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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,*,Be,动词和一般疑问句,1,.,Be动词和一般疑问句1.,I,am,Kangkang.,I,am,a student.,You,are,my friend.,You,are,a good person.,She,is,from Canada.,He,is,Mr. Tang.,It,is,my book.,2,.,I am Kangkang.2.,She,is,a good girl.,My name,is,Mr Tang.,This book,is,red.,We,are,students.,They,are,good girls.,These books,are,red.,3,.,She is a good girl.3.,口诀,我,(I),用,am,,你,(you),用,are,,,is,用于他,(he),她,(she),它,(it),。,单数,is,,复数,are,4,.,口诀4.,人称代词主格和,Be,动词的搭配,I,am,he,is,she,it,we,are,you,they,5,.,人称代词主格和Be动词的搭配Iamhesheitweyout,rfref,mjm,1. They,late.,A. am B. is C. are,2. You,student.,A. am B. is C. are,3. The cloud,white.,A. am B. is C. are,4. I,a student. You,a teacher.,A . am is B. am are C. is are,5. We,friends.,A. am B. is C. are,6. He,my father. She,my mother .They,both doctors .,A. is is are B. am is are C. is is am,6,.,rfref1. They late.,Im,Alice Wang.,Im,a pupil.,Im,nine years old.,Im,tall.,Nice to meet you.,Im,not,Alice Wang.,Im,not,a pupil.,Im,not,nine years old.,Im,not,tall.,Nice to meet you.,Im Im,not,7,.,Im Alice Wang.Im not Alice,Youre Sunny.,Youre a teacher.,You are tall.,You are thin.,Nice to meet you.,not,not,arent,You are,You arent,arent,8,.,Youre Sunny.notnota,She is she,isnt,She is a,queen.,She is big.,She is lovely.,isnt,isnt,isnt,9,.,She is she isntShe,人称代词主格(,单数,否定形式,),He is,Eddie.,She is,Kitty.,It is,Sam.,not,not,not,He,isnt,Eddie.,She,isnt,Kitty.,It,isnt,Sam.,10,.,人称代词主格(单数否定形式)He is E,rfref,mjm,be,动词,的,缩写,I am= I,m,You are=You,re,He is= He,s,She is=,We are= It is=,They are=,She,s,We,re,It,s,They,re,否定形式的缩写:,is not= is,nt,are not= are,nt,am not,没有缩写形式!,11,.,rfrefbe动词的缩写I am= Im,Exercises,肯定句改成否定句,;,You are a queen.,He is short.,It is a pencil.,Im a boy.,You are nine.,She is small.,12,.,Exercises肯定句改成否定句;You are a,概念 :,简单地说,能用,Yes / No(,或相当于,Yes / No),回答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。,13,.,概念 : 简单地说,能用Yes / N,有,Be,动词的陈述句改为一般疑问句的基本步骤,(1),He is,Kangkang.,She,is,Mary.,找出,be,动词,将,be,动词放到最前面,首字母大写,原来的首字母改掉,其他照抄,句号改成问号,is,She Mary.,Is she,Mary.,Is she Mary,?,Is he,Kangkang?,14,.,有Be动词的陈述句改为一般疑问句的基本步骤(1)He is,有,Be,动词的陈述句改为一般疑问句的基本步骤,(2),I am,Kangkang.,I,am,Mary.,找出,be,动词,将,be,动词放到最前面,主语是第一人称,I,改为第二人称,you,对应,am,改成,are(my,改成,your),句号改成问号,Am,I,Mary.,Are you,Mary.,Are you Mary,?,Are you,Kangkang?,15,.,有Be动词的陈述句改为一般疑问句的基本步骤(2)I am,一般疑问(,Simple Quesiton,),It is a fish.,They are fish.,This is your book.,I,am a student.,My,son is a teacher.,This is a car.,陈述句,一般疑问句,Is,it a fish,?,Are,they fish,?,Is,this your book,?,Are,you,a sthdent,?,Is,your,son a teacher,?,Is,this a car,?,16,.,一般疑问(Simple Quesiton)It is a f,Exercises1,2) My pens are blue.,_ _ pens blue?,1) I am from China.,_,_ _ from China?,Are,you,3) He is ZhangPeng.,_ _ ZhangPeng?,Are,your,Is,he,4)Mike is a student .,_ _ a student?,Mike,Is,17,.,Exercises12) My pens are blu,先用,be,的适当形式填空然后按照要求变换句型,I _ a teacher.,一般疑问句:,_,肯定回答:,_,否定回答:,_,am,Yes, I am.,No, I am not.,No,Im,not.,缩写形式:,Are you,a teacher?,18,.,先用be的适当形式填空然后按照要求变换句型I _,先用,be,的适当形式填空然后按照要求变换句型,My mother _ a teacher.,一般疑问句:,_,肯定回答:,_,否定回答:,_,is,Yes, she is.,No, she is not.,No,she isnt,.,缩写形式:,Is your mother,a teacher?,19,.,先用be的适当形式填空然后按照要求变换句型My moth,She _ from Canada.