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English,2.Eventhoughallofthephotosare,wearesorrytosaythatwecannotgiveprizestoeveryone.,A. excellent B. bad C. awful,Read Para.1 and choose the cor,课堂导学,1. Even though all of the photos are excellent , we are sorry to say that we can not give prizes to everyone.,尽管所有的照片都很出色,但是我们只能遗憾地告诉大家我们不能给每个人都颁奖。,短语,1: even though 尽管,虽然,even though,意为“尽管,虽然”,常用来引导让步状语从句,从句内容往往是真实,的常引出不利用于主句情况的信息。常可与though或although替换,但语气比它们强烈。,课堂导学,Hes the best teacher even though he has the least experience.,尽管他经验最少,但他教得最好.,Even though /Though /Although we all tried our best ,we lost the game .,虽然我们都尽了最大的努力,但我们还是输了。,注意:,even though 不能与but连用。,Hes the best teacher even th,即学即练一,单项选择,Tome spends much money on books ,hes not rich.,A. but B. because C. even though,D. and,解析:由后半句句意“他并不富裕”和前半句“花费很多钱买书”可知,用even though(尽管,虽然)表示让步。,即学即练一,Para.2,ThepersonwhowontheprizeforthesubjectNatureisfifteen-year old Li Wei.LiWei,tookaphoto,ofthetreesinXiangshanPark.Hisphotoshowsthedifferentcoloursonthehill.,Para.2,Read Para.2 and answer the following questions.,1. Who took aphotoof thetreesin Xiangshan Park?,LiWei,2. What LiWeis photoshows?,Hisphotoshowsthedifferentcoloursonthehill.,Read Para.2 and answer the fol,Para.3,ThephotowhichwelikedbestintheCityandPeoplegroupwastaken,by,ZhaoMin.ZhaoMinisonlytwelveyearsold.Herphotoshowsapersonrushing,across,astreet,on,awindyevening.Itisabeautifulgirlwhoiswearingablouseandskirt,andwhois,protect,ingherbooks,against,theshowers.,Para.3,Read Para.3 and fill in the blanks.,Thephoto,we likedbest intheCityand Peoplegroupwastaken,Zhao Min.Zhao Minisonlytwelveyearsold.Herphotoshowsapersonrushing,astreet,awindy evening.Itisabeautifulgirl,iswearing a blouseandskirt,and,isprotecting herbooks,theshowers.,Read Para.3 and fill in the bl,Answers,Thephoto,which,welikedbestintheCityandPeoplegroupwastaken,by,ZhaoMin.ZhaoMinisonlytwelveyearsold.Herphotoshowsapersonrushing,across,astreet,on,awindyevening.Itisabeautifulgirl,who,iswearingablouseandskirt,and,who,isprotectingherbooks,against,theshowers.,AnswersThephotowhichwelike,2. It is a beautiful girl who is wearing a blouse and skirt , and who is protecting her books against the showers.,这是一个穿着一件女式衬衫和裙子的漂亮的女孩,她正在保护她的书不被大雨淋湿。,短语,2:protect against /from 保护免遭,protect作及物动词,意为“保护,防御,防护”,常与介词against /from连用,protect against /from 意为“保护免遭”,通常指使人或物免受危险、侵袭或伤害。,She protected her eyes from the sun with her hand .,她用手遮住眼睛来保护眼睛不被太阳伤害。,The farmer found all ways to protect plants against frost.,这个农民想尽一切办法保护植物免受霜冻。,2. It is a beautiful girl who,即学即练二,单项选择,We wear sunglasses to protect our eyes the sun.,A. to B. against C. in D. for,解析:句意为“我们戴太阳镜来保护眼睛不受太阳的伤害”。protect against /from 是固定搭配,意为“保护免遭”。故选B。,即学即练二,Para.4,ThebestphotointheMusicgroupwastaken,by,HeZhong.HisphotoofthegroupCrazyFeetshowsthesinger,BeckyWang,andthebandplayingataconcert.HeZhongmanagerstoshowhowthisgreatnewbandmovesandsounds,andthegoodtimewhichtheirfansarehaving.,Para.4,Read para.4 and choose,T,or,F,.,1.ThebestphotointheMusicgroupwastakenbyZhao Min.,( F ),2.HeZhongtoshowhowthisgreatnewbandmovesandsounds.,( F ),Read para.4 and choose T or F.,Para.5,AgroupofphotoswhichshowBeijingandCambridgeinEnglandhavewontheprizeforthesubjectHomeandAway.Theyshowsomeoftheexperiencesofayoungvisitortoourcountry,andsomememoriesofhishome.ThewinnerisTonySmith!,Para.5,Para.6,Congratulations,toourwinnersand,thanksto,everyonewhoenteredthecompetition.Nowletswelcomeourheadmasterto,presenttheprizesto,thewinners!,Para.6,Read para.6 and translate the sentence in Chinese.,Nowletswelcomeourheadmastertopresenttheprizestothewinners!,现在让我们欢迎我们的校长向获胜者颁奖!,Read para.6 and translate the,3.Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who entered the competition.,祝贺我们的获胜者,并感谢每一个参加比赛的人。,单词,1: congratulation 祝贺,恭喜,congratulation作名词,意为“祝贺,恭喜”,常用复数形式。Congratulations to sb.(on sth. ) 是固定词组,意为“因某事向某人表示祝贺”。,Congratulations to you on you success !,因为你的成功而祝贺你!,Congratulations on your exam results !,祝贺你考出了好成绩!,3.Congratulations to our winne,拓展:,congratulations还可以用作交际用语单独使用,意为“祝贺”,用来向对方表示祝贺,- I got the first place in the math exam.,我数学考试得了第一名,- congratulations !,祝贺你,拓展:congratulations还可以用作交际用语单独使,短语3:thanks to 多亏;幸亏,thanks to,意为“多亏;幸亏”,强调to后面的内容,暗含没有其不行之意。thanks to后接名词、代词或动名词,不能接动词原形。,Thanks to my mother , I finished my work on time.,多亏了我妈妈我按时完成工作。,Thanks to the policemen, the boy on the top of the house was saved.,多亏了这几位警察房顶上的那个男孩子才得救了。,短语3:thanks to 多亏;幸亏,拓展:,thanks for的用法,thanks for,意为“为而感谢”,for后可接名词或动名词。,thanks for相当于thanks you for。,Thank you for inviting me.,感谢你邀请我,拓展: thanks for的用法,即学即练三,单项选择,1. We made a good job of our English group work.,-,! Your topic on Advertisement English is fascinating.,A. Congratulations B. The same to you,C. Sorry to hear that D. Thank you,解析:对方取得成就或成功时,应该表示祝贺。故选A。,即学即练三,2.,the teacher , Ive made great progress.,A. Thank you B. Thanks C. Thanks to,解析:Thank you,意为“谢谢你”;Thanks是名词,后接宾语需加for 即Thanks for sth意为“谢谢”;Thanks to为介词短语,意为“由于,多亏”,句意为“多亏了这位老师,我取得了很大的进步”。故选C。,2. the teacher , Ive,Which subject does this photo belong to?,Look at the photo on Page 90 and discuss the following question.,Nature.,Which subject does this photo,Li Wei.,Read the passage quickly and find out who took the photo.,Li Wei.Read the passage quickl,Read the passage again and answer the questions.,She was rushing across a street on a windy evening.,Li Wei.,Who is the winner of the prize for the subject Nature?,What was girl doing in Zhao Mins photo?,Read the passage again and ans,They show some of his experiences in China and some memories of his home.,He won the prize in the Music group.,3. What prize did He Zhong win?,4. What do Tonys photos show?,They show some of his experien,Winner,Subject,What the photo shows,Li Wei,Nature,the trees in Xiangshan Park,the different colours on the,hill,Zhao,Min,City and People,a person rushing across a street on a windy evening. It is a beautiful girl who is wearing a blouse and skirt, and who is protecting her books against the showers.,Complete the table.,WinnerSubject What the photo s,Winner,Subject,What the photo shows,He,Zhong,Tony Smith,Music,Home and Away,the group Crazy Feet shows the singer. Becky Wang and the band playing at a concert. He shows how the group moves and sounds and the good time which their fans are having.,Cambridge and Beijing; they show some of the experiences of a young visitor to China, and some memories of his home,WinnerSubject What the photo s,Pair work,Work in pairs. Choose a photo and,make a dialogue.,What does it