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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,9A Unit 2,Colours,Grammar 1,You may wonder,if/ whether,colours influence our moods.,Sandy asks,if/ whether,orange can cheer her up.,Object clauses introduced,by if or whether,We use,if,or,whether,to introduce an object clause,that expresses a,yes/no,question. Such an object clause often follows verbs such as,ask,see,wonder,and,find out,. The word order in the clause should be the same as that in a statement.,whether,和,if,都可以引导宾语从句,表示“是否”,在口语或间接引语中两者可以互换使用。其语序必须是陈述语序,即“连接词,+,主语,+,谓语,+,其他成分”。,e.g. Ask him,whether / if,he can come.,问下他是否能来。,但在有些情况下,,whether,和,if,的用法,有一定区别。,whether,引导的从句常可以与连词,or,或,or not,直接连用,而,if,一般不能。,如:,正:,Let me know,whether,you can,come,or not,.,误:,Let me know,if,you can come or,not.,2.,当宾语从句提到句首时,只能用,whether,引导,而不能用,if,。,如:,正:,Whether,it is true or not, I cant,tell.,误:,If,it is true or not, I cant tell.,3. whether,可以引导带,to,的不定式,,if,则,不能。,如:,正:,I dont know,whether to,accept or,refuse.,误:,I dont know,if,to accept or refuse.,4. whether,及其引导的成分可放于介词之,后,作介词的宾语,但,if,不能。,如:,正:,I worry,about,whether,I hurt her,feelings.,误:,I worry about,if,I hurt her feelings.,5. whether,可以引导从句,作主语、表语,或同位语,而,if,不能。,如:,正:,It was uncertain,whether,he would,come.,误:,It was uncertain,if,he would come.,The Class 1, Grade 9 students are shopping. Complete the sentences by using,if,or,whether,to make object clauses.,Problems about shopping,1. Kitty cannot decide _,_,_,if/whether she should choose the red dress.,Should I choose the red dress?,2. Sandy doesn,t know _,_,if/whether,white clothes suit her.,Do white clothes,suit,me?,vt,.,适合,3. Amy is asking _,_,_,if/whether the sports bag is made of cotton.,Is the sports bag made of cotton?,4. Simon is not sure _,_,_,if/whether the green T-shirt matches his trousers.,Does the green T-shirt match my trousers?,5. Daniel often wonders _,_,_,_,_,if/whether he should,stay at home instead of going shopping with his classmates.,Should I stay at home instead of,going shopping with my classmates?,Daniel,wants to tell his online friend Tommy about,colours,. Help him complete his email using,that,if,or,whether,.,How much do you know about colours?,Dear Tom,my,Have you ever noticed the colours around you? Colours are really interesting. A report says (1)_ blue can help us feel relaxed because it represents peace. You may wonder (2)_ it represents anything else. Yes. Blue also means sadness. I do not know (3)_ you like,green.,that,if/whether,if/whether,Some people think (4)_ green can give us energy, but it also represents envy. Did you know(5)_ red represents good luck in China?It is often used for,celebration,s!,Please tell me your favourite colour and (6)_ you know anything else about colours. Write back soon.,Best wishes,Daniel,that,that,if/whether,n,.,庆祝,Daniel,has some questions about,colours,to ask his dad, but his dad has not come home yet. Help him write a note for his dad.,1,. Dad knows a lot about,colours,.,2,. Is red just the,colour,of heat and power?,3,. Was yellow once the,colour,of the,rulers in,ancient China?,4,. Did the rulers in,ancient,Europe like to,wear,purple?,5,. Do all the doctors in the world wear,white,uniforms?,adj,.,古代的,I believe,(,1,) _,_,_.,I wonder,(,2,) _,_,_,_,.,I want to know (3) _,_,_,_.,I do not know (4) _,_,.,I am not certain (5) _,_,.,if/whether red just the colour of heat and power,that Dad knows a lot about colours,if/whether yellow was once,the colour of the rulers in ancient China,if/whether the rulers in,ancient Europe like to wear purple,if/whether all the doctors,in the world wear white uniforms,2.,An object clause can also follow,adjectives such as,certain,sure,and,glad,.,In informal English we often drop,that,.,An object clause functions as the object,a sentence. It can be put after verbs,such as,know,think,believe,hope,and,mean,.,Summary,3. We use,if,or,whether,to introduce an,object clause when it expresses a yes/no,question. Such an object clause often,follows verbs such as,ask,see,wonder,and,find out,. The word order in the,clause should be the same as that in a,statement.,注:除,that, if , whether,以外,还可以由连接代词,Who,whom,whose,which,,,what,和连接副词,where,how,why,when,引导的宾语从句,e.g.,1.Do you know,whose,book it is ?,2.Please tell me,when,well have a meeting,.,3.Could you tell me,why,the train is late,?,4.He asked,who,could answer the question,., How long does it take to get to the,airport?, Forty minutes. But it,s foggy today.,I,m not sure _ the highway will,close soon. Let,s set off earlier.,A. whether B. when,C. how D. why,一、选择题。,Exercises,2. The teacher told the children that the,sun,round.,A. was B. is C. were D. are,3. I believe that our team,the,basketball match.,A. win B. won C. will win D. wins,4. I dont know,to visit the old,man.,A. whether B. if C. that D. who,5. She wanted to know _ her mother,liked the present.,A. which,B. that,C. if,D. what,6. Do you know if _ back next,week? If he _ back, please let,me know.,A. he comes, will come,B. will he come, comes,C. he will come, comes,D. will he come, will come,7,.-Could you tell me how long _ the book?,-Three days.,A. I can keep B. Can I borrow,C. I can borrow D. Can I keep,8,. I want to know _ yesterday?,A. why did you come late B. why you came late,C. why do you come late. D. why you come late,9,.-Could you tell me _ tomorrow morning?,-Well, it will start at 9:00.,A. when the meeting will start,B. where will the meeting start,C. where the meeting start,D. when will the meeting start,12,. Can you tell me,?,A. what will we do,B. we will do what,C. what we will do,D. will we do what,13,.Do you know _ for Shanghai last night?,- At 9:00.,what time he leaves,What time does he leave,C. What time he left,D. What time did he leave,3.,玛丽想知道你能否帮她?,Mary wants to know,if you can help her.,2.,你能告诉我你住哪里吗?,Can you tell me,where you live?,1.,我想知道你喜欢什么颜色,I want to know,what,colour,you like.,Translate,4.Danny,说他明天出发去上海,Danny says that,he will leave for Shanghai tomorrow,.,5.,我想汤姆已经完成作业了,I think,that,Tom has finished his homework.,Finish off the exercises in workbook.,Homework,


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