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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,雅思小作文之线形图,6 件事,1. 谁,2. 变化,3. 到了,4. 快慢,5. 区间,6. 特殊情况,1. 谁(主语),Percentage,Number,Amount,Quantity,Ratio,Rate,2. 变化,1. 增加,2. 减少,3. 不变,4. 波动,1表示上升,rocket,soar,jump,shoot up,mount up,expand,leap,surge,2. 表示下降,diminish,plunge,dip,shrink,plummet,drop,Slump,3. 表示不变,maintain constant,stay the same,reach a plateau,Level off,Hardly no changed,4. 表示波动,Swing,Undulated,Fluctuated,Saturated,3. 到、了,到,to/till/at,了,By,4. 快/慢,fleetly,hastily,considerably,significantly,alarmingly,amazingly,Incredibly,Prominently,慢,steadily,slightly,Moderately,gently,Smoothly,Marginally,5. 区间,From A in 1990 to B in 2000,During the xxx years spanning from 1990 to 2000,Since the early 1990s,During the period from 1990 to 2000,In 1990 onwards,6. 其他,A. 趋势 trend/tendency/inclination,B. 顶点 the top/peak/summit/highest point plateau,C. 最低 the bottom/lowest point/,trough,D.,用于预测未来趋势,expect forecast estimate,统计数据图,最大忌讳是罗列,个中规律才要写,最大最小先消灭 max min,其后倍数要咀嚼 N times as adj. as,变化趋势勿忽略 with the .,穿插技巧要坚决 respectively namely,顶针省略主被切 主谓宾、宾谓主,自然过渡要点列 concerning,雅思小作文之饼形图,大作文,争议类/对比类/方案解决类,话题,争议类 四件事(开头。引子。过度。结尾),开头(3),It is being widely discussed whether we should .,Nowadays, more and more people get involved in , which has triggered social widespread concerning.,There is no denying that more and more people who get engaged in .,Having witnessed a series of phenomena that more and more people get involved in, we should take it into consideration.,引子(A+B),A. although this issue is fairly simple, while the meaning it conceals,Sets us thought-provoking,Is as deep as ocean,Is profound.,Is deep-going.,B,While most things have two handles.,There are always two sides to everything you choose.,Double-sidedness,Every medal has its reverse.,过度,Except for/apart from/ in addition to the positives mentioned above, here are some negative ones as follows.,总之,The pros outweigh/overweigh/overwhelm the cons. The former caters to my preference. What I suggest is that we should .,总之,In short,Briefly,anyhow,In sum,In conclusion,In a nutshell,虚词的升华,首先:first and foremost,In the first instance,First off,In the first place,其次,In the second place,Secondarily,Thereafter,Furthermore,More exactly,Specifically,For another,What more,即,Namely,To be exact,To be precise,Specifically,In other words,当提到。,With reference to ,When it refers to ,When it comes to ,Turning to ,As for ,As to ,When we mention .,Regarding ,Concerning .,内容,1. 教育,2. 科技,3. 媒体,4. 政府,5. 发展,6. 文化,7. 法律,8. 全球化,9. 环境,1. 教育类,Gain/acquire knowledge得到知识,Idle away their time虚度他们的时间,Improve/enhance childrens physical/psychological health提升加强孩子们的身体心理健康,Hurt/damage their physical/psychological well-being伤害他们的身体心理幸福,Focus on/concentrate on集中,关注于,Distract students from转移学生从。,Ease/relieve academic pressure减轻学业负担,Intensify academic pressure加强学业负担,Strengthen students willpower加强学生的意志力,Weaken students willpower减轻学生的意志力,Stimulate learners interest in鼓舞学生的兴趣在。方向,Fulfill students potential满足学生的潜力,Waste youngsters potential浪费年轻人的潜力,Integrate theory with practice理论联系实际,Exhaust students energy耗尽学生的精力,Disconnect theory from practice理论不联系实际,Foster/cultivate creativity培养创造力,Boost/enhance learners efficiency加强学习效率,Lower their efficiency降低学习效率,Motivate the students to do sth激发学生的积极性去做,2. 科技类,Multiply peoples choices增加人们的选择,Restrict peoples choices限制人们的选择,Liberate workers解放工人,Enslave employees奴役员工,Boost/enhance efficiency/productivity提升生产效率,Distract employees form their work解雇员工,Carry out/conduct scientific research引导科学研究,Stop/suspend/discontinue scientific停止暂停科学的,Slow down pace of life放慢生命的步伐,Speed up/accelerate/quicken the pace of life加快生命的步伐,Promote communication增进联系,Hinder communication阻碍联系,Widen/expand the gap between the rich and the poor扩大减少贫富差距,Narrow/bridge the gap between the wealthy and the needy,Reduce the cost减少增加成本,Improve interpersonal relationship提升人际关系,Alienate individuals 疏远人们,Make our lives more convenient使我们的生活更加便利,3、媒体类,Present truths现场报道,Distort truth扭曲的报道,Appeal to the audience呼吁观众,Offend the audience违背观众,Spread ideas传播观念,Control thoughts控制思想,Enlighten peoples minds点亮人们的思想,Corrupt childrens minds败坏孩子的思想,Enhance ones public image提升一个人的印象,Ruin ones reputation毁掉一个人的名声,Expand ones vision/broaden ones horizons扩大视野,Limit/restrict ones vision限制一个人的视野,Reinforce family bonds加强家庭团结,Provide children with role models提供孩子的偶像,Make youngsters more aggressive使年轻人更加有进取心侵略性,Inform the audience报告观众,Mislead the audience误导观众,Uncover the truth揭露真相,Conceal the truth隐藏真相,4、政府类,Widen/expand the gap between the rich and the poor/needy,Raise/heighten citizens awareness of提升市民。