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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,公开课it在写作中的运用1汇总课件,1,Teaching aims,:,I.,Enable the students to master the usage of it.,II. Enable the students to learn useful “it” structures .,. Enable the students to learn,How to rewrite sentences using “it” structure.,. Enable the Ss to learn how to use “it” structures.,Teaching aims :,2,Who is ?,it,It,is .,Who is ?itItis .,3,They Told Him,Dont You Ever Come Around Here,Dont Wanna See Your Face,You Better Disappear,The Fires In Their Eyes,And Their Words Are Really Clear,So,Beat It, Just,Beat It,Beat it!,You Better Run,You Better Do What You Can,Dont Wanna See No Blood,Dont Be A Macho Man,You Wanna Be Tough,Better Do What You Can,So,Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad,They Told HimBeat it!You Bette,4,This is it!,This is it!,5,It,is never too old to learn.,活到老,学到老。,It,rains cats and dogs.,大雨滂沱,。(倾盘大雨),“It” can be used in the Proverbs.,It,is no use crying over spilt milk.,覆水难收。, It is never too old to learn,6,It,never rains but it pours.,不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。,It is a poor mouse that has only one hole.,狡兔三窟。,“It” can be used in the Proverbs.,It,takes three generations to make a gentleman.,十年树木,百年树人。, It never rains but it pours.,7,公开课it在写作中的运用1汇总课件,8,.,careful,person.,The use of It,Revision,.The use of ItRevision,9,In each sentence, what does “it” refer to?,In each sentence, what does “i,10,-What do you think of the,movie,?,-,It,s,one of the best movies that Ive seen.,the matter/thing,-What do you think of,11,Whos the lovely baby?,My father is Mr. Black.,It,s,Mr. Blacks.,the person,who you are not sure of gender,My father is Mr. Black.Its Mr,12,Where is the hare?,It,is in the hole.,the animal,mentioned above,Where is the hare?the animal m,13,It,can be used as personal,pronouns , referring to _, _,or,_,mentioned above,or the person who you are not,sure of gender.,Summary1,the person,animal,matter,It,14,Look! Whats this?,It,is a big cat.,instead of “this”,Look! Whats this?instead of “,15,It,can be used as indicative(,指示,) pronoun instead of _,or,_,.,Summary2,this,that,It,16,In the sentence, what does “it” refer to?,Fill in the blanks, and then tell what “,it,” refers to.,In the sentence, what does “it,17,_ was a sunny day. Now _ was eight oclock. Peter decided to go for a walk to the park, though _ was two miles away. _ was so comfortable to walk on the street.,_ was quiet there.,it,It,It,It,It,_ was a sunny day. Now,18,Suddenly _began to rain. He found _ hard to walk there. Then he took a bus home. Unfortunately _ went wrong. When he got home, he was wet through. Thus _ was a day that he would never forget.,it,it,it,it,Suddenly _began to rain.,19,It,was a sunny day.,It,was eight oclock., Peter decided to go for a walk to the park, though,it,was two miles away., Suddenly,it,began to rain.,It,was quiet there.,Summary 3,It,can be used as impersonal,pronouns to talk about _,_ _or _and so on.,date,distance,weather,time,circumstance,time,date,distance,weather, It was a sunny day. Summary,20,It,was so comfortable to walk on the street.,He found,it,hard to walk there.,Summary 4,It,can be used as_, _to stand for,an infinitive , -ing form or a clause,.,Formal subject,Formal object,Formal Subject,Formal Object, It was so comfortable to wal,21,Thus,it,was a day that he would never forget.,Summary 5,It,can be used for _.,Used for emphasis,emphasis,Summary 5 It can be used fo,22,Remember useful structures,Remember useful structures,23,Formal Subject,1. It is / was +,necessary / possible / important,+ ( for sb. ) to do sth. / clause,2. It +is /was +,ones hope/ ones duty/ an honour ,+ that /( for sb. ) to do sth.,3. It is / was +,known/ said/ reported.,+ that-clause,4. It +is /was +,useless/ no use/ no good/ not any good/ not any use .,+ doing,Formal Subject1. It is / was,24,Formal Object,5. sb,.