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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,第一段:,第二段:,第三段:,表示歉意,开门见山,说明写信目的,说明道歉原因,对失误或错误进行解释(注意语句衔接,句式多样),提出弥补措施,请求原谅,道歉信一般使用,第一人称,和,第二人称,,时态以,一般现在时,和,一般过去时,为主,同时注意道歉信,语气要诚恳,,要写清楚给对方造成不便的原因,理由要,实际合理,,表达得体,,充分考虑对方感受。,道歉信,1,第一段:表示歉意,开门见山,说明写信目的说明道歉原因,对,1.,I am writing to apologize to you for,not handing in my homework on time.,2.,I feel really sorry for the trouble that I may have caused.,3.,I am writing to make an apology to you for,not,handing in my homework on time.,4.,I am terribly sorry that,I cant hand in my homework,on time.,5.,I am afraid I have brought you too much trouble.,6.,I hope the change will not cause you too much,trouble.,Paragraph 1 Express your apology,2,1. I am writing to apologize t,Have a try,第一段:写信目的,表示歉意,我真的很抱歉周五下午不能和你一起去书店了。,我希望这个变化不会给你带来太多麻烦。,I am really sorry to say that,I cant go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon.,I hope the change will not cause you too much trouble.,I am writing to apologize to you for,being unable to go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon.,I feel really sorry for the trouble that I may have caused.,3,Have a try第一段:写信目的,表示歉意 I a,Paragraph 2 Explain your reason,1.,The reason is that,.,Therefore, the doctor asked .,As a result,I have not.,2.,The reason why,I cant hand in my homework,on time,is that,I caught a bad cold last week.,3.,It is mainly because,I caught a bad cold last,week, which is quite out of my expectation.,4,Paragraph 2 Explain your reas,Have a try,第二段:说明道歉原因,对失误进行解释,我不能信守承诺的原因是周五下午我不得不参加一,个重要的班会,那是我,没有预料到,的,(beyond,ones expectation),。,我是我们班的班长,所以我,不能错过这个班会。,或:我的表哥李明告诉我他将在本周五下午归来。他是去,年出国,深造,的,(further education),。他让我和他父母,一起去机场接他。你知道,我们已经大约一年没见了,。所以我真的不能拒绝他。,5,Have a try第二段:说明道歉原因,对失误进行解释或:,第二段:说明道歉原因,对失误进行解释,我不能信守承诺的原因是周五下午我不得不参加一个重,要的班会,(,a class meeting,),。那是我,没有预料到,的,(,beyond ones expectation,),。我是我们班的班长,所,以我不能错过这个班会。,The reason why,I cant keep my word,is that,I will have to attend an important class meeting on Friday afternoon. That is quite beyond my expectation. I am monitor of our class, so I cant miss it.,6,第二段:说明道歉原因,对失误进行解释 The reas,第二段:说明道歉原因,对失误进行解释,我的表哥李明告诉我他将在本周五下午归来。他是去,年出国,深造,的,(,further education,),。他让我和他父母一,起去机场接他。你知道,我们已经大约一年没见了,,所以我真的不能拒绝他。,Li Ming, my cousin, informed me that he would return this Friday afternoon. He,went abroad for further education,last year. He asked me to,pick him up,at the airport with his parents. As you know, we havent seen each other for about a year, so I really cant refuse him.,7,第二段:说明道歉原因,对失误进行解释 Li Ming,Paragraph 3 Offer a solution,1.,I wonder if I could,hand it in next week and I will do everything I can to finish the composition as soon as possible.,2.,I sincerely hope you can forgive me and,accept my apology,.,3.,I would appreciate it if you could allow,me to hand it in next week.,4.,Would it be fine with you if I hand it in next week?,5.,Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience,caused.,6.,Again,I deeplyapologizefor the trouble I may have caused.,8,Paragraph 3 Offer a solution,Have a try,第三段:提出弥补措施,另约时间,我想知道我们可否,另约时间(,make it,another time,),。周六上午怎么样?我们可,以早点出发这样我们将会有更多的时间来读,书和选书。如果方便的话,就让我们,8:30,在,校门口见面吧。对于造成的不便我再次表示,歉意。期盼着你的答复!,9,Have a try第三段:提出弥补措施,另约时间9,I wonder if we could,make it another time.,What about,Sunday morning? We can set out early,so that,well have more time to read and select books.,If its convenient to you,lets meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Looking forward to your reply!,10,I wonder if we could make,Skill1 for High Marks:,Clear structure and all the points,清晰的结构和所有要点,The letter of apology,Para.,1 express your apology,Para. 2 explain your reason,Para. 3 offer a solution,11,Skill1 for High Marks: Clear s,Skill 2 for High Marks:,advanced words, expressions and sentences,高级词汇,短语,句子和不同的语法结构,副词的使用:,really ,sincerely,apologize to sb for sth,accept ones apology , forgive sb,hand in my homework on time,be too weak to go to school,do everything I can to do sth,高级短语:,12,Skill 2 for High Marks:advance,Skill 2 for High Marks:,1.I feel really sorry for the trouble,that I may have,caused,.,定语从句,2.The reason is,that I caught a bad cold last week,and,I was too weak to go to school.,3.I wonder,if I could hand it in next week .,I sincerely hope,you can forgive me and accept my,apology.,宾语从句,advanced words, expressions and sentences,高级词汇,短语,句子和不同语法结构,表语从句,13,Skill 2 for High Marks:1.I fee,The reason why I cant keep my word is that I will have to attend an important class meeting on Friday afternoon. That is quite beyond my expectation.,句式升级,The reason why I cant keep my word is that I will have to attend an important class meeting on Friday afternoon,which,is quite beyond my expectation.,14,The reason why I cant keep,句式升级,Li Ming, my cousin, informed me that he would return this Friday afternoon. He went abroad for further education last year.,Li Ming, my cousin,who went abroad for further education last year,informed me that he would return this Friday afternoon.,15,句式升级 Li Ming, my cousin, info,句式升级,We can set out early. We will have more time to read and select books.,We can set out early,so that,well have more time to read and select books.,We can set out early,so,we will have more time to read and select books.,16,句式升级 We can set out early. W,Skill3 for High Marks:,linking words,衔接语,therefore, as a result,in addition/ besides,for one thing, for another,17,Skill3 for High Marks: link,The reason why I cant keep my word is that I will,have to attend an important class meeting on Friday,afternoon, which is quite beyond my expectation.,I am monitor of our class, so I cant miss it.,使用衔接语把句子连起来,The reason why I cant keep my word is that I will have to attend an important class meeting on Friday,afternoon, which is quite beyond my expectation.,As you know,I am monitor of our class, so I cant miss it.,18,The reason why I cant keep,Skill4 for High Marks:,beautiful handwriting,漂亮的书法,Advice:,“Rome is not built in a day.”,“Practice makes perfect”,19,Skill4 for High Marks:,20,20,Practice makes perfect,!,21,Practice makes perfect!21,


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