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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#,Review: Session 1,What is strategy?,Review: Session 1What is strat,1,Making strategic choices is hard:,Some quotes from annual reports,“Our company has made a conscious choice to be the preferred employer and the leading competitor in its field”,“Our objective is to maximize our market share while increasing our margins”,“We will continue covering the needs of a broad spectrum of customers, and strive to be the top choice in all the segments we serve”,Making strategic choices is ha,2,Summary: What have we learned today,Strategy is an ongoing quest that is particular to each actor and context. There is no universal formula for success.,Each such quest involves:,Getting the tools,Breaking the rules,Making a difference,Summary: What have we learned,3,Strategy: Making,difficult choices,They are,difficult,because of:,The need to be internally consistent yet allow for flexibility,Organizational inertia,These are choices,about:,Who,is the customer,What,is the value proposition,How,do we deliver it,These kinds of choices allow a company to,gain,and,sustain,a competitive advantage,Choices are about the journey to Ithaca - not Ithaca alone.,Experimentation may be necessary to arrive at robust choices,Experimentation involves an ongoing negotiation among key constituencies,Strategy success is measured by more universal ex post measures (e.g. profitability) and more idiosyncratic ex ante metrics (e.g. employee morale). A key question is to identify the right measures.,Strategy: Making difficult cho,4,What are the difficult choices MCC is facing?,Service or car,What segment: corporate or leisure,North or south,Subcontract or integrate,What are the difficult choices,5,Is MCC Smarts strategy working?,Sales below expectations,Sales comparable to other “similar” initiatives,Is helping achieve CAF objectives,Is providing valuable data about a new segment therefore, worth the price,Is MCC Smarts strategy workin,6,“Get the tools, break the rules, make a difference”: A conceptual map of the course,Definition and Dynamics of Strategy,What is strategy?,How can you be sure you are asking the “right” strategy questions?,How strategy develops: Context, Role-playing, Mental models, and Metaphors,Strategy Content,Competitive Forces in an Industry,Industry Evolution,Valuing Firm Resources,Capabilities for positioning,Strategy in Action,Implementing Strategy,Institutional strategy: Can strategy make a difference?,“Get the tools, break the rule,7,Review: Session 2,Problem Structuring,Review: Session 2Problem Struc,8,“We need professional managers who can analyse a problem, put together a strategy and communicate it to employees, shareholders and the financial community”,Kouji Ohboshi,chairman NTT DoCoMo,Financial Times 2001,“We need professional managers,9,You cannot strategize if you dont ask, the right questions!,If you get this right, you can:,Make sense in everyday life,Make decisions,Write good papers and reports,Learn from a course,Handle job interviews better,Make strategy!,You cannot strategize if you d,10,The Pyramid Principle approach,Each layer contains the necessary and sufficient conditions for the layer above,Governing thought,Synthesises the recommendation or finding in one statement,Key line support,Support,Further support,The Pyramid Principle approach,11,Tradeoffs of a structured approach:,Benefits,Rigorous thinking,Experiment with multiple options,Logically coherent argument,Easy to communicate,Downside,In practice, it is hard to structure a problem,Is there room for intuition and creativity?,Tradeoffs of a structured appr,12,Strategic Management, Session 3,Developing strategy,Strategic Management, Session,13,Why develop our existing strategy further?,Sometimes, our strategy might not work,Even worse, we might not have a strategy and this makes us vulnerable,Or, we might have no intention of changing our strategy but a competitor just did,So, we often need to develop our strategy further. What are the obstacles in developing strategy?,Creativity,Mental models,Context,Role-playing,Metaphors,Analysis,Sessions 4, 5, 6, and 7,Why develop our existing strat,14,The mechanics of strategy-making,Generate as many ideas,as possible about:,Who to target,What to offer,How to do it,Evaluate these,ideas and,choose what,to do,and what,not,to do,Implement,these choices,and remain,alert to,changes,in context,Analytical frameworks,Ask: “Why” to question the organizations,sacred cows,Create a questioning,culture,Create variety in the,thinking process used,in formal planning,sessions,Create processes to,make strategy-making,democratic and,participative,Consulting,Ask: “Why not” to explore the validity of patterns, similarities, analogies, and metaphors,The