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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2013/6/7 Friday,#,Unit 1,1,Open,the Door to Forgiveness,Unit 11Open the Door to Forg,1,“.it has,lodged itself,in .”,Lodge:,enter and become fixed in ;,stay temporarily;,Ex. Never expecting that the cut runs,so deep, uninvitedly lodging itself in my,memory.,Ex. Where are you lodging in Paris,?,“.it has lodged itself in .,2,“,We all,muddle,our way through,.”,Muddle:,(v.),put sth into disorder or mix things up,Ex. Your invoice got,muddled up,with Mr. Clarks.,Ex.,Slow down a littleyoure,muddling,me.,(confusing),muddle through:,achieve sth even though you do not have a clear plan or use the best methods or equipment,Ex. Jack got some difficulties but,he managed to,muddle through,.,“We all,muddle our way through,a world,where even,well-meaning,people hurt one,another.”,“We all muddle our way through,3,Language Work,Betray,:,to be unfaithful to,Ex. You have betrayed our trust in you, and for that you must be punished.,Ex. Her,betrayal,is the last thing I have ever expected.,Abuse,:,to say unkind or rude things to,Ex. An angry passenger abused the station manager for the late running of the train.,Ex. Torrents of abuses against “Paopao Fan”,show signs of recession, thanks to the,counterpart”Tiaotiao Guo”.,Language WorkBetray: to be unf,4,“,faculty,of forgiving,”,Faculty,: power of body and mind;,university college or school;(AmE) teaching staff;,Ex. She retained her mental faculties (= the ability to think and understand) until the day she died.,Ex. to be,in full possession of your faculties,(= be able to speak, hear, see, understand, etc.),Reconciliation,(,n.) become friendly again after quarrelling,Ex. There seemed little hope of reconciliation between the two superpowers.,Reconcile,(,v,t,.) bring (quarrel or opposition) to an end,Ex. After 20 years of silence, he,was finally reconciled with,his family.,“faculty of forgiving”Faculty:,5,“,Hate is a,malignancy,that,festers,.”,Malignancy:,feelings of great hatred,Ex. Dont just let your malignancy towards her balloon any more, which will hurt yourself more eventually.,malignant,Fester:,1) an unpleasant feeling or problem gets more unpleasant;,2) wound become,s,infected,Ex. If nothing done to the wound, it will,fester and induce inflammation.,“Hate is a malignancy that fes,6,“,It must be,cut,out,for our own sake,.”,Cut out:,stop doing sth especially harmful,Ex. If you cut out the drink youd feel much healthier.,Ex. Ive been advised to,cut sugar out of my diet,.,“It must be cut outfor our ow,7,Language Work,Guideline:,instruction on how sth should be done,Ex. Medical staff have been issued,with new guidelines when working,with the patients.,Language Work,8,“,Confront your,malice,.”,Confront:,to face bravely,Ex. They have confronted the problem of shoddy school buildings with great courage.,Malice,:,hatred for sb that causes a desire to harm them,Ex. He got no advantage out of it;,he did it from pure malice,.,Ex. He certainly bears you no malice,(= does not want to harm you).,Malicious,心,怀恶意的,;,恶毒的,malicious gossip/lies/,rumors,“Confront your malice.”Confron,9,“.,the fury denied,rages,beneath,.”,Rage:,(v.) sth continues with great violence or strong emotions,(n.) wild uncontrollable anger,Ex. Outside a great storm was raging.,Ex. to be shaking/trembling/speechless with rage,Ex. The child,flew into a rage,and began,screaming at the top of his lung,.,Ex. A flu epidemic,raged,through the,globe.,(an illness, a fire, etc. to spread,very quickly),road/office/idleness rage,“.the fury denied rages bene,10,Language Work,Infect,:,make someone else have feelings of the same type,Ex. His optimism infected us all in those days of great difficulty.,Ex. She infected the children with,her enthusiasm for music.,Infectious laughter,Compel,:,force to do sth,Ex. Soaring of CPI compels citizens to tighten their belt.,Compelling,Language WorkInfect: make some,11,“.,face up to,.and say:,You did me wrong,.”,Acknowledge:,to