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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit1,Women,of achievement,- Period,2,Language Points,将,A. B. C. D. E,五个选项分别填进文中的空白处。,Song Qingling, one of the great leaders of Peoples Republic of China, was a famous politician and socialist.,Song Qingling was born in Shang Hai in 1893. She graduated from one of the most famous universities in America,1._.,In 1915, she got married to Sun Yat-sen.,2._,were her kindness, determination as well as consideration.,3._,she devoted most of her time and energy to the education and welfare projects for women and children. It was,4._,that she died in Beijing on May 29th, 1981.,5. _,many women have determined to make great contributions in their working fields.,A. because of illness,B. Inspired by her great achievements,C. where she got a Bachelors degree(,学士学位,),D. In all her life,E. What made her so successful,A,B,C,D,E,条件;状况; 环境(pl),living/ housing/ prison/ working+,condition,s,2),健康,情况良好,:,健康不佳,情况欠佳,:,Exx.,a. My car is _ (,很旧,). I want to buy a new one.,b.,The player is _, but his _ are very bad. 这位选手的健康情况非常良好,但生活条件非常糟糕。,out of condition,1. She helped improve prison,conditions,and gave prisoners work and education.,be in condition,be out of condition,in good condition,living conditions,2. She _ all her life _ medical work for Chinese women and children.,1),他为全人类的利益献出了自己的一生,.,He has,devoted,his whole life,to benefiting,human beings.,2),他专心研究文学,.(literature),He,devoted,himself,to,literature.,=He,was devoted to,literature.,3) _,(devote),to his research work, the scientist remains single all his life.,Because he is,devoted,to,被动,Because he,devoted,himself,to,主动,devoted to,3.,behave / behaviour,拓展:,I want you to _ while Im away.,_ our guests,我不在家时你们要,(,守规矩,),乖乖的,/,要礼貌待人,behave yourself,kids are under a lot of pressure these days. The,behaviours,that parents are worried about- the sex, drugs, drinking and violence- are often reactions to stress. As a matter of fact, kids,behave,in a way their parents deal with stress. If you drink and smoke when youre stressed, your child will think thats acceptable and copy your,behaviour,as he gets older.,_,_,_,behave well towards,3),辨析,T/F,It is worthwhile visiting the place.,We find it worthwhile to visit the place.,The place is worth visiting.,The place is worth being visited.,1) adj.(,可作定语和表语,),a,worthwhile,experiment / job.,The experiment is,worthwhile.,2),It is worthwhile to do sth/ doing,sb find/ think it worthwhile to do / doing sth,It is,worthwhile,to read the book,/,reading the book.,4. worthwhile (adj.),It is,worthwhile,to give up life for freedom. /giving,He thinks it worthwhile to .,为了自由,奉献生命是值得的,. /,他觉得,为了自由,奉献生命是值得的。,T,T,T,F,5. She spent years,observing,and recording their daily activities.,1)observe sb. do sth.,observe sb. doing sth.,T/F: The woman was observed follow him closely.,2),You should,observe,the local custom when you go abroad.,观察某人做某事(全过程),观察某人正在做某事,遵守,EX:,1. I observed her _(walk) along the street and then disappear around the corner.,2.,I,observed that _,(,有几个同学睡着了,),walk,several students were asleep in class.,6.,argue (v) argument (n),Recently, there is,a heated argument,over,whether students should bring their mobilphones to school. Many students,argue,with,their parents and teachers,over,this matter. They,argue,that,it is more convenient to keep in touch with their parents and friends with a cellphone at hand. Teachers,however, strongly,argue,against,this behaviour. They believe that games and chatting tools in a cellphone may distract(,分散,) students attention from study.,_,_,_,_,_,She,_,other women to achieve their goals.,an _ look/expression/voice,The book is less than _.,Both poets drew their _ from the countryside.,By visiting school, the actors hope to _ children,to put on their own productions(,作品,).,inspire (v) inspiration (n.),inspired (adj),有灵感的,inspiring (adj),激励人心的,7. inspire,inspires,inspired,inspiring,inspiration,inspire,8.,“Only+,状语,+,倒装,只有这样,我们才能学好英语。,Only in this way_.,到那时我才意识到我的错误。,Only then_.,did,I realize my mistakes,can,we learn English better,注意:,Only+,主语时不倒装,只有你了解我。,Only you understand me.,Only when _, _ the truth.,did you tell me,did I know,you told me, did I know,C. did you tell me, I knew,D. you told me, I knew,B,(,将,be,动词、助动词或情态动词放在主语之前,),只有这样,你才能学好英语。,只有病得很重时他才卧床休息。,只有当孩子长大后他们才了解父母的期望。,只有通过每天不断的练习,你才能学会这个技能。,直到我考试没过我才意识到错了。,直到比赛结束了我才明白他的意思。,直到这个作家死后,人们才开始欣赏她的作品。,直到那时我才知道文化的重要。,Exercise,1. The player is in very good,condition, but his,living,conditions,are very bad.,2. They,are concerned with,childrens health care.,3. She,devoted herself to,gaining a doctors degree.,4. I want you to,behave yourself,while Im away.,5. It is,worthwhile,to do the job.,6. I,observed,a thief steal a purse and get off the bus.,7.,Only,after 12 oclock can we have lunch.,8. She always,argue with,her brother,over,small things.,9. I will,support myself,after graduation from college.,这位选手的,健康情况,非常良好,但,生活条件,非常糟糕。,他们很,关心,儿童卫生保健。,她,致力于,获得博士学位。,我不在家时你们要,乖乖的,。,这项工作很值得做,我,注意到,一个小偷偷了钱包,下了公车。,只有,在,12,点之后我们才能享用午餐。,她总是和哥哥,争论,一些小事情。,我大学毕业后要,自立谋生,。,1. 努力提高工厂工人的,工作条件,是,值得做,的事情。,(,w,orthwhile),2.,只有当你问了许多问题,你才能够得到你所需要的信息。(only),3.,一位好医生应,关心,病人的健康。(concern),4,. 现在孩子们在计算机游戏上,花了太多的时间,。(devote),5,. 她的行为,鼓舞,了其他人继续为保护野生动物而,奋斗,。(inspire),6,. 当游行的队伍(,parade,),离开,广场后,人群,涌了进来,。(crowd in),7,. 闯黄灯,(run the . light),都要被罚款,你最好严格,遵守,交通规则。(obeserve),Translation,努力提高工厂工人的工作条件是值得做的事情。,It is worthwhile to improve working conditions for factory workers,。,2.,只有当你问了许多问题,你才能够得到你所需要的所有信息。,Only,if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.,3.,一位好医生应关心病人的健康。,A good doctor shall concern himself with the health of his patients.,Translation,4.,现在孩子们在计算机游戏上花了太多的时间。,Nowadays children devote too much time to playing computer games.,5.,她的行为鼓舞了其他人继续为保护野生动物而奋斗。,Her behavior inspired others to carry on the fight for wildlife protection.,6.,当游行的队伍离开广场后,人群涌了进来。,When the parade moved off from the square, the people crowded in.,7.,闯黄灯都要被罚款,你最好严格遵守交通规则。,Even running the yellow light will be,fined, so you had better observe the traffic rule strictlty.,


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