的意识,Render citizens indifferent to使市民对。不关心,Improve the infrastructure提升基础建设,Generate tax revenue增加减少税收,Reduce tax revenue,Spur/stimulate economic development刺激阻碍经济发展,Hinder/impede economic development,Allocate money to拔款给,Reduce the funding for减少拔款给,Lift/elevate peoples standard of living提升降低生活水平,Lower citizens standard of living,5、发展类,Eliminate poverty消灭贫穷,Preserve the old buildings保留老建筑,Remove/demolish old buildings破坏老建筑,Adopt a healthy lifestyle接受健康不健康的生活,Follow an unhealthy lifestyle,Offer/afford/create employment opportunities创造减少就业机会,Reduce employment opportunities,Slow down the pace of life,Speed up/accelerate/quicken the pace of life,Ease/relieve traffic congestion减轻加重交通堵塞,Increase/expand domestic demand增加国内需求,Reduce consumption减少消费,Contribute to the public interest致力于公益,Seek/pursue fame and wealth 追寻名利,Upgrade ones skills提升人的能力,Respect elderly people不尊重老人,Disrespect seniors,6、文化类,Preserve traditions保留传统,Undermine traditions破坏传统,Cherish cultural heritage重视忽略文化遗产,Ignore/disregard cultural heritage,Promote cultural communication增加文化交流,Impede cultural communication 阻碍,Strengthen the cultural identity of a nation加强 文化同一性,Strengthen ethnic solidarity增加降低民族团结,Weaken ethnic solidarity,Get accustomed to/adjust to/adapt to,Enrich peoples lives丰富人们的生活,Corrupt peoples minds腐化人们的思想,Entertain the audience with娱乐枯燥观众通过,7、法律类,Obey/abide by/comply with the law遵守法律违法,Break/violate the law,Combat crimes打击犯罪,Drive up the crime rate提高降低犯罪率,Lower the crime rate,Maintain social order坚持妨碍社会公德,Disturb social order,Ensure social stability确保威胁社会稳定,Threaten social stability,Resist temptation 抵制诱惑,8、全球化,Remove/break down the barrier between A and B保留去掉A与B的界限,Maintain/retain/keep up the barrier between A and B,Remove the barrier for为了去除阴碍,is a hurdle to。是一个。的阻碍,Draw on other countries experience吸取忽略他国经验,Overlook other countrys experience,Explore foreign cultures开发外国文化,Isolate themselves from foreign cultures隔离外国文化,Intensify regional cooperation加强地区合作,Obstruct international cooperation阻碍地区合作,Maintain close links保留密切联系,Weaken the ties between and消弱。和。的联系,Facilitate communication促进妨碍交流,Hamper communication,Promote cultural interaction提升文化互动,Erode others countries cultural identity破坏别国文化的地位,Expand ones outlook扩大束缚一个人的视野,Limit ones vision,Prevent misunderstanding and conflict引起阻止误解和冲突,Cause misunderstanding and conflict,Strengthen the influence on加强削弱影响,Weaken the influence on,9、环境类,Conserve resources保护消费耗尽资源,Consume/deplete resources,Preserve the environment保护环境,Promote sustainable development可持续粗放型发展,Push forward the economy at the expense of the ecosystem,Raise /elevate citizens awareness of提升降低市民的意识,Harness natural resources治理滥用自然资源,Misuse natural resources,Enrich biodiversity 提升生物的多样性,Jeopardize biodiversity危害生物多样性,Reduce car emissions减少汽车尾气,Overlook the emission problem忽视排放问题,Recycle sth.循环使用sth.,Throw sth. away,Shoulder/assume ones responsibility承担放下(拒绝承担),Shirk ones responsibility一个人的责任,Preserve/protect wild animals保护野生动物濒危野生动物,Endanger wild animals,Use resources properly合理耗尽资源,Use up/exhaust resources,表示流程图“次阶段”,the second stage is,the next step in the process is,表示流程图“末阶段”, is the last step in the procedure,The final phase of the procedure is about,In the final phase,Entering the final phase,原因问题解决型,There is no doubt that the specific issue of sth./ 或接whether 从句 has become a pressing one, not only to the government, but also to individuals. From my point of view, this may attribute to the following contributing factors. / this surely has produced some serious problems below.,One possible reason is concerned with It is well-known that (对该原因进行解释)。