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,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,课时分配,课时,板块结合范例,Period 1,Introduction + Reading and Vocabulary,Period 2,Grammar,Period 3,Listening and Vocabulary +Function +Everyday English,Period 4,Writing + Cultural Corner,课时分配课时板块结合范例Period 1Introducti,Period 1,Module 3,Adventure in Literature and the Cinema,Introduction + Reading and Vocabulary,Period 1Module 3Introduction +,adventure,adventurous story,adventureadventurous story,Who are they?,biography,Who are they?biography,detective story,crime,detective storycrime,fantasy,fantasy,history,history,Are you frightened?,thriller,Are you frightened?thriller,adventure biography crime fantasy history thriller,1.the story of somebodys life,2.a story which,has,no,connection with,reality,3.a story in which there is lots of action,4.an extremely exciting story, which is often frightening.,5. A story in which a,detective,tries to,solve,problem, such as identifying a,murderer.,6. A true,account,of the past,biography,fantasy,adventure,thriller,crime,history,Activity2 (P21)Match the types of book with their meaning.,adventure biography crime f,Can you guess the type of book by the cover?,thriller,Can you guess the type of book,Can you guess the type of book by the cover?,history,Can you guess the type of book,Can you guess the type of book by the cover?,biography,Can you guess the type of book,Introduction 2. Description(4m),Find out the definition of the following types of book.,adventure :_,biography:_,crime:_,_,history:_,thriller:_,_,a story in which there is lots of action,the story of somebodys life,a story in which a detective tires to solve a,problem, such as identifying a murderer,fantasy:_,a true account of the past,an extremely exciting story, which is often,frightening,a story which has no connection with reality,Introduction 2. Description(,Introduction 3. Discussion (5m),Talk about the picture.,Words you may use,adventure,Mark Twain,teenage,companion,black slave,sail,raft,Mississippi River,Introduction 3. Discussion (,Reading and vocabulary,Guess . (look at the picture),Who are they?,Where are they?,What are they doing?,What is the boy pointing at?,What will they do?,Reading and vocabularyGuess .,Reading,Fast reading:,Main idea of the passage:,The whole passage tells us one of the stories that happened while Huck and Jim were sailing sown the Mississippi River on a raft. It describes what Huck and Jim saw and what they did,ReadingMain idea of the passag,Read the text and number the events in the order they happen(5minutes),e.Huck and Jim take away the mens boat.,d.Huck and Jim see the steamboat.,b.Huck and Jim climb onto the steamboat.,g.Jim runs back to the raft.,a.Huck sees three men in a cabin.,f.The tall man is pointing a gun at the man on the floor.,c.The short man suggests leaving the man on the floor,h.Huck has a plan.,Keys:,Read the text and number the e,Reading,Careful reading:,Read the passage carefully again. Finish Activities 4-6 and answer the following questions:,What was the weather like after midnight?,2.Who do you think is braver?,3.Can you guess why the two men wanted to kill the other man?,4.What was Hucks feeling after they stole their boat?,ReadingRead the passage carefu,Reading,sample answers:,There was a big storm after midnight and the rain poured down.,2. I think Huck is braver than Jim.,3. Maybe the man knew some important things, but the two men didnt want others to know.,4. He began to feel bad about what they had done. He didnt want all three men to die.,ReadingThere was a big storm a,Questions for paragraph 1,1.What was the weather like that night?,2. What did they see as they were sailing down the river?,3.What did they do then?,The rain_,Steamboat,They _straight towards the steamboat.,sailed,poured down,Questions for paragraph 11.Wha,Questions for paragraphs 2-5,1.what did Huck want to do?,2.What did they hear after they got on the steamboat?,He wanted to_ over and climbed on to the steamboat.,“ Oh please boys, dont kill me! I wont tell anybody”,paddle,Questions for paragraphs 2-51.,Questions for Paragraphs 6-8,1.What did the men on the steamboat do with another man?,2.How did they decide to kill him?,The tall man.,The short man.,They left him in the steamboat which will _ in a couple of hours.,sink,Questions for Paragraphs 6-81.,Questions for Paragraph 9-11,1.What did Huck decide to do after he heard they would leave the man on the steamboat?,2.What was the idea Huck told to him?,3.Why did Huck feel bad about what he had done?,To find their boat and take it away,He _ along the deck, found him.,He didnt want all three men to die,crawled,Questions for Paragraph 9-111.,Find words in the passage which mean:,1.to rain heavily,2.something which,protect,s you,from,bad weather,3.a sort of flat boat usually made from tree,trunk,s,4.to,lose control,because you are frightened,5.the feeling of being interested in something and wanting to know more,6.to tell someone you are going to cause them harm,pour down,a shelter,a raft,panic,curious,threaten,Find words in the passage whi,Speaking:what will happen next? Please continue the story,Speaking:what will happen next,Reading,Answers to Activity 5:,1.The stream is only two meters wide. I can _ across it.,2. Youre out of breath. Why have you been _.,3. Ive never _ in my life. Im afraid of aeroplanes.,4. Youve got plenty of time to get to the lesson. You can _.,climb crawl fly jump paddle run sail walk,jump,running,flown,walk,Reading1.The stream is only tw,Reading,Answers to Activity 5:,5. I _ onto the rock so that I could see better.,6. The two boys _ slowly upstream in their canoe.,7. It took Columbus two months to _ across the Atlantic in 1492.,8.jimmys 10 months old. He cant walk yet, but he can _.,climb crawl fly jump paddle run sail walk,climbed,paddled,sail,crawl,Reading5. I _ onto the r,Reading,Answers to Activity 6:,How did Huck and Jim get to the sinking steamboat?,A. They swam.,B. They jumped.,C. They paddled,2. How did they get on it?,A. thy jumped.,B. They climbed.,C.They crawled.,ReadingHow did Huck and Jim ge,Reading,Answers to Activity 6:,3.What did Jim do when he was frightened?,A. He ran.,B. He swam.,C. He jumped,4. How did Huck get back to the raft?,A. He crawled.,B. He walked.,C. He ran.,Reading3.What did Jim do when,句子中的,by,意思是“借助”。,Something we go on working after dark by the lights of tractors.,1.Suddenly,_(,借助闪电的灯光,),we saw something in the middle of the river.,by the light of the lightning,句子中的by意思是“借助”。 Something we go,by,还有其他一些意思和用法,1,),close to; next to,the window by the door.,2,),with the use or help of; through,We came by the back road.,by 还有其他一些意思和用法 1)close to; nex,3 ) up to and beyond; past,e drove by the house.,4 ) in the period of; during,(,在,期间;在,中间,),) not later than,(不迟于),Ill arrive by 5:30 p.m.,He sleeps by day an travels by night,昼伏夜行,3 ) up to and beyond; paste d,) in the amount of (,以,计的,),He has letters by the thousands,which are from all over the world,) to the extent of (,达到,程度,),He shorten the stick by two inches.,) in the amount of (以计的)He,),according to,We should play the game by the rules.,9) with respect to (,相关,就,来说,),siblings by blood,亲兄妹,10) in the name of(,以,的名义,),Swear by the Bible to tell the truth.,11) through the agency or action of (,通过中介或动作,),He was killed,by,a ruler.,)according toWe should play t,12),一个一个地,用于表示一系列的特定个体,组或数量,.,They were persuaded little,by,little and left one,by,one.,13,),used in multiplication and division,multiply 4,by,6, you will get 24.,14) used with measurements (,用于度量,),a room 12,by,18 feet,12) 一个一个地,用于表示一系列的特定个体,组或数量.Th,2.It had hit a rock and was _ (,一半沉在水里,一半露在水面上,),3.