一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_,is,缩写形式:,No, she is not.,Yes, she is.,No, she,isnt.,Is she,from Canada?,20,.,She _ from Canada.一般疑问句:_,_ we happy?,陈述句:,_,肯定回答:,_,否定回答:,_,Are,缩写形式:,No, we are,not.,Yes, we are.,No, we,arent,.,We are,happy.,21,.,_ we happy?陈述句:_,They _ workers.,一般疑问句:,_,肯定回答:,_,否定回答:,_,are,缩写形式:,Yes, they are.,No, they are,not.,No, they,arent,.,Are they,workers?,22,.,They _ workers.一般疑问句:_,_ (,它是,) an apple.,一般疑问句:,_,肯定回答:,_,否定回答:,_,is,It,缩写形式:,Yes, it is.,No, it is not.,No, i,t,isnt.,Is it,an apple?,23,.,_ (它是) an apple.一般疑问句:,有,情态动词,的陈述句改为一般疑问句的基本步骤,(1),He can swim,.,She,will,go home soon,.,找出,情态动词,将情态动词放到最前面,首字母大写,原来的首字母改掉,其他照抄,句号改成问号,will,She go home soon.,Will,she go home soon .,Will,she go home soon,?,Can he swim?,24,.,有情态动词的陈述句改为一般疑问句的基本步骤(1)He ca,有情态动词的陈述句改为一般疑问句的基本步骤,(2),My sister can swim,.,I,can,speak English.,找出情态动词,将情态动词放到最前面,主语是第一人称,I,改为第二人称,you (my,改成,your),句号改成问号,Can,I,speak English.,Can,you,speak English.,Can,you speak English,?,Can your sister swim,?,25,.,有情态动词的陈述句改为一般疑问句的基本步骤(2)My si,一般疑问(,Simple Quesiton,),It will be fine later .,They can dance.,The bird can fly.,I,can ride a bike.,They will have fun .,My,friends could write at the age of five,陈述句,一般疑问句,Will,it be fine later,?,Can,they dance,?,Can,the bird fly,?,Can you,ride a bike,?,Will,they have fun,?,Could your,friends,write at the age of five,?,26,.,一般疑问(Simple Quesiton)It will b,Exercises1,2) They could sing when they were 3.,_ _sing when they were 3?,1) I will go to the park by bike.,_,_ _ go to the park by bike?,Will,you,3) My son can sing and dance.,_ _ son sing and dance?,Could,they,Can,4)Mike would like a cake for breakfast .,_ _ like a cake for breakfast?,Mike,Would,your,27,.,Exercises12) They could sing,_Can he speak English?,陈述句:,_,肯定回答:,_,否定回答:,_,缩写形式:,No, he can,not.,Yes, he can.,No, he,cant,.,He can speak English,.,28,.,_Can he speak English?陈述句,_Can you speak English?,陈述句:,_,肯定回答:,_,否定回答:,_,缩写形式:,No, I can,not.,Yes, I can.,No, I,cant,.,I can speak English,.,29,.,_Can you speak English?陈述,所以我们可以得出结论,1.,如果肯定句中有,be,动词(,am, is, are, was, were,),或情态动词(,will,can, could, must,等),,只需将,be,动词提前构成一般疑问句,;,主语若为第一人称,I,要改成第二人称,you,my,改成,your.,2.,如果肯定句中有,be,动词(,am, is, are, was, were,),或情态动词(,will,can, could, must,等),,只需将,be,动词或情态动词之后加,not,即可得到相应的否定句。,记得把,some,改成,any,哦!,30,.,所以我们可以得出结论1. 如果肯定句中有be动词(am, i,如果句子中,没有,be,动词、情态动词,那么句子要怎么变成一般疑问句和否定句呢?,31,.,如果句子中没有be动词、情态动词,那么句子要怎么变成一般疑问,如果句子中没有,be,动词、情态动词,则需要借助助动词,do, does,或,did,,,将它们放在,句首,,,并将句中,实义动词变为原形,,,若主语为第一人称,I,,,则改为第二人称,you,,,my,改成,your,!,改为一般疑问句,注意:,do, does, did,后面必须使用动词原形。