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, , , , , ,2019-11-05,#, ,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,2019-11-05,#, , , , , , ,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#, , LOGO ,COMPANY LOGOTYPE INSERT,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2019/11/5,#,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#, LOGO ,COMPANY LOGOTYPE INSERT, ,2019-11-05,#, , , , , , ,2019-11-05,#,Unit 7 Will people have robot?,Section B (2a-2e),桑园镇中心初级中学 秦治欣,Teaching Aids,Contents,Students Analysis,Teaching Methods,Teaching Procedure,2,3,4,5,6,Teaching Material,Blackboard,Design,1,1,2,3,Status,Function,Teaching Objectives,Key Points and Difficulties,1:Teaching Material,This lesson is a reading material about robots . It is focused on the predictions of our future life.,Reading teaching is a very important part in English teaching. This is the first time for students to read a so long passage in our textbook, and most of them have less knowledge about robots. The passage is difficult for them. So they need to enlarge their knowledge about robots and get more reading skills to develop their abilities.,Status,Function,1,2,3,Status,Function,Key Points and Difficulties,1:Teaching Material,Teaching Objectives,Knowledge Objectives,1. Students can learn and master new words, phrases and sentences .,2. Enlarge their knowledge about robots,3.,Get more reading skills.,listening,Speaking,Reading,writing,Overall Ability,Ability Objectives,Enable the students to talk about if they will have their own robots in the future based on the passage,Enlarge their knowledge about robots and get more reading skills :making predictions/scanning/skimming .,Practice writing skills according to the sentences learned by reading this article .,Listen to the tape after finishing reading the passage to pay attention to the pronunciation.,Moral objectives,1.Improve the students understanding of the importance of the science.,2.Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.,1,2,3,Status,Function,Teaching Objectives,Key Points and Difficulties,1:Teaching Material,Key Points and Difficulties,Key Points,: New words, expressions and some important sentences. Students can understand robots shape and function. According to title ,students can infer the content of the article.,Difficulties,: Summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Analysis the structures of some difficult sentences . Use the reading skills to finish the tasks.,Teaching Aids,Contents,Students Analysis,Teaching Methods,Teaching Procedure,2,3,4,5,6,Teaching Material,Blackboard Design,1,Students Analysis,Students of Grade 8,1,2,3,English Foundation,1.More than one years English learning.,2. “be going to ” in Unit 6 and “ will ”in this unit,Personalities,1.Creative,2.Full of imagination,3.Be interested in new things.,Weaknesses,1.Its hard for them to focus their attention on the class.,2. Its easy for them to give up when they face difficulties.,Teaching Aids,Contents,Students Analysis,Teaching Methods,Teaching Procedure,2,3,4,5,6,Teaching Material,Blackboard Design,1,The method of discussing,The intuitive method of teaching,The task-based teaching approach,Teaching Methods,Teaching Aids,Contents,Students Analysis,Teaching Methods,Teaching Procedure,2,3,4,5,6,Teaching Material,Blackboard Design,1,videos,pictures,Multimedia,Teaching Aids,Teaching Aids,Contents,Students Analysis,Teaching Methods,Teaching Procedure,2,3,4,5,6,Teaching Material,Blackboard Design,1,1,Lead-in,2,Reading(before/while/after),3,Discussion(group-work),4,Writing,5,Homework,Teaching Procedure,1,28,5,10,1,Which year is it in the film?,What do the robots look like?,Please watch a short section of the film and then answer the following questions.,1.Lead-in,What can the robots do ?,Which year is it in the film?,2035,What will the robots look like in 2035?,Human,s,.,Purpose(,设计目的,): To stimulate students interest and focus students attention to the class. At the same time lead in todays topic.,What will the robots do in 2035?,2.