,Besides, also attributes partly to sth.,Another thing that deserves our special attention is ,(Apparently, if no action is taken, some serious problems would be aroused.) For example, ,Moreover, another problem I should point out lies in the fact that ,Last but not least, ,As far as the thorny(棘手的) issue is concerned, several effective measures should be put into practice as soon as possible. In the first place. this sensible way has achieved some effectiveness in some areas. Moreover, ,To sum up, the reasons/ problems of provided above are a few of the many but are worth our special attention. It is certain that only the government and the authorities concerned join hands in solving this pressing matter can the situation be improved greatly in the near future.,Thetablebelowshowstheresultsofasurveytofindoutwhatmembersofacitysportsclubthinkabouttheclubsactivities,facilitiesandopeninghours.,Summarizetheinformationbyselectingandreportingthemainfeatures,andmakeanycomparisonswhererelevant.Writeatleast150words.,Clubsatisfactionsurveytable,Rangeofactivities,VerysatisfiedSatisfied-notsatisfied Femalemembers,35%-35%-30% Malemembers,55%-40%-5%,Clubfacilities equipment apparatus,Device amenities,VerysatisfiedSatisfied-notsatisfied Femalemembers,64%-22%-14% Malemembers,63%-27%-10%,Openinghours,VerysatisfiedSatisfied-notsatisfied Femalemembers,72%-25%-3% Malemembers,44%-19%-37%,The table compares the opinions of male and female club members about the services provided by a city sports club.,We can see from the responses that the male members are generally happy or satisfied with the range of activities at the club, with only 5% dissatisfied.,In contrast, however, only about two-thirds of female members were positive about the activity range and almost a third were dissatisfied.,The genders were more in agreement about the club facilities.,Only 14% of women and 10% of men were unhappy with these, and the majority (64% and 63% respectively) were very positive.,Finally, the female respondents were much happier with the club opening hours than their male counterparts. Almost three-quarters of them were very satisfied with these and only 3% were unhappy, whereas nearly 40% of the men expressed their dissatisfaction.,Overall, the table indicates that female members are most unhappy with the range of activities while the male, opening hours.,A glance at the tables on the average percentage marks in several schools subjects, we can find different genders and different age groups have their respective strengths and weaknesses in school subjects.,练习册 第21页 第九题,Generally speaking, boys were more superior to girls in sports while girls outperformed their counterparts in the respect of languages. Boys marks in Sports surged while their language performance basically crept down upon age.,The most striking gap of sports between sexes occurred in 15-old students, which constituted 18%. On the other hand, 15-old girls outscored the peer boys by 17% in languages.,As to the remaining three subjects, they were almost,six of one and half a dozen,(半斤对八两) of the other. What surprises us most is the equilibrium of Science, traditionally believed as the advantageous subject for boys.,It deserves our attention that 13 was the best age for boys to score comparatively high except for language-learning, while girls scored highest at 15 years old except for Sports.,终极模板,Having scrutinized the phenomenon that ., we may deeply sink in this thought-provoking situation which profoundly indicates that,_,is momentous and fundamental to anyone who undertakes great deeds.,Undoubtedly, it is,*,that keeps us continually living valuable and admirable, which makes us full of energy to go through the coming challenges and competition.,Put another way, if we dont,*, we will feel frustrated and humiliated in a dull and depress life, only to be eliminated.,To sum up ,it admits no doubt in doing things ,whether large or small ,there are more or less difficulties ,it is much better for one to,*,.,Therefore ,it is imperative for us to take some effective measures .To begin with, we should be sensible to, However, it is easier said than done .,Indispensable,Physician,Physicist,Practice is the most important factor .Only when we pay attention to it, can we make it better and see a colorful and vigorous future to come.,


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