,32,.,如果句子中没有be动词、情态动词,则需要借助助动词d,助动词,Do,1.They go to school by bus on weekdays,Do,they go to school by bus on weekdays?,2.,My,parents/,I,usually take a walk after dinner.,Do,your,parents/,you,usually take a walk after dinner?,-Yes, they do./ No they dont,-Yes, they/,I,do./ No they/,I,dont,33,.,助动词Do 1.They go to school by b,助动词,Does,1.He,goes,to school by bus on weekdays,Does,he,go,to school by bus on weekdays?,2.,My,parent usually,takes,a walk after dinner.,Does,your,parent usually,take,a walk after dinner?,-Yes, he does./No he doesnt,-Yes, he does./No he doesnt,34,.,助动词Does 1.He goes to school by,助动词,Did,1.Kangkang,went,to school by bus last week,Did,Kangkang,go,to school by bus last week?,2. My parents,took,a walk yesterday.,Did,your,parents,take,a walk after dinner?,Yes, he did. / No, he didnt.,Yes, they did. / No, they didnt.,35,.,助动词Did 1.Kangkang went to scho,如果句子中没有,be,动词、情态动词,则需要借助助动词,dont, doesnt,或,didnt,放于动词之前,主语之后。,改为否定句,注意:,do, does, did,后面必须使用动词原形。,36,.,如果句子中没有be动词、情态动词,则需要借助助动词d,否定:,+dont,1.They go to school by bus on weekdays,They,dont go,to school by bus on weekdays.,2. My parents usually take a walk after dinner.,My parents,dont,usually,take,a walk after dinner.,37,.,否定:+dont 1.They go to school,否定:,+doesnt,1.He,goes,to school by bus on weekdays,He,doesnt go,to school by bus on weekdays.,2. My parent usually,takes,a walk after dinner.,My parent,doesnt,usually,take,a walk after dinner.,38,.,否定:+doesnt 1.He goes to schoo,否定:,+didnt,1.Kangkang,went,to school by bus last week,Kangkang,didnt,go,to school by bus last week.,2. My parents,took,a walk yesterday.,My parents,didnt,take,a walk yesterday.,39,.,否定:+didnt 1.Kangkang went to,Conclusion,结构,肯定句:主语,+ be,动词,/,实义动词,/,情态动词,+,其他,否定句:主语,+ be,动词,/,助动词,/,情态动词,+not+,其他,一般疑问句:,Be,动词,/,助动词,/,情态动词,+,主语,+,其他?,40,.,Conclusion结构40.,练一练!,将下列句子变为否定句,1. The dog is bigger than the cat.,The dog _ _ bigger than the cat.,答案:,The dog,is,not,bigger than the cat.,2. My English teacher speaks English very fast.,My English teacher _ _ English very fast.,答案:,My English teacher,doesnt,speak,English very fast.,3. He can eat three hamburgers at a time.,He _ _eat three hamburgers at a time.,答案:,He,can,t,eat,three hamburgers at a time.,41,.,练一练!将下列句子变为否定句41.,4. Susie found some money on her way to school.,Susie _ _ _ money on her way to school.,答案:,Susie,didnt,find,any,money on her way to school.,5. My father is very hard-working.,My father _ very hard-working.,答案:,My father,isnt,very hard-working.,42,.,4. Susie found some money on h,将下列句子变成一般疑问句,1. He took many photos in front of the Summer Palace.,_he_many photos in front of the Summer Palace,?,答案:,Did,he,take,many photos in front of the Summer Palace?,2. The Earth moves around the Sun.,_the Earth _around the Sun?,答案:,Does,the Earth,move,around the Sun?,3. There are many supermarkets in the city.,_ _ _supermarkets in the city?,Are there many,43,.,将下列句子变成一般疑问句Are there many,4. We must send him to the hospital at once.,_we _him to the hospital at once?,答案:,Must,we,send,him to the hospital at once?,5. Tom usually gets up at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays. _,答案:,Does,Tom usually,get,up at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays ?,6. I wrote a letter to my uncle the day before yesterday. _,答案,:,Did,you,write,a letter to,your,uncle the day before yesterday?,44,.,4. We must send him to the hos,Thank you!,45,.,Thank you!45.,


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