(1)Before reading,clean up the trash,talk to people,help carry the shopping bags,help look after the pet dogs,cook meals,They will,do the same things,as us.,fall down,look for,people,inside,the buildings.,fall / fell,Purpose,(设计目的),: learn difficult words and phrases to release the students pressure of reading a so long passage at their first time .,Disscussion,What else,do you think,the robots will,do,in the future,?,Purpose,(设计目的),: To lead in the passage.,阅读技巧:,The title and the picture can be helpful to understand the text.,文章题目和图片可以帮助理解文章,1.From the title, can you tell what the passage may talk about.,(,根据标题,判断文章可能会写什么内容?,),What can we learn from the title and the picture?,A. Its about a science fiction movie.,B. Its about the robot scientist James White.,C. Its about the robots in the future.,Prediction,Purpose,(设计目的),: To develop the ability of predicting what the passage is talking about according to the title and the information appeared in the reading material including the pictures.,Read the first sentence of each paragraph and match.,读每一段的第一句话,完成,2b,连线,Fast reading,阅读技巧:,The topic sentences can be helpful to understand the meaning of each paragraph.,段落主题句能够帮助你理解每一段的大意,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,Paragraph 4,Will robots think like humans in the future,What will robots be like in the future?,What can robots do today?,What are robots like in movies?,Purpose(,设计目的,): To develop the skills of skimming . And let students read with tasks to improve their reading ability.,Tips:,reading for the meaning , not for the details.,Careful Reading,(,细读,):,1 What are the robots like in movies?,They are usually like human,servants(,仆人,).,2. What can the robots do in movies?,They can do the housework and go some dirty or,dangerous(,危险的,),places.,Ex.1 Read Para. 1, and answer,:,阅读技巧:,Read carefully and find out the detail information about the questions.,仔细阅读细节信息,找到问题答案,Ex.2 Read Para 2.Fill in the blanks.,1.Robots can build,in factories.,2.They can do,jobs many times and never get bored.,cars,simple,Careful Reading,(,细读,):,Ex.3,Read Para3 ,decide T or F .,( )Some robots in Japan are fun to watch, because they can dance and walk.,( )Scientists are trying to make robots look like animals.,( )We can make robots move like people and think like people.,( )Scientist James White believes that robots will never be able to do the same things as we can.,T,F,F,T,humans,are trying to,Ex.4,Read Para 4. complete the diagram.,Robots in the future,How long: _,_,_-in India:_,can help: _,hundreds of years,humans,animals,snakes,look for people under the buildings,Shapes,Purpose,(设计目的),: To develop the skills gaining the details of the article.,Robots,Para.1,Robots in movies,Para.2,Robots today,Para.4,Robots in the future,Para.3,Different ideas about robots,Different people have different ideas,what about your idea?,After reading,使用脑中构图的方法记忆信息,.,将你阅读到的信息构成一副文字图案,.,大脑回忆”构图”比文字信息更容易,.,Learning strategy: MIND-MAPPING(,脑中构图,),To make a mind-map , change the information you read into a “picture of words” . The brain recalls pictures more easily than written information.,Sum up,Build cars,Do simple jobs,get bored,in factory,do,shape,can help look for,Robots in movies,the same as,be difficult,humans,housework,dirty,Robots today,shape,time,dangerous,Different ideas about robots,Robots in the future,In the movies,robots are like _.And they help with the _ and do dirty and _jobs.,Now,robots can work in _.Some can build _and they can do _ jobs and they will not get bored.,In the future,there will be more robots,but it may take hundreds of years.They will look like humans and _.Some can help look for people under the buildings.,However,different people have different ideas.Some scientists think robots can do the _ things as we do.But some think it will be _ to make them think like a human.,humans,housework,dangerous,factories,cars,simple,animals,same,difficult,Purpose,(设计目的),: To develop the skills of summarizing.,Discuss in Groups:,1. What,will,your robot look,like,in the future,?,2. What,will,your robot be able to do ?,Task 4 Discussion,Purpose,(设计目的),: To arouse the students creativity and imagination. And prepare for the writing.,1,. Write a short paragraph.,E.g.: I want to have a robot in the future. It will look like a _. It will be able to _, and it will also be able to help me _,_. .,I think I will like it very much.,Task 5 Writing,Purpose,(设计目的),: To develop the skills of writing after learning new sentences and new structures. To turn reading into writing. Develop students creativity and love for the future life.,Nothing is impossible,if you put your heart into it.,We never know what will happen in the future, but please remember:,1.A,层次:,Finish the writing work after class.,2.B,层次:,Recite the new words and expressions in the article.,3.C,层次:,Read the article in 2b.,Purpose,(设计目的),:Assign different tasks for students with different levels. .,Blackboard Design,Unit 7,New Words:,human,/,dangerous,/,already,/,factory,/,Japan,/,believe,/,disagree,/,even,/,agree,/,shape,/,fall,/,inside,/,possible,/,impossible,Expressions:,over and over again,/,hundreds of,/,fall down,/,look for,Structure:, will ,Purpose,(设计目的),:Present the key points clearly on the blackboard, help the students to grasp the main knowledge.,Thank you for listening!,


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