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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,2019/12/26,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,发音技巧,音节、重音、节奏,发音技巧 音节、重音、节奏,1,音节,音节是语音最小的单位,指一个字的读音,通常一个单词有几个元音发音,就有几个音节。,由元音因素单独构成,original,中的,o,由元音因素加辅音字母构成,habit,中的,ha,和,bit,辅音因素中的响音,/m/ /n/ /,也能和它前面的辅音构成一个音节,able eibl,中的,bl,2,/54,音节音节是语音最小的单位,指一个字的读音,通常一个单词有几个,2,1.,单词末尾不发音的,e,不构成音节,如,bike, take,;,2.,两个元音字母在一起,一般为字母组合,发一个元音,构成一个音节。如,book,,,rain,;,3.,词尾的,le,可以和其前边的辅音组成一个音节,如,people,,,double,,,little,,,uncle,,,idol,,,single,,,chemical,等。,Note,1.单词末尾不发音的e不构成音节,如bike, take;N,3,种类,构成,e.g.,单音节词,包含一个音节,fame / feim /,make / meik /,双音节词,包含两个音节,famous / feims /,forget / fget /,多音节词,包含多个音节,famously / feimsli /,Completely kmplitli ,4,/54,单音节、双音节及多音节词,种类构成e.g.单音节词包含一个音节 fame / feim,4,种类,构成,e.g.,开音节,辅音,+,元音,+,辅音,+e,name, bike, home, due, plane, shine,辅音,+,元音,he, go, hi, do, be, tree, three, hello,闭音节,辅音,+,元音,+,辅音,bad, bed, sit, hot, cup, let, mad, map,元音,+,辅音,it, is, of, in, on, up, out, ant,5,/54,开音节和闭音节,种类构成e.g.开音节辅音+元音+辅音+e name, bi,5,单词中发音特别响亮的音节。,任何双音节或多音节单词的音标中,有重读音节和非重读音节 ,哪一个音节重读,该音节的左上方或该音节的元音上方标有重读符号“,”,。如:,hospital hspitl,;,多音节词中有时还可以有一个次重读音节,这种状况通常出现在特别长的单词中,如:,comprehension kmprhenn,重音,单词中发音特别响亮的音节。重音,6,字母,读音,e.g.,a,ei,face save late fate pale,e,i:,she these,i,ai,bike nine by,o,u,go no ago joke home smoke,u,(j)u:,music during true,备注:在重读开音节中元音字母的读音为字母本身读音。,7,/54,元音字母在重读开音节的读音规则,字母读音e.g.aei face save la,7,字母,读音,e.g.,a,man fat sat hand,e,e,set bed desk when tell,i,i,city did pity,o,on dog boss stop shop often,u, u,hunt subject bus full bull,备注:在重读闭音节中元音字母的读音为字母短元音的读音。,8,/54,元音字母在重读闭音节的读音规则,字母读音e.g.a man fat sat ha,8,字母,读音,e.g.,a, e, o, u,about,,,silent,,,atom,,,supply,,,radar,,,supper,,,doctor,ar, er, or, ure,i / y,i,acid,,,thirty,,,Sunday,,,valley,ay / ey,a, e,i,comrade,,,before,o,u,hero,,,Negro,a,ei,operate,i / y,ai,satisfy, organize,元音字母在非重读音节的读音规则,字母读音e.g.a, e, o, u about,si,9,1.,两元音字母之间如有两个辅音字母,则中间分开,一边一个。,如,: mat,ter,,,mem,ber,,,win-dow,,,doc,tor,,,sup-per,,,lit,tle,等。,这样一分,第一个音节是以辅音字母结尾的,它就是重读闭音节,元音字母读短元音。,Note,1. 两元音字母之间如有两个辅音字母,则中间分开,一边一个。,10,2.,两元音字母中间有一辅音字母,该辅音字母划归后一音节。,如:,basic,,,region,,,open,,,human,等。,这样一分,头一个音节是以元音字母结尾的,它是重读开音节,元音字母读其字母音。,Note,2. 两元音字母中间有一辅音字母,该辅音字母划归后一音节。N,11,3.,重读开音节中的元音字母有不少仍读短元音。,如:,second,,,present,,,ever,,,hover,,,modern,,,proper,等。,第二音节中有,i,时,第一音节中的,a,,,e,,,i,,,o,大多读短元音。,如:,spa-nish,,,ha-bit,,,mes-sage,,,ci-ty,,,pro-fit,等。,Note,3. 重读开音节中的元音字母有不少仍读短元音。Note,12,单音节词重音,单音节词单独念时一律要重读, 但在单独注音时不必加重音符号。,cup kp,wife waif,单音节词重音 单音节词单独念时一律要重读, 但在单独注音时不,13,14,a),一般在第一个音节重读,;,letter sorry England movement exercise,双音节词重音,14 a) 一般在第一个音节重读;letter,14,15,b),a-, be-, de-, re-, res-, in-, im-, en-, em-, es-, ex-, con-, com-, dis-, mis-, pre-, per-, pro-, trans-,等前缀的词,第二个音节是重音,;,about believe address,decide compare inform discuss impress mistake,双音节词重音,15b) a-, be-, de-, re-, res-,15,16,c),有,de-, in-, im-, re-, con-, pre-, pro-, o-,等前缀的重音与词义和词类有关,一般名词的重音在第一个音节上,其它的词性在第二个音节上,:,record- record insult- insult conduct- conduct present- present desert- desert import- import produce- produce object- object,双音节词重音,16c) 有 de-, in-, im-, re-, con,16,17,d),有些复合词和带有前缀,re-, ex-, un-, pre-, post-, -teen,等的词,有两个重音,:,outside retell