“It looks as if itll go under soon” Jim said,after _(,几,)minutes.,4. “I dont want to _(,登上,)a sinking ship”,half in and half out of water,a couple of,board,(v.) board the bus / plane /train,half in and half out of watera,4. “ I dont want to,board,a sinking ship.”,board,“,登上”,(,船,车,飞机等,),He,boarded,the bus.,board,作动词用常见的还有以下几条意思:,1)to cover or close with boards (,封,盖,用木 板覆盖或封闭,),They boarded,up a broken window.,用木板封住已坏的窗户,4. “ I dont want to board a s,2,),to provide with meals and accommodation,(,为,供膳,),he usually,boards,students during the term.,e,boarded,at my house until he found a house.,board,n.,板材木材或其他材料制成的板,2) to provide with meals and,2)food or meals considered as a whole,伙食,膳食,3)an organized body of administrator or investigators.,管理委员会;管理或调查的组织机构,a,board,of trustees a board of directors,理事会;,董事会,2)food or meals considered as,5.So we paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat,keeping_(,象老鼠一样无声无息,).,6._(,令我们吃惊的是,), there was a light in one of the cabins.,7. A mans angry voice answered, “_(,你在撒谎,)”,.,but I could see a man_(,正躺在地上,),lie(,撒谎,)_lied_lied_lying,lie(,躺,)_lay_lain_lying,as quiet as mice,To our astonishment,Youre lying,lying on the floor,5.So we paddled over and climb,8. When he heard these words, Jim _(,恐惧万分,) and ran to the raft.,9.“_(,我受够你拉,).Im going to _(,枪毙,)you now.,panicked,Ive had enough of you.,shoot,(V.) panic+ked / king picnic +ked / king,He,shot,a bird and killed it.,用枪,箭等射中,强调结果,The hunter,shot at,the fox but missed it.,瞄准,不一定射中,强调动作,8. When he heard these words,10.When he heard that , the _(,被吓倒的,),man on the floor started crying.,11. “He sounds as if hes going to _(,死于惊吓,),die from (,外部原因,):,战争,自然灾害,疾病原因多来自外部,frightened,die of fright,fright n. frighten v frightened/ frightening,10.When he heard that , the _,die,的其他搭配,1)die away,The noise of the motorcar died away.,2)die back (,植物,),枝叶枯萎,3)die down,逐渐减弱;逐渐模糊,After the excitement of the audience died down, the,speaker started his speech .,The little tree died back last night.,die 的其他搭配 1)die awayThe noise,4)die hard,Old habits died hard.,5) die off,As the window was still middle-aged, her relatives all died off.,(旧习惯等)难改掉,难消失,相继死去,4)die hardOld habits died h,6,),die out,The English of today is very different from the,English of500 years ago. In time, some even,die out,completely.,No one have come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaur,die out,.,逐渐消失, 灭绝。,6)die outThe English of toda,12.but I _(,劝他帮我,), and we found the mens boat_(,把,系在,) the other side of the steamboat.,persuaded him to help me,tied to,persuade sb to do sth,persuade sb into doing sth,12.but I _,Homework,Ask your Chinese teacher for more information about Mark Twain and try to make a list about his works.,HomeworkAsk your Chinese teach,Period 2,Module 3,Adventure in Literature,and the Cinema,Grammar,Period 2Module 3Grammar,Grammar review of verb forms(3),1.We let the raft sail down the river.,2.He agreed to go,3.I dont want to board a sinking ship,4.The frighted man started crying.,5.We heard the two men shouting,.,a.How many examples can you find of verbs followed by to(do something),b.What structure follows the verb let?,c.In which sentence is the-ed form used,as an adjective?,d.In which positions of the sentences can you find the-ing form?,to go, to board,“without to”,frightened,the end of the sentence,Grammar review of verb forms(,Verb+ do sth, to do sth , doing sth,let,(do),:,Write down more verbs like this:,agree (to do):,suggest:,make, have.,decide,plan,expect, pretend,hope,wish,promise,refuse,ask,manage.,finish, enjoy, imagine,dislike,consider, avoid, escape,delay, appreciate.,(doing),Verb+ do sth, to do sth , doin,V-ing or V to do,like, love, try, remember, forget, stop,.,V-ing or V-,原型,感观动词,: watch, see, hear,.,V-ing or V to dolike, love,(P24) Complete the sentences with the correct form(ing or to+infinitive) of the verbs.,1.Jim wanted_(get away)quickly.,2.Huck suggested_(take) the mens boat.,3.He told Jim to stop_(make) a noise.,4.Then he persuaded Jim_(help) him.,5.Huck was beginning_(enjoy)himself.,6.He particularly enjoyed_(play)a trick on the three men.,7.Id like_(read)something else by Twain.,8. I advise her_(use) a dictionary.,to get away,taking,making,to help,to enjoy,playing,to read,to use,(P24) Complete the sentences w,(P24) Correct the mistakes in the passage. There are three verbs which should not be followed by,to,The Huck heard a man to shout. He looked into the cabin. What he saw made him to jump. A man was lying on the floor. He tried to get up, but another man with a gun made him to stay where he was. The first man looked up and began to cry.,“,Please let me to go,”,he said.,“,I haven,t done anything wrong.,(P24) Correct the mistakes in,Can you tell the function of V-ed and V-ing?,1.The news was very,disappointing,.,Everyone was,disappointed,at the news.,2.It was a very,tiring,journey.,Those,tired,horses and soldiers refused to fight any longer.,3. The man,standing on the stage,is a professor.,The cars,made in this factory,are sold to Europe.,Can you tell the function of V,Summary (function),V-ed and V-ing,在句中可做定语和表语,V-ing:,令人感到,V-ed:,人的内心感受,The tiger is a,frightening,animal .,She was,frightened,of the tiger .,frightening,look,frightened,look,3.V-ed,表被动,V-ing,表主动,Summary (function)V-ed and V-i,(P24) Complete the sentences with the correct form(-ing or-ed)of the verbs.,1.The sight of the boat going under water was_(worry).,2.Huck got_(excite) when he realized there was someone on the boat.,3.The man with the gun had a _ (satisfy) expression on his face.,4.The man on the floor was clearly _(frighten),5.Huck and Jim had lots of _ (frighten) experiences on the river,worrying,excited,satisfied,frightened,frightening,(P24) Complete the sentences w,6. I didn,t know you were_(interest) in Mark Twain.,7. Yes, I find his novels very _(excite).,8.Twain certainly had an unusual and _(interest) life.,interested,exciting,interesting,6. I didnt know you were_,What would Huck do later?,Keys:,1.to go 2.to find 3.to rain 4.moving,5.stolen 6.doing 7.to move/move,8.approaching 9.surprised 10.sinking,11.to lose 12.raining,(p25) Complete the next part of the passage with the correct form of the verbs. Sometimes more than one form is possible?,What would Huck do later?Keys:,Function-indirect speech,He said to his son, “Ill check your homework tonight.”,He said to his son that he would check his homework that night.,人称,时态,时间状语,How can we do it?,_,_,_,Function-indirect speechHe s,1.,时态的变化,.,引语中的谓语与句子主要谓语在时态上要一致。,一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时,现在完成时,过去完成时,一般将来时,一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时,过去完成时,过去完成时(不变),过去将来时,1.时态的变化. 引语中的谓语与句子主要谓语在时态上要一致,2.,在把直接引语改成间接引语的时候,请注意以下变化,:,Direct speech,Indirect speech,this,that,these,those,now,then,today,that day,this week (month),that week( month),yesterday,the day before,2.在把直接引语改成间接引语的时候,请注意以下变化:Dire,Direct speech,Indirect speech,a year ago,a year before,last week,the week before,next week (month),the next week (month),here,there,come,go,tomorrow,the next (following) day,Two months ago,two months before,Direct speechIndirect speecha,He,said,“,don,t do that again.,”,He,told,me not to do that again.,祈使句的直接引语变间接引语就是把祈使句变成一个不定式作宾语补足语的句子。