,搭配,而不能与,quality,搭配“提高质量”英语要说, improve quality,。,改译,: This paper presents a CAD method for increasing the printing speed and improving the printing quality.,70,2.4,状语和谓语的搭配,例,10,本文强调指出了光强随圆柱直径变化的正弦规律。,原译,: The sine law of the variation of the light intensity with the cylinder diameter has been pointed out emphatically.,汉语的“强调指出”译成英语的,point out emphatically,从字面上看,似乎完全对等,但用法上存在差异。英语的,point out emphatically,常用在普通英语和政治文章中,在科技文章中一般用动词,emphasize ,而且即使在普通英语和政治文章中,英语也倾向于用,emphasize,。,改译,: The sine law of the variation of the light intensity with the cylinder diameter has been emphasized.,71,3,哪些词可以不译,(,范畴词不译,),汉语里有些名词,如“工作”、“问题”


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