well-known unreal fourteen Chinese pre-war post-war exchange,双音节词重音,17d) 有些复合词和带有前缀 re-, ex-, un-,17,18,a),一般倒数第三个音节是重音,:,difficult communist,family economy exercise interesting opportunity democracy,possi,bility,多音节词重音,18a) 一般倒数第三个音节是重音: difficul,18,19,b),有一些双音节词,加了前缀和后缀成了多音节,但这些词按原来词根的重音读音,:,carefully indefinite comfortable conductor according disturbance complicated establishment,多音节词重音,19b) 有一些双音节词,加了前缀和后缀成了多音节,但这些,19,20,c),词尾有,-eous, -grahpy, -ial, -ian, -ic, -ics, -ience, ient, -ify, -ion, -ious, -ity, -ive,后缀的词,重音在这些后缀的前一个音节上,:,courteous cal,ligraphy edi,torial his,torian mathe,matics ex,perience suf,ficient i,dentify trans,lation re,ligious curi,osity pro,tective mathema,tician,多音节词重音,20c) 词尾有-eous, -grahpy, -ial,20,21,d),词尾有,-ain, -ee, -eer, -ese, -ette,后缀的词,重音在该后缀上,而且有一个次重音,:,en,tertain,employee,mountaineer,Japanese,cigarette,多音节词重音,21d) 词尾有 -ain, -ee, -eer, -es,21,22,复合词的重音,a),复合名词的重音一般在第一个音节上,;,blackboard,anybody,handbag,bookstore,hot dog,classroom,pickpocket,lifestyle,website,sleeping car com,puter games,middle school,sitting room,22复合词的重音a) 复合名词的重音一般在第一个音节上;,22,23,b),复合动词的重音一般在第二个音节,;,ill,treat overdo,c),有些复合词有双重音,;,kindhearted three-legged,afternoon,d),少数复合词的重音在第二个音节上。,whatever yourself throughout,复合词的重音,23b) 复合动词的重音一般在第二个音节; illtre,23,24,darkroom,暗房,dark,room,黑暗的房间,greenhouse,温室,green,house,绿色的房屋,bluebottle,矢车菊,blue,bottle,兰色的瓶子,blackboard,黑板,black,board,黑色的木板,English book,英语教材,English,5,book,英文书,(printed in English),有些复合词的重音位置对词义的变化有影响,24darkroom 暗房,24,句子重读的一般规则,实词重读 虚词不重读,句子重音,句子重读的一般规则句子重音,25,一、名词一般都重读,There is a,book,on the,desk,.,My,sister,put up a,picture,on the,wall,.,John,wants to see the,teacher,after,class,.,An,elephant,is an,animal,.,一、名词一般都重读,26,一些含义较广,本身没有很确切内容的名词,如,thing,,,person,,,place,,或指一大类人或事物的名词,如,man,,,woman,,,fellow,,,time,,,ship,,前面有修饰语缩小其范围时,这类名词通常不重读, Thats a nice,thing,.,(,比较:,Thats a nice, picture,.),Hes an easy,person,to get along with.,Hes the right,man,for the job.,Its already lunch,time,.,(比较:,Its,time,for lunch.,),一些含义较广,本身没有很确切内容的名词,如thing,per,27,二、代词,常重读的代词有: 1.指示代词,This,is not what I mean.,That,isnt the one I asked for.,Do you like,()these,flowers?,但如指示代词前后都有重音时,该指示代词可失去重音,How do you like,those,little ones?,Who wrote,this,interesting story?,二、代词,28,2.名词性物主代词,Yours,is much nicer than,mine,.,The red one is,his,.,但在双重所有格中,物主代词往往不重读.,Im writing to a friend of,mine,.,2.名词性物主代词,29,3.强调代词,I saw it,myself,.,The man,himself,told me so.,4.疑问代词,Who,are you talking to?,What,can I do for you?,Who,came to see you this morning?,3.强调代词,30,不重读的代词有:人称代词,反身代词,物主代词(形容词性),相互代词,关系代词,He,hasnt seen,my,brother yet.,He,hurt,himself,when he was playing football.,They,often help,each other,.,The girl who spoke to,you,just now is,my,sister.,不重读的代词有:人称代词,反身代词,物主代词(形容词性),相,31,三、形容词:,形容词(包括分词作形容词)一般都会重读;数词一般都应重读,The streets are,wide,clean,and,beautiful,.,This,narrow,valley was the scene of a,famous,battle.,His,first,daughter is,fifteen,.,Its a,dull,and,disappointing,film.,The,worried,man entered the,crowded,street.,He bought,ten,cups and I bought only,four,.,三、形容词:,32,四、冠词:,冠词一般都不重读,He lives in,a,house not far from the school.,Its,an,hours drive from,the,old station.,The,man over there is my brother.,An,elephant is,an,animal.,四、冠词:,33,五、动词,主要动词,或称实意动词、行为动词(notional