show?,Where are the things and / or people in the photo?,Why do you like it?,Pair workWork in pairs. Choos,外研版九年级英语上册最新ppt课件,外研版九年级英语上册最新ppt课件,外研版九年级英语上册最新ppt课件,外研版九年级英语上册最新ppt课件,外研版九年级英语上册最新ppt课件,Writing,Write a passage about the photo,you have chosen, using words like,and,also,but, and so on.,WritingWrite a passage about t,Write about your favourite photograph. Youd better include the following:,What it shows.,Where it was taken.,Details about the people and things.,Why you like it.,Writing,Write about your favourite pho,My favourite photo,Im a student. I become interested in taking photos. The photo which I like best is called the Great Wall. It was taken last autumn. In my photo, you can get a very clear view of the Great Wall that has green trees and red flowers everywhere. The Great Wall is not far from Beijing, about 75 kilometers away. Its about thousands of kilometers long.,A Sample,My favourite photo Im a st,Its about 45 meters wide, 67 meters high.,It can even be seen from the moon. Visitors always go to see it as soon as they get to Beijing. The Great Wall has become the symbol of China. I like this photo very much. It shows the size and the beauty of it perfectly.,I would like to tell everybody “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.”,Its about 45 meters wide, 6,Language points,“more than,形容词”,表示“非常、十分”的意思,相当于,very,或,much,。,He is more than selfish.,他非常自私。,He is more than happy about it.,他对此事极为高兴。,Iwasmorethansurprisedtoseethelionstandingatthebody.,看到那头狮子站在尸体旁边,我非常惊讶。,1.Tonight I am,more than happy,to read out the winners of the photo competition.,Language points “more than形容词,morethan,的用法,1).,morethan,后面跟名词,,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”。例如:,Jack is more than a teacher, he is a writer, too.,杰克不但是一名教师,更是一名作家。,2).,morethan,与数词连用,,意思是“多于,大于,超过”。例如:,Ihaveknownhimformorethantwentyyears.,我认识他已超过二十年了。,知识链接,moreth,be pleased,with,对,.,感到满意; 对,.,高兴,She was pleased with her new room.,她对新房间很满意。,Were glad to know that you are pleased with it.,很高兴您对此感到满意。,近义短语:,be satisfied / happy with,2. We were very,pleased,with our competition this year.,be pleased with 对 . 感到,【2013,江苏连云港,】,A recent survey shows more than two-thirds of Chinese _ (,对,满意,) their health service.,【2012,湖北,】 What does your father think of your school report this term?,The smile on his face shows he is _ what I did in my study.,A. worried about B. sorry for,C. angry with D. pleased with,are satisfied / happy / pleased with,D,【2013江苏连云港】are satisfied / hap,compared with,在句中作状语,意思是“和,相比”。如:,Compared withthe sun, the earth is small indeed.,与太阳相比较,地球的确很小。,Compared with those who is suffering, we are better off.,跟那些受苦的人相比,我们过得很好了。,3.,Compared with,other years, we received many more photos.,compared with 在句中作状语,意思是“和,(2009,年江苏省扬州市,) Its said that scientists have _ a way to deal with Influenza A/H1N1., Really? Thats great!,A. caught up with B. come up with,C. agreed with D. compared with,解析:,catch up with“,赶上、跟上,”,;,come up with “,想出、找到,”,;,agree with “,赞同、同意,”,;,compare with“,与,.,相比较,”,。根据后面的,a way to deal with Influenza A/ H1N1,可知,应选,B,。,B,(2009年江苏省扬州市) Its said tha,4.,Even though,all of the photos are excellent, we are sorry to say that we cannot give prizes to everyone.,even though,(=even if),从属连词,意为 “即使,尽管”引导让步状语从句。