在这种句子中用什么作谓语,要根据所引句子的口气来决定:,ask, tell, order, advise sb. (not) to do sth, suggest doing,“,I am leaving for Beijing next week,”,he said.,He,told,me he,was,leaving for Beijing,the next week,.,For example:,He said, “dont do that again.,(P27)rewrite the sentences in indirect speech.,Keys:1.Billy said it was raining.,2.Vanessa suggested going to see a film.,3.Vanessa said that Billy and she hadnt been to the cinema.,4.Vanessa said that there were some good films on the evening.,5.Vanessa said that Master and Commander sounded interesting.,(P27)rewrite the sentences in,6.Billy said that he had read the book.,7.Billy said that he didnt want to see the film.,8.Billy suggested going to see the Emperor and the Assassin.,6.Billy said that he had read,Huck and Jim had lots of _ (frighten) experiences on the river. That day they let the raft sail down the river. Suddenly a steamboat came into they sight. However, the sight of the boat going under water was _ (worry). Later Huck got _ (excite) when he realized there was someone on the boat. Yet they saw a man with the gun had a _ (satisfy) expression on his face. Another man on the floor was clearly _ (frighten).,frightening,worrying,excited,satisfied,frightened,Huck and Jim had lots of _,Grammar 3.,Fill the blank with the correct form (-ing or to + infinitive) of the verb.,Huck was beginning _ (enjoy) himself. He was particularly enjoyed _ (play) a trick on the three man. Huck suggested _ (take) the mens boat. But Jim was so fright that he wanted _ (get away) quickly. Huck told him to be calm down and stop _ (make) a noise. Then he persuaded Jim _ (help) him.,to enjoy,playing,taking,to get away,making,to help,Grammar 3. Fill the blank wi,Grammar 4.,Correct the mistakes in the passage.,1. Huck heard a man to shout.,2. What he saw made him to jump.,3. Another man with a gun made him to stay,where he was.,4. Please let me to go.,shout,jump,stay,go,感官动词(,see, hear, feel, listen to , notice, watch, observe,),使役动词(,let, have, make,),-,后的补足语中,不接,to .,Grammar 4. Correct the mista,(P25)Activity 6 Match the sentences with the structures.,Keys: 1.b 2.c 3.a,1.Jim looked terrified.,2.It looked like a horse at first,3.It looked as if it,ll go under soon.,系动词,+as if +clause,系动词,+adjective,系动词,+like +noun,(P25)Activity 6 Match the sent,(P25) Activity 7 read the whole story again. Say how Huck describes,:,1.how the tall man sounded.,2.how he felt when he saw the three man.,3.how Jim looked when he heard Hucks plan,4.how he felt after taking the mens boat,5.how the ferryboat captain sounded,He sounded _.,He felt very _.,Jim felt _.,He looked _.,He sounded _.,angry,curious,terrified,bad,surprised,(P25) Activity 7 read the whol,Grammar 6. Exercise(4m),Match the two parts of the sentences.,It sounds as if,This food tastes,He looks as if,She looks like,Do you still feel,The teacher didnt look,(a)her mother.,(b)very happy.,(c)you had a great time in London.,(d)angry?,(e)hes seen a ghost,(f)delicious.,Grammar 6. Exercise(4m) Matc,(P26) Activity9 complete the sentences with like or as if/though and your own ideas,1.You look _.,2.I feel_.,3.The teacher sounds_.,4.Yesterday I felt_.,5.The flowers you picked for the smell_.,6.This food tastes_.,(P26) Activity9 complete the s,Homework,Find one of the film you like best, and,write down the key information about,it,then share with your classmates.,Homework Find one of the,Period 3,Module 3,Adventure in Literature and the Cinema,Vocabulary and Listening+ Function,+Everyday English,Period 3Module 3Vocabulary and,Listening and Vocabulary 1. Guessing (2m),Look at the poster for Master and Commander and decide what kind of film it is,cartoon comedy historical adventure horror romantic science fiction,Listening and Vocabulary 1.,Listening and Vocabulary 2. Matching (3m),Match the types of film in the box.,cartoon comedy hist


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