mechanics of strategy-maki,15,Necessary ingredients for idea generation:,Generate as many ideas,as possible about:,Who to target,What to offer,How to do it,A context in which to play a role,A motivation to look at the world differently,Necessary ingredients for idea,16,Context Creates Behaviour,The underlying structure,of a system,The underlying,Organizational context,of a company,Creates the Behaviour,in that system,Determines the daily behaviours,adopted by employees which,can support or undermine,the firms strategy,Context Creates BehaviourThe u,17,The Organizational Context Supporting Strategy,Culture,Incentives,Structure,People,Strategy,The Organizational Context Sup,18,McKinseys 7 Ss: Another way of describing organizational context,Super-,ordinate,Goals,Structure,Staff,Skills,Strategy,Style,Systems,McKinseys 7 Ss: Another way o,19,UGM: Still another way of describing context:,FRAMES,PROCESSES,COMMITMENTS,VALUES,UGM: Still another way of desc,20,The Organizational Context at 3M,CULTURE,3M has an informal norm that employees can use 15% of their time to develop projects of their own choosing,Employees are encouraged to take the initiative and are empowered to make decisions,Failure is accepted and the culture that pervades is “you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find one prince”,The flat hierarchy makes people feel that they are responsible for everything going on in their divisions,INCENTIVES,The company has established career ladders for scientists which are separate from those for managers,Teams that introduce successful new products are rewarded through the Golden Step Program,Successful new products can be spun off as separate divisions with their own profit and loss statements. The original product champion becomes divisional president,3M has set a formal goal of having 25% of sales come from new products. Managers are measured and rewarded according to this goal.,STRUCTURE,3M utilises cross-functional teams to work on projects,Each team is headed by a “product champion” who is responsible for building a team culture,One of 3Ms top managers becomes a “management sponsor” to help the team secure resources and overcome bureaucratic obstacles,Divisions within 3M are run as separate companies,Divisional VPs have the same responsibility as a CEO in many other companies,Hierarchies within divisions are kept flat,PEOPLE,By virtue of its incentives and culture, 3M attracts top scientists and engineers,The company is able to recruit and retain creative people with entrepreneurial mindset,Because of its dual career ladder, top scientists can coexist with top managers without internal competition,Strategy,The Organizational Context at,21,Some of the many possible roles to play,Scout: “I bring little known information from the field”,E.g. Intels venture into microprocessors,Rebel: “This is an idea I have tested with a few other people”,E.g. Monsantos venture into biotechnology,Resource acquirer: “This new initiative should really be part of our organisation”,Some of the many possible role,22,Motivations for idea generation in strategy,We have a problem, compared to our past performance,E.g. Vodafone market cap has tumbled, compared to our stated objectives, because others like us did much better,E.g. IBM and Apple,Motivations for idea generatio,23,How do we find out what the problem is?,Metaphors and analogies,E.g. Vodafone is like a utility,Curious patterns,Other “telecom-related” companies have also stalled,How do we find out what the pr,24,How do we find out what the solution is?,Understand limits of current way of looking at the world.,How do we find out what the so,25,Can you think of a word?,_ ANY,Can you think of a word?_ ANY,26,Can you think of a word?,M,ANY,Can you think of a word?MANY,27,Can you think of a word?,M,ANY,_ENY,Can you think of a word? MAN,28,Antony and Cleopatra,Antony and Cleopatra are lying dead on the floor in an Egyptian villa. Nearby is a broken bowl. There are no marks on the bodies and they were not poisoned. No person was in the villa when they died. How did they die?,Antony and CleopatraAntony and,29,Exercise,Arm-wrestle for 30 seconds. The winner will be the one that manages to push his/her opponents hand down most times in the 30 seconds.,ExerciseArm-wrestle for 30 sec,30,Mental models or sacred cows are not necessarily bad.,They simply act as the filters through which information passes. As a result, they determine what we “hear” or “see” and so influence how we behave.,Summary so far:,Mental models or sacred cows a,31,What do you see?,What do you see?,32,Strong Mental Models,Help us decide quickly (and act),Make us think passively,Make us reject new information that does not fit what we already believe in,Strong Mental ModelsHelp us de,33,30 SECOND EXERCISE,If I count between 1 and 100, how many times will I find a number that has a 9 in it?,30 SECOND EXERCISEIf I count b,34,英国某商学院的EMBA课程讲座课件,35,So we need to learn to recognise our mental models,HOW,?,By asking:,“why”,Adopt the attitude that no right answers last for ever,The British created a civil-service job in 1803 calling for a man to stand on the cliffs of Dover with a spyglass. He was supposed to ring a bell if he saw Napoleon coming.,The job was abolished in 1945.,So we need to learn to recogni,36,How can knowledge of our mental models help us generate ideas?,We can now ask,“why not”,You see things as they are and ask, Why? I dream things as they never were and ask, Why not?