如:,He will come on timeeven thoughit rains.,即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。,Even thoughyou do not like it, you must do it.,即使你不喜欢这工作,你也得做。,4. Even though all of the phot,【2012,安徽省,】 - Whats your plan for the summer holidays?,-Ill go to Beijing _ the school term ends.,A. in order that B. so that,C. as soon as D. even though,【2012,青海西宁,】 - This dress was last years style.,- I think it still looks perfect _ it has,gone out this year.,A. so that B. even though,C. as if D. ever since,C,B,【2012安徽省】 - Whats your plan,(2012,年福州市中考,),根据括号内的汉语和句末括号内的英语单词提示完成句子。,Many teachers go on working _ _ (,即使,) they are sick.,虽然他已不在人世,但他的精神还继续存在。,(even though),even,though,Even though he is no longer alive, his spirit lives.,(2012年福州市中考) 根据括号内的汉语和句末括号内的英语,even though, though,& although,even though, though,和,although,都有,“,虽然,”,的意思。,although,和,though,都是从属连词,可引导让步状语从句,意为,虽然,尽管,。在一句话中,如果用了,although,或,though,就不能再用,but,但可以用,yet,。,although,和,though,的区别,:,1) although,常置于句首,语气较,though,强,多用于书面语中。,even though, though & although,2) though,还可用作副词,置于句尾,而,although,则不可。如,:,She promised to come on time. She hasnt turned up until now, though.,3) though,可用于部分倒装句式中,而,although,不可以。如,:,Strange though it might seem, she still accepted the flower.,Although it seemed strange, she still accepted the flower.,2) though还可用作副词, 置于句尾,而alt,能引导让步状语从句的同义词组还有,even though / even if,意为,“,即使,”,;,even though,与,though,,,although,虽然都可以引导让步状语从句,但前者侧重假设或推断,而后者侧重现实。如,:,Even though it rains tomorrow, we still should climb the mountain.,Although it rains heavily, they still decide to climb the mountain.,能引导让步状语从句的同义词组还有even thoug,1). I shall go _it rains.,2). I told you to shut the door, you didnt shut it _.,3). _ he was tired, he helped me with my work. 4). He didnt light the fire _ it was cold.,5). _ it was very cold, he went out without an overcoat.,6). _ he is very old, he works hard.,even though, though,& although,Practice,even though,though,Even though,although,Although,Though,1). I shall go _i,5. The person who won the prize is,fifteen-year-old,Li Wei.,fifteen-year-old,是形容词,意思是,“,十五岁的”,afifteen-year-oldboy,一个十五岁的男孩,He and hisfifteen-year-olddaughter are not getting along.,他和自己,15,岁的女儿合不来。,5. The person who won the priz,fifteen-year-old,是“数词,+,名词,+,形容词”结构,其中名词,year,要用单数形式。其他名词也可以通过“数词,+,名词”或“数词,+,名词,+,形容词” 这种方式构成形容词。,It is a,5-meter-long,bridge.,这是座,5,米长的桥。,They had a,fifteen-minute,talk.,他们进行一次,15,分钟的谈话。,知识链接,fifteen-year-old 是“数词+名词+形容词”,6. Her photo shows a person,rushing across a street,on a windy evening.,rushing across a street,是现在分词短语,修饰前面的名词,person,,相当于一个定语从句,who / that was rushing across a street.,Come tomorrow and give the application to the man sitting at that desk.,明天来,把申请表交给坐在那张桌子前的人 。,6. Her photo shows a person ru,rush,v,.,冲;奔,Theyrushedup the stairs.,他们冲到楼上。,Then sherushedhome to tell the news to the family.,然后,她急匆匆赶回家,把消息告诉家人。,Herushedto see the parade.,他跑去看游行。,rush v. 冲;奔,rush into,冲进,;,匆忙进入,rush off,仓促跑掉,rush out,仓促地跑出,rush about,到处奔波,到处乱撞,rush forward,向前冲,rush at,攻击,冲向,rush to,匆匆到,rush for,抢,知识链接,rush into 冲进; 匆忙进入知识链接,一般来说都用,in the morning / afternoon / evening,,但是前若有定语修饰时,介词一律用,on,。,The old man diedonarainy andwindy,evening.,这个老人死于一个风雨交加的夜晚。