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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,M2U1,复习,1,起立,2,坐下,3,打开书,4,合上书,5,举手,6,听,7,画画,Stand up.,Sit down.,Open your book.,Close your book.,Put up your hand.,Listen.,Draw.,to,music,Unit 2 Whats your number?,1. Listen and read.,3,number,1,、,-,Are you,a new student here?,- Yes, I am.,No, Im not.,一般疑问句,,对一件事的真实性提出疑问,,用,Yes/No,来回答。,-,Is he,a new student here?,- Yes, he is.,No, he isnt.,2,、比较:,Whats your name?,What,is your name?,What class,are,you in?,What grade,are,you in?,What colour,do,you like?,3,、,Im in Class 3, Grade 7.,= Im in,C,lass,T,hree,G,rade,S,even,What,是疑问词,What class,是,疑问词组,班级在前,年级在后,都必须,大写,!,4,、,Im in,Mr,Chen,s,class.,表示,物的所属,,,“某人的”:,1,、,人称代词,-,物主代词,I-,you-,he-,she-,2,、,名词所有格,人名后加,s,如,Damings book, Tonys,father, Lilys sister,my,your,his,her,Work in pairs,Name: Tony,C,lass: 3,A:,What class,is Tony in ?,B:,He,is in,C,lass,T,hree,M,iss,L,iu,s,class.,in,Miss Liu,s c,lass,Name: Carla,Class: 9,in,Mr,Zhen,s c,lass,A:,What class,is Carla in ?,B:,She is in,C,lass,N,ine,M,r,Z,hen,s,class.,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,0,0 1 2 3 4,5 6 7 8 9,Numbers,10,ten,zero,或,o,3.Listen and chant.,One,two,three,four,five,Once,I,caught,a fish,alive,.,Six,seven,eight,nine,ten,Then,I let it go again.,k:t,catch v.kt,抓住,laiv, adj.,活着的;活泼的;有生气的,Fast answer!(快速抢答),120,1.If,(,如果),someone,(某个人),is ill badly(,得了重病),,we should (,应该),call(,打电话),_.,What telephone number should we dial(拨)?,110,2.If,(,如果,) you are in danger,(身处险境),. .,What telephone number should we dial(拨)?,119,4.If,(,如果),you,breaking out of fire(,发生火灾),. .,Lets say the numbers.,378 842,982 549 875,767 276 843,Qucikly!,5.,Read,.,Listen and number,816 275,816 275,975 146,359 412,384 926,3,2,4,1,Part 4,Listen and read,Pair work,Whats your,telephone,number?,Whats your,QQ,number?,Whats your,door,number?,Its,随便写,6,个数字,,3,个一组,逗号隔开。,当你的电话号码,A: XXX, whats you,r,?,B:,Its, .,A: ,XXX?,C: Its , .,A: My number is , .,D,: My,new,number is ,.,Work in pairs.,Whats your number?,1. Sam: _2. Lisa: _,3. Kate: _,4. Mike: _,B 975 146,A 816 275,D 384 926,C 359 412,6.Listen and write.,a. 816 275 b. 975 146,c. 359 412 d. 384 926,7. Listen and write.,_,_,_,_,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,one,two,three,nine,ten,six,seven,eight,five,four,8.Listen and write.,Names,Student numbers,Sam,one three one,seven nine one,two,Lisa,one four one, five six two, seven,Mike,one four one, eight nine three, four,中英数字“差”,数字“四”在中国被看作一个不吉祥的数字。究其原因,是它的发音与“死”字谐音。因此,人们选择电话号码、车牌号时,都不愿意要带有“四”的,尤其是尾数为“四”的。,five,就不那么美好了。如:,five-fingers,表示“三只手”,即“小偷。,中国人认为“六”是最吉利的数字,在使用电话号码或车牌号时,人们尤其钟爱尾数为“,66”,、“,666”“666”,这几组数字,因为它们象征着顺顺利利,万事如意。“,six,在英语中却是一个不受欢迎的数字。人是在第六天被创造出来,还有许多缺点,所以我们要和上帝呆在一起,才能洗尽身上的罪恶。,Activity 4 Listen and answer,Whats Bettys telephone number ?,Its,726 815,.,Whats Tonys,number ?,Its,791 456,You are great!,完成对话,A,:,Betty, _ your telephone number?,B: _ seven two six, eight one five. Whats your _?,A: _ is two three four, five six seven.,A: Hello. _ _ a new student here?,B: _, I am.,A: _ _ are you in?,B: Im _ _ 3.,number,Whats,Its,in Class,It,Are you,Yes,What class,4. Listen and read.,Daming: Betty,whats your telephone number,?,Betty:,Its,seven two six, eight one five.,Daming:,Whats your number, Tony?,Tony: Seven night one, four five six,Daming:,My number is,nine four two,three five one.,Lingling,: My new number is,four four,nine six,three eight two.,A:,Whats,your ?,telephone / phone number,Pairwork,B:,My,telephone / phone number is,071 872 5.,=,Its,071 872 5.,A:,Whats,your ?,B:,My,telephone / phone number,is,.,.,=,It,s,. .,telephone / phone number,Names,Phone Numbers,.,.,A: Whats your name?,B: My name is/Im,123 456 7,A: Whats your phone number?,B: Its,Daming,Survey,四人一组,一人问,一人做记录(可简单记录),一人做报告。,Report: Hello, everyone. My name is Daming. My telephone number is 123 456 7. This is Tony.,His,telephone number is This is Betty.,Her,telephone number is Thank you.,英语中,电话号码的读法是将每位数单独念出来,,例如,,82945673,读作,eight, two, nine, four, five, six, seven, three,。如有,两个相同的数字连在一起,可以读作“,double+,数字”,,例如,,33,读作,double three, 88,读作,double eight,。另外,电话号码中的,0,既可以读作,zero,也可读作,o,。,1.,学习了,010,英文数字及其用法。,2.,询问电话号码:,A: Whats,your,telephone/phone number?,B:,My,telephone/phone number is. .,本课小结,his,His,Her,her,=,Its,. .,1.,作业本(,2,),2.,2.,抄写单词(,S10,),5,次并背诵,.,3.,绿皮抄写本写,2,页,.,4.,对话背诵(课文第四题)。,Thank you!,Goodbye!,New school,A,:,A,re you a new student here?,B,:,Yes, I am.,Im a new student here.,A,:,What class are you,in,?,B,:,Im in,C,lass,S,ix ,M,iss,S,hus,class.,new student,.,请选用,is, am, are,填空。,I ( ) Sarah.,She ( ) my friend.,He ( ) my teacher.,It ( ) a book.,New school,A,:,A,re you a new student here?,B,:,Yes, I am.,Im a new student here.,A,:,What class are you,in,?,B,:,Im in,C,lass,F,ive ,M,r,C,hen,s,class.,new student,.,Mr,Chen,s,class,Lingling,s,book,Sarah,s,name,Mike,s,number,Tony he,Carla she,请用,his,或,her,或,she,或,he,指代,her,book,her,name,his,number,his,class,


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