+ make/ think/ believe/ consider / feel ,+ it +,adj./n.,+ to do sth. / clause,6. sb.+,like/ hate/ dislike/ appreciate/ depend on/ see to,+ it + clause (that / if/whether/when),Formal Object,25,Special Structures,7. It takes sb. . to do sth.,8. It is time ( about time,,,high time ) that clause,9. It is the first ( second . ) time that+sb.+ have done,10.It was the first ( second . ) time that+sb.+had done,11.It,is/has been,+,一段时间,+ since,+sb.+,did,.,12.It +is/was +,时间点,+,when,+sb.+,did,13.Itwas +,一段时间,+ before +,一般过去时,14.Itwill be+,一段时间,+ before +,一般现在时,15.It,doesnt matter,whether ( if ) .,16.It,seems/seemed/looks/looked,+as if/though,17. It,happens/ seems/ appears/ looks,+ that-clause,26,Emphatic Structure,It is/was +,被强调部分,+ that/who.+,其他成分,.,Is/was + it +,所强调的部分,+ that / who?,疑问词,+ is/was + it + that/who?,27,Competition,vs,Competitionvs,28,1. Lets do exercises.,_,2. I think that reading English every day is a good habit.,I think,_,It,is time for us to do exercises.,it,a good habit to read English every day.,1. Lets do exercises. 2. I th,29,3. People suggest that my father should give up smoking.,_,_,4. Dont try to quit on a stressful day.,_,It,is no use,trying to quit on a stressful day.,It,is suggested,that my father gives,up smoking.,(should) give,3. People suggest that my fath,30,5.,Clearly, hes round and tall like a tree.,_,_,6.,They reported that another earth satellite had been put into orbit.,_,_,_,It,is clear that hes round and tall like a tree.,It,was reported that another earth satellite had been put into orbit.,5. Clearly, hes round and tal,31,7. Such a thing happened in your class.,_,_,8. Playing computer games all day long is a waste of time.,_,It,is a waste of time,playing computer games all day long.,It,is a pity that such a thing happened in your class.,7. Such a thing happened in yo,32,9. We must study hard.,_,_,10. I went to Beijing for the first time.,_,It,is the first time,that I,have been to,Beijing.,It,is our duty to study hard.,It,is necessary to study hard.,9. We must study hard. It is t,33,Make sentences with “it” structures according to these pictures.,Make sentences with “it” struc,34,It,is,their hope,for,the children to receive Christmas gifts .,It,is,a pleasure/pleasant,for,the children to receive Christmas gifts .,It is their hope for the child,35,See!,A big hen ploughing!,It,is a surprise,to see so big a hen.,It,is a wonder,to see a big hen ploughing,See!It is a surprise to see so,36,It,is believed that _ (popular than).,PK,It,is interestingan interest that _.,Xiao Shenyang wears womens clothes,Xiao is more popular than Zhao,It is believed that,37,It,is a,bad habit/harmful,that the boy is addicted to playing computer games.,It,is,high time,that the boy should do his homework.,It is a bad habit/harmful that,38,It,is,a,bad habit/harmful,for him to smoke.,It,is,high time,that he should give up smoking.,It,is no good,getting,into the habit of smoking.,It is a bad habit/harmful for,39,It,is,bad /,harmful,for,your health to eat so much junk food.,It,is not,beneficial/ of great benefit,to,your health to eat so much junk food.,It is bad /harmful for your he,40,it,Pronoun,Personal pronoun,Indicative pronoun,Impersonal pronoun,Guide word,Used for emphasis,Formal subject,Formal object,Conclusion,itPronounPersonal pronounIndic,41,Shou time,Shou time,42,今天是星期四,能在此演讲是我的一大荣幸。