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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2016/11/27,#,Make a report about the typhoon:,(using attributive clauses),There was a typhoon _ attacked Wenzhou on Oct. 7th this year. It was a strong typhoon _ stayed in Zhejiang for a long time. It brought strong wind and heavy rain, _ caused a lot of damage. More than 5 million people went through the typhoon, among _ many people were trapped or injured. Many buildings fell down. It caused flood and mud-rock flow in many places, _ resulted in a loss of more than 4.5 billion money. Teams were organized to rescue those _ were trapped and help was given to those _ suffered from the typhoon. Luckily, it was reported that no one was killed.,that,that / which,which,whom,which,who,who,This is the room _ we lived in last year.,(that/which),in which/where,This is the room_ we lived last year.,重点一:同义句转换,区分先行词在定语从句中的成分,如果是做主宾表,则,which,that,who,whom,如果是做状语,则用,When, where,why,This is the factory _ I worked before.,This is the factory _ I visited before.,This is the factory _ I worked in.,This is the factory in _I worked.,where/in which,(which/that),(which/that),which,重点一:同义句转换,区分先行词在定语从句中的成分,如果是做主宾表,则,which,that,who,whom,如果是做状语,则用,When, where,why,I will never forget the days _ we worked together.,I will never forget the days _ we spent together.,I will never forget the days during _we worked together.,when/during which,(that/which),which,重点一:同义句转换,区分先行词在定语从句中的成分,如果是做主宾表,则,which,that,who,whom,如果是做状语,则用,When, where,why,This is the reason _ I was late.,The reason _ he gave us was reasonable(,合理的,).,why/for which,(that/which),重点一:同义句转换,区分先行词在定语从句中的成分,如果是做主宾表,则,which,that,who,whom,如果是做状语,则用,When, where,why,1. Do you remember the days? On these days we played together.,Do you remember the days _ we played together.,2. Do you remember the days? We spend the days together with each other.,Do you remember the days _ We spend together with each other.,3. The palace was built in the 17,th,century. I often pay a visit to the palace.,The palace was built in the 17,th,century_I often pay a visit to.,4. The school has been pulled down. He studied in the school 10 years ago.,The school has been pulled down_he studied 10 years ago.,when=on which,that/which,which/that,where=in,which,重点二,.,根据搭配判断介词,1.The day _ Nelson Mandela helped Elias was one of the his happiest.,A. in which B. on which C. that D. which,2. Elias will never forget Nelson Mandela, _ he became more educated.,A. with whose help B. under which help C. under which help D. whose help,3. Mr Mandela was the person _ they would turn for help when in trouble.,A. to whom B .with whom C . after whom D. without whom,4. To live Johannesburg, blacks should have a passport,_ they might be put into prison., which B .with which C . after which D. without which,1.,介词的位置,一般情况下,介词一般放在关系代词,which,和,whom,之前,也可放在动词后。,(,除了一些特殊词组,如,look after, take care of),This is the man _ I learned the news from.,This is the man _ I learned the news.,from whom,(,who/whom/that),2.,介词的确定方法,The money _ which you were to buy dog food is gone.,He will never forget the day _ which he failed in the exam.,根据先行词来确定,on,with,We thought you were a person _ whom we could expect good decisions.,The West Lake, _ which Hangzhou is famous, is a beautiful place.,根据从句谓语动词的搭配,for,from,Air, _ which man cant live, is really important.,根据定语从句所表达的意义来确定,without,The pen _which he is writing now was bought yesterday.,with,4,. 表所有关系及整体中的一部分或全部时,用介词of, 有时可用whose转换。,1) Im painting a house,the,roof _ is round.,Im painting a house _ is round.,2) They live in a house, _ windows face south.,They live in a house, the windows_ face south.,of which,whose,of,which,whose,roof,例,. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _ effects the people are still suffering. (,天津,2005),A. that B. whose,C. those D. what,whose,指代,of the floods,在句中作定语,故此题选,B,。,Is this the watch that you are,looking for,?,The old man whom I am,looking after,is better .,在固定短语中介词不能提前,下面两句中的介词能提前吗,?,The man,to,who/whom you spoke is our,headmaster.,The city,in,that/which she lives is far away.,Are these two sentences right?,3.,注意,:,介词,+which,(指物,),不可省,介词,+whom,(指人,),不可省,介词后不用,who,、,that,,,History saw the great achievements of Nelson Mandela and chose him as the example of a modern hero,who,has devoted his life to fighting for black people,whose,freedom and rights had been taken away. They had reached a stage,where/on which,they had no rights at all. So they chose to break the law in a way,which/that,was peaceful. Bu it was not allowed. Therefore, they were put into a position in,which/where,they had answer violence with violence.,After many years hard struggle, he became the first President of the ANC,who,helped black people get equal rights as white people in his country. In 1993, he won the Nobel Peace Prize,.,Summary,


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