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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,How can we become good learners?,Section A,Period One (1a-2d),No.4 Middle-school,Wang Cuimei,Objectives,To talk about how to learn,To learn to use,verb + by ,To learn new words:,textbook, conversation, aloud, pronunciation ,Could you please tell me how you study your English?,How do you study your English?,I study English by reading textbooks,How do you study your English?,I study English by listening tapes,How do you study your English?,I study English by making word cards,How do you study your English?,By asking the teacher for help,How do you study your English?,By going to the English corner,How do you study your English?,By taking part in English Contest,How do you study your English?,By watching English movies,_a. by working with friends,_b. by making word cards,_c. by reading the textbook,_d. by listening to tapes,_e. by asking the teacher,for help,1a,Check () the ways you study English. Then add other ways you sometimes study.,By speaking with foreigners,By watching English movies,By making pal-friends with foreigners,Do you know other ways ?,By reading English newspaper,By reading English stories,1b,Listen. How do these students study,for a test? Write letters from 1a above.,_,1.,Meiping,_,2. Peter,_,3. Tony,b,e,d,1c,Make conversations about how you study for a test.,A:,How,do you study for a test?,B: I study,by,work,ing,with a group.,CRI,listening to the radio,How do you study for a test?,I study,by,Pairwork,speaking English in class,How do you study for a test?,I study,by,reading English texts,keeping English diaries,=keep a diary in English,2a,Listen and check () the questions you hear.,Questions,Answers,_ 1. Does anyone learn English by,watching videos?,_,_ 2. Do you have conversations,with friends in English?,_,_ 3. What about listening to tapes?,_,_ 4. What about reading aloud to,practice pronunciation?,_,_5. Have you ever studied with a,group?,_,d,b,c,a,2b,Listen again. Match each answer,below with a question above.,a. Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.,Oh, yes. It,really,improves my speaking,skills.,c. I do that sometimes. I think it helps.,No. Its too hard to understand,spoken,English,.,A:,Have you ever studied with a group,?,B:,Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way,.,2c,Make conversations using the,information in 2a and 2b.,Have you ever,worked with friends,read English magazines,listened to English speeches,.,2d,Role-play the conversation.,(1)Read for the main idea of 2d.,The main idea of 2d is,.,A.how to give a book report,B.how to get the main ideas,C.how to improve reading skills,(2),Role-play the conversation,.,(2),Fill in the blanks in the table with the information from 2d.,Problems,Solutions,A very slow reader.,Just read,to get,. Don t,read,.,Read,.,Cant understand many of the words.,Try to guess a words meaning by,.,.,quickly,the main ideas at first,word by word,reading,the sentences before and after it,word groups,Now, lets summarize some,ways of learning English.,A. Listening,listening to,English tapes,listening,to,English radios,listening to,English songs,B. Speaking,speaking English in class,speaking English outside class,speaking English with friends,speaking English with a foreigner,C. Reading,reading English textbooks,aloud,reading English notes,reading English newspapers,reading English magazines,D. Writing,writing English compositions,writing/taking English notes,writing emails to your friends,writing/keeping diaries in English,E. Watching,watching,English films,watching,English TV,watching,English DVDs,asking the,classmates for help,F. Asking,asking the teacher,for help,making,flash-cards,G. Making/Doing,making,vocabulary lists,doing a lot,of exercises,memorizing the words,H. Memorizing,Homework,Make a survey about learning English in groups, and then interview others about their experiences of learning English. Write down your report.,


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