,on a windy afternoon,在一个有风的下午,on school nights,在有晚自修的晚上,on a rainy evening,在一个下雨的晚上,on Sunday morning,在周日上午,一般来说都用 in the morning / aftern,【2013,湖南株洲,】The students will have a party _ the evening of June 18th.,A. on B. at C. in,【2013,四川雅安,】 They arrived _ Shanghai _ a cold morning.,A. in; in B. in; on,C. at; on D. at; in,A,B,【2013湖南株洲】The students will ha,7. and who is,protecting her books against,the showers.,protect sth. against sth.,保护,;,使,不受,This medicine will protect you against return of the illness.,这种药会防止你的疾病复发。,protection,n,.,保护;防卫,7. and who is protecting her,protect from,和,protect against,都是“保护,以防,;,防御,”,的意思,其区别是:,1).,当防御的对象是“危害”或较小的事情,如冷气等时,要用,protect from,;,当防御的对象是“袭击”或较大的事情,如天灾时,要用,protect against,。,2). protect against,强调防止,against,的宾语做某事,; protect from,则强调保护,protect,的宾语不受,。,知识链接,protect from和protect against都是,(2010,江苏省连云港市,) To _ nature is to help ourselves, or we will be punished.,A. protect B. prevent,C. provide D. pollute,A,(2010江苏省连云港市) To _ nat,protect,的适当形式或短语填空,1). Trees can _ crops _ the,attack from strong wind.,2). He raised his arm to _ his face,_ the blow.,3). The president traveled under the _,of a number of soldiers.,protect against,protect,from,protection,protect a,8. He Zhong,manages,to show how this great new band moves and sounds, .,manage,意思是“设法完成、做成”,Wemanagedto finish the work ahead of time.,我们设法提前完成了工作。,How do youmanageto keep the place so tidy?,你是怎样把这里保持得如此整洁的?,8. He Zhong manages to show ho,他设法把游客及时送到了机场。,(manage),箱子很重,但是他设法搬动了。,(manage to do),He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time.,The box was heavy but he managed to carry it.,他设法把游客及时送到了机场。 (manage)He mana,manage to do,指设法做成,/,完成某事,含有成功之义,;,try to do,指争取做成某事,但不一定成功。例如,:,He managed to get the work done with very little help.,在没有多少帮助的情况下,他把工作完成了。,He tried to get the work done with very little help.,他争取在没有多少帮助的情况下完成工作。,知识链接,manage to do 指设法做成/完成某事, 含有成功之,9.,Congratulations to,our winners and thanks to everyone who entered the competition.,congratulations to sb. (on sth.),表示“(因某事)向某人表示祝贺”。如:,Congratulations to all these lucky viewers!,恭喜这些幸运的观众朋友,!,Congratulations to you on your good results.,祝贺您取得了好成绩。,9. Congratulations to our winn,【2013,四川宜宾,】 I have just got my drivers license., _!,A. Good luck B. Thats right,C. Just so-so D. Congratulations,【,解析,】,由前句“我刚刚拿到驾照”可知,对方需对其取得的成绩表示祝贺。,Congratulations!,“祝贺”符合句意。,Good luck“,祝你好运”;,Thats right“,对啊”;,Just so-so“,一般般啦”表示程度一般,没有那么好。,【2013四川宜宾】 I have just got my,10. Now lets welcome our headmaster to,present,the prizes to the winners!,present,在这句话里是做动词,意思是“授予;呈递” 。如:,The sports meet is over and our headmaster will present the prize.,运动会结束,我们校长将颁奖。,The President presented the winners with the prizes.,总统为获奖者颁奖。,注意,:,present sb. with sth.,=,present sth. to sb.,10. Now lets welcome our head,present sb.s idea,表达某人的观点,present sb. with sth.,= present sth. to sb.,把,授予,/,赠送给某人,知识链接,present sb.s idea 表达某人的观点知识链,present,n,.,礼物;现在,adj,.,出席的;现在的;当前的;存在的,We chose a Christmaspresentfor her.,我们为她挑选了一件圣诞礼物。,Theres no certain cure for this illness at present.,现在这种病尚无确实可靠的疗法。,How many people werepresentat the meeting?,多少人出席了会议,?,This is thepresentsituation of world affairs.,这是目前世界的形势。,知识链接,present n.礼物;现在知识链接,外研版九年级英语上册最新ppt课件,


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