verb)都要重读(be have除外),He,takes,a walk after supper every day.,Dont,forget,your homework.,I,suppose,you,know,him.,五、动词,34,非限定动词一般也都重读,不定式,We decided to,start,the next day.,分词,We sat at the desk,writing,a letter.,动名词,Its no use,asking,him about that.,非限定动词一般也都重读,35,助动词和情态动词与,not,构成的缩略式要重读,I,dont,want to go there today.,He,wasnt,surprised when I told him the news.,We,cant,stay any longer.,Dont,you think you,shouldnt,say such things?,We must do it now,mustnt,we?,助动词和情态动词与not构成的缩略式要重读,36,Do,用于肯定句表示强调时,总是重读的,I,do,hope this will be effective.,He,does,need your help.,We,did,warn you before.,Do,drop in when you are in Xuzhou.,Do用于肯定句表示强调时,总是重读的,37,不重读的动词,1. 助动词,He,did,not work hard for the exam.,We,were,impressed by their achievements.,Much has,been,said about it.,They will,be,surprised at that.,不重读的动词,38,2. 情态动词,He,should,be criticized for doing that.,Mary,could,do it better than Herbert.,I,must,go now.,Who,can,answer this question?,2. 情态动词,39,3. 动词 be(是),have(有)一般不重读,I,have,so many things to do today.,Few people,had,TV sets in those days.,The key,was,in the box.,3. 动词 be(是),have(有)一般不重读,40,以上几类通常不重读的动词用于简短回答,或其后省略了主要动词时,要重读;用于一般疑问句句首时有时重读,但在比较随便的谈话中不必重读,(,),Have,you any brothers and sisters,?,Yes,,,I,have,.,()Are,you a student ?,Yes, I,am,.,()Can,you come this afternoon?,Yes, I,can,.,He said more than he,should,at the meeting.,I dont want to go there, but I,must,.,以上几类通常不重读的动词用于简短回答,或其后省略了主要动词时,41,六、副词:副词一般都重读,They came back,early,yesterday.,You meet people,everywhere,.,Ive,never,heard of such a thing,before,.,Perhaps,shell arrive,tonight,.,Tell him to come,in,.,A car dashed,past,.,Thank you for coming to see me,off,.,六、副词:副词一般都重读,42,但关系副词不重读,He visited the small village,where,he was born.,They came right at the time,when,we needed their help.,This is the reason,why,they failed.,但关系副词不重读,43,七、介词 单音节介词一般都不重读,All,but,one of the family are,at,home.,How far is it,from,Paris,to,London?,What are you looking,at,?,Thats what I was thinking,of,.,七、介词 单音节介词一般都不重读,44,多音节的介词常重读,但也可不重读,Ill do it,()after,lunch.,He finished the article,()during,the holidays.,The man walked,a()long,the street.,He searched,a()mong,the papers.,I forgot all,a()bout,it.,I have nothing to say,con()cerning,this problem.,Put it,opposite,the door.,多音节的介词常重读,但也可不重读,45,在不重读的连系动词,be,或人称代词后,不论是单音节或多音节介词都重读,Theyre,by,the window.,He was,in,the sitting-room.,Is it,near,the post office?,The teacher was,with,us at the picnic.,It was,during,the interval.,He was,beside,himself with rage.,They are,behind,the door.,在不重读的连系动词be或人称代词后,不论是单音节或多音节介词,46,介词在句首时常可重读,On,his way home he met an old friend.,In,the room they found a little boy.,Under,the tree stands a tall man.,介词在句首时常可重读,47,连接词:单一的并列连接词(包括关联连接词bothand neithernor等)和从属连词都不重读,He came,and,spoke to us.,I saw it,but,didnt read it.,Lets run,or,well be late.,That takes both time,and,energy.,Neither,you,nor,I can solve the problem.,I suggest,that,we give up the plan.,连接词:单一的并列连接词(包括关联连接词bothand n,48,连接词词组 其中重要的词要重读,还有一些意味较强的连接词也要重读,If,only,I knew how to do it.,Hell help us on,condition,that we trust him.,Well start tomorrow,even,if it rains.,They have never met,ever,since 1980.,The meeting will begin as,soon,as the guests come.,Youll succeed so,long,as you work hard.,Its such a,pity,that you cant come.,连接词词组 其中重要的词要重读,49,八、感叹词,感叹词是表示某种感情的自然一般都重读,Ah! Oh!,Fancy ! Goodness!,Nonsense! Hello!,Indeed ! How awful!,八、感叹词,50,但如果后面紧跟一个有强重音的 词,单音节的感叹词可以不重读,但音调很高,Ah no Oh well Oh dear,但如果后面紧跟一个有强重音的 词,单音节的感叹词可以不重读,,51,英语节奏是指重读音节和非重读音节交替出现的现象。