admit; recognize the fact,Ex. Tiger Woods is acknowledged as the best golf player in the world.,Ex. I gratefully acknowledge financial support from several local businesses.,Face up to:,be brave enough to meet,Ex. You should face up to it, not just,pretend that nothing is happening.,Ex. The parents accused the,government of not facing up to,their responsibilities.,“.face up to .and say: Yo,12,Language Work,Be critical of:,to criticize someone or sth severely,Ex. Most people are very critical of the US invasion of Iraq.,Ex. The article is highly critical of the Seismological Bureau.,Recommendation:,act of praising as being good for a purpose,Ex. We accept the recommendation and we shall act on it asap.,Set free:,to give freedom,Ex. That country is ready to set free five prisoners in return for the release of the hostages.,Language WorkBe critical of: t,13,“,ancient drama of,atonement,”,Atonement:,(fml.) to act in a way that shows you are sorry for doing sth wrong in the past,Ex. Richard was anxious to,atone for,his thoughtlessness.,Ex. Hes keeping,making atonement,for,his children.,“ancient drama of atonement”At,14,Language Work,Solitary:,alone, lonely; not often visited, remote;,Ex. He has led a solitary life since his wife left.,Ex. a solitary tree/valley/village,solitude:,state of being alone without companion,Ex. She enjoys the solitude of her own flat.,Wrong:,to be unfair to or cause suffering to,Ex. I wronged him by saying he,should be responsible for the,accident.,Language WorkSolitary: alone,15,“,the person,stripped of his sins,.”,Strip sb of:,to take away from,Ex. The captain was stripped of his lisence after the collision.,Ex. Having been stripped of all his titles, he realize hes never been so relaxed.,Insight,:,洞,察力,using,ones mind to understand the true nature of a situation,Ex. Jerry soon established himself as a,scientist of great insight and creativity.,Insightful,富,有洞察力的,“the person stripped of his si,16,Language Work,Fallible,liable,to make mistakes or be,wrong,容,易犯错的,Ex. Memory is selective and fallible.,Ex. These surveys are often a rather fallible guide to public opinion.,Infallible,never,failing, always effective,infallible,cure/treatment,Language WorkFallible,17,“.,mort,g,aged,her future to hate,.”,Mortgage:,(v.) give sb, usu. a bank, the right to own your house, land, or property if you do not pay back the money they lent you within a certain period of time.,Ex. Hes mortgaged all his assets,to try and save the business.,mortgage payment,sub-prime mortgage crisis,“.mortgaged her future to ha,18,Language Work,Skeptical,Tending,to,doubt,Ex. Many scientists remain skeptical about the value of this research.,Skepticism,怀疑态度,怀疑论,Ex. The global warming,skepticism,is still raging.,Language WorkSkeptical,19,“,a bully of a teacher,”,“a bully of a teacher”:,a teacher who was a bully, a person who uses his strength or power to hurt or frighten others.,Similar expressions include:,A beast of a husband,(= a beastly husband),A slip of a girl,(= a small thin young girl),Darken:,to make dark,Ex. She had put on her makeup,and darkened her eyelashes.,“a bully of a teacher”“a bully,20,“,Vengeance,never evens the score,.”,Vengeance:,revenge,Ex. Throughout the play, Hamlet is driven by the desire for vengeance for the murder of his father.,Ex. He,swore vengeance,on,the man who betrayed him.,“Vengeance never evens the sco,21,Retaliation,action,taken for an injury or offense,=,take revenge,报,复,;,反击,Ex. When the police started to arrest people, some of the demonstrators,retaliated by,throwing stones.,Retaliate by,doing,sth,Language work,RetaliationLanguage work,22,Language Work,Foe:,enemy,Ex. Friend & foe,Lest:,in case,Ex. She was afraid lest she had revealed too much.,Grip:,(n.) firmly hold; power or control over,Ex. Dont loosen your grip on the rope or youll fall.,Ex. The chancellor doesnt seem to have a very firm,grip on,economy. (,control/power over sb/sth,),cf.,grasp,Language WorkFoe: enemy,23,“.,perish,in the,vicious circle,.”,Perish,Die,esp,. in a sudden or terrible way,Ex. Hundreds perished when the ship,went,down.,Perish,the thought!,Used as a reply to an unacceptable,idea or suggestion,Vicious circle,cf,.,virtuous circle,“.perish in the vicious circ,24,“,seldom,merely,sinned against,.”,Sin,: break the religious or moral law,Ex. Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned.,Ex. He was more,sinned against,than,sinning,.,Sinful,Sinner,“seldom merely sinned against.,25,Language Work,Infidelity,:,a lack of loyalty, unfaithfulness,Ex. In the past some women often had to tolerate their husbands infidelity because they depended completely on their money.,Fidelity,the,quality of being loyal/accurate,Hi-Fi,高保真,Wi-Fi,无线保真,Language WorkInfidelity: a lac,26,Bring on:,result in,EX. The collapse of his health was brought on by undernourishment.,Her fever was brought on by going out in the rain.,Laughingly:,not seriously, as a joke,Ex. Hes often laughingly referred to as the forgotten man of British,politics.,Language Work,Bring on: result in Language,27,Language Work,Contrition,忏悔,/,懊悔,feel,guilty and sorry for what you have done,Ex. He helped her out of pure contrition.,Contrite,(,adj,.),深,感懊悔的,Mutual,:,shared by two or more people,Ex. The meeting broke up in an,atmosphere of mutual suspicion with,nothing achieved.,Mutually beneficial,program,Language WorkContrition 忏悔/懊悔,28,Exercises,Exercises,29,Text Comprehension,B,1,. Hate is like a,vicious and uncontrollable disease,that,darkens our life,and affects our health.,2. we must,remember,that we are seldom,mere victims of,other,people,s sins.,We also do wrongs to,others,.,Text ComprehensionB,30,Vocabulary,1. confront bravely,2. stop holding,3. be allowed to get away without being punished,4. every injury should be paid back; retaliation,5. a situation in which the effect of one problem creates another, and causes the first problem to return,Vocabulary1. confront bravely,31,Vocabulary,1. guidelines,2. promoted,3. reconciled,4. vicious circle,5. worth,6. keep, under control,7. compelled,8. forge,Vocabulary1. guidelines,32,Vocabulary,1. compelling,2. acknowledgement,3. promotion,4. reconciliation,5. mutually,6. invisible,7. confrontation,8. denial,1-4. BDDA 5-8. DCCA,Vocabulary1. compelling,33,Vocabulary,1. well-intentioned,2. outer, external, exterior, outside, outward,3. unfairness, partiality, injustice,4. pardon, excuse,5. discharged, dismissed, sacked,6. below, under, underneath,7. enemy, opponent,8. current, present,Vocabulary1. well-intentioned,34,Vocabulary,1. World Trade Organization/ Word Tourism Organization,2. World Health Organization,3. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,4. European Union,5. Federal Bureau of Investigation,6. Association of Southeast Asian Nations,7. do-it-yourself,8. unidentified flying object,Vocabulary1. World Trade Organ,35,Translation,1. As my article was over,10,words, I finally had to,cut out,several paragraphs,to satisfy the requirements of,the academic journal.,2,. There is no running away from the facts, so we must,face up to,the truth and pay for our mistakes.,3,. That year,despite,the car accident, he was,promoted,to the next grade after he passed all the exams required by the school,.,Translation1. As my article wa,36,4,. The,intellectuals,of that country,were very critical of,the,government,s,new,social welfare policy,because,it,would,bring down,the living standards of the working people.,5,. It,is,difficult,to,remove the resentment,between them, but it is at least,worth,trying.,4. The intellectuals of that c,37,6. The government is taking all possible measures to,bring down,the prices,lest,inflation,should,get out of control,.,7,. As the murderer,denied all,the,charges, we had to,convince,the jury with more evidence,that,he was guilty.,8,. Finally he managed to,forgive,his wife,for,her,infidelity,and,was reconciled with,her after years of separation.,6. The government is taking al,38,


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