“-George Bernard Shaw,“If Vodafone is a utility, are there profitable utilities we can emulate?”,More broadly, “Is there another business model we can adopt?”,In general:,Use several metaphors,Search for multiple cues and data: benchmark,“Test” alternative hypotheses,Segway is more than a “scooter”,Fords product is more than a “horse-less carriage”,An elephant is more than four “columns” and a “rope”,Syphillis is a particular form of “a venereal disease”,Environmental issues is more than “safety”, “product design”, “product quality”, “public relations”,Shock!,How can knowledge of our menta,37,Questioning mental models can enable us to develop an innovative business model,Some companies, like Lan & Spar bank in Denmark, take this process to heart. They question:,WHO their customer really is,WHAT their value added really is,HOW they sell / distribute / produce / organize, etc,Such questioning,MAY,lead a company to identify a new WHO / WHAT / HOW position (i.e. to strategically innovate),Questioning mental models can,38,An extra step for radical strategy change:,Who develops strategy?,Should you keep a new strategy secret?,An extra step for radical stra,39,Making Strategy Democratic,Ideas come from:,Anybody,Anywhere,Anytime,Making Strategy DemocraticIdea,40,Ideas come from:,Anybody,Anywhere,Anytime,But,Our strategy process involves:,- Top 20 managers,- In a retreat,- For 2 days,Making Strategy Democratic,Ideas come from: AnybodyB,41,Making strategy democratic:,Only idea generation phase innovation, not anarchy,Anyone, anywhere, anytime should be able to contribute,Need to institutionalise the process of idea generation,Making strategy democratic:Onl,42,John Bachmann“I give my people the canvas, CEO, Edward Jones:the paints. What they paint is up to them”,E. Leclerc“I tell my people that I want CEO, Leclerc them to be in city X Supermarkets,by Monday, 9.00am. France:How they get there is up to them”,but how do we ensure that all this does not lead to chaos?,John Bachmann“I give my peopl,43,How to give autonomy without chaos,Provide the parameters within which your people are free to operate.,These parameters are:,The major strategic decisions that the organization has taken (Who / What / How),The values of the organization,How to give autonomy without c,44,Why do companies resist the democratisation process?,Fear,“Their contribution might be better than mine”,Arrogance,“Their contribution cannot be better than mine!”,Secrecy for competitive reasons,Democracy requires that contributors are knowledgeable about external conditions and internal strengths and weaknesses. This is information that a competitor would kill for. But Wal-Mart, IKEA, and the Open Law project at Harvard beg to differ.,Cost,Collecting input involves a substantial logistical cost in terms of diverted employee attention, aggregating information, etc. Communication technologies can help in this regard.,Why do companies resist the de,45,A traditional distinction: emergent vs. planned strategy,Impulsive vs. rational,Exploration vs. exploitation,Radical vs. incremental,Crafting vs. directing,Intuitive vs. calculating,A traditional distinction: eme,46,Developing strategy - Lessons,Individuals need,a context,to express their creativity,Recognise constraints & opportunities of a context,Assume a role in a context,To understand causes of behaviour you need to ask,“why”,to elicit the underlying beliefs that are held unquestioned by your colleagues in the company.,These beliefs concern the basic questions about “Who, What, and How”. They may provide insight into a new business model and an additional source of competitive advantage.,Organizational processes such as the democratisation of the strategy-making process can help unleash this creative potential that resides within firms.,To identify possible solutions to problems you need to ask,“why not”,to elicit alternatives to current strategy,Explore a variety of metaphors to derive possible alternatives,Use different kinds of data,“Test” these alternatives using this data,Developing strategy - Lessons,47,


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