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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Module 8unit2,Module 8unit2,Can you guess my hobby?,Can you guess my hobby?,Miss Wang likes_.,Miss Wang likes_.,Miss Wang likes_.,travelling,Miss Wang likes_.travelli,Lets watch a video of Zhangjiajie.,Lets watch a video of Zhangji,What can you see in the video?,Mountains,Forests,Rivers,What can you see in the video?,Module8Unit2 We thought somebody was moving about.,Module8Unit2 We thought someb,Teaching aims and demands,Key vocabulary-square, kilometer, human, wake, wake sb. up, somebody, about, path, pull,Key structures-We thought somebody was moving about.,Linglings uncle said it was an animal.,3.To understand information in the reading material.,(理解阅读材料的信息),4. To write a passage according to the text.,(能够根据所学课文写一篇短文),Teaching aims and demandsKey v,kilometre,n.,千米;公里,shape,n.,外形,形状,New words,kilometre n. 千米;公里shape n.,human,n.,人,wake,n.,唤醒,醒来,somebody,pron,.,某人;有人,human n. 人wake n. somebody,path,n.,小路;路径,pull,v,.,(,用手,),拉,牵,扯,path n. pull v.,/ skw,e,/,/k,I,l,m,i:,t,; k,I,l,m,I,t/,/,e,I,p /,/hj,u:,m,n/,/ w,e,I,k/,(,表示单位面积,),平方的,adj.,square,千米;公里,n.,kilometre,外形;形状,n.,human,人,n.,唤醒;醒来,v.,shape,wake,Words and expressions,唤醒某人,wake sb. up,/ skwe /(表示单位面积) 平方的 adj. sq,/s,mb,d,I,/,/,b,a,t/,/p,:,/,/p,l/,/fr,e,w,:,t,/,某人;有人,pron.,somebody,向四周;向各处,adv.,about,小路;路径,n.,pull,(,用手,),拉,牵,扯,v.,淡水的,adj.,path,freshwater,Words and expressions,/smbdI/某人;有人 pron. somebo,Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area,Do you like travelling?,Where have you been?,武陵源自然名胜风景区由张家界国家森林公园,索溪裕自然保护区,天子山和杨家界四大景区组成。,Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic,Zhangjiajie Forest Park,(张家界森林公园),Zhangjiajie Forest Park(张家界森林公,Suoxiyu,(索溪峪),Huanglong Cave,(黄龙洞),Suoxiyu(索溪峪)Huanglong Cave(黄龙洞,Mount Tianzi,(天子山),Yangjiajie,(杨家界),Mount Tianzi(天子山)Yangjiajie(杨家,外研版八年级英语下-Module-8-Unit-2-We-thought-somebody-was-moving-about,have a camp,tent,plants,walk up /down the path,have a camptentplantswalk up /,rock,rock,see the,lakes and forests,from the top,waterfall,top,see the mountain tops,above,the clouds,see the lakes and forests from,Where is it?,2. Where can you stay?,3. What animals can you see?,We have watched a video and many beautiful pictures. What do you know about Zhangjiajie? Can you answer the questions?,Where is it?We have watched a,Fast-reading,Fast-reading,Para1 Their plan for tommorrow.,Para2. A special experience at night .,Para3 The,information,of Wulingyuan .,Para4 The visit to Mount Tianzi .,Lets scan,Para1 Their plan f,Careful-reading,Do it well and you will be the most careful!,Careful-readingDo it well and,zhangjiajie,How large?,Where?,What to see?,Whats it famous for?,about,480,square kilometers,in Hunan Province,mountains, forests, rivers and rocks,the strange shape of its tall rocks,Lets read,Para,graph,1,and answer.,A magic land,zhangjiajieHow large?Where?Wha,Lets read,Para2,and answer the questions.,1.where did they stay last night?,2.What woke them up?,3.What was it doing?,They stayed in a tent by a small lake.,A monkey.,It was looking for food.,Lets read Para2 and answer th,Lets read,Para3,and fill in the blanks.,This morning they,climbed,up Mount Tianzi,.,On the,_,they,didnt see the lakes and forests because of _.,They walked _ the path, _ a river, _trees and other plants. Betty _ a leaf _ a plant . Linglings uncle said that it was _ to do that. He said we should _ everything there. Betty felt very _.,top,clouds,down,along,past,pulled,off,wrong,protect,sorry,Lets read Para3 and fill in t,Where are they going tomorrow?,When will they go back to school?,They are going to the second largest fresh water lake in China, Dongting Lake.,Next week.,Paragraph 4 Answer the following questions.,Where are they going tomorrow,Watch and read,Watch and read,Enjoy reading,Read the passage loudly(,大声地,).,Then youll have a PK in groups.,Enjoy readingRead the passage,Read the information about,zhangjiajie,and write a paragraph about it,.,Zhangjiajie is about 480 square kilometres.,It is,about 400 kilometers from,.,Writing,Read the information about zha,Eg.,Zhangjiajie is about 480,square kilometres,.It is,about 400 kilometres from Changsha. Everyone loves its mountains, rivers,forests and many kinds of plants and animals.,It is home to many kinds of plants and animals. Its famous for,strange,shape of tall rocks,and its beautiful sights. When you visit Zhangjiajie, you can sleep in hotels or camps! Its very interesting! I love it ! I hope to go there soon.,Eg.,The guides advice,The guide told us,The guides adviceThe guide to,Dont worry. I will help you.,(不用担心,我帮你),Keep environment tidy,,,please.,(请保持环境整洁),Keep off the grass,,,please.,(请远离草坪),Be quiet,please.,(请安静),Wait a minute, please.,(请稍等),Please close the tap.,(请关闭水龙头),Im sorry. /Excuse me. /Pardon.,(抱歉),Can you give me a hand,?(你能帮我一下吗),Whats wrong with you? (,你怎么了),文明用语,Dont worry. I will help you.,Man should get on well with the nature! (,人与自然和谐共处,!),Lets share !,Man should get on well with th,Write a passage .A / An _ trip,(exciting / interesting / wonderful / unhappy / sad,),What did you see there?,What did you do there?,What happened to you?,How did you feel there?,Homework,Write a passage .A / An _,BYE-BYE,Thank you,BYE-BYEThank you,


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