我的主题是“高二(,1,)班,我爱你。”,我的教室在七楼,到操场不太方便,大约五分钟的步行路程,但在业余时间,我们经常去那里锻炼身体。众所周知,一直不停地工作是没好处的。简言之,我爱我的教室。,而且,我也爱我的同学。我们认为助人为乐是很重要的。我们都很勤奋,是每天早上,7,:,10,我们在教室读英语或语文,直到晚上,10,点我们才离开教室。因为我们相信:是努力而不是智力决定成功。,总之,信不信由你,高二(,1,)班是我校最好的班级之一,让我引以为傲。,今天是星期四,能在此演讲是我的一大荣幸。我,43,今天是星期二,能在此演讲是我的一大荣幸。我的主题是“高二(,1,)班,我爱你。”,It,is Tuesday today,.,It,s my honor to make a speech here.,My topic is “ I Love You, Class1, Senior2,.”,指时间,形式主语,今天是星期二,能在此演讲是我的一大荣幸。我的主题是“高二(,44,It is no good/ no use doing sth.,指距离,It is convenient for sb to do,我的教室在七楼,到操场不太方便,大约五分钟的步行路程,但在业余时间,我们经常去那里锻炼身体。众所周知,一直不停地工作是没好处的。简言之,我爱我的教室。,My classroom is on the seventh floor.,It is not convenient for us to go to the playground,.,It is about a 5-minute walk, but we often go there to take exercise in our spare time. As we all know,it is no good working without a rest.,In a word, I like my classroom.,It is no good/ no use doing st,45,形式宾语,而且,我也爱我的同学。我们认为助人为乐是很重要的。我们都很勤奋,是每天早上,7,:,10,我们在教室读英语或语文,直到晚上,10,点我们才离开教室。因为我们相信:是努力而不是聪明决定成功。,Besides, I also like my classmates.,We think it important to help others.,We are hard-working.,It is,at 7:10 every morning,that we read English or Chinese. And it is,not until 10:00,that we leave the classroom.,Because we all believe,:,It is,our efforts, not our intelligence, that determine our success!,强调句中被强调部分,形式宾语 而且,我也爱我的同学。我们认为助人为乐是很,46,固定结构,总之,信不信由你,高二(,1,)班是我校最好的班级之一 ,让我引以为傲。,In short,believe it or not, Class1, Senior 2 is one of the best classes in our school,,,and,Im proud of it,.,高二(,1,)班,固定结构 总之,信不信由你,高二(1)班是我校最好的,47,今天是星期二,能在此演讲是我的一大荣幸。我的主题是“高二(,1,)班,我爱你。”,我的教室在七楼,到操场不太方便,大约五分钟的步行路程,但在业余时间,我们经常去那里锻炼身体。众所周知,一直不停地工作是没好处的。简言之,我爱我的教室。,而且,我也爱我的同学。我们认为助人为乐是很重要的。我们都很勤奋,是每天早上,7,:,10,我们在教室读英语或语文,直到晚上,10,点我们才离开教室。因为我们相信:是努力而不是智力决定成功。,总之,信不信由你,高二(,1,)班是我校最好的班级之一,让我引以为傲。,今天是星期二,能在此演讲是我的一大荣幸。我,48,Dear teachers and students,I,t is Tuesday today,.,It,s my honor to make a speech here.,My topic is “ I Love You,Class1,Senior 2.”,My classroom is on the second floor.,It,is not convenient for us to go to the playground,.,It,is about a 5-minute walk, but we often go there to take exercise in our spare time. As we all know,it,is no good working without a rest.,In a word, I like my classroom.,Besides, I also like my classmates.,We think,it,important to help others.,We are hard-working.,It,is at 7:10 every morning that we read English or Chinese. And it is not until 10:00 that we leave the classroom.,Because we all believe,:,It,is our efforts, not our intelligence, that determine our success!,In short,believe,it,or not, Class1, Senior 2 is one of the best classes in our school,,,and,Im proud of,it,. That all. Thank you.,Dear teachers and students,49,Assignment,1. Finish exercises on P33 on ,金版学案,.,2. Complete the form to evaluate(,评价,) your study.,评价项目,评价内容,评价结果,The usage of “it”,1. time,weather,2. ,3. ,Master all,Master some,Master little,Rewrite sentences using “it” structure,Excellent,Good,Ok,Use “it” structures,Excellent,Good,Ok,Assignment1. Finish exercises,50,If you want knowledge,you must toil for,it,.,要想求知,就得吃苦。,If you want knowledge,51,


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