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Rank them 1-12 (1 is the most interesting, 12 is the least interesting).,_computer programmer _ cook _ doctor,_ engineer _ teacher _ violinist,_ bus driver _ pilot _ pianist,_ basketball player _ scientist _ actor,1a,Example:,I think,a pilot,is,the,most interesting and,a cook,is,the,least interesting.,9/16/2024,What do you want to,be,when you,grow up,?,I want to be a/an.,Task 2,9/16/2024,I want to be,a pilot,.,What do you want to be when you grow up?,I want to be,a,computer programmer,.,I want to be,an,engineer,.,I want to be,a cook.,9/16/2024,What d,oes,he/she,want to be when,he/she,grow,s,up?,9/16/2024,Im going to,How are you going to do that?,Task 3,be going to +,动词原形:,将要,/,打算做,9/16/2024,Listen and fill in the blanks. Then,match the items.,1. computer,programmer,2. basketball player,3. engineer,4. actor,a. take _ lessons,b. study _,science,c. practice _every day,d. study _ really hard,1b,acting,computer,basketball,math,playing,9/16/2024,A:,What do you want to be when you grow up?,B:,.,A:,How are you going to do that?,B:,.,study math,and,science hard,PAIRWORK,study hard,study computer science,practice the piano every day,9/16/2024,Listen. What is Cheng Han going to do? Check,(),the correct boxes,in the picture.,2a,9/16/2024,Listen again. What are Cheng Hans plans for the future? Complete the chart.,2b,What,Where,How,When,He wants to be a teacher.,He is going to move to Shanghai.,He is going to learn how to teach children.,He is going to finish high school and college first.,9/16/2024,A: _,B:,I,want,to be,a teacher.,A: _,B:,Im,going to learn how to teach children.,A: _,B:,Im,going to work in Shanghai.,A: _,B:,Im,going to start after I,finish,college.,Discuss in pairs,Task 4,What do you,want,to be,when you grow up?,Where,are,you going to work?,When,are,you going to start?,How,are,you going to do that?,A:_?,B:He,wants,to be a teacher.,A:_?,B:,Hes,going to learn how to teach children.,A:_?,B:,Hes,going to work in Shanghai.,A:_?,B:,Hes,going to start after he,finishes,college.,What,does,he want to be when he,grows,up,How,is,he going to do that,Where,is,he going to work,When,is,he going to start,9/16/2024,The Old Man and the Sea,9/16/2024,1. What does Ken want to be?,_,2. How is he going to become a writer?,_,Listen to the conversation and find the answers to the questions.,Hes going to keep on writing stories.,He wants to be a writer.,Task 5,9/16/2024,Andy:,What are you reading, Ken?,Ken:,The Old Man and the Sea,by Hemingway.,Andy:,Wow, now I know why,youre so good at,writing stories.,Ken:,Yes, I want to be a writer.,Andy:,Really? How are you going to become a writer?,Ken:,Well, Im going,to keep on writing,stories, of course. What do you want to be?,Andy:,My parents want me to be a doctor,but I,m,not,sure about,that.,Ken:,Well, dont worry. Not everyone knows what they want to be. Just,make sure,you,try your best,. Then you can be anything you want!,Andy:,Yes, youre right.,be good at,擅长于干,keep on doing,继续,坚持干,make sure,确保,try ones best,尽最大努力,2d,Role-play the conversation.,be sure about,对,有把握,确信,9/16/2024,Task 6,9/16/2024,【考考你,】,成长,_,尽最大的努力,_,保持做,_,确信,_,确保,查明,_,打算做,_,be sure about,try,ones,best,keep on,doing,grow up,make sure,be going to do,Task 7,9/16/2024,用所给单词的适当形式填空。,1.The boy _ (go) play soccer this weekend.,2. _ you _(play) basketball with me next week?,3.There _(be)a match this afternoon.,4.He _(practice)_(play) the,guitar tomorrow.,5. Langlang is a _,(piano,) and he also takes _(act) lessons on weekends.,is going to,Are going to play,is going to practice,pianist,acting,is going to be,9/16/2024,playing,Task 8,9/16/2024,Game: Try your luck,If you,are lucky enough and,your dream,will,come true.,如果你足够幸运,你的梦想将会实现。,9/16/2024,9/16/2024,Dreams,+,Actions,=,Success,行动,成功,梦想,9/16/2024,Level 2,:根据图片提示或自己的实际想法编写一个对话。 According to the pictures or your own idea, make up a conversation.,-What are you going to be when you grow up?,-Im going to be a/an,-How are you going to do that?,-Im going to,Homework,Level1,:,背诵本课中所有词汇。,Recite all the new words in this class.,Thank you for your,listing,!,Bye Bye !,9/16/2024,


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