,英语的节奏规律是以重音定时的,即重读音节彼此距离相等。,节奏,英语节奏是指重读音节和非重读音节交替出现的现象。节奏,52,英语的节奏主要是靠重音来控制的;,长短分明;,轻重分明;,英语节奏的特征,英语的节奏主要是靠重音来控制的;英语节奏的特征,53,写:,Birds eat worms.,Birds have eaten worms.,Birds should have eaten worms.,读:,Birds,eat,worms.,Birds have eaten,worms.,Birds,should have eaten worms.,写:,54,1.,句中重读音节出现频率高时,通常语速会慢一些,音节听起来自然也清楚些;,2.,重读音节之间拥挤着出现的非重读音节听起来轻快而含糊。,Note,1. 句中重读音节出现频率高时,通常语速会慢一些,音节听起来,55,3.,在不受其他因素的影响下,话语中重音之间的间隔时间大致相等。也就是说,根据英语的节奏规律,话语说起来所需的时间不决定于它有多少个单词,多少个音节,而是取决于它有多少个重音。,E.g. : bread and milk (O o O),some bread and some milk (o O o o O),两者的重读音节数相同,故朗读两者的时间大致相等。,Note,3. 在不受其他因素的影响下,话语中重音之间的间隔时间大致相,56,节奏的类型及训练,A A,Not me!,So what?,Why not?,Good luck!,A a A,Try again.,What is more.,Write it down.,Put it there.,节奏的类型及训练A A,57,a A a,I hope so.,Of course not.,Excuse me.,With pleasure.,a A a a,A friend of mine,Its possible.,Im used to it.,He thinks he did.,a A a a A,I want you to know.,Shes gone to the film.,I made a mistake.,He told me he would.,a A a,58,在实际语言中,节奏的样式复杂的多,但无非是有些非重读音节多一些,有些则少一些,这就要求我们在说话时调整好。,A a A a A A a a A,School begins at this time of the year.,a A a a a a a A a a A a,It seems that no one is against the suggestion.,a a a a A a a A a a A a,Have you ever thought of becoming a teacher?,在实际语言中,节奏的样式复杂的多,但无非是有些非重读音节多一,59,a A a A a A,I cant afford a car.,Id like a piece of bread.,Its all the same to me.,They played the game at night.,a A a a a A,I wanted you to know.,I got there after dark.,He didnt tell me that!,We all wished him success.,a A a A a A,60,a A a a A a a,I never expected so.,He wanted to go with you.,They started to laugh at him.,The theater is far from here.,a A a a a A a a a,Will Jack go there together with him?,Forget what you have heard from that guy.,This isnt quite the moment for it.,He called when I was writing something.,a A a a A a a,61,a A a a A a a A,He wanted to go for a walk.,It seems that you dont want to go.,He usually goes there by bus.,Is that what you asked him to do?,A a a a a a A,When will you come here again?,Tell them well have an exam.,Where do you want them to start?,Whom are you going to meet?,a A a a A a a A,62,a A a a a A a a a A,I think you have to do it by yourself.,He told me that he took it by mistake.,Id like a lump of sugar in my tea.,The man who is now speaking is our boss.,a A a a A a a A a a,His brother is writing for Hollywood.,Ive always been thinking of going there.,The ambulance took him to hospital.,Whatever the causes, a change took place.,a A a a a A a a a A,63,a A a A a A a A,Ill leave no matter what you say.,Hes learned the trick of making bread.,He left the room without a word.,The woods are lovely, dark, and deep.,a A a a A a a A a a A,Im sure that the boys can complete it in time.,Wherever you go you must keep it in mind.,They questioned him if there was anything wrong.,An apple a day keeps the doctor away.,a A a A a A a A,64,Thank you!,Thank you!,65,


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