James Weldon Johnson

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,James Weldon Johnson,1,Content,1. Brief Introduction,2. Career and Works,3. Lift Every Voice and Sing,2,Brief Introduction,James Weldon Johnson was born on June 17, 1871, during the optimism of the Reconstruction period , in Florida.,3,Brief Introduction,He displayed his multi-talents by being a,poet, lyricist, author, editor, principal, professor, lawyer, and secretary of the NAACP,. (National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People),4,Career and Works,In1894,He was to be a principal of his former elementary school -Stanton School.,In1895,Johnson founded,The Daily American, a black weekly newspaper and the first Negro daily ever published. However the newspaper only lasted eight months due to financial difficulties.,The following year, Johnson began to study law, but Johnson soon tired of the law.,5,Career and Works,In 1896,He and his brother,a musician, formed a song writing team. Johnson was as a lyricist and his brother was as the composer.,In1900,He wrote a very famous song with his brother ,Lift Every Voice and Sing, in celebration of Lincolns birthday.,In 1920,He became the first African American to hold the position of Secretary for the NAACP .,6,Lift Every Voice and Sing,Lift Every Voice and Sing, written by J. Rosamond Johnson (James Weldon Johnsons brother) and James Weldon Johnson in 1900, has become,one of the most beloved songs in the African American community,taught for years in schools, churches, and civic organizations.,The song was,adopted by the NAACP as its official song in the 1920s,and sung throughout the civil rights movement.,The lyrics pay homage to a history of struggle but never waver from a sense of optimism for the future,facing the rising sun of our new day begun, let us march on till victory is won. Its message of hope and strength has made Lift Every Voice and Sing a source of inspiration for generations.,7,stony the road we trod,bitter the chastening rod,felt in the days,when hope unborn had died,yet with a steady beat,have not our weary feet,come to the place,for which our fathers sighed,we have come over the way,that with tears hath been watered,we have come treading our paths,through the blood of the slaughtered,out from the gloomy past,till now we stand at last,where the bright gleam,of our bright star is cast.,忆往昔,希冀未萌先折夭道路崎岖,我们依旧大步向前鞭笞践踏,我们淡然,拖疲惫双脚却步履稳牢是否仍未至父辈哀婉希冀的地方,一路走来泪水散落满地我们依旧大刀阔斧沿前辈们血泪之路前行,灰暗的历史已逝我们挺立于当今现实虽奋战在黑夜,然星辰却照亮你